Public relations activities in an academic library

The importance of public relations activities
cannot be overlooked in any library, especially
in academic libraries. Any library activity,
directly or indirectly, is an act of public
relations, in as much as it is done to promote
the library image and use.
The circulation librarian is part of the overall
professionals working to bring the required
desire to fulfilment and therefore has a lot to
contribute to make the services of the library a
success. He or she is the intermediary between
the users and the library. He or she can easily
know what the users need and what the library
has. Therefore, the role of the circulation
librarian in academic libraries and its
relationship with the public relations activities
cannot be overstated
Chen and Hernon (1982) say:
Public relations
activities in an
academic library: the
roles of the circulation
Grace Olabisi Babafemi
The Author
Grace Olabisi Babafemi is a Librarian at the
University of llorin Library, llorin, Nigeria.
Public relations, Academic libraries
Public relations activities as they relate to the
circulation librarian in an academic library are
discussed The position of the circulation librarian
as the public relations officer of his or her library
in fulfilling the objectives of the institution and the
library are also discussed. Services must be
acceptable and the only way to make them
acceptable is through public relations activities.
The quality of the circulation librarian is
highlighted for good public relations results. The
services of the circulation librarian who uses
public relations tools to function are also
discussed as well as the ways the impact can be
felt. This discussion highlights the similarity of the
activities of the circulation librarian and the public
relations officer of any establishment, and how
they affect their organisation in positive ways.
Having services that no-one knows about is as
good as having no services at all.
They go further by adding that no matter how
Libraries respond to the needs of their users,
their values will not be appreciated without an
aggressive, systematic and determined
programme of publicity to stimulate, inform
and attract the information seekers/library
Although all library professionals should be
involved in public relations activities, those
professionals whose work is directly related
with the users perform more of public relations
activities than the others, for example, the
circulation librarian and the reference
This article focuses on the circulation
librarian's role because he or she represents the
library to the users even more than the other
partner, the reference librarian, and also,
because users get to them first with their
queries, although if the questions asked are
beyond their capacity or they are not in charge,
they can easily direct users to the appropriate
Likewise, the public relations officer in any
organisation is the image-maker and imagebearer of such an organisation and therefore
has many roles to play in order to ensure a
good image for the organisation. This will
involve their relationship with those who deal
with the organisation and also their behaviour.
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What Is public relations?
Public relations is an activity geared towards
human relationships to enhance good services;
since the library serves human beings, the role
played by the circulation librarian and the role
played by the public relations officer of any
organisation can be said to be similar.
Public relations according to Angoff (1973)
is defined "as a communication technique" or a
"kind of advertising or publicising activities".
Similarly the World Book Encyclopaedia (World
Book, 2002), says: Public relations is an activity
aimed at increasing communication and
understanding between an organisation or
individual and one or more groups called
It goes further to say that public relations
work consists of two main activities:
(1) research and communication; and
(2) the methods used to achieve these are
research and opinion surveys to obtain
information from the public.
Also, in the same work, public relations is said to
use four principal methods to communicate with
the public, namely:
(1) advertising;
(2) lobbying;
(3) publicity; and
(4) press agents.
Publicity and press agents are the methods
mostly used by libraries to promote their public
relations. These agents promote the library by
obtaining favourable coverage in the media.
In essence, the library can communicate its
existence to the appropriate audience, to the
people for whom it has so much to offer. It is
therefore necessary for academic librarians to
present to their clientele the basic objective of
the library so as to create a personal interest in
Hence, this article attempts to: examine the
work of a public relations officer and the
circulation librarian; look into the effect of the
circulation librarian's functions on job
performance and how it can affect positively or
negatively its library users in an academic
library; examine the role played by the
circulation librarian and his or her relationship
with the clientele and the importance of such
roles; and
confirm whether good public relations in any
library setting can enhance the library's publicity
and usage.
Functions of the public relations officer
and circulation librarian
The public relations officer is a bridge who
brings together organisational activities being
done in isolation. In the same vein, the
circulation librarian co-ordinates the services of
the library at the service point (circulation desk),
making sure that the library, through the library
assistants, discharges its duties by serving users
either by helping them search files or titles on
shelves or by charging out books for a period of
time. From the above, the public relations officer
deals with isolated activities so as to bring them
together, whereas the circulation librarian acts as
an intermediary between the library and the
users, co-ordinating services and making them
available to users.
The public relations officer tries to blow
his/her organisation's trumpet through the
provision of information. The circulation
librarian disseminates the already acquired
information to serve users.
The public relations officer is a link between the
organisation and the outside world, to make
known the activities of the organisation. On the
other side, the circulation librarian links the users
with the information available in the library, or
links the information with the users through
selective dissemination of information and
current awareness services.
The public relations officer advertises the
organisation; likewise, the circulation librarian
also advertises the library by employing public
relations tools such as:
library location labels (layout); catalogues;
• shelf arrangement (and shelf guides);
• media talks;
notice boards for both staff and students;
• bulletin boards; suggestion boxes; and public
information desks, etc.
