Marine Geologist A WebQuest for Careers in Earth Science: Marine Geologist Introduction Think about all of the places that are dark. What do you know about them? Like the dark side of the Moon before the Apollo missions in the 1970s, you know very little about them. The same is true of the ocean bottoms. Below 20 m, there is little or no light to help us observe what is there. Until the invention of the submarine, nothing was known of the ocean bottom. It was presumed to be flat. So imagine our surprise when ridges of mountains, volcanoes, and other features were discovered when wartime, anti-submarine sonar was aimed at the seafloor instead. Who are the pioneers that are ferreting out the secrets of the seafloor today? They are called marine geologists. Task Your task in this WebQuest is to explore the role of a marine geologist. You will find out what they do, how they do their work, and some interesting discoveries they have made. Process Use the following questions to guide your progress. Be sure to record your answers. 1. What does a marine geologist study? 2. What is seafloor spreading? 3. How was seafloor spreading determined? 4. How is marine geology related to natural disasters? 5. Where are the hot spots of marine geology today? 6. What are some other areas of interest to marine geologists? Flyer For this WebQuest you will prepare a handout flyer explaining the career of a marine geologist. The flyer might be used by a job recruiter, a guidance counselor, or a college department chairman to provide to a prospective applicant. You may use a photo or illustration to highlight one aspect of the career. You will provide the pertinent information about what a marine geologist does, where and how they do that job, and some of the requirements for attaining that position. Resources The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the United States Geological Survey both host vast Web sites with information about marine geology. Many other scientific or news sites also contain facts about this topic. Be sure to verify any information you collect. Evaluation Read this rubric to learn how you will be scored on this news report. Criteria Task Process Flyer Total Score 0 The task was not completed. The process was not followed or used. The flyer was not done, or not well done and is largely incomplete. 5 Some effort was made, but major ideas are missing. The process was followed, but not all information was obtained. The flyer included most of the required elements, but was poorly organized. Points 10 The task was completed, but some information was incorrect. 15 The task was completed with great attention to detail. The process was followed, but some answers were incorrect. It was clear that the information gathered was complete and informative. The flyer was missing one or two required elements, but was well planned; or had all the required elements, but was poorly organized. The flyer included all the required elements and was well organized.