Sr. No. 4
Function: Marine Engineering at Operational Level
M.E.O. Class IV
(Time allowed - 3hours)
India (2002) Morning Paper Total Marks 100
NB : (1)All Questions are Compulsary
(2)All Questions carry equal marks
(3)Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
If the maximum crushing stress of a punch is 4 times the maximum shearing stress of the plate, the diameter of the smallest hole, which can be punched in the plate, will be.
A) Less than the thickness of the plate.
B) More than the thickness of the plate.
C) Equal to the thickness of the plate.
D) None of the above.
Briefly Justify Your Answer
The motion of a particle along a straight line is given by the equation a = t 2 – 2t + 2. Where ‘a’ is acceleration and ‘t’ is time in seconds. After 1 second, the distance travelled by the particle and the velocity of the particle was found to the 14.75 metres and 6.33 m/s respectively. What will be the distance traveled after 2 seconds.
A) 30.34 m
B) 21.67 m
C) 0
D) 40.43 m
Give Calculations to Justify your Answer
A ball of mass ‘m’ is dropped on to a spring of stiffness ‘k’ from a height ‘h’. What will be the maximum deflection ‘ ’ of the spring. Assume m = 5 kg, k=500 N/m, h=10 cm.
A) 0
B) 14.52 cm
C) 26.91 cm
D) None of the above.
Give Calculations to Justify your Answer
If the pressure of a liquid is increased from 70 N/cm 2 to 130 N/cm 2 and the volume is decreased by
0.15%. What will be the bulk modulus of elasticity?
A) 1 x 10
B) 2 x 10
C) 3 x 10
D) 4 x 10
Give Calculations to Justify your Answer
There are two chords one made of steel and other of rubber. Both have the same diameter and length.
The elasticity of the rubber will be –
A) Less than the elasticity of steel
B) More than the elasticity of steel
C) Equal to the elasticity of steel
D) None of the above.
Briefly Justify Your Answer
A belt 100 mm wide and 8.0 mm thick is transmitting power at a belt speed of 1600 m/minute. The angle of lap for the smaller pulley is 165
and the coefficient of friction is 0.3. The maximum permissible stress in the belt is 2 MN/m
and the mass of the belt is 0.9 kg/m. Find the power transmitted and the initial tension in the belt. Also find the maximum power that can be transmitted and the corresponding belt speed.
In a machine whose velocity ratio is 6.0, and an effort of 20 N was able to lift a load of 100 N, find
A) Efficiency of the machine
B) Effort lost in friction
C) Frictional load.
The head of water over an orifice of diameter 10 cm is 10 m. The water coming out from the orifice is collected in a circular tank of diameter 1.5 m. The rise of water level in this tank is 1.0 m in 25 seconds. Also the co-ordinates of a point on the jet, measured from Vena-contracta are 4.3 m horizontal and 0.5 m vertical. Find the co-efficient of discharge, velocity and contraction.
A man of mass 50 kg stands at the one end of a 5 m long floating boat of mass 250 kg. If the man walks towards the other end of the boat at a steady rate of 1.0 m/s. Determine (a) the velocity of the boat as observed from the ground (b) the distance by which the boat gets shifted.
A 2 cm diameter bar has gauge length of 20 cm marked on it. It is tested within elastic limit in tension and the rate of stretch is found to be 0.0030-cm/1000 kg load.The bar is next placed in torsion testing machine and tested within the torsional elastic limit. The rate of twisting is found to be 0.9 degrees per 1000 kg-cm. of torques applied over the 20 cm gauge length.
Determine a) Modulus of direct elasticity. b) Modulus of transverse elasticity c) Poisson’s ratio.
Function: Marine Engineering at Operational Level
M.E.O. Class IV
(Time allowed - 3hours)
India (2002) Morning Paper Total Marks 100
NB : (1)All Questions are Compulsary
(2)All Questions carry equal marks
(3)Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage
Sr. No. 4
Answer for Question No. 1 Correct Answer : C
Answer for Question No. 2 Correct Answer : B
Answer for Question No. 3 Correct Answer : C
Answer for Question No. 4 Correct Answer : D
Answer for Question No. 5 Correct Answer : A
Answer for Question No. 6
Initial tension = 682.4 N
Power transmitted = 14.81 KW
Max.power = 15 KW
Bel speed = 24.34 m/sec.
Answer for Question No. 7
83.33%, 3.33N, 100N
Answer for Question No. 8
Cd=0.64, Cu=0.96, Cc=0.669
Answer for Question No. 9
0.167 m/sec, 0.835 m.
Answer for Question No. 10
E=2-12x10 6 kg/cm 2