1 SAFETY AND HEALTH MANUAL LOCAL COPY TO BE KEPT IN WORKFORCE CHECK-IN CENTRE Health & Safety Manual 2 CONTENTS: TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 OVERVIEW TO THIS CONTRACTORS H&S SYSTEM PACKAGE 3 FORMS LIST 4 1.0 INTRODUCTION 5 2.0 SAFETY POLICY 6 3.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 7 4.0 DOCUMENT CONTROL 10 5.0 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS 12 6.0 RISK MANAGEMENT 17 7.0 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 20 8.0 SKILLS AND COMPETENCIES 23 9.0 OHS INDUCTION TRAINING 27 10.0 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND REHABILITATION 29 11.0 HAZARD REPORTING 31 12.0 LIGHT VEHICLES 35 13.0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) 39 14.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE 42 15.0 SAFETY & SECURITY TRAINING - Workforce Handbook 42 16.0 FIRST AID AND ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 44 17.0 AUDIT CHECKLIST 52 Health & Safety Manual 3 OVERVIEW TO THE HEALTH & SAFETY SYSTEM PACKAGE This H&S package has been designed and developed to work systematically & manage workplace health and safety at the events surrounding and associated with major events. This will allow the major event Local Organising Committee (LOC) to maintain better control over contractors and/or their sub-contractors and deliver measurable outcomes against current safety Legislation. This document provides a systematic approach for to comply with the absolute duties and obligations found under the Health & Safety in Employment Act and other relevant Legislation, Regulations and Codes of Practice. The purpose of this document package is to take each regions specific safety plan to an auditable and user friendly level. The H&S system is designed to compliment all existing Safety Management or Injury Prevention Systems. It is not intended to replace an existing safety management or injury prevention system at any stadia, hotels or other sites being used for the competition. The major event LOC has duties in law in terms of Occupational Health & Safety. These duties include Sections 16 & 18 of the HSE Act (1992), which state that “any person who is in control of any place of work (covered by the HSE Act and its Regulations) must take “all practicable steps” to ensure contractors and sub contractors engaged for gain or reward (by the person in control of the workplace), or any of that contractors or sub contractors employees are not harmed by hazards in or arising from the place of work”. This includes in the vicinity of their work. The Act defines a volunteer as: (a) means a person who— (i) does not expect to be rewarded for work to be performed as a volunteer; and (ii) receives no reward for work performed as a volunteer Section 3C of the Health & Safety Act (1992) states that Volunteers who undertake work that would normally be done by an employee shall be treated as an employee for the purposes of this Act. The forms contained herein clearly establish a minimum and auditable standard for the management of Occupational Health & Safety. Where there is a safety management system exceeds the requirements of this System, then the forms and other documentation provided by such a system will be accepted by the VOC; so long as they exceed the Occupational Health & Safety requirements outlined in this System, and are compatible with systems an/or site specific contract requirements. Health & Safety Manual 4 FORMS LIST Form No. of Pages Title F01-01 1 Distribution List (Document Control) 11 F02-01 2 Job Safety Analysis (J.S.A.) 15 F03-01 1 Risk Management 19 F04-01 1 Risk Assessment/ Hazard Identification 21 F04-02 1 VOC Hazard Identification 22 F05-01 1 Skills/ Competency Assessment 24 F05-02 1 Training Attendance 25 F06-01 1 Induction Register 28 F07-01 1 Rehabilitation/Acc 30 F08-01 1 Hazard Report 35 F09-01 1 Vehicle Identification Register 37 F09-02 1 Vehicle Inspection Report 38 F10-01 1 Personal Protective Equipment Record 41 F11-01 1 Record of Safety & Security Training 43 F12-01 1 Register of Injury 47 F12-02 3 Accident Investigation Report 49 F13-01 1 Audit Checklist 53 Health & Safety Manual Page No 5 1.0 Introduction This document sets out the safety management strategy to be adopted by the major event LOC and relates to all contract/ work on all sites related to and being used for and surrounding the event managed by the LOC This document and subsequent additions will be made available to the LOC Area General Managers for auditing purposes and presentation to the various councils/bodies involved. 1. LOC Region Address: : ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Contact Phone: _____________________ Fax: ______________________ 2. Venue Organising Committee (VOC), (area) ………………………………………… will provide (Safety Officer details)……………………………. as the person on site responsible for supervision of the Scope of Works and its safety. 3. Our peak number of employees and volunteers and volunteers utilised or on site will be ………………………………………………... 4. The major event LOC does intend to subcontract part of the works. 5. Person responsible for providing site specific Hazard Information to LOC Safety & Security Manager (Safety Officer details)……………………………………………. 6. Total numbers of staff in LOC organisation (current) …………………………. Scope of Works: Brief explanation of work activity to be conducted: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………...……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………............................................................................................................... Health & Safety Manual 6 2.0 Safety Policy At The major event LOC Our Occupational Health & Safety Policy is based on a belief that the well-being of people employed at work, or people affected by our work, is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf. HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY People are our most important asset and their health and safety is our greatest responsibility. The public shall be given equal priority to that of our employees and volunteers. The objectives of our Safety Policy are: To achieve an accident free workplace, by complying with all relevant health and safety Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice. To make health & safety an integral part of every managerial and supervisory position. To ensure health & safety is considered in all planning and work activities. To involve our employees and volunteers and volunteers in the decision making processes through regular communication, consultation and training. To provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our employees and volunteers work in the safest possible manner. To identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification and risk analysis. To ensure all potential accident/incidents are controlled and prevented. To provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees and volunteers. The success of our health & safety management is dependent on: 1. Pro-active planning of all work activities with due consideration given to implementing OH&S controls that are suitable to each given situation, including emergencies. 