Myanmar country report - Food and Agriculture Organization of the

Review on the Present State of Food and Agricultural Statistic
In Myanmar
Before 1988, agricultural policy of Myanmar could be depicted as rigid and
controlled and subsidized policy that highly emphasized on domestic food security and
stability of price. After the economic transition from planned economic system to marketoriented economic system in 1988, agricultural policies of Myanmar pay attention on boosting
production and promotion of agricultural exports. The Government considers agriculture "as
the base for all-round development of other economic sectors". The three major objectives
of the agriculture sector are: (i) to achieve surplus in paddy production; (ii) to achieve selfsufficiency in edible oil; and (iii) to step up the production and export of pulses and
industrial crops. At the same time, within the context of market-oriented economic system,
freedom in agricultural production, and participation of private sector have became the
major policies in the agriculture sector.
Myanmar is traditionally an agricultural country and agriculture sector remains as a
major contributor to GDP, and its share of export earnings is about 40%. At the same time,
agriculture sector provides employment to more than 60 per cent of work force. In addition,
food security for the people and raw material production for domestic agro-based industries
are heavily dependent on the agricultural sector。
For future prospect, Myanmar set up the millennium development goals targeting
2015 and significant progress has been achieved in various sectors including agriculture.
Major issues on the future development of agriculture sector are regional food security,
extension of agricultural land, enhancing participation of private entrepreneurs in agricultural
activities, income generation activities through introducing new crops, and encouraging
farmers to cultivate environmental friendly crops.
Recent and Proposed Changes in Statistical Organizations Related to Food and
Statistics Law
Concerning with the statistical activities for agriculture and non-agriculture sectors,
the government of Myanmar has laid down the Central Statistical Authority Act of Myanmar:
1952 for backing up the activities of statistics with the legal support. The statistical act of
Myanmar has been applying for all statistical activities including agricultural statistical
Major Agricultural Statistical Agencies
There are several statistics agencies for collecting, compiling and disseminating of
economic and social statistics in Myanmar. Some major statistics agencies related to the
agriculture sector of Myanmar are as follows:
Settlement and Land Records Department (SLRD)
Settlement and Land Records Department (SLRD) is sole government department
taking highest responsibility for collecting, compiling and disseminating agricultural statistics,
particularly for production statistics, such as planted area, harvested area, yield and
production of crops, in Myanmar.
In addition the Settlement and Land Records Department under the Ministry of
Agriculture and Irrigation is taking responsibility not only for the crops statistics but also for
the statistics on the land use and land management. In order to get the complete and reliable
statistics, SLRD always keep the close relation and collaboration with the relevant
departments and ministries.
Another important task of SLRD is conducting agricultural censuses. Since Myanmar
gained its independence in 1948, three agricultural censuses ( 1952, 1993 and 2003) have
been conducted by the SLRD and now preparing to conduct 2010 agricultural census.
Central Statistical Organization (CSO)
Central Statistical Organization (CSO) under the Ministry of National Planning and
Economic Development, is a sole national statistics organization which mainly emphasized on
economic and social statistics of Myanmar. The CSO compiles various data from both public
and private sectors. CSO obtains those data as administrative records of the concerned
Moreover, some of the data and information compiled in the CSO were obtained from
the sample surveys. CSO collaborates with the SLRD for the agricultural production and land
use statistics and also makes bilateral relationships between other agencies, such as Livestock
Breeding and Veterinary Departments, Fisheries Departments, Forest Department.
In addition, CSO has been conducting various kind of surveys such as Population
survey, Household expenditure survey, Agriculture survey, Health and Social survey, Vital
statistics survey, Livestock survey, Labour force survey, Transport survey and Private Sector
Industrial Survey. Primary function of CSO is to collect, process, organize and supply data for
the use of planners, policy makers and other users in the country as well as international
Planning Department (PD)
Planning Department under the Ministry of National Planning and Economic
Development is taking responsibility to measure the growth of national economy including
agriculture sector. Production statistics for all economic sectors are compiled from the
administrative records of concerned departments and ministries whilst price data for various
commodities are collected and compiled from the sample surveys.
Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department (LBVD)
Major role of the Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department under the Ministry
of Livestock and Fisheries is to collect, compile and disseminate the livestock production
statistics of Myanmar. Furthermore, LBVD also has a responsibility for animal health and
livestock development activities of Myanmar. LBVD also conducts the field surveys for the
collection of livestock production statistics. LVBD produces livestock statistics, such as
livestock population, production of livestock and livestock products, annually.
