Nancy Noun & Vinny Verb - URI

Nancy Noun & Vinny Verb
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Title
Context of the
Opportunities to
Grade 3 English language arts
“Nancy Noun & Vinny Verb”
R-3-7.3 Demonstrate initial understanding of
informational texts (expository and practical texts) by ...
Organizing information to show understanding (e.g.,
representing main/central ideas or details within text
through charting or mapping) (State)
Students have been learning the different parts of speech for
the last few days. They have learned the definition of a noun
and verb as well as how they are in a sentence. This lesson
will allow students to use their previous knowledge about
nouns and verbs and relate them to verbs and nouns people
use and do everyday.
Developmental: Students in third grade usually range
between the ages of 8 and 9 yrs old. At this age students
should thinking in the concrete operational stage according
to Piaget’s stage theory. I can expect that students will use
an adult like logic limited to concrete and real- life
situations when trying to fill in Nancy noun and Vinny
Cultural: The student’s cultural backgrounds will be
diverse and noted prior to the beginning of class. All
students should be on common ground in regards to their
range of knowledge of words that are nouns and verb and
will be able to share with each other which nouns and verbs
they know to put into the two human cut outs. This will
help students have a better sense of self-worth.
Cognitive: According to Piaget, Students in the third grade
who are at the concrete operational stage should have the
ability to classify objects as belonging to two or more
categories simultaneously. In the lesson students will have
classify nouns and verbs into two separate cut outs as well
as classify them in the suitable spot on the human cut out
that would make sense in relation to the word. For
example: if a student’s verb was Kick it would be classified
as a verb and on Vinny Verb’s Foot.
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Nancy Noun & Vinny Verb
Personal/Social: This lesson should be interesting for both
girls and boys since everyone does verbs or wear nouns that
can be shared in discussion and labeled on their human
outlines. There will no gender schema involved in this
lesson. To encourage socialization among all students I will
pre arrange students prior to class into groups of four to
eliminate any cliques within the classroom.
Motivation: This lesson will allow the self-worth theory to
be a main factor in the student’s motivation. Working in
groups the students will be able to gain a better self-worth
and competence by knowing they will be successful in the
activity. This activity will eliminate students from doing
any self-handicapping.
Materials needed:
Two large sheets of white paper ( large enough for two
human outlines) for each group of four
Yarn, googly eyes and other fun things to decorate the
human outlines.
After completing the “Nancy noun & Vinny Verb” cut out
activity, the student will define what a noun and verb is and
accurately label at least 5 nouns naming body parts and 5
verbs naming actions that can be made with those body parts.
Opening: Hang in the front of the room a pre made Nancy
noun and Vinny verb outline creatively decorated and labeled
with a few words on each to attract student’s attention. HookDoes anyone know who’s here today?... Nancy Noun & Vinny
Verb are here, and they need our help to help them figure out
all the nouns they need for themselves and the verbs they can
Engagement: In the last few days we have been learning
about the different parts of speech. We’ve been learning about
how certain parts of speech work in a sentence and how to
use them correctly. Today were going to help Nancy noun &
Vinny Verb remember all the nouns they have and verbs they
do. By the end of class you should be able to come up with a
list of 5 nouns Nancy Noun could have and a list of 5 verbs
that Vinny Verb could do and label them on your outlines in
the correct spot it would be or happen. You can use any of the
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Nancy Noun & Vinny Verb
art supplies to add nouns on your Nancy Noun outline and the
markers to write the verbs Vinny Verb can do.
Pass out each groups Nancy Noun and Vinny Verb human cut
Closure: So, today we were able to come up with many nouns
that Nancy Noun could need and verbs that Vinny Verb could
possibly do. What were some of the nouns you thought Nancy
Noun might need? What were some of the verbs you thought
Vinny Verb could do? Call on students to have them share
their ideas. End lesson by having each group hang up their cut
outs in the front of the room so the class can see everyone’s
cut outs.
Informal assessment of Nancy noun & Vinny verb human
outlines to check for accurate definition of a noun and verb, a
list of at 5 nouns per student within the group as well as a list
of 5 verbs per student.
Student Work Sample 1 – Approaching Proficiency:
Student Work Sample 2 – Proficient:
Student Work Sample 3 – Exceeds Proficiency:
Lesson Implementation:
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