Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 9th January 2013 at 7.30p.m.
Present: Denise Simmons (DS) (Chair), Richard Andrews (RA), Brian Boxall (BB), Jan Shephard (JSh), Judy
Keith-Smith (JKS), Ray Norman (RN), Ian Parker (IP), Keith Phillips (KP), Pat Poil (PP), Catherine Rouve (CR),
Joan Searle (JS), Faye Simmons (FS), Revd Connie Sherman (CS), and Nell Wycherley (NW).
773 DS welcomed all those in attendance. NW started the PCC with a prayer.
774 APOLOGIES were received from Valerie Agar (VA), Gerry Anderson (GA), Chris Evans (CE), Gail Evans
(GE), Jan Fuller (JF), Revd. Julie Jones (JJ) and Hazel Powlesland (HPO).
775 It was agreed that the minutes be accepted as a true record.
776 Below is a list of the various actions/updates
1. 759 3 (716 8, 709) The Christmas dinner had been organised and held in the Parish Hall on
Christmas Day.
2. 758 RA had spoken to the two interested horse owners. Rental of the ground could bring in
£250 per month. Unfortunately the land is very overgrown and will be a problem for the
horse owners. A group of volunteers will be removing brambles from around the fences on
26th January.
3. 759 Owing to the many other projects taking place over Christmas, RA has quotes but
deferred final discussions on the frame of the outer door to the Tea Room.
777 All Parishes in the Deanery had been asked to identify three mission priorities for their church. The
meaning of mission was discussed by the PCC. They agreed it was to identify and address other
peoples’ needs by being pro-active, providing practical support and therefore ushering in the
Kingdom of God. It was about being part of a Christian presence in the community, being known and
Full discussion took place, looking at the excellent work which St Mary’s is already involved in and
seeking ways to build and improve on current practice. Could we be more pro-active with our
overseas links, encourage more young people to participate in St Mary’s life and have a regular
presence in the church throughout the week?
Groups and initiatives were identified by the PCC and were all commended as examples of mission
and good practice.
778 Three mission priorities were formulated
1. To have suitably trained Pastoral Assistants who would be asked to volunteer to be available
in the church for a short period during the day to act as a listening ear to the regular visitors
to the church, who may need to share a concern. (The assistants would be there to listen,
not to advise).
2. To extend our youth and children’s work.
3. To increase our outreach through events similar to the Christmas dinner, the Lambs, etc.
779 It was thought important that completed Welcome cards should be followed up immediately and that
a person/s be sought to oversee the collection of the cards and take action after receipt.
780. The Roof – RA reported that the work on the roof was now nearly complete. The firm carrying out the
work had been efficient, co-operative and endeavoured to meet deadlines by using additional
manpower. Currently they were clearing out the guttering and painting the down-pipes.
CS reported that a passing dog walker had commented that the completed work looked excellent and
that it was difficult to distinguish the old tiles from the new ones.
781 RA reported that while the scaffolding was erected and the firm on-site, he had sought quotes for
three additional repairs to the roof.
Members were presented with a paper containing costings and work required.
- replace tiles with scaffold to the tower
£ 921.00
North Transept
- check roof, replace any broken tiles, clean gutters
redress lead flashing, and check all mortar joints.
Nave Roof
- remove lead flashing to both sides. Remove
abutment tiles and fix lead soakers, replace tiles and
supply and bed in lime mortar
RA informed the PCC that he had discussed the matter with the Standing Committee. JF said that the
additional costs and architect’s fees might be a little over the monies in the Roof Fund, but the money
could be allocated from the Restoration Fund to complete all the work.
“The PCC approves the authorisation of the additional work on the roof as outlined by Richard
Nell Wycherley
Ray Norman
All in favour.
RA felt that with these final works being completed we should not be concerned about the roof for
another 30/40 years.
782 With the completion of the roof it was thought important to thank all the fund raisers and inform
them that the Roof Fund was now closed with an article in The News. No more monies were required
for that project.