Department of fisheries (DOF)
Department of Fisheries is one of the department under the Ministry of Livestock and
Fisheries and it is taking responsibility for the management of fisheries, conservation of
fishery resources, providing extension services, conducting research and compilation of
fishery statistics of the Union of Myanmar. Major statistics disseminating in DOF are
production from freshwater and marine fisheries and volume and value of exports.
Other Agricultural Related Government Agencies
Department of population under the Ministry of immigration and population has
highest responsibility for conducting population censuses and demographic surveys,
estimating and publishing national, states/divisions population figures and urban/rural
population figures of Myanmar. Another important department for preparing agricultural
statistics is Department of Labor under the Ministry of Labour. Department of Labor also
conducts labor force surveys and disseminates agricultural labor force statistics through the
various statistics reports.
(2) Main Characteristics of the Agricultural Statistical System
Organizational Structure for data collection in agricultural sector in Myanmar is quite
different from the other productive sectors. Significant features related to the productive
activities depend on changes in the seasonal pattern or weather conditions. Seasonality can
have serious impact on food production. The elongated shape of the map of Myanmar is a
natural advantage; the northern most part of country experiences low temperature and the
temperature rise until it reaches the southern part. A major portion of country enjoys a tropical
climate. At the province level, Myanmar is administratively divided into 17 States/Divisions.
The States/divisions are sub-divided into 64 districts which are further divided into 324
townships. The townships are again subdivided into 13,759 village tracts. The basic
administrative unit in Myanmar is the village tract and is administrated by a committee which
is directly supervised by township Peace and Development Council. Most of the statistics in
Myanmar represent those administrative regions.
Since the lowest administrative unit is the village tract, statistics are collected usually
on that bias. The village tract Peace and Development Council is an integral part of the
agricultural statistics system and it has to give necessary assistance to the staffs of other
agricultural related agencies, such as SLRD, MAS, LBVD, DOF, in the collection and
compilation phases of information and keeping records for the village tract. Myanmar has
therefore a very closely knit structure of local administrative system. This network helps in
coordinating statistical activities at the local level and ensures close cooperation between
farmers and government agencies. The government statistical agencies of Myanmar are
systematically formed by the field staffs who have thorough knowledge of local climate,
farming systems and crop technology and also they are familiar with the local people and their
customs as well.
Nevertheless National agricultural statistics system of Myanmar can be defined as a
decentralized system with minimum coordination with other concerned departments and
ministries. Each ministry has its own statistical unit to serve its own needs either through the
survey method of or a by-product of administration.
Agricultural Data Collection Methods Applied in Myanmar
In Myanmar there are four main sources for agricultural data collection. They are:
1. Censuses
2. Surveys
3. Administrative records and
4. Informal Sources
Agricultural censuses are large scale data collection exercises under taken at frequent
intervals. Agricultural Censuses are designed mainly to collect data on agriculture and other
stock type data. In general, there are two main objectives in agricultural censuses; (i) to
collect data on agricultural structures which do not change rapidly from year to year, (ii) to
provide a frame for conducting other surveys on the basis of agricultural holdings. Holdings
are also used to generate sampling frames for collecting current statistics.
Ad hoc surveys are often conducted to collect data on agricultural production.
Myanmar has carried out different sample surveys to meet the data requirements of various
Administrative Records
Administrative records too provide agricultural statistics. Data on agricultural sector
are obtained as a by-product from routine reporting system. Report released by the Settlement
and Land Records Department, Myanma Agriculture Service and other publication of line
ministries contained information on agriculture including livestock and fisheries.
Informal Data Sources
Informal Data Sources can be defined as those sources which collected data that are
not based on formal statistical techniques. Even then, these data souses are regarded as
alternative sources for additional information on the subject under study. Informal data
sources are:
1. Remote sensing
2. Early warning systems
3. Micro-surveys
4. Rapid rural appraisal
Types of Agricultural Statistics of Myanmar and Concerned Departments
Following table shows the types of agricultural statistics currently available in Myanmar and
responsible departments for those agricultural statistics.