2. Understanding the total work process and associated OH&S risks. 3. Ensuring the work team is totally committed to achieving our objectives. 4. Ensuring that open and honest communication exists between management and all employees and volunteers. 5. Internal and Third Party compliance auditing and monitoring, to prove that we “Walk the Talk” The responsibility for safety shall be adopted as an integral part of everyday work, therefore it is vital that every employee shares in the commitment to eliminate unsafe acts and conditions by thinking safely and acting safely at all times. This Health and Safety Policy shall become effective from ---------------/--------------/---------------DIRECTORS NAME: ………………………….signature………………………………..date:……………… Health & Safety Manual 7 3.0 Roles and Responsibilities Roles and Responsibilities Defined The major event LOC shall provide the following key personnel on site as appropriate to the Contract. Their roles and responsibilities regarding safety on site are outlined below. CEO LOC Operations Manager VOC GM Manager LOC Safety & Security Manager VOC Site Supervisor LOC Site Safety Officer Employees and volunteers Health & Safety Manual 8 WORKPLACE MANAGER – Security & Safety Manager LOC (Name)............. is responsible for safety on the sites and duties include: - - implementing the organisation`s Occupational Health & Safety Policy and associated programmes using the principals or the hierarchy of hazard controls (Best to Worst guide in the H&S System) in all design, fabrication and construction activities to minimise the risk to all personnel in the workplace; carrying out a site review with the Security & Safety Managers project team to assist in the identification of further risk reduction control measures; participating in the planning and risk assessment stages of site activities; stimulating a high level of safety awareness at all times; identifying safety training needs: leading by example; ensuring safe equipment and plant is provided and maintained.; insisting on correct and safe work practices at all times; assisting in the identification and preparation of safe work procedures; reviewing safety reports and inspections and initiating rectification where necessary; participating in accident/ incident investigations; participating in safety meetings and safety programmes; monitoring compliance with safe work methods (controls); oversee effective Rehabilitation or return to work programmes; reporting Serious Harm in the prescribed format to OSH Service and the Contract Principal; reporting all Notifiable Work to OSH Service and the contract Principal; SITE SUPERVISOR - Area Security & Safety Manager VOC (Name) ……………. ……………………………..Is responsible for safety on the Site and duties include: implementing the organisation Occupational Health Safety and Rehabilitation procedures; observing all OH&S requirements and Statutory rules and regulations; ensuring that all works are conducted in a manner safe and without risk to employees and volunteers health and safety; planning to do all work safely; providing advice and assistance on OH&S to all employees and volunteers; participating in the planning and risk assessment stages of site activities; ensuring current OH&S and other relevant legislative requirements are met in the workplace; identifying OH&S training programs in advance and allow for employee/s identified as requiring training to attend the training; actioning safety reports and carrying out workplace inspections; preparing and participating in safety meetings and safety programmes; facilitating the preparation of Work Method Statements and Job Safety Analysis for the trade; insisting on and ensuring safe work practices at all times; investigating hazard reports and ensuring that corrective actions are undertaken; conducting project safety inductions, Safety & Security Trainings and daily team briefings; participating in accident/incident investigations; leading by example and promoting OH&S at every opportunity; supervising and ensuring compliance with safe work procedures; providing suitable employment to assist rehabilitation initiatives; stimulating a high level of safety awareness at all times. Monitoring and providing immediate feedback on subcontractors safety practices/performance Health & Safety Manual 9 SITE SAFETY CO-ORDINATION/ SAFETY OFFICER – Security Provider VOC (Name) …………………… …………………………is responsible for safety on the site and duties include: - assisting the Site Supervisor to develop and implement the Occupational Health, Safety and Rehabilitation procedures; communicating safety performance to the Site Manager; providing advice and assistance on OH&S to all employees and volunteers; participating in the planning and risk assessment stages of site activities; monitoring OH&S legislative requirements for the trades and subcontractors involved on site; monitoring compliance with safe work procedures; co-ordinating rehabilitation for injured employees and volunteers; reviewing safety reports and inspections; preparing and participating in safety meetings and programs; facilitating Safety & Security Trainings on a regular basis; insisting on correct and safe practices at all times; preparing and conducting project safety inductions; investigating and developing new OH&S initiatives for the trades; conducting accident/ incident investigations and completing documentation reports; leading by example and promoting OH&S at every opportunity; stimulating a high level of safety awareness at all times; communicating with the Site Manager on matters relating to health and safety; facilitating the maintenance of all records as required under the SAFE; participating in regular workplace inspections and ensure that any improvements resulting from such an inspection are actioned in the required time frame; ensuring any recommended remedial actions after a workplace incident or accident are implemented. Health & Safety Manual 10 4.0 Document Control Issue, Revision and Review The major event LOC is responsible for: Completing the H&S System, and providing a full copy to the Project Manager or Safety and Security Manager before event commencement in the VOC. Maintaining an up-to-date version of the H&S System . A