783. This Youth Group meeting had been postponed as it was on the day of the interviews.
784. Pastoral Team meeting (20th November) – several members were unavailable but it was a constructive
1. The All Soul’s service was reviewed – the lighting of individual candles and writing personal
messages on the stars was appreciated by the attendees. The stars were used to cover the Baby
Jesus in the crib, forming a unique blanket. The refreshments were well organised. RA’s
construction of a cross was appreciated.
2. There was a need to encourage a representative of Tea and Company to join the Pastoral Team,
or to ask them for feedback.
3. The Pastoral Assistants commented that it was a privilege to visit Woodland Court.
4. St Mary’s is investigating the possibility of involvement in the Castle Street Centre.
There are many other organisations in which St Mary’s involves itself, or might do – Thursday Lunch
Club, Stroke Club, Derby and Joan Club.
NW reported that the Stroke Club would be celebrating its 25th Anniversary in late April and that
regular help, input and support is always required.
785. Deanery – CR expressed gratitude to all those members of the congregation who filled the boxes for
our contribution to the Fareham food bank. Many member of the congregation had seen this as a
mission. There are about 50 new referrals made each month, from individuals and family groups. For
many families the situation was worsening and they were even more dependent on the food gifts.
786. Members had received documents related to the Deanery response to Woman Bishops. Time had not
allowed members to be updated before decisions had to be made.
787. There is to be a Special Meeting about the Mission Priorities on the 29th January of the Deanery
788. Church Wardens – RA outlined Ian Meredith’s removal timetable. They intend to move in on the 6th
March. RA will be asking for volunteers to paint those areas of the Vicarage which are not maintained
by the Diocese. He had ordered the paint and a new carpet will be fitted in the lounge.
789. RA informed the PCC that he was appointing Ian Parker as his Deputy Church Warden to assist with
the 10am service, with Brian Boxall taking a similar role at the 8am service.
790. English Heritage (EH) was to include information about the Church Tea Rooms on their website.
791. There was still a debate between Fareham Borough Council and EH about both the road and lighting
maintenance within the grounds.
792. DS had received three items of correspondence
1. Ian Meredith might bring two guests to his Licensing but members of his current Parish were
though unlikely to attend.
2. The Cricket Club had again requested the use of the Tea Rooms during the coming season, at the
same rates.
3. Mark Hoban, MP, had responded to DS’s letter concerning EH restriction of parking in the Castle.
Although the response had not answered the question posed, he did say he had written to one
of the EH executives to raise some issues.
4. A request had been made to add additional information in the Book of Remembrance. It was felt
that was not appropriate as the book contained little room for each day’s entries, and there was
the possibility that additional books and display cabinets might be required.
793. Ministry Team – CS thanked everybody who worked so hard to make Advent and Christmas such a
special time at St Mary’s. A large number of people, including many children, came through our
doors. CS asked for a vote of thanks to all those who have been involved in anyway.
794. Dates
1. Epiphany Carols
Sunday 13th January
2. Candlemas Service
Sunday 3rd February
3. Pentecost – CS informed the PCC that the Diocese hoped to make Pentecost a special
celebratory occasion this year, with events already planned. She advised individuals to check the
Diocese website to view proposed events. She suggested that St Marys plans an activity which
will involve the local community suggesting a Clear Up Litter, a Jubilee Style party, a disco or
possible a Pentecost Picnic combined with a Tea Party. The Flower festival culminating in a
concert had been appreciated and a similar event might close the celebrations.
Members were asked to bring ideas to the next PCC meeting.
10. AOB
795. CR was informed that PCC training for St Mary’s members would be considered as there were a large
number of members new to PCC work.
11. NEXT MEETING: - Wednesday 20th February 2013 with a 7.30pm start.
Signed by the Chairman –
Denise Simmons
Church Warden
Date: Wednesday, 17 February 2016