Programme Translational Imaging Workshop by AMIE ‘From mouse to man’ Final vs 130920’ Tuesday 24, Wednesday 25, Thursday 26 and Friday 27 September, 2013 (Friday 27 long practicals) The programme Applied Molecular Imaging at Erasmus MC (AMIE) provides a platform for scientists interested in imaging technology and molecular imaging in general. The aim of this 4-day workshop is to give a broad introduction into preclinical and translational Molecular Imaging techniques and their applications in biology and medicine. This workshop is designed for PhD students and researchers in one of the Erasmus Postgraduate Schools; PhD students and researchers from other universities are also welcome. This workshop is being organized for the seventh time, following upon six very successful workshops in 2008 - 2012. The speakers from the Erasmus MC, the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) and the Technical University Delft (TU Delft) have great expertise in animal and molecular imaging. The workshop will cover a wide array of imaging technologies, including: Optical imaging X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Multimodality) Radionuclide imaging: PET and SPECT Ultrasound imaging Photo dynamic diagnostics and therapy (PDT) Raman spectroscopy Image Analysis Several applications in translational research will be discussed, such as multi-modality detection, imaging of cancer, and imaging of vascular diseases. In addition to the lectures presented in the programme, practical demonstrations on the different imaging devices will be given in the newly realized Animal Imaging Facility, the AMIE Facility, designed to facilitate multi-modal animal imaging. SPECT/CT (U-SPECT/CT, NanoSPECT/CT), PET (Inveon), CT (Skyscan), optical (ICIS), and MRI (7T GE/Varian) imaging equipment are housed in a single complex. On Friday, we offer the opportunity to the participants to do a long practical session during a full day. Limited admittance: first come, first serve. The total number of participants in the course is limited to 70; the total number of participants in the demonstrations, lab visits and practical sessions on Friday is limited to 40. The latter are based on ‘first come, first serve’. Tuition is €550 (including lunches and one dinner); however, most participants are expected to qualify for a (partial) scholarship. See the last page for details. 1 The workshop counts for 1,25 ECTS credit points, including all lab visits, practical sessions and self study; 1,00 ECTS without the practical session on Friday. The location of the workshop is room Ae 4.06 (Erasmus MC). All lunches and one dinner are included. Registration via the Website of MolMed: We offer a dinner for all participants on Tuesday evening and a closing drink for all participants on Friday afternoon. If you have any questions, please contact Frank van Vliet: +31 (0)10 704 3518 or + 31 (0)6 5474 6408 or Joris Lenstra: +31 (0)10 703 8053 / The organizing committee, Marion de Jong Monique Bernsen Hans Bosch Jeroen Essers Joost Haeck Frank van Vliet The organizers wish to thank the following for their invaluable contributions to this workshop: 2 Tuesday September 24th; room Ae 4.06 Time 09:00-09:30 09:30-09:45 09:45-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:30 11:30-12:15 12:15-13:15 12:30-13:15 13:15-14:00 14:00-14:45 14:45-15:00 15:00-15:45 15:45-16:30 16:30-17:15 17:30-… Speaker Title Key words Registration Moderator: Marion de Jong, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC Marion de Jong, Welcome and short Applied Molecular Imaging at the Dept. of Nuclear introduction to the Erasmus MC (AMIE) Medicine&Radiology, Translational Imaging Erasmus MC Workshop Wout Breeman, Radiochemistry Tutorial: Tracer, labeling, Dept. of Nuclear cyclotron, generator Medicine, Erasmus MC Coffee break Mathieu Sommers, Animal facilities and animal Applications Dept. Animal imaging; animal models Facility Marlies Goorden, TU SPECT imaging Tutorial: Physics, instrumentation, Delft & MILabs and some applications Lunch Sponsoring session: Chu Sun