record of the Version number will be kept on the Distribution List Form 01-01. All obsolete versions will be destroyed. Providing an updated copy to the Project Manager whenever changes occur. Maintaining a register of people to whom the H&S System is issued, using the Distribution List table below. Issuing a completed H&S System to all those registered, ensuring their sub-contractors are aware of its contents and their responsibilities to the Principal. Ensuring revisions are distributed to all registered people. Reviewing the H&S System at intervals of not more than one month to ensure it is maintained and kept current. Distribution List Controlled copies of this H&S System have been issued to the holders nominated as per Form 01-01 (on Page 11). H&S System - Annual Review H&S System will be reviewed by the Health & Safety Management ( Safety and Security LOC) on an annual basis or as legislative requirements demand. Any Forms updated within the 12month period will be supplied to VOC. Health & Safety Manual 11 F01-01 DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Issued to Position Issue Date 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Health & Safety Manual Version Number System Number 12 5.0 Job Safety Analysis Procedure Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is the process of identifying potential hazards, assessing their risk and recording how to eliminate isolate or minimise the risk to worker safety (controls). Where potential hazards are identified as Significant (Class A or Class B), Job Safety Analysis shall be completed using the step-by-step guide over the page. The first step in this process is the development of a Work Method Statement (WMS) which briefly describes the entire work activity (example attached). Broadly defined job steps will be used and general hazards identified. The JSA will demonstrate The major event LOC’s. understanding of the risks (particularly Class A & B risks) involved in the work and typical controls used. Prior to commencement of event work at the VOC the JSA will be updated to reflect the way the job will actually be done on the specific site and how safety will be controlled – a site specific JSA. The JSA form – F02-01 provides a record to demonstrate compliance to current Occupational Health and Safety Legislation. The person responsible for implementing a particular action to eliminate or minimise the risk of the potential hazard on site is nominated on the JSA. This will ensure responsibility for risk control is allocated and can be followed up. Evaluation of the JSA Job Safety Analysis will be evaluated on how well Significant (Class A and Class B) hazards have been identified for the work activity to be undertaken and whether the suggested controls, wherever possible, eliminate the potential hazard, isolate it or minimise the risk of injury. Controls should be as high as practical in the “Best to Worst” guide shown below. Best Control 1. Eliminate the hazard completely e.g. remove items from the area or select different area for employees and volunteers to utilise. 2. Isolate people from the hazard e.g. guards on entry points e.g. use effective barriers and edge protection. e.g. enclose noisy machinery. 3. A. Minimise by: Use an engineered control e.g use a machine to lift heavy objects. e.g. use barrier controls to assist patron movement B. Change work practices e.g. training in lifting techniques. e.g. training in dealing with patrons Worst Control C. Provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in all cases, this must be seen as the last line of defence in the effective control of workplace hazards and the least preferred option. e.g. High visibility jackets in car-park areas Health & Safety Manual 13 Job Safety Analysis Step by Step Does the JSA provide: 1. The name of the organisation - The major event LOC 2. A description of the work activity or task to be undertaken. 3. The date the JSA was developed. 4. The name and signature of the person who developed the JSA. 5. The project name/ number and the name of the Principal service provider/contractor 6. The job steps involved in doing the work. 7. Potential hazards associated with the work and its job steps which are Class A & B risks. 8. The controls that will be put in place to eliminate, isolate or minimise the potential hazards identified. 9. Controls as high as practicable on the “Best to Worst” control guide. 10. The name of the person(s) responsible for ensuring that the control(s) is in place. Selection and Use Job Safety Analysis will be completed and signed by an appropriately qualified person(s) representing The major event LOC who is competent in the work activity to be undertaken. Job Safety Analysis shall be reviewed and signed by the LOC General Manager or Safety and Security Manager as representatives on the site. Employees and volunteers shall review the JSA and sign (Safety & Security Training F16-01) at delivery at the various site briefings confirming that they understand and are willing to implement the controls required to carry out the work safely. Work shall not proceed until the above three criteria are achieved. Health & Safety Manual 14 Work Method Statement (WMS) – Example A Work Method Statement (WMS) is a brief overview of the work activity to be undertaken that describes the processes of equipment to be used and how the job is managed. From this, a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) can be created that breaks the task down into simple steps or segments where hazards can be identified and controls planned. If the Job or Process involves machinery or a process that is repeated the same way each time, then a Safe Operational Procedure (SOP) can be developed and training provided to that standard on a consistent basis. Examples of WMS We utilise volunteers to carry out the role of Stewards and Hosts at the venues. These personnel direct patrons within certain areas to their seating and towards food and beverage areas and toilets. The Stewards are expected to check and validate the accreditation of persons wishing to cross from one zone to another. Persons with the incorrect accreditation will be verbally denied entry. Where an issue arises with a patron or person arguing the validation of their accreditation a security guard or team leader will be summonsed to sort the matter out. The method of checking accreditation is by visual inspection. All steward/patron interaction will be verbal. All accreditation issues will be directed back to accreditation for the issue of the correct accreditation. No persons shall be allowed entry utilising incorrect accreditation. Health & Safety Manual 15 F02-01 Page 1 of 2 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Organisation