Dark Ages: History and English Project

Dark Ages: History and English
For this unit, you must become an expert in one specific area of the dark
ages. You can choose from the topics of the church, the crusades,
knights and chivalry, famous people of the time, or research lifestyles on
manors and farms.
While the actual research paper will be assigned a mark toward your
English class, you will be expected to turn in notes for your research, a
poster, and a creative assignment for your social studies as well. While
you will be given some class time to work on this project, you will also be
expected to do a good portion of it at home.
Your Social Studies Project will be due June 12, 2009
The Church
Research Topics
Examine the social and spiritual aspects of a Cistercian (Trappist) monk.
Write a research paper on their lifestyle.
Research how a person would join a monastery or convent. Write a
research paper on what the daily life was like.
Write a research paper on the Inquisition. Criticize the events/concepts
and support your ideas with examples.
Write a research paper on the architecture of the medieval period.
Research the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. Write an essay on
the different levels of power that existed within this religious
Creative Component
Draw a floor plan for a monastery which existed in the thirteenth
Construct a model of a Gothic Cathedral.
Create a scrapbook and provide explanations of a Medieval cathedral.
Your project will include drawings of both interior and exterior views of
the typical cathedral. Your explanation should describe the construction
of a cathedral, as well as the importance of both the stained glass, and
the cathedral itself to the people.
The Crusades
Research Topics
Examine methods used to siege a caste and write a research paper on
how castles were attacked in the Dark Ages.
Examine methods established to defend a castle in time of attack. Write a
research paper on methods used to defend a castle.
The Crusades were made up of several different kinds of people. Write a
research paper about the people who went on crusades and what their
motivation for participation was.
Research the Crusades and write a research paper on what the purpose
for crusades were.
Write a research paper on the Children’s Crusade.
Analyze the results of the crusades and discuss the reasons for the
failure of the crusades.
Creative Component
Film a tv news report where you interview a knight, a noble, and a
peasant about events happening at a time. (This can be done in a group
of 3)
Create an ancient map of Europe and outline the routes of the first three
Create a battle guide, which will explain how to lay siege to a castle or a
city. This guide will explain how an army is to try and defeat the castle/
city. This guide will accompany a model of one of the large siege
Create a model of a castle. Be sure that the castle contains ways in
which it can defend itself from attack.
Knights and Chivalry
Research Topics
Write a research paper on the importance that the discovery of gun
powder had on the age of chivalry.
Write a research report on the medieval weapons and the materials used
to create them.
Research the Battle of Agincourt and explain how this battle was
instrumental in the ending of knights and chivalry.
Creative Component
Create an ancient scrapbook with captions to explain how specific
medieval weapons were used in battle. Along with this scrapbook create
a model of one of the medieval weapons.
Create a scrapbook of Medieval armour along with an explanation of how
they are used in battle. You will also include how they are used in a
tournament which explains how and why a tournament is conducted.
Famous People of the Time
Research Topics
Write a research paper on Joan of Arc and how her military leadership
helped a nation rise against the English.
Research Saladin. Write a research paper about Saladin and his attitude
towards the Crusaders.
Research Kublai Kahn and his court. Write a research paper about him
and his lifestyle.
Creative Component
Create a children’s story with a plot line to teach younger children about
medieval Europe.
Design an experiment that Roger Bacon might have tried.
Create a popular Magazine for the medieval times. (ex. People Magazine)
Include popular people, fashion, music, social aspects etc. (you can work
in pairs for this project)
Manors and Farms
Research Topics
Create a medical manual and a doctor’s guide to the Black Death/
Bubonic Plague which will include not only the symptoms, and Medieval
cures, but also how it spread, and the damage done across Europe. The
book will be in a Medieval manuscript format.
Write a research paper on trade and commerce in medieval times.
Examine the practice of medicine in Medieval Europe. Write a research
paper on the common illnesses and remedies that medieval doctors
would practice.
Research the bubonic plague. In a research paper, illustrate what
devastating effects the plague had on medieval Europe.
Creative Component
Create a guidebook for survival as a peasant in medieval society as a
peasant on the farm in the Lord’s manor. Include the duties,
responsibilities, clothes, work, health, and beliefs which a peasant must
be aware of.
Create a guidebook for survival as a Noble/Lord in Medieval society as
the head of your own manor, and as the King’s vassal. Include duties,
responsibilities, clothes, work, health, relationships, and ranking of the
nobility which a noble must be aware of.
Create a travel guide to a typical Medieval town explaining what we
would expect to see and experience including businesses, guilds
(explaining the guild system), the town’s cleanliness, people that would
be met on the streets, and the homes that there would be.
Film a tv news report where you interview a knight, a noble, and a
peasant about events happening at a time. (This can be done in a group
of 3)