TO: Senior Engineers FROM: Predesignated Parking Assignments for Employees and Customers DATE: February 25, 1991 In reference to the many complaints concerning the misappropriation of assigned parking areas, the executive committee on designated versus nondesignated parking assignment has submitted a proposal to the Employee Enrichment Committee. To briefly summarize the proposal, the Executive Committee has incorporated the best features of the current designated system along with the significant advantages of nondesignated systems. It has been the committee's sincerest endeavor to achieve the consolidation of the objectives of convenience, efficiency, and optimum utilization of the garage. Consequently, the following modifications and enhancements are the primary characteristics of the proposal at this time. The foremost recommendation is that those designated spaces assigned to office personnel whose duties are not contingent on their leaving the office be continued as designated spaces subsequent to the implementation of this system. The majority of our employee designated spaces are assigned to individuals who are parking briefly throughout the work day as they attend meetings and appointments outside the facility. Our ultimate challenge is to provide assistance to these individuals yet initiate a procedure that effectively utilizes the parking area. The committee's rationale is that a disproportionate number of spaces are vacant on a daily basis, subsequently leading to our revised procedure recommending that this dilemma is to be addressed dually. This dual approach is contingent on the elimination of designated areas for transient personnel and implementation of a contingency plan for shorter term parking at our facility. The shorter term configuration under consideration involves developing a system whereby individuals are to be provided the most convenient spaces in the parking facility for two hour periods only. Accordingly, shorter term parking areas are provided with the understanding that those individuals whose arrival precedes the arrival of individuals arriving later are to be given the parking area of choice. Customers are also to be accorded the privileges of the two-hour areas contingent on their business not exceeding the appropriate time limits. Peachtree Street facilities are available for business that is projected to exceed the limits described. TO: Senior Engineers DATE: February 25, 1991 SUBJECT: What To Do About Parking Have you or your customers faced problems recently with parking? The Executive Committee has decided to change our parking system in the following ways: A. Employees who do not leave the building for appointments during the day keep their assigned parking spaces. B. Employees whose jobs require that they be in and out of the building have two choices: 1. Floors 1-3 will be set aside for two-hour parking. These spaces are close to the street and the elevators for those quick trips our employees often make. 2. Floors 8-10 will provide regular full-day parking. Note: All parking for category B employees is offered on a first come-first served basis. C. Your customers who have brief (two hour) business are invited to use the convenient parking on Floors 1-3. All other customer parking will remain at Peachtree Street. We hope this will help you. The Employee Enrichment Committee has approved the plan. It goes into effect if the Management Council approves it. Corporatese is the word disease. It is contagious. Not long after young employees join a large organization, they catch this disease that causes them to use big, bureaucratic words when short simple words would work just as well. For example, they may use "utilize" instead of "use". Rule #1: Never use a large word if a small one will work as well. Exercise 6: Change these corporate words to plain English. Minimize ___________________ facility ___________________ in conjunction ___________________ consistent ___________________ endeavor ___________________ requirements ___________________ emphasized ___________________ contingent on ___________________ substantial ___________________ provided ___________________ facilitates ___________________ necessary ___________________ assortment ___________________ operational ___________________ variation ___________________ modifications ___________________ develop ___________________ alternatives ___________________ approximately ___________________ assistance ___________________ incorporate ___________________ encourage ___________________ obtain ___________________ indication ___________________ determination ___________________ operation ___________________ Exercise 9. How would you say it? Rewrite the following sentences so that they are easy to understand. 1. Scintillate, scintillate, diminutive luminous mass. 2. Members of an avian species of identical plumage congregate. 3. Surveillance should precede salation. 