Name: ___________________________________________ Project Name/No: ___________________________________ Work Activity/Task: ___________________________________________ Principal Employees/volunteers:: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ Prepared by: ___________________________________________ NOTE: Sign off to be provided at Safety & Security Training Signature: Controls Job Step Potential Hazard Person Who Will Item (What are you going to do to make the job as Ensure This (Break the job down into steps) (What can harm you) safe as possible) Happens Reviewed by: ________________________________ ______________________________ Principal Employees/volunteers Representative Position ______________________________ Signature ________ Date 15 16 F02-01 Page 2 of 2 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Item Job Step Potential Hazard Controls (Break the job down into steps) (What can harm you) (What are you going to do to make the job as safe as possible) Reviewed by: ______________________________ ______________________________ Principal Employee/volunteer Representative Position _______________________________ Signature Person Who Will Ensure This Happens ___________ Date 16 17 6.0 Risk Management Procedure Occupational Health and Safety Legislation requires anyone in control of the workplace to identify the potential hazards of the proposed work, assess the risks involved to determine the level of significance of the hazard both actual and potential. Controls must then be developed to eliminate, isolate or minimise the associated risks of harm/ injury to employees and volunteers or others. Identify Hazards To help find all actual and potential hazards, the job shall be broken down into activities, which follow the sequence or construction. These activities are included in the Job Safety Analysis, which is a list of job procedures and other work-related practices provided to the Employee or Volunteer. The WMS details how the Scope of Work shall be carried out. For each of the work activities and associated job steps identified, The major event LOC shall identify potential hazards. To assist this process, resources such as the following shall be used: OSH Service Guidelines and trade based Codes of Practice and other publications e.g. safety alerts; and Approved Codes of Practice. Hazard Profiles for specific trade groups; Workplace experience; and Consultation (e.g. Safety & Security Trainings) with workers/ employees and volunteers experience in the task to be undertaken. Assess Risk For each potential workplace hazard identified a Risk Class will be determined by referring to the categories below. The attached Risk Management Form (F03-01) shall be used to determine the requirement for management of the risks identified. Class A (High Risk) 1. Does the hazard have the potential to kill, or permanently disable you? (Serious Harm) Class B (medium Risk) 2. Does the hazard have the potential to cause a serious injury, or illness, which will temporarily disable you or result in a Lost Time Injury (LTI)? (Serious Harm) Class C (Lower Risk) 3. Does the hazard have the potential to cause a minor injury, which would not disable you, but may result in first aid treatment? 17 18 Selection and Use Where identified, all Class (A & B) Significant Hazards and associated risk shall be recorded on a detailed Job Safety Analysis (JSA) record F02-01. The employee or volunteer manager is to ensure that all hazards introduced or created by them are communicated to the Safety & Security Manager VOC. Class C risks shall be minimised as far as possible and recorded in the current hazard register. They shall not be recorded on the JSA. A risk Class shall be used to determine the level of controls required to eliminate, isolate or minimise a potential hazard. The higher the Risk Class the more extensive the controls to be provided. Control – take all practicable steps to eliminate the hazard if unable to do that, take all practicable steps to isolate before considering minimising the risk of injury. IDENTIFY HAZARDS -Process must be systematic and effective What is the consequence in terms of injury should the hazard cause harm (worst case scenario) CLASS A HAZARD CLASS B HAZARD CLASS C HAZARD Consequence: Consequence: Consequence: Death, serious harm, injury, permanent disability Injury or illness requiring time away from work Injury or illness requiring First Aid treatment Corrective Action CLASS A HAZARD Absolute Priority These are Significant Hazards: Area sealed off, hazard isolated from all staff, visitors, contractors, CLASS B HAZARD CLASS C HAZARD These are Significant Hazards Hazard Controlled Hazard Controlled - The primary focus must be to eliminate these hazards. They shall be controlled within 24-48 hours - eliminated isolated minimised Hazard controlled within 7 days - eliminated isolated minimised Hazard controlled within 7 days 18 19 F03-01 RISK MANAGEMENT Organisation: _____________________________ Major Work Activity Project: _______________________________________ Potential Hazards Identified for the Activity Activity Risk Score Job Safety Analysis is required for any activity that is a Significant Hazard Class A or B Risk YES NO Date: ______________ JSA No. & Date Produced 19 20 7.0 Hazard Identification A Hazard Identification Record F04-01 (See example next page) or similar recording system is an important evaluation tool that assists you in keeping track of the hazard identification processes in your workplace. It considers all identified hazards. It will help you to identify recurring substandard practices and conditions to identify areas where appropriate control measures are yet to be implemented, and to identify information and training requirements. 7.1 Hazard Log It is a requirement that all provide copies of the VOC Operations and Volunteer Managers JSA and hazard registers, so that these can be included and further analysed in the Major Contract Hazard Log. These are to be provided at the job planning stage and NOT just ON THE DAY of commencing work. Ideally the hazards will be discussed at pre event briefings, so that each contractor can share their scope of works and identify the hazards they will bring on to site and/or create. This will enable inductions, briefings and work method statements to be completed and communicated to all those involved. 