Value of production
national PD
domestic PD
Gross value added in PD
1970 to
Ministry of
Land use
Total farm area
Irrigated area
planted/harvested of
Labor and Labor
in DOL
employment agriculture
in DOL
exports and imports
agricultural exports
and imports
prices of selected
agricultural products
Producer price index
by commodity group
index by commodity
Imports and exports
(3) Agricultural and related surveys undertaken and plans for the future
Followings are agricultural statistics collected, complied and disseminated in
Production Statistics
 Volume of crop production
 Value of crop production
 Volume of livestock and poultry production
 Value of livestock and poultry production
 Volume of fishery production and aquaculture
 Value of fishery production, and aquaculture
 Volume of fish production by major species
 Value of fish production by major species
 Gross domestic product
Trade Statistics
 Total value of exports and imports
 Volume of agricultural exports and imports
 Value of agricultural exports and imports
Prices Statistics
 Average monthly prices of selected agricultural products
 Consumer price index by commodity group
 Whole Sale Price of Selected Commodities
 Production
 Imports and exports
 Use of fertilizers by crops
Land use
 Total farm area
 Irrigated area
 Area planted/harvested of crops
 Arable Land
 Fallow Land
 Land area for permanent crops
 Area of Non-agricultural Land
 Area of Land by Type of Land
 Double, Multiple and Mixed Crops Area
 Area of crops by kinds of crops
 Squatter Area
Labor and employment
 Rural population (estimated)
 Labor force in agriculture
 Active population in agriculture
 Employment in agriculture
 Income and Expenditures by households
 Agricultural credit
Survey methods applied for agricultural statistics
Survey methods used for collecting and compiling agricultural statistics in
Myanmar can be summarized as follows.
Domain of Statistics
Collecting Method
Administrative Records
Sample Surveys
Agricultural Machineries
Administrative Records
Both surveys and administrative records
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Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides
Both surveys and administrative records
Land use
Labor and Employment
Sample Surveys, Administrative Records
Agricultural Census in Myanmar
Myanmar has conducted three agricultural censuses after the independence. The first
agricultural census was conducted in 1952 and the second agricultural census was carried out
in 1993. The most recent agricultural census done in 2003 was the third agricultural census
experienced in Myanmar. The first and the second agricultural census were conducted using
sampling methods and the last census was conducted using complete enumeration method. All
agricultural censuses done in Myanmar were undertaken by the Settlement and Land Records
Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
The Myanmar agricultural Census 1993 covered 272 townships out of the 319
townships of 14 States and Divisions. The urban wards in Yangon and Mandalay Divisions,
remote areas and less-populated insecure areas were excluded from the enumeration of the
census. The method applied in the Myanmar Agricultural Census 1993 was sampling technique
with the UNDP/FAO technical support. The data were compiled for each state, division and
Union level and reported in 1995.
The third agricultural census of Myanmar was launched in 2003 according to the
guideline of the FAO’s World Census of Agriculture 2000 programme. Settlement and Land
Records Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation took responsibility for
conducting Myanmar Agricultural Census 2003. Since WCA2000 guided to include
aquaculture households in the implementation of agricultural census, information concerning
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livestock, fisheries and aquaculture were also collected. Myanmar Agriculture Census 2003
was carried out using complete enumeration method so that the result of census will provide
the most important and basic information for formulation of future development plans and
measures. Since the Myanmar Agricultural Census 2003 was conducted in complete basis,
enumeration of census covered the entire country except highly urban areas, some remote areas
where transportation facilities were not good enough to conduct the enumeration. At the time
of census, there were 9 States and 8 Divisions with 63 districts, 324 townships, about 12,900
village tracts and about 58,000 villages in the Union of Myanmar. However, of the 324
townships, only 283 townships were included in the census.
In the implementation of the Myanmar Agricultural Census 2003, FAO provided
297,000 US$ as an assistance under the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP/MYA/2801)
only for preparation of the Myanmar Agricultural Census. Therefore, all expenses for the
implementing, processing and disseminating of the Myanmar Census of Agriculture were used
by the own budget of the Settlement and Land Records Department.
In the implementation of 2003 Census, responded households were about 3.7
and about 9000 SLRD field staffs took responsibility for collection of information. Myanmar
government, SLRD under Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation expense all charges for
information. On the other hand, farmers in rural area are very co-operative and they gave their
transportation facilities freely and contribute computer for data processing.
