endangered species

1. How do you define endangered and extinct? How are these terms defined in the dictionary?
Endangered – A species which in the near future could become extinct; a status given to
those species whose population numbers are so low that extinction is a real possibility.
Extinct: A species that no longer exists.
2. What are the four areas of concentration for zoos and aquariums today?
Conservation, education, recreation and scientific study.
3. You may think that you are able to see and experience a great diversity of life on planet
Earth today. What we see today represents a very tiny percentage of all life forms that have
ever existed on the planet. Of what percentage does today’s life forms represent when
compared with all species that have come and gone?
4. What four needs must be met if life is to survive?
Food, water, shelter and space.
5. List the major causes of extinction today.
Human encroachment, habitat destruction, over hunting/poaching, collection for pet trade.
6. What is the SSP? List the animals involved in this program that are at the Potter Park Zoo.
Species Survival Plan
Siberian Tiger, Bali Mynah, Snow Leopard, Cotton-top Tamarins, Golden Lion Tamarins,
Mandrill, Ring-tailed lemur, Black Rhinoceros.
7. What is the primary goal of the SSP?
Increase numbers of endangered species in captivity, returning them to the wild if possible.
8. Preserving plants and animals in nature is always best. Learn what you can do in your
community to save natural habitats and list them below.
Recycle and compost wastes; Adopt A River Program with your school; Adopt A Park;
Form a Conservation Club; Learn more about the environment; Teach others about the
environment and conservation; Limit your waste; Write your representatives and express
your views on current events concerning the environment; Buy products that can be recycled
and are made of recycled materials
9. What are zoos, aquariums and private organizations doing to help save endangered
Breeding endangered species in captivity; Protecting habitats; In some cases, returning
animals to the wild; Educating the public about wildlife and the environment; Recycling;
Composting; Supporting conservation programs both locally and overseas
10. List the endangered species on exhibit at the Potter Park Zoo and describe the main reason
for their endangered status today.
Ring-tailed lemur – habitat destruction, human encroachment
Cotton-topped and Golden Lion Tamarins – habitat destruction, human encroachment
Mandrill – habitat destruction, human encroachment
Gray Wolf – over hunting
Siberian/Amur Tiger – over hunting, habitat destruction, human encroachment
Snow Leopard – over hunting
Black Rhinoceros – over hunting, habitat destruction
Bali Myna – collection for pet trade, over hunting