20 21 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION RECORD Log Sheet Number: _________________ Hazard Report No. & Date Hazard Location/ Description (LOG) F04-01 Work Place: ___________________________ Risk Assessment Hazard Class & Likelihood (A-B-C) Control Measures and Corrective Action required Completed by: __________________ Person Responsible for Implementing Control Measures Projected Actual Completion Completion Date Date Page No._____________ 21 22 VOC SITE - HAZARD IDENTIFICATION VOC: Auckland Hamilton Wellington Christchurch (F04-02) Area being Assessed (VOC office, Venue, etc…) …………………………………………. Personnel utilised: Employees Volunteers Equipment being used Yes No Work Activity Car park attendance Potential Hazards Identified for activity Can Hazard be: Hit by moving car Minimised Remedy Eliminated Isolated Minimised Training, issue PEP 22 23 8.0 Skills and Competencies Procedure The major event LOC shall ensure that its employees and volunteers are adequately trained to a level of competency sufficient to ensure their health and safety when at work. Assessment The major event LOC shall undertake a skills/ competency assessment of all employees and volunteers prior to the commencement of work on the nominated site. The assessment will be recorded on form F05-01. Where skill deficiencies are detected appropriate training shall be provided before work commences so that employees and volunteers can perform their designated duties safely. This also applies to subcontractors, temporary and contract labour hire personnel, not under the VOC direct contractual control. Selection and Use The F05-01 register shall be provided to the appropriate the VOC Manager, for on-site review. Workers shall be selected for specific tasks based on their level of skill and competency to undertake the work safely. Workers shall have the necessary licences and tickets to carry out their job/ task(s). ***WARNING NO ONE IS TO BE EMPLOYED ON A SITE, WHETHER OR NOT THE VOC IS IN DIRECT CONTROL OF THE SITE, WITHOUT THE REQUIRED TRAINING, COMPETENCIES, LICENCES AND/OR TICKETS REQUIRED IN LAW. CONTRACTORS WHO FAIL TO ENSURE THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE REPORTED TO AND PROSECUTED BY OSH. 23 24 F05-01 SKILLS / COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT REGISTER Organisation: ____________________________ Project: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________ Employee Name Skills, Competencies and Experience (eg. Tickets/ qualifications) ______________ yrs experience Work to be Undertaken Any Deficiencies in Skills What Additional Training & Competencies Is Required Before Work on This Project Can Commence Training Needs: ______________ yrs experience Date Completed: ______ Training Needs: ______________ yrs experience Date Completed: ______ Training Needs: ______________ yrs experience Date Completed: ______ Training Needs: ______________ yrs experience Date Completed: ______ Training Needs: ______________ yrs experience Date Completed: ______ Training Needs: Date Completed: ______ 24 25 F05-02 Training Attendance Register Organisation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Course Name: __________________________ Course Location: ___________________________________ Date: _____________ Name of Participant(s) Job Position Training Type Hours Attended Signature 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Training Provider Names of Trainers Length of Course (Hours) 1 2 25 27 9.0 OHS Induction Training Procedure The VOC shall ensure that persons carrying out the nominated work have relevant training including Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Induction Training. Workers will not carry out work until they have received the minimum requirements for OHS induction training: 1. Industry (general) induction 2. Work Activity OHS Induction; and 3. Site Specific OHS Induction. Selection and Use All workers shall participate in (as a minimum) these three OHS induction training programmes prior to any work commencing on-site and a record shall be kept of the induction training provided on F06-01. All employee or volunteer managers shall have on site, their hazard ID and control sheets, appropriate to the daily work being carried out. 27 28 F06-01 INDUCTION REGISTER Organisation: __________________________________ Project: _________________________________________ Date: _________ Name KEY: Course Description 1, 2 or 3 Card No/ Reg. No 1 – Industry (general) Induction Date of Course 2 – Work Activity Induction Duration Conducted by Employee Name Signature 3 – Site Specific Induction 28 29 10.0 Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Procedures THE MAJOR EVENT LOC has provided Workers Compensation Insurance for all employees and volunteers and other persons deemed to be employees and volunteers under the Injury Prevention Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2001 and it’s subsequent amendments. This legislation is administered by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). The trade and occupation of each employee on site will be recorded. A record of the insurance will be provided on form F07-01, together with an attached current copy of the policy certificate details issued by the insurer (ACC). Where more than 20 persons are employed, a nominated Rehabilitation Co-ordinator shall be appointed and listed on form F07-01. Assessment All details relating to workplace insurance (ACC programmes etc) shall be recorded on Form F07-01 plus the name of any third party administrator (TPA) or case management specialist engaged by the contractor or subcontractor. A copy of the latest ACC claims history record will be required to substantiate the contractors / subcontractors injury statistics. Rehabilitation Employees and volunteers of the Contractor or subcontractor who are injured at work shall be rehabilitated quickly and safely back to full duties. THE MAJOR EVENT VOC shall provide a copy of all rehabilitation plans to THE MAJOR EVENT LOC. (Name and Position)…………………………………………… shall be responsible for managing the rehabilitation plan on site. Contractor or Subcontractors, employees and volunteers injured on previous contracts shall not complete their rehabilitation (this includes light / alternative duties) on this contract without the prior approval of the LOC Operations Manager. Examples The Workplace Safety Management Practices Programme (WSMP) or the ACC Accredited Employer Partnership Programme. 