City Vision College: Course 416 Key Study Guide Chapter 8: Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorders (Pages 122 – 145) 1. Personality disorder is defined as: 2. When does a personality pattern become distorted? 3. What does the term “acting out” refer to? 4. What are the negative consequences of such behaviors? o o o 5. What are the key affects for those individuals with either borderline or antisocial personality disorders? 6. What happens to denial and control issues with the client dually diagnosed with chemical dependency and a personality disorder? Why? o o 7. The personality disorder clients have an intense preoccupation with self, and sharing the worldview that “it's all about me.” With that in mind how do they see the world? 8. What is the motivation for many borderline clients to stay sober? 9. Why must a counselor be aware of his/her own objectivity when working with the personality-disorder client as opposed to someone with schizophrenia? 10. One page 125 of your text your authors use various circles to represent a person's sense of boundaries. Draw the circles below and label them according to a person's world view. How does this visual representation help you in your understanding of those with a personality disorder? Clients with Antisocial Personality Disorder 11. What is the essential feature of antisocial personality disorder? 12. List the seven indicators of such a pattern: o o o o o o 13. True or false. The antisocial personality feels little guilt over the trail of wreckage left in his/her wake. 14. True or false. Such individuals feel they are never responsible because it's always someone else's fault or there was a good reason why they did what they did. 15. What are the prime motivators of the antisocial personality? o o o 16. What do your authors suggest is the enemy of the person with an antisocial personality disorder? 17. How does the person with antisocial personality disorder view life? 18. Draw the circles that represent the self/world relationship of the antisocial person: 19. Why might those with antisocial personality disorder have a higher rate of substance abuse disorders? o o o 20. True or false. Antisocial personality disorder also predicts a good outcome in chemical dependency treatment. 21. What is the goal of therapy with someone who has an antisocial personality disorder? 22. What is a major challenge for the provider? 23. What are the three C’s that summarize the treatment strategies suggested by the authors of your text when working with the antisocial personality? o o o 24. What is “King Baby” syndrome? 25. What perspective do the antisocials view themselves in relationship to the universe? 26. When providing consequences for the behaviors of the antisocial personality disorder, what should you keep in mind? 27. True or false. Those with antisocial personality disorder cannot easily tolerate a delay of gratification. 28. How might dually diagnosed personality disorder clients affect their family and friends? Why would it be important to educate friends and family about the nature of chemical dependency and its interaction with a personality disorder? Substance Disorder Counseling 29. How would you view the data supplied by the antisocial clients during the assessment? 30. What can you do to help determine the truth about your client? 31. What are the five keys to recovery that need to be reiterated over and over as you treat the antisocial personality disordered client? o o o o o 32. What type of setting would provide the dually diagnosed antisocial personality disorder individual the most success? o o o 33. What are the key relapse triggers for antisocials? o o o Clients with Borderline Personality Disorder 34. What are the diagnostic features of individuals with borderline personality disorder? 35. What are the indicators of this disorder? How many of the indicators are necessary for a diagnosis? o o o o o o o o o o 36. Which gender is more often diagnosed as borderline personality? 37. Since there is no current evidence of direct genetic transmission of borderline personality disorder, what do the theoretical speculations and research suggest is the underlying cause of the borderline condition? 38. What type of parental attachment has been identified as associated with borderline personality disorder? 39. Some researchers have proposed that a syndrome termed “Disorder of Extreme Stress (DES)” be used for individuals who have experienced prolonged, repetitive, and severe trauma. What are the symptoms of DES? o o o o o 40. What is at the core level of the borderline client? 41. __________________________ is the essence of the borderline person's existence. 42. Draw the worldview of the borderline client using circles. 43. What is the goal of treating the person with borderline personality disorder? 44. What are the 3 S’s that the authors of your text suggest in helping treat the client with borderline personality disorder? o o o 45. Dissociation is an important symptom associated with borderline personality disorder and other trauma-based syndromes. What types of behaviors may indicate the client is disassociating? o o o o o 46. What is a simple grounding technique that will help the client reorient him or herself? 47. What is a typical experience when conducting a substance abuse history of persons with a borderline personality disorder? 48. Sobriety equals ___________________ is the bottom line for the dual diagnosis counseling with the borderline client. 49. Name some of the benefits of using the 12-step recovery model for the addicted borderline client. 50. Attendance at what type of 12-step meetings is discouraged for the borderline client? 51. Read the paragraph on page 145 of your text that begins “We strongly feel…” What does that paragraph tell you about your role in treating a client dually diagnosed with borderline personality disorder? 52. What are the common triggers for relapse with this population? o o o o o o 53. What techniques can minimize the frequency of relapse? o o o o 54. What are some tools that might help you as a counselor from becoming discouraged when working with this population? o o o o o o