4. Pulchritude possesses solely cutaneous profundity. 5. It is fruitless to become lachrymose over lacteal fluid that is inadvertently flowing and hence forfeited. 6. Freedom from incrustation of grime is preceded in paramount only by rectitude. 7. It is fatuous to attempt to indoctrinate a superannuated canine with innovative maneuvers. 8. All articles that coruscate with resplendence are not truly auriferous. 9. Finicalness on the part of mendicants is interdicted. 10. A plethora of those with culinary expertise vitiates the potable substance produced by decocting certain comestibles. 11. Eleemosynary deeds have their incipience intramurally. 12. Male cadavers are incapable of yielding testimony. 13. Individuals domincillating in vitreous edifices would be well advised to refrain from catapulting petrous projectiles. 14. Neophyte's serendipity. 15. Exclusive dedication to chores without interludes of hedonistic diversion renders John stuporific. 16. A repeatedly overturning lithic conglomerate amasses no bryophytes. 17. Presentation of the ultimate cachinnation is equivalent to presentation of the optimal cachinnation. 18. Ligneous and hypabyssal missiles have destructive potential of myosseous structure but appellations will not. Readers digest and keep reading short sentences. Usually, you lose readers with many long sentences. But keep in mind that too much of anything can be tiresome. You don't want all, short sentences. What are some guidelines for short versus long sentences? Long/Short Sentence Guidelines 1. A short sentence is one of 10 or fewer words. 2. Your average sentence length should never exceed 18 words. Strive for an average of 15. 3. Your longest sentence should contain twice the number of words of your shortest sentence. TABLE Fog Index Fog Index Reading Level By Grade By Magazine 17 College graduate 16 College senior (No popular 15 College junior magazine this 14 College sophomore difficult) Danger Line 13 College freshman Safe 12 High-school senior Atlantic Monthly Reading 11 High-school junior Wall Street Journal 10 High-school sophomore 9 High-school freshman Reader's Digest 8 Eighth grade Ladies Home Journal 7 Seventh grade True Confessions 6 Sixth grade People, TV Guide The Fog Index enables you to judge your writing yourself. The index shows you if you are too wordy, boring, or weighty. It brings to your attention sentences and words that are just too long for readers to tolerate. Some software packages call this a Readability Scale. Others give you printouts telling you how wordy you are. The goal they seek is the same: Make writing clear and concise. The average sentence length for business should not exceed fifteen words. Cutting long words improves readability also. Note: This is a variation of the Gunning-Mueller Fog Index from the Gunning-Mueller Clear Writing Institute of California. The table on p. 11 is drawn from The Technique of Clear Writing. Example: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY When you choose a materials suppler for your Jonesville, Georgia plant, you will be making a decision that will impact the success of Sure-Flo for decades. The savings Mycon Corporation can offer you, and our unparalleled reliability, will give us an advantage over our competitor. But Mycon has committed to much more than that. We are offering to Sure-Flo all of our company's resources to help make the Jonesville plant achieve the highest levels of productivity and quality in the Sure-Flo system. How we will achieve this for you both now and for decades to come is defined in the proposal that follows: SUMMARY OF BENEFITS TO SURE-FLO PRODUCTIVITY Mycon can increase production levels by decreasing marterial shortages, maintenance time, and equipment problems. This section of the proposal defines how Mycon minimizes these common production problems so you can maintain optimum productivity. QUALITY RELIABILITY Mycon can help Sure-Flo achieve your high quality standards. High quality control can mean fewer rejects and better equipment performance. Start with the best materials, and your product will be better than ever. Mycon is the unchallenged leader in its capacity to meet your building needs both now and in the future. Whether your business changes -expands -- diversifies, Mycon will be there with ample capacity. Our huge inventory lowers your risk to changes in availability of any one material. This will also reduce the impact on pricing any shortage may have on our customers. Smaller competitors simply cannot provide the balanced supply of our 20 distribution points. DO PUT SUMMARIES IN A LIST FORM FOLLOWING A BRIEF INTRODUCTION. DON'T HAVE MORE THAN FIVE SECTIONS OR KEY POINTS IN YOUR LIST. DO PHRASE SUMMARIES AS BENEFIT STATEMENTS. DONT DESCRIBE FEATURES OR SPECIFICATIONS IN THE SUMMARY. DO MAKE THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PERSONAL AND TARGETED TO