29 30 F07-01 WORKERS INSURANCE / REHABILITATION REGISTER Organisation: Name: ____________________________________________ Person Responsible for Processing Claims: Name: ____________________________________________ Phone No: __________________ Mobile No: _______________ Organisation: ___________________________________________ Insurer and or ACC Address: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone No: __________________ Policy No: __________________ Expiry Date: _____________ NOTE: Copies of your current Workers Compensation policy (ACC) and current claims history record must be attached. REHABILITATION Name of Rehabilitation Coordinator: Insurer, Third Party Administrator or ACC: Name: ______________________________________________ Phone No: ______________________ Mobile No: _____________ Organisation: _____________________________________________ Contact: ______________________________________________ Phone No: ________________________ Policy No: ________________________ 30 31 11.0 Hazard Reporting Procedures THE MAJOR EVENT VOC shall encourage all employees and volunteers to report hazards immediately. The supervisor on site shall investigate all reported hazards and document corrective actions. Corrective actions will be signed off when completed. The procedure and responsibilities for reporting hazards are outlined on the following flowchart. The supervisor shall complete a Hazard Report Form (F08-01) where hazards cannot be corrected immediately. FIFA VOC shall issue a Hazard Report Form to all supervisory personnel and safety committee representatives. Forms for use by employees and volunteers shall be placed in the appropriate reserve area shed and lunch rooms. These are to monitored and reviewed regularly and as a minimum weekly at each match. Assessment When a hazard is identified in the workplace, a Risk Class will be assigned immediately using the categories outlined in the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment section of the Manual (Section Seven). The Risk Class (A, B or C) will determine the appropriate level of response required to protect the health and safety of workers, i.e. immediate 24 - 48 hours, within 7 days, within 7-14 days and so on. Corrective Actions The Hazard Report shall be signed by the inspection team leader and presented to THE MAJOR EVENT VOC supervisor if he/ she is not part of the team. The above mentioned supervisor shall sign off the report when satisfied that all items on the report have been satisfactorily actioned. Copies of the signed reports shall be recorded in this manual. 31 32 FLOW CHART – HAZARD REPORTING PROCEDURE AND RESPONSIBILITY Employee identifies hazard Can the hazard be controlled immediately? YES – do it. Hazard Controlled report in Hazard Register and Log Controls Required? NO Determine the Risk Class A-B-C Supervisor signs off and enters details in the Hazard Register and Log Supervisor’s Manager confirms corrective action in place. Hazard Controlled Area closed for immediate rectification? Temporary control measure needed Supervisor implements corrective action Employee notifies supervisor and completes Hazard Report Form 08-01 Supervisor establishes corrective action and deadline. 32 33 HAZARD REPORT F08-01 Organisation: ___________________________________________ Project: _______________________________________ Date: ______________ Submitted by: __________________________________ Signature: _________________________ ___ Submitted to: ______________ The following hazard has been identified in relation to your work: Risk Level: Class A (High) Class B (Medium) Class C (Low) Location: To be completed by Supervisor Action Required: By Whom: ______________________ By When: A . Corrective Action Completed By: _____________________________ Confirmed By: _____________________________ Within 24-48 hrs B. Time: _______________ Within 7 days C. Date: _______________ Within 7-14 days Signature: ______________________ Signature: ______________________ 33 35 12.0 Light Vehicles Procedures Vehicles can be hazardous to workplace safety. In order to comply with Occupational Health and Safety Legislation THE MAJOR EVENT VOC shall carry out an inspection of light motor vehicles upon receiving them from the supplier. The inspection shall be documented on the appropriate form F13-01 to F13-04 (or their equivalent) and made available to the driver when commencing work on site. An Assessment An assessment has been made by THE MAJOR EVENT LOC and .... (supplier) on the most suitable vehicles for the job at hand. When identifying potential hazards, consideration shall be given to all aspects of the vehicle including design, work environment, operational conditions, abnormal conditions, and ergonomic principals. Selection and Use Where plant and equipment is hired the same requirement for Occupational Health and Safety as those required on site shall be specified by THE MAJOR EVENT LOC/VOC to the Hire Organisation as a condition of the Hire Agreement, No item of plant and equipment shall be brought on site without a current service/ maintenance record, registration and warrant of fitness. 35 37 LIGHT VEHICLE ID REGISTER F09-01 THE MAJOR EVENT VOC______________________________ AREA: _________________________________ Date: _____________ The vehicle listed below will be brought onto site and/or operated under our control. Type (car/minivan) Make Reg No. Purpose Inspected by Who (prior to daily use) Person responsible for Security Date Of supply Date of return 37 38 VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT (On arrival) F09-02 Location: ___________________________ Owner: _______________ Make: _______________ Date: __________ Registration No: ____________ Model: ____________ The following items are minimum requirements: Current Registration? Yes No Current WOF? Yes No Certificate of Fitness (rentals) Yes No Tyres inflated evenly (visual)? Yes No No visible damage? Yes No Yes No Spare tyre within (inflated) Action to be Undertaken/ Comments Tick if Correct No current Registration No current WOF No Certificate of Fitness Flat tyre Visible damage No spare tyre/flat Check with supplier – do not use unless issued a/a a/a Check before use Report to supplier - discretionary use if not critical of effecting WOF Report to supplier or re-inflate 38 39 13.0 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Procedure Where other means of protection are not practical THE MAJOR EVENT VOC shall supply clothing or equipment designed to protect parts or all of the body. This equipment may include gloves, hearing protection, high visibility garments, breathing apparatus, thermal wear, eye protection, sun cream, safety belts and harnesses. Assessment During the development of control measures for Job Safety Analysis, the “Best to Worst” guide to controls outlined in the Job Safety Analysis section of this manual shall be used to help minimise reliance on PPE (Section Five). Selection and Use THE MAJOR EVENT VOC shall ensure all items of PPE are manufactured, used and maintained in accordance with the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standard. Proof of Australian/New Zealand Standard compliance will be provided, e.g. labelling. All issues of PPE to each individual shall be recorded on form F14-01 (one for each individual). Each employee will be instructed and / or trained in the correct use of each PPE item prior to use. 39 41 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ISSUE RECORD F10-01 Employee Name: ____________________________________ Occupation: _____________________________________ Project: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Signature of Recipient PPE Item Date or Issue/ Replacement Name of Recipient I have received the listed PPE with appropriate instruction/ training in its correct use. 41 42 14.0 Emergency Response Emergency Response All employees and volunteers shall be made aware of the emergency procedures and this awareness shall be documented on Form 16-01 (Safety & Security Training). All personnel shall be made aware of the site –specific emergency procedure and emergency service contact phone numbers shall be supplied (Workforce handbook). 