Wong, Bruker; The Cryoprobe. How cool is that? Moderator: Monique Bernsen, Dept. of Dept. of Radiology, Erasmus MC Marleen Melis,Dept. Radionuclide imaging Applications: SPECT and PET, of Nuclear Medicine radionuclide therapy Louise van der Introduction to MRI Physics & instrumentation; UltraWeerd, LUMC high field MRI, high resolution, phenotyping, contrast at high field, anatomy & functionality, molecular imaging Coffee break Piotr Wielopolski, MRI Applications: neurological (AD), Dept. of Radiology, cardiac (MI, atherosclerosis) Erasmus MC Hans Bosch & Ultrasound imaging Tutorial: Physics, instrumentation, Klazina Kooiman, and applications Biomedical Engineering,Cardiology, Erasmus MC Joost Haeck, Dept. (Multimodal) PET imaging, Tutorial: Physics and of Nuclear Medi(combined with MRI and instrumentation, PET, cine&Radiology, CT) radionuclides, tracer Erasmus MC Participants and speakers dinner offered by the Postgraduate School MolMedRestaurant Indonesia, Rodezand 34, Rotterdam, 010-414 85 88 (10 ps.) Wednesday September 25th; room Ae 4.06 <> room 11-12.30? Time 09:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 Speaker Moderator: Jeroen Erasmus MC Fred Verzijlbergen, Dept. of Numclear Medicine, Erasmus MC Fijs van Leeuwen (NKI & LUMC) Title Key words Essers, Depts. of Cell Biology & Genetics and Radiotherapy, Probes for molecular imaging Tutorial: Basics in MI, physics and applications Probes: Hybrid imaging agents for interventional molecular imaging, a clinical story Applications: surgical guidance, sentinel node, SPECT, fluorescence, targeted peptides, multimodal 3 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:45 Coffee break Monique Bernsen, Multi-modality imaging Applications: equipment, probes Dept. of Radiology and applications, pittfalls and & Nuclear Medicine, future outlook Erasmus MC 11:45-12:30 Erik Meijering, Image Analysis Applications: Quantitative image Biomedical Imaging analysis; Multimodal image group Rotterdam, analysis; Image registration, Depts. of Radiology fusion, and visualization & Med. Informatics, Erasmus MC 12:30-13:30 Lunch break 12:45-13:30 Sponsoring session: PerkinElmer, Sasha Belenkov Moderator: Monique Bernsen, Dept. of Dept. of Radiology, Erasmus MC 13:30-14:15 Erwin Waarsing, X-Ray CT: Computed Tutorial: physics, instrumentation, Dept. of OrthopeTomography and applications dics, Erasmus MC 14:15-14:45 Kjell Laperre, High resolution micro-CT in Applications: x-ray micro CT, Application biomedical applications small animal imaging, in-vivo, scientist, Bruker synchronization microCT 14:45-15:00 Coffee break 15:00-16:00 Key note speaker: Pretargeting with bispecific Radioimmunotargeting, radioimOtto Boerman, antibodies: from mice to munotherapy, pretargeting, Dept. of Nuclear men monoclonal antibodies, bispecific medicine, UMCN, antibodies, colorectal cancer, Nijmegen tumor-associated antigens 16:00-17:40 Coordination: Demonstrations; lab visit 6 topics, 4 groups, each group Jeroen Essers, (sessions 1 & 2 of 50’ about 6 participants (name, room Depts. of Cell each); schedule see nr.): Biology & Genetics below MRI (M. Bernsen, J. Haeck; and Radiotherapy AMIE Facility, CE building) CT (Erwin Waarsing, AMIE Facility, CE building) SPECT/PET (M. de Jong, J. de Swart, AMIE Facility, CE building) Ultrasound (Hans Bosch, Klazina Kooiman; room Ee 23.29) Optical Imaging/Ivis 200 (cfd., Jeroen Essers, Yanto Ridwan, room Ce050) CAVE (3-D) (A. Koning, via corridor Ee 15.28-15.42) Session 1 16:00 – 16:50 Group1 SPECT-PET Group2 Optical Imaging Group3 Ultrasound Group4 CAVE Session 2 16:50 – 17:40 Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 MRI CT CAVE Ultrasound 4 Thursday, September 26th; room Ae 4.06 Moderator: Klazina Kooiman, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering/ Cardiology, Erasmus MC Time Speaker Title Introduction or application; Key words 09:15-09.45 Dominic Robinson, Optical Diagnostics and Applications: Physics, Optical CODT/Dept. of Photodynamic Therapy Spectroscopy, Imaging, Light Radiotherapy, Therapy, Instrumentation and Erasmus MC