Some academic libraries have the information
unit as part of their public relations programme.
This makes the circulation librarian's job easier.
The tools can help the
Library Review
Volume 51 • Number 9 • 2002 • 464-468
library to serve users better. It will promote
readership and library usage.
The public relations officer systematically
gathers information related to the activities of the
organisation. This information is then organised
for publication purposes. Likewise, the
circulation librarian through other departments,
for example acquisitions and technical
departments, gather book or journal titles useful
to bring about the fulfilment of the objectives of
the library.
The informational role of the library can be
improved if the circulation librarian is current on
issues affecting the library and be sensitive to
such issues. For better perception of the
circulation librarian, he or she needs to develop
personality traits such as to be outspoken,
assertive, and clear-cut in information provision.
He or she should be able to present information
logically and consistently. Be proactive rather
than retroactive, this means to have information
relating to users' needs before the demand from
such users. The circulation librarian through
interaction with academic staff and students
knows which titles are best suited for a course or
discipline. Also checking the loan files, he or she
can decide titles that need to be purchased. There
should be good human relations - good etiquette
- such as being able to communicate effectively
with others, die ability to motivate others and
oneself, ability to go out, give talks/advertise the
library, and ability to identify with users'
To be able to communicate effectively, they
must understand the language of the profession.
Some users don't know how to present their
queries: it is the duty of the circulation librarian
to direct them. Some people are not totally aware
of the library services, but when the circulation
librarian has the opportunity to talk through
radio programmes or television programmes, he
or she must be ready to let users (potential and
actual) know about the library's activities, tools
and services. This is also part of the circulation
librarian's public relations activities. They must
be a friend to all users, not partial and arrogant.
They must be courteous. Also, they must be
approachable for any queries, simple to complex.
Users should not be left frustrated at the
searching stage of their research. The circulation
librarian can help and thereby save users from
frustration through public relations tools, for
example the card catalogue, shelf guides, or new
arrival displays.
A vital factor in a good public relations
programme for libraries is that the circulation
librarian must be efficient, energetic and
knowledgeable, with an astute appreciation of
the value of public relations in its widest
application for a positive result. The product
must be presented in an attractive way and
Effect of the functions of the circulation
librarian on his/her job performance
The circulation librarian must perform his or her
job of seeing to the smooth running of the
library. It is by the services performed that most
of the public relations activities of the library
will be assessed.
As the intermediary between users and the
library, there should be a cordial relationship
with the users so as to know their needs and how
to meet their needs. It is not too much for the
circulation librarian to follow up request forms
given to departments requesting them to write
titles of journals and books needed, to see that
there is a positive response from them. This will
serve as a guide for the library not to acquire
non-useful books or journals. If the circulation
librarian performs his or her public relations
function well, there will be little or no complaint
about obsolete materials, because there will be
periodical reviewing to update collections,
replacing obsolete with current material.
The circulation librarian can help to bring
awareness of the library stocks and services by
employing service tools and making use of them
effectively. Users will respond positively by
library usage. Such tools as current awareness
services, selective dissemination of information
or exhibitions have a very important aspect to
play in public relations activities of the
circulation librarian. Through exhibitions, library
services and programmes can be given publicity.
Ogunrombi and Babafemi (1997) mentioned in
their article that:
... the role of exhibition is not taken
seriously as a publicity strategy in
Nigerian University Libraries.
The library authority must be convinced that
exhibitions can be used to publicise library
stocks; by this means the public will come to
appreciate the library services better.
the audience must be persuaded to use it.
Harrison (1973) says:
A good library is its own advertisement or
should be its own advertisement.
Efforts must be made to create an awareness
forum, such as an orientation week (for new
students or users), education for older students or
mounting a monthly programme which will
focus on each faculty and their departments. By
making users aware of what courses are offered,
books can be displayed and exhibited. The
circulation librarian knowing the needs of his or
her clientele can help to fulfil this function by
collaborating with various faculties and
departments to help in the exercise.
To perform the public relations function to users,
this administrative role involves the issue of
overdue notices, defaulter notices and defaulter
lists, placing books on reserve and taking into
binding mutilated and damaged books for repair.
With all these roles he or she will influence the
library programme positively. Also through the
use of a suggestion box: users can use this box to
air their views on how library services can be
improved. There should be occasional
questionnaires to seek users' opinions about the
library and its services for the purpose of
For the head librarian to be effective, he or she
must be fully informed. It is therefore part of the
circulation librarian's public relations function to
inform him or her of all the services of the
department and how they are being carried out,
giving details of all the services so as to know
areas to take care of.
Role of the circulation librarian and his or her
relationship with the clientele
The information dissemination roles of the
circulation librarian through current awareness
services and through selective dissemination of
information services are very important. Also,
readers can be informed through library public
relations activities such as display of new books
and other information forums (notices such as
overdue notices and defaulter notices). The
circulation librarian can liaise with the
acquisition department to purchase on time or
process on time books in high demand by the
users. Readers can be linked with a particular
book or journal article of interest whenever it is
available. This means that the circulation
librarian must know his or her users' profile.
