The Keep volunteering opportunities
The Keep is a world-class centre for archives that opens up access to all the
collections of the East Sussex Record Office (ESRO), the Royal Pavilion & Museums
Local History Collections and the internationally significant University of Sussex
Special Collections. It is also a centre of excellence for conservation and
preservation and represents the new generation of archive buildings in the UK.
The combined collections have synergies and have been brought together to provide,
under one roof, an unrivalled, detailed record of the region’s history, dating back over
900 years. These archives document the lives of individuals, places and events from
across the county and beyond, and they include written records, maps and plans,
prints and drawings, photographs and films, oral histories, and digital and electronic
Whilst Keep Partner staff are responsible for overseeing care for our collections and
for providing a high quality research service, we recognise that the recruitment of
volunteers enables us to achieve a more detailed level of collection management and
accessibility. We also recognise that volunteering at The Keep can provide excellent
personal and professional development opportunities for individuals.
Volunteering opportunities comprise of five areas:
Assisting with cataloguing collections at The Keep is likely to involve transcription,
writing descriptions of documents, indexing and using cataloguing software (training
will be provided). Volunteers will help to check records for accuracy and enhance
records with new information as well as sorting and arranging documents into
appropriate archival containers. Some collections include personal records and data
and volunteers will need to be able to employ tact and discretion when handling
sensitive and personal material.
The East Sussex Historic Environment Record (ESHER) is a database of
archaeological sites, finds and historic monuments in East Sussex and Brighton &
Hove and is accessible at the Keep. ESHER’s main purpose is to help the County
Council to manage the historic environment of East Sussex and Brighton & Hove. It
is used extensively for planning and development control.. The database is also a
valuable resource for academic and private researchers, local historians,
archaeologists, and for education. Volunteers for the HER have typically undertaken
tasks such as research of historical/ archeological sites, inputting new data on to the
HER and cataloguing archaeological records.
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Volunteering in this area would involve conservation and preservation work to ensure
the safety of all historic documents stored in ‘The Keep’. The Conservation
department undertakes a full range of archival preservation and conservation
treatments, including carefully cleaning, repairing and packaging of paper,
parchment, photographs, maps, books, seals, bindings as well as 3-D models and
digital media. Assessment of new accessions is carefully carried out in order to trace
signs of degradation e.g. fungal attack and chemical breakdown. The work
undertaken by the Conservation team requires controlled and often delicate removal
of dirt and debris using hands and specialist tools/ equipment with a high level of
Digitisation is a key part of the archive’s work to preserve the documents for future
generations. This volunteer opportunity would require extensive ICT skills including:
scanning original documents, editing images, creating metadata and linking images
to catalogue systems.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for The Keep, please complete the
attached EXPRESSION OF INTEREST form, attach a C.V. and return it to the
address below.
The Keep,
Woollards Way,
Brighton, BN1 9BP,
United Kingdom
or .
Depending on your skills and interests, your application will be considered, and we
will then contact you. Please note that The Keep cannot guarantee to find a
volunteer placement for everyone.
If you have any queries regarding volunteering with The Keep please email .
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Volunteer Expression of Interest Form
The Keep will treat all information given below as strictly confidential.
Daytime Telephone:
Which volunteer roles interest you?
Any particular skills or aptitudes that you would like to let us know
Any special or relevant interests that you have:
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Availability: Which days are you available?
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Please give details of any disabilities or health problems that may affect
your voluntary work or for which you may need special equipment.
Please note that a disability or health problem does not exclude you from volunteering with
us. Applications from people with disabilities are welcomed. Please use a separate sheet if
Do you have any previous convictions?
Please note that a previous conviction does not exclude you from volunteering with us.
Please use a separate sheet if necessary.
Signature of volunteer:
Staff use only
Date appointed:
Next of Kin:
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