15.0 Safety & Security Training – Workforce Handbook Procedures Occupational Health and Safety Legislation requires the identification of Actual and Potential workplace hazards, the assessment of the risk of the hazard and the development of controls to eliminate, isolate of minimise the risk. To assist in hazard identification and the development of controls, THE MAJOR EVENT employees and volunteers shall attend a Safety & Security Training conducted by: FIFA VOC in their respective areas in October 2008 prior to the commencement of the event. All Safety & Security Trainings shall be recorded on form F16-01 and signed off by participants. Any corrective action shall be followed up and signed off by the nominated person. Participation THE MAJOR EVENT LOC recognise the involvement of workers as essential in identifying potential hazards that can be eliminated, isolated or minimised before injuries occur. Safety & Security Trainings shall be used to help Supervisors manage safety, to provide a forum for workers to have their say about safety issues and to help ensure safety awareness is maintained throughout the event. Where required specific safety issues shall be raised, accidents reviewed, Job Safety Analysis developed and presented for evaluation and familiarisation or safety alerts discussed. Safety & Security Trainings will be used to induct workers into and “sign off” their understanding of the controls provided in Job Safety Analysis for the specific work in which they will be involved. 42 43 F11-01 RECORD OF SAFETY & SECURITY TRAINING Workplace: ________________________________ Date:___________ Supervisor/ Presenter: ________________________________ Subject: ___________________________ Duration: __________ Persons Present Print Name Signature Print Name Signature Comments & Points Raised Corrective Action Action By Action Complete Sign Off Date 43 44 16.0 First Aid and Accident investigation Procedure THE MAJOR EVENT VOC will rely on the provision of First-Aid services by the event venue Where that venue agrees to provide First-Aid services. Where employees and volunteers are utilised without a defined reporting area then the FIFA VOC will provide First Aid equipment and assistance at selected identified sites. The following minimum requirements will be undertaken and personnel provided. Place of work and no. of persons on the job Firstaid room Type of Kit Required Kit Kit Kit A B C Type of Certificate Required First-aid Certificate Occupational First-aid Certificate For Construction or Maintenance 100 or more 25-99 24 or less First Aid Personnel and Location of First-aid At least two first aid personal should be provided for the off-venue employee and volunteers A = Basic First Aid kit, is required to be held at the reporting base or other suitable site (meal and/or rest area) selected by the Operations Manager or Volunteer co-ordinator VOC in discussion with the Safety and Security Officer. The senior qualified First-aid person on site is: Name) …………………………………………………….. The selected site for the First-aid box/room is …………………………………………… Reporting Where employees and volunteers are working at the venue then the first aid Box/room location shall be identified as above. Where the facility (venue) is taking over or sharing the First Aid responsibility then this arrangement shall be documented and carefully explained to all employees and volunteers during the Safety and Security Training. (Form 16-01). All injuries will be reported to the appropriate First Aid Officer and a THE MAJOR EVENT VOC representative on site the same day or earliest at the start of next shift. Injuries will be recorded in the Site Injury Register and on form F17-01 or its equivalent. 44 45 Records will be kept for a minimum of 5 years by Football New Zealand. Where the injury results in an absence from the workplace of 1 day or one full shift or more, the injury and its circumstances will be reported to the Safety & Security Manager, ACC or the Third Party claims Administrator, using the appropriate form. All incidences of serious harm shall be reported to the Department of Labour Health and Safety Services (OSH) and to the principal as soon as reasonably possible after the accident. Generally this shall be within the hour or immediately after the injured person is safe. A report form complying with the Dept of Labour (OSH) Prescribed matters Regulations (section 23) shall be used to record all instances of serious harm. A copy must be given to the Principals and Head Contractors management representatives. Investigation THE MAJOR EVENT VOC Safety and Security Coordinator will investigate all serious harm accidents within 24-hours. Investigation will be recorded on Accident Investigation form F17-02 or its equivalent. Accidents shall be recorded by (Name & Position)………………………………………………………… Accidents shall be investigated by Safety & Security Coordinator VOC Accidents resulting in serious harm as per Schedule One of the Health and Safety in Employment Act) shall be reported to Dept. of Labour (OSH) service by: (Name & Position)………………………………………………………………………………………………. 45 46 Definition of Serious Harm 1 Schedule 1 Section Serious harm 2(4) Any of the following conditions that amounts to or results in permanent loss of bodily function, or temporary severe loss of bodily function: respiratory disease, noise-induced hearing loss, neurological disease, cancer, dermatalogical disease, communicable disease, musculoskeletal disease, illness caused by exposure to infected material, decompression sickness, poisoning, vision impairment, chemical or hot-metal burn of eye, penetrating wound of eye, bone fracture, laceration, crushing. 