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Wroclaw, 26.02.2004
Dear Professor Antonio Donnarumma,
referring to our long-term cooperation and professional contacts between our institutions and our co-workers
it is my pleasure to inform you, since 2003 I have been the coordinating person of new Polish Network of
Excellence – Production Processes (ProNet). Its main goal is coordination of common activities, participation at
research projects as well as cooperation in the area of broadly comprehended production engineering. ProNet
competency is divided into 4 sections: Design, Manufacturing, Processes, Materials Design, Labour Safety.
ProNet consists of about 40 Polish research institutes from universities and from industry, which deal with:
- production issues like organization, modeling, simulation, visualization as well as optimizing of
production processes,
- mechanical technologies and material processing in technical and medical area, especially rapid
prototyping, rapid tooling as well as reverse engineering technologies,
- application and development of computerized systems in design, integrated product development and
production planning and control PDM/PLM/ERP.
The goal of the network activity is preparation of projects, organizing trainings, workshops, conferences,
exchange of experts, consultants as well as co-organization of other technical, research, economic and business
undertakings. Further activity is establishing a network of SMEs in Poland, which will cooperate with established
research, development and consultancy network within the ProNet. Currently the ProNet network cooperates with
many Polish trade associations as well as chambers o commerce and business organizations.
An important aspect and goal of ProNet activities is also an international cooperation, which can bring a
profit for both sides or for a bigger group of interested sides. Closer cooperation can be broaden and can regard
other branches and areas in Your country. We will not only cooperate within projects financed by EU or industry,
but we will be like a gap for full exchange of information between members of the network as well as research
and industrial organizations.
Please treat the letter as the question regarding Your will and intention to cooperate in preparation and
realization of common projects and activities to reach research, economic and business goals.
If You would like to cooperate within ProNet, please send an intention letter, which will be the base for
including You into cooperation plans and applying for financial resources from Polish Government as well as
from EU Commission to support the activities of the network.
Sincelery Yours
Prof. Bozena Skolud