However, implementation of Agriculture Census is one of main function of Settlement
and Land Records Department. Therefore, Settlement and Land Records Department has
planned to conduct the Myanmar Census of Agriculture in 2010, According to the guideline
of WCA 2010. Formulation of list frame for the Census has successfully conducted in
Myanmar during February 2009 to May 2009.
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Recent Innovative activities and measures undertaken since the last Commission
Myanmar Agriculture Census 2010
Long-term and short-term objectives for implementing Myanmar Agriculture Census
2010 are described as follows:
(1) To collect, monitor and issue the reliable and concrete data concerning
food and agriculture sectors of Myanmar which can be used as baseline
information for formulation of rural development plans;
(2) To provide accurate information concerning food and agriculture sectors
of Myanmar that will reflect present situation of food and agriculture
sectors from which effective nation-wide and regional development
policies and administrative tasks could be set up;
(3) To provide data to use as benchmarks for current agricultural statistics;
(4) To nurture local experts and technician in food and agricultural statistics
And Short-term Objectives are:
(1) To provide accurate structural data of food and agriculture sector of
(2) To acquire baseline data and information that can be applied in
measuring growth and development of food and agriculture sectors of
(3) To provide basic data and information to be able to analyze and
evaluate the effectiveness of the development projects relating to food
and agriculture sectors of Myanmar;
(4) To provide data on the structure of agriculture, livestock, fisheries and
aquaculture, especially for small administrative units;
(5) To provide frames for agricultural sample surveys;
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(6) To strengthen human resource development in the activities concerning
agricultural statistics, surveys and agricultural census;
(7) To provide information for role of gender in food and agriculture
sectors of Myanmar;
(8) To collect reliable and concrete data and information that reflects the
environmental issues and situation of the sustainability of agricultural
development in Myanmar.
By participating the FAO’s World Census of Agriculture 2010 round,
Settlement and Land Records Department has planned to conduct the Myanmar
Census of Agriculture in 2010. According to the guidelines of WCA 2010, 16 core
modules and 89 supplementary modules are suggested to implement in agricultural
census in 2010 round. FAO also guided that 16 core modules should be done in
complete basis and additional supplementary modules should be conducted by
sampling method. Since Myanmar has already conducted its Myanmar Census of
Agriculture 2003 using complete enumeration method, data and information obtained
from 2003 could be applied as a frame for 2010 Myanmar census of agriculture. In
addition, in order to be in line with the guideline of the FAO’s World Census of
Agriculture 2010, Settlement and Land Records Department has decided to conduct
the agriculture census in 2010 using Complete Enumeration Method for collecting
Core Items and applying sampling method for necessary supplementary items.
Myanmar Census of Agriculture 2010 is being conducted to get the
following information:
(1) Identification of Holding and their household size
(2) Legal status of holders
(3) Sex and age of holders
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(4) Educational attainment of holder
(5) Economic activities of holders
(6) Land use
(7) Irrigation
(8) Crop
(9) Agricultural practices
Agricultural Services
Fishing and Aquaculture
Farm labor
Demographic characteristics and gender issues
According to the planned time-frame, period of the Project is 4 years starting
from July 2008 to June 2012. The project focus on entire works of the Census
including preparation of the Project, compiling equipments and materials, finding
international assistance, budget allocation, recruitment of enumerators and the
Project Staff, training for enumerators and supervisors, conducting pilot census,
implementation of the core and supplementary censuses, developing programs for
data processing, editing and data checking, conducting post-enumeration surveys,
evaluation of the Project and Printing and publication of census reports for both core
and supplementary censuses.
In order to be in line with the guidelines of FAO for World Census of
Agriculture 2010 and to follow the work plan, implementation of the Core Census
has successfully conducted in Myanmar during February 2009 to May 2009. The
Core census of Myanmar has been carried out using complete enumeration method
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and covered the whole country except some remote areas and highly urbanized areas.
The report for the Core Census of Myanmar is planned to publish at the end of the
year 2010.
Supplementary Modules will be conducted during November and December
2010. Final reports for Union and each of the state/division will be published in mid2012. Detail work plan will be prepared at the start of the Project by the National
Project Director in consulting with the member of National Census Technical
Committee and international and National consults and experts.
For the participation of the World Census of Agriculture 2010, FAO
recommended the countries to conduct the agricultural census according to the
guidelines so that comparative analysis could be done among the countries.