2 Amputation of body part. 3 Burns requiring referral to a specialist medical practitioner or specialist outpatient clinic. Clause 3 was amended, as from 18 September 2004, by section 175(1) Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (2003 No 48) by omitting the word “registered”. See sections 178 to 227 of that Act as to the transitional provisions. 4 Loss of consciousness from lack of oxygen. 5 Loss of consciousness, or acute illness requiring treatment by a medical practitioner, from absorption, inhalation, or ingestion, of any substance. Clause 5 was amended, as from 18 September 2004, by section 175(1) Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (2003 No 48) by omitting the word “registered”. See sections 178 to 227 of that Act as to the transitional provisions. 6 Any harm that causes the person harmed to be hospitalised for a period of 48 hours or more commencing within 7 days of the harm's occurrence. 46 47 REGISTER OF INJURY F12-01 Details of Injured Person NAME: Surname: ____________________ Given Name(s): __________________ Sex (M/F): __________ Address: _____________________________________ Suburb: __________________ Post Code: __________ City: ____________________ __________________ Contact Phone: __________ Suburb: __________________ Post Code: __________ EMPLOYER: Business Name: ____________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: ____________________ Business Phone: __________ Accident/ Incident Details Description of Events: Date of Injury: ___________ Time of Injury: ___________ am/pm Task/ operation undertaken at the time of injury: ______________________________________________________ Physical location (area) where the injury occurred: ______________________________________________________ Type of injury (eg. Bruise, cut, fracture, grit in eye): ______________________________________________________ Part of body injured (eg. Arm, torso, head): ______________________________________________________ Cause of Injury (what happened): ______________________________________________________ Treatment given/ Action taken: ______________________________________________________ Person Completing in Form Surname: __________________ Given Name(s): _________________________ Date: __________________ Signature: ___________________ Time: _______________ am/pm Did the person cease work? Yes No Has a referral for further treatment been issued? Yes No 47 49 Accident Investigation Report NOTE: F12-02 A separate form should be completed for each person injured. This investigation is aimed at identifying causes, not attributing blame. All investigating personnel should be trained in investigation techniques. Reference No. ________________Injury Damage Near Miss 1. Project: __________________________________________________________________ 2. Personal Details Surname First Name Date of Birth Gender Day 3. Other Initials Month Year M/F Preferred Language Contact No. Occupation/Job Title & Details When begun this Description of occupation or job title Occupation/job Main tasks performed Day Training provided: Month Year Induction. Trade/task specific. Both of the above. None of the above. 4. Time & Date of Damage / Accident / Near Miss Time & Date Report Received am/pm Day Month Year am/pm Day Month Year 5. Accident Results Fatal Hospital inpatient Doctor only First aid only Property damage Nil (injury/damage) Nature of injury, disease or damage: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Nature Code 49 50 Location of injury, disease or damage: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Nature Code 6. Outcome (Questions to be answered, as information becomes available) Rehabilitation Date of Resumption Not Required Short-term alternate duties Required Long -term alternate duties Normal duties Day Month Year Total number of days lost. OSH Department of Labour report completed and sent. Organisation investigation undertaken. 7. Description of Incident (include any particular chemical, product, process equipment involved) What was the worker doing at the time?________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Name/s of witnesses Signature of worker Date: Mechanism of injury Code How exactly was the injury, disease or damage sustained? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Breakdown agency Code What happened? (undesired event) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 50 51 Reconstruct the sequence of events that led to the undesired event. 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. List contributing factors _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Investigating Person: Name Position Signature Date investigation conducted: Day Month Year **** Attach detailed investigation report for all Serious Harm Injuries 9. Corrective Action Undertaken: ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Estimated Cost of Incident: $ Estimated Cost of Correction: $ 10. Project Manager’s Comments: (manager, employer or Contractor to sign and date) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Signature: Date: 11. Safety Engineers Comments: (sign and date) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Signature: Date: 51 52 17.0 Audit Checklist Procedure THE MAJOR EVENT LOC will provide a completed copy of this Manual to enable verification against the requirements of Occupational Health and Safety in terms of the Health & Safety in Employment Act. For the purposes of verification, a current copy of the completed Manual and ACC work injury claims record, will be checked using the method outlined below and made available to the local SQE Advisor. They will verify the standard of completion of information in all relevant sections. In addition a further update of the manual must be made annually and rechecked to keep the subcontractor information up to date. This manual is also to be used, in addition to the site safety plan, for monthly evidence based performance monitoring of the subcontractor. NCR`s shall be raised for ALL non conformance. 52 53 Audit checklist No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 F13-01 Item Y/N Score Date Score Y/N Date Score Y/N Score Date Average Introduction Policy Roles & Responsibilities Document Control Job Safety Analysis Risk Management Hazard Identification Skills & Competencies OSH Induction Training Workers Compensation & Rehabilitation Hazard Reporting Light Vehicles Personal Protective Equipment Emergency Response Safety & Security Training First Aid and Accident Investigation Audit Checklist Average Score Legend (optional) 5 Best Practice 4 Continuous Improvement 3 Above Standard 2 Minimum Standard 1 No Compliance 0 Not Acceptable Checked By: ________________________ Date: ___________________ Note* If the ACC injury claims record is above 20% of staff injured score 1. Below 20% score 2. Below 10% score 3. 53