Applications 09:45-10:30 Gerben Koning, Intravital Imaging Applications: intravital microscopy, Surgical Oncology, cancer, confocal, intratumoral, in Erasmus MC vivo intracellular 10:30-10:45 Coffee break 10:45-11:30 Gerben Koning, Targeted nanocarriers for Applications: Multifunctional lipidDept. of Surgical imaging and therapy nanocarriers, intravital microscoOncology, Erasmus py, targeted nanomedicine, MC multimodal imaging, cancer, inflammation 11:30-12:00 Tom Bakker Schut, Raman spectroscopy Applications: In vivo/ex vivo tissue CODT/Dept. of characterization & diagnostics; Dermatology, physics, instrumentation and Erasmus MC applications 12:00-13:00 Lunch break 12:15-13:00 Sponsoring session: MILabs Moderator: Klazina Kooiman, Erasmus MC 13.00-13:45 Eric Kaijzel, Dept. Optical imaging Applications: Physics of of Genetics, LUMC fluorescence and bioluminescence, gene reporter constructs on cells; instrumentation; fluorescent and bioluminescent probes on cancer 13.45-14.35 Coordination: Demonstrations; lab visit 6 topics, each group max. 7 Jeroen Essers, (session 3 of 50’) participants (see Wednesday 25 Depts. of Cell September) Biology & Genetics and Radiotherapy 14:35-15:00 Coffee break 15:00-17:30 Coordination: Demonstrations; lab visit 6 topics (see above) Jeroen Essers (sessions 4, 5 & 6 of 50’) Session 3; 13:45 – 14:35 Group1 Optical Imaging Group2 Ultrasound Group3 SPECT-PET Group4 MRI Session 4; 15:00 – 15:50 Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Ultrasound MRI CT Optical Imaging Session 5; 15:50 – 16:40 Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 CAVE SPECT-PET Optical Imaging CT Session 6; 16:40 – 17:30 Groep1 Groep2 Groep3 Groep4 CT CAVE MRI SPECT-PET 5 Friday, September 27th Time 09:00-12:00 13:00-16:00 16:00-…. Moderator: Marion de Jong, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Erasmus MC Speaker Title Introduction or application; Key words Coordination: Demonstration with SPECT – MRI All day Jeroen Essers experiments for admitted CT–Optical imaging All day applicants. First come, first Ultrasound ½ day serve-basis. Please subscribe during the workshop. Lunch break Coordination: Cont’d: Demonstration with SPECT – MRI All day Jeroen Essers experiments for admitted CT–Optical imaging All day applicants. First come, first CT – bone imaging ½ day serve-basis. Please subscribe during the workshop. Drinks offered by Postgraduate School MolMed; Ae 4.06 Attendance fees Course tuition for non-commercial participants is € 550. Discounts are handled as followed: Participants from the postgraduate school MolMed get a discount of 100% (tuition = €0). PhD students and Master’s students, regardless of institution, get a discount of 50% (tuition = €275). Master’s students who are paying the fee from their personal budget get a discount of 75% (tuition = €137,50). participant category discount full-tuition, non-commercial tuition 0% € 550 100% € 0 PhD students, Master’s students (regardless of institute) 50% € 275 Master’s students paying the tuition from their personal budget 75% € 137,50 members of MolMed The course is considered an entirety, and participants are encouraged to attend all parts of the course. No discounts are given for participants who chose not to participate in a portion of the course. If these financial requirements pose a problem, please contact Frank van Vliet, managing director of the Erasmus Postgraduate School Mol Med, at: Invoices Fees should only be paid after receipt of an INVOICE. Shortly after your registration you will receive the INVOICE by mail. Payment should be transferred to account: / Erasmus MC, (IBAN code bank: NL86ANBA0434701408; SWIFT code bank: ABNANL2A), with the invoice number noted. Late registrations may also pay in cash upon arrival. Cancellations Cancellation is possible up to one week before the start of the Course. Later cancellation will not be accepted, but you are allowed to send a substitute. Commercial participants & sponsors Companies are invited to inquire about commercial participant tuition fees and about sponsoring. 6