According to the guidelines of the World Census of Agriculture 2010 for the
implementation of Core Module, there are 16 items that should be done by complete
However, Settlement and Land Records Department (SLRD) under the
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Myanmar, the sole government department
of the Union of Myanmar taking responsibilities for collecting agricultural statistics
and conducting agricultural censuses, decided to conduct the surveys for 11 items in
the core census. SLRD decided not to include in core census for remaining 5 items
because some items recommended by FAO, such as “Presence of Irrigation on the
holdings”, “Types of temporary crops and permanent crops on the holdings”, etc., are
being surveyed annually using complete method by SLRD.
Recently enumeration of core census items and preparation of maps have
been completed in Myanmar. However, activities for data compilation and data
processing are still on going processes. Since the result of the core census has to be
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used as basic data for implementation of supplementary modules, it is necessary to
speed up the process of compilation and processing of data collected from core
census in Myanmar.
According to the provisional data, Myanmar Agriculture Census 2010 for
Core Module covered the 6.2 million households living in 53,749 villages and 3,565
blocks of 322 townships, 64 districts of 17 states and divisions of Myanmar. In
addition, more than 70,000 sketch maps must be transferred to digital format for
selecting sample villages and enumeration areas. On the other hand, SLRD is
urgently needed the technical and financial assistances from international
organizations for determination of census design, survey methods, and statistical
analyses to proceed the implementation of supplementary census.
Expected Output
The outputs of the Project are as follows:
(1) Digital list frames with household location maps for further sample
(2) Pilot Census Report
(3) Preliminary Census Report
(4) Final Census Reports (for Core Module and Supplementary Module)
(5) Post-Enumeration Survey Report
(6) Training Program, Training Materials and Manuals
(7) Technical Report describing the census data processing Report
(8) Trained persons for census design, methodology and analysis
(9) Report on data users/producers seminar
(10) Data and Information concerning agriculture and food sectors of
(11) Data and Information showing structure of Myanmar agriculture
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Problems Facing in Agricultural Statistics
Agricultural statistics and information will play increasingly important roles in
agricultural sector development. Accuracy and timeliness of data are quite important for
MOAI in order to maintain the efficiency and quality of government services. However,
present situation of agricultural statistics is quite unsatisfactory from the users’ point of view.
Utilization of agricultural statistics and agricultural sector information is no longer confined
to the governmental sector and their use has expanded and has become a stimulus for growth
of the private sector with the shift of government policies to diversify agriculture from
subsistence level farming to a more profitable business venture. Statistical data officially
published by MOAI is limited in terms of their scope and quantity. Present mechanism and
procedure of data collection does not assure high degree of data accuracy, reliability and
timeliness. Data analyses for forecasting and other purposes to serve policies are not
sufficient. These problems originate from the following constraints to the statistical
organization and its activities:
Agricultural statistics in Myanmar are under the responsibility of three
different line Ministries. Each ministry has its own statistical unit to serve its
own needs either through the survey method or as a byproduct of
Myanmar still relied mostly on the administrative reporting system which is
combined with some kind of measurement as the major source of information.
The data collection is a very large operation and as a result field procedures are
not always strictly followed and control over field work is difficult to maintain.
Data are not widely disseminated and few statistical publications are issued.
Crop forecasting procedures are inadequate.
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The whole land records system and its associated registers are still manual
Manpower is insufficient for all levels of the statistical organization,
particularly for field-level data collection. Basic understanding, quality-control
practice and techniques concerning statistics need to be upgraded for the staffs
in the ministry, province and field levels.
Transportation and communication infrastructure is still very week. Access to
villages and fields are not quite easy for district officers. Data reporting is
often delayed by poor communication conditions.
Role of Agriculture in the Statistical Master Plan (SMP) and in the National
Strategy for Development Statistics (NSDS)
Since the inception of power by the State Law and Order Restoration Council
(CLORC) in September 1988, the official policies turned towards the market based,
agriculture-led, export-oriented growth along with a prompt promulgation of a series of lawd
and initiation of liberal economic reforms including agriculture. The SLORC implemented
two hoc plans during the first two years, 1989-90 to 1990-91, in order to achieve the
following two short term objectives:
Economic recovery and social stability ; and
Lay firm foundations for achieving a rapid and sustainable growth in
the long run.