There is also a guiding role performed by the
circulation librarian by directing users to the
right person in charge of a particular query or
question. The question may be directed to the
reference librarian, documents librarian or serials
librarian. He or she will be in a good position to
determine who is capable of handling such
questions. Also, by the guiding role of the
circulation librarian, readers are made aware of
the layout of the library, such as book
arrangement or catalogues, either by issuing to
every library user a handbook which contains
such information or by placing information on
catalogue cabinets.
Lastly, the circulation librarian performs an
administrative role. The administrative function
of the circulation librarian is divided into two,
namely to staff in the circulation section and to
the users of the library.
How the circulation librarian can enhance
library publicity and usage
There are two public relations activities, namely
external and internal. The external deals with
those by "outside" bodies on the international
level, such as the Unesco public relations
programmes, through pilot projects, library
consultancy and ones organised by the
International Federation of the Library
Association (IFLA) through meetings, and
organised by the British Council and Federation
Internationale de Documentation, and lastly
those organised by the Commonwealth Library
The internal public relations referred to are those
that are directly related to the circulation
librarian's duties such as issuing of annual
reports of the Library Circulation Department
through which progress reports are given,
challenges are made and news on acquisitions
aired. The range of services comprises
exhibitions, radio/television talks, use of posters,
selective dissemination of information, current
awareness services, suggestion boxes, shelfguides, library layout, inter-library loan services,
co-operative acquisitions and cataloguing and the
use of professional associations.
In library public relations, good service is first
built, the public is informed and
awareness created; then users will make use of it.
Orientation programmes and use of library
programmes can be used to publicise the library,
instructing users about the library and making
them aware of the services; catalogues, shelfguides and index stands can be used to educate
users on how they can easily find library
materials on the shelves.
If proper orientation is given to students on
library use through the programmes mentioned
above, the library's usage will increase. Giving
users an opportunity to air their views is a way of
improving library usage and services too.
Through suggestions, the circulation librarian
will be able to present to the management public
opinion about their library so that they will look
before they leap in their decision-making on
library issues, since he or she is the intermediary
between the management and the readership.
Many of the users are interested in a particular
item: the circulation librarian can help by making
available through its services (current awareness
and selective dissemination of information) or by
sending such requests when available to the
appropriate users or requester.
This will encourage usage of the library and its
materials. Some readers find it difficult to locate
materials on shelves not because they are not
oriented but they do not know the technique for
locating materials. The library shelf-guides and
library layout can be of help. Being helped to
know, the user will be encouraged to come for
more searches since he or she was successful
through the use of these public relations tools.
trained to acquire skills in public relations, or the
curriculum of library schools should include
public relations activities as a core unit.
Angoff, A. (1973), Public Relations for Libraries
Essays in Communication Techniques,
Greenwood Press, Westport, CT, p. 1.
Chen, C.C. and Hemon, P. (1982), InformationSeeking: Assessing and Anticipating
Information Technology Series, NealSchuman, New York, NY.
Harrison, K.C. (1973), Public Relations for
Libraries, Grafton Books, Deutsch.
Ogunrombi, S.A. and Babafemi, G.O. (1997),
"Exhibitions in university libraries: the
Proceedings, Vol. 49 No. 1, pp. 9-12.
World Book (2002), World Book Encyclopaedia,
Vol. 15 Part 3, World Book Inc., Scott
Fetter Co., Chicago, IL, p. 868.
Further reading
Aitufe, T.A. (1993), "Public relations in
academic libraries". Library Review,
Vol. 42 No. 2, pp. 39-45.
Arnold, D.V. (1976), The Management of the
Deutsch, London, pp. 110-17.
Bloomberg, M. (1981), Introduction to Public
Services for Library Technicians, 3rd
Englewood, Co, pp. 284-5;
Chen, C.C. (1937), Information-Seeking:
Assessing and Anticipating Users
Needs, Neal-Schuman Publishers, New
York, NY, pp. 118-20.
Corbett, E.V. (1978), Fundamentals-of Library
Organisation and Administration: A
Partial Guide, The Library Association,
p. 239.
Cosette, K. (1974), Problems in Library Public
Relations, R.R. Bowker & Co., New
York, NY.
Wills, G. (Ed.) (1975), Developing the Librarian
as a Manager, MCB Books, Bradford,
pp. 153-5.
For good public relations activities, the services
must be accessible. Input brings output. Service
begins with materials and accessibility.
Accessibility means "the process of getting the
right book to the right person and at the right
time" making sure that positive results happen to
the benefit of users. This is the most satisfactory
job of public
Library Review
Volume 51 • Number 9 • 2002 • 464-468
relations in any library setting. Any library
service must be accessible to be worth its salt.
The roles of circulation librarian as a
professional in a library set-up and a public
relations role are inseparable.
The circulation librarian should take seriously
public relations activities. Every professional
librarian should be knowledgeable in public
relation activities. All professionals should be