Among the liberal reform measures undertaken during the first two years, agricultural
aspects of the reforms included production reforms, trade and marketing, and institutional
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reforms, the salient points of which could be summarized as follows. On the production side,
farmers are allowed to grow crops of their choice, while the State, co-operatives, and private
individual or enterprises are also allowed to claim and utilize fallow and cultivable wasteland
up to 20,000 hectare for enhancement of agricultural production. Foreign direct investment is
also allowed in agricultural production and other activities as prescribed by the Union of
Myanmar Foreign Investment Law (promulgated in 1988). Introduction of new products with
emphasis on semi-processed and processed goods in agriculture either individually or
collectively by locals or by foreign firms are encouraged with the purpose of diversification of
agricultural export which is retained as State monopoly. Domestic procurement, whole saling
and retailing, processing, milling, storage, and transportation of all farm products including
rice which have all been under the State control until 1988 are now allowed to private, jointventures, and co-operatives.
One major area which was not much affected by the reform is the land policy. The
policy of State ownership of land remains unchanged. Farmers are given the right to use or Till
the land (which occupancy right) which cannot be privately transferred, divided, mortgaged,
sold, and or taken over in lieu of loan repayment. Land use right (and occupancy right) are
legally inheritable by the children who continue to work the land by themselves. Absentee land
ownership is illegal. If the holding is abandoned or confiscated by the State for some reasons,
the Land Committees at various levels have the right to trans for the holding to the entitles
landless farmers. However, the Government has taken some new initiatives since 1991-92 to
compensate this constraint and develop farming activities. A Central Committee for the
Management of Cultivable Land, Fallow Land, and Wasteland was formed in 1991. The
Committee grants up to 20,000 hectare of land to both local and foreign investors with
expertise, technology and capital who desire to invest in agricultural activities initially for 30
years, and extendable if requires. Activities allowed to undertake include farming activities
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related to plantation, orchards, and seasonal crops and livestock and poultry farming, and
After completing the groundwork to pave the way for carrying out the growth and
development activities in long run, a short term Four Years Plan (1992/93-1995/96) was
adopted and implemented by designating the first two years as “ Economic Years ’’ and the
third years as ’’ Integrated Development Year’’. The main thrust of the short term Four Year
Plan objectives are:
(a) To step up production and exports for the achievement of complete economic
recovery ; and
(b) To speed up the development of the economy.
Priority has been assigned to the development of primary productive sectors-agri
culture, livestock and fishery sectors-while emphasis has also been given to enhance the
production of other sectors. The reform measurers undertaken in agriculture for the purpose
were already summarized above. The major policy objectives of the SLORC in its Short Term
Four Year Plan (1992/93-1995/96) for agricultural sector can be summarized as
To achieve surplus in paddy production for [promotion of] export ;
To achieve self-sufficiency in edible oils in order to save foreign exchange
through import-substitution, and
To achieve increased production and export of industrial crops, pulses and other
cash crops in order to stabilize domestic economy on the one hand and raise
export earning through import savings on the other hand.
When these agricultural development policy objectives are considered in the context of
the first of the four national economic objectives which explicitly spelled out the “development
of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well’’,
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the importance attached, priority given, and dedication and determination placed on achieving a
sustainable agricultural development become unquestionably clear.
The strategies adopted by the Government since 1988-89 to achieve the policy
objectives of agriculture are relatively more explicit, wider in scope and coverage, and diverse
and assume multi-dimensional in nature. It seems that the present strategies have well taken
into account the flaws and weaknesses of the past strategies, prevailing factor endowment
situation of the country, prevalence of different agro- ecological zones (or the nature of agroecological diversity of the country), regional disparity in the level of development, and
prevalence of structural imbalances in the agriculture sector.
The main goal of agriculture is to accomplish is to accomplish the target of achieving
a developed and sustained agricultural output of all products as much as possible at the
highest possible speed and rate within the prevailing limitations by employing all possible and
available strategies and means.
Such is being the goal, the strategy considered is not a single one but a package of
strategies that involved different characteristics and qualities which, when combined, must
have the abilities and effectiveness to achieve a sustainable agricultural development. Where
and when possible, land will be intensively used to rice yields. Where land intensification is
not possible, it well be used extensively to contribute to increased total production. Frequency
of crop rotation will be raised with the support of appropriate machines, and water pumps, and
to reduce other forms of losses and risks, will be supported by increased use of quality seeds,
chemical fertilizers and other agro-chemicals, and improved cultivation practices better
arrangements of trade and marketing systems, and so and so forth. All these properties of the
‘strategy package’ can be summarized to include the following five strategies which are
officially spelled but by the Government as:
Development of land resources;
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Increased provision of irrigation;
Expansion of small scale agricultural mechanization;
Transfer and application of new and improved technologies;
Increase supply of agricultural inputs including quality seeds.
It is obvious therefore that ‘he package of strategies’ is diverse and assumes
“comprehensive and applied aspects of the following five strategies:
Intensification Strategy
intensive application of inputs / factors
of production;
Extensification Strategy
area expansion;
Diversification Strategy
broadening the base of agriculture in
terms of both production and
Rehabilitation Strategy
land improvement and rural
development; and
integration Strategy
improving the co-ordination and cooperation and working together in
concerted efforts between various
public and private agencies
involving in agricultural development.
In view of the wide spectrum and complexity of the components involved in the above
strategies, the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation or any other agency alone is not
empowered with a full range of policy instruments or mandate to undertake the whole breadth
of such strategies. However, this package of strategies has been in use (or tested) effectively
for 4 years now with the introduction of the Short Term Four Year Plan in 1992/93.
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Agricultural Statistics in Myanmar covered both national and sub-national (or states
and divisions level). Data collected in Myanmar covered all states and divisions, districts, and
townships level except some remote areas of Myanmar. However, those areas are included in
the statistics as an estimated data.
Economic development of Myanmar depends on the agricultural sector. Reliable
agriculture statistics is means to the implementation of the economic objectives of the country
and successful achievement of the goals by coordination with related sectors. In Myanmar,
crops are grown by farmers to provide the people with food, shelter, clothing and other
essential needs. Crops are of two types: food and non food. Agriculture produce covers like –
cereals, oilseeds, pulses, spices and condiments, tobacco and betel, beverages, vegetables and
fruits, fiber and miscellaneous. Forestry, Fishery and Livestock also belong to the agricultural
sector. Agricultural statistics is concerned with weather and rainfall, land use, irrigation,
agricultural implements, draught bulls and bullocks, farm machinery, fertilizers and pesticides
Agricultural Statistics for the public sector is valid and reliable. So too, for the
cooperative sector. Privatization following the adoption of the market oriented economic
system; the quality of data for the private sector suffers from incomplete coverage. Since a
large majority of farming was done by the private sector, it is difficult to get reliable data over
vast stretches of cultivated land in time. Coordination among line ministries and co-operation
between business communities and peasants is to be encourage in collecting information
regarding agricultural activities.
Needs for Capacity Building
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Agricultural statistics in Myanmar is still in the early stage of development and
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation intends to develop its capacity in this area of data
collection, analysis and dissemination of agricultural statistics. MOAI also desire to contribute
wider information for food security information system in ASEAN countries by providing
timely and reliable data to the member countries. to meet those destination Myanmar needs
the following backup for the improvement of Food and Agriculture Statistics:
(a) The previous Agriculture Census was conducted in complete enumeration and by
taking of that, SLRD would like to implement the coming census according to the guidelines
established by FAO. to fulfill the wish, the international assistance is crucial for the
implementation of 2010 census of Agriculture of Myanmar. Since, to provide the required
information for planning and policy making in the food and agriculture sector with the aim of
rising the living standard and nutritional status of the people, especially in the rural sector.
(b) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Agriculture and SLRD are seeking
opportunities to be able shift the method data collection from the reporting system to sample
surveys for improvement of reliability and objectivity.
(c) Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Agriculture and SLRD also request
opportunities in terms of capacity buildings projects for the improvement Agriculture
Statistics and Information as there are limitation of statistical staffs in the organization.
Myanmar is now trying very hard to achieve growth and development with
momentum in antenatal economic life, although, Myanmar's economy is still mainly relied on
the agriculture sector and the majority of the population is rural based. Hence, Myanmar pays
special attention for all-round development of the country based on agriculture sector and
development of other agriculture sector as well.
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Due to its resources constraints and the present situation of agriculture statistics of
Myanmar, international collaboration programs are welcome for the assistance and
improvement for the development of accurate and timely. Myanmar will actively take part in
the formulation of those activities to make rapid achievement on the welfare and well being of
the nation and on the other hand for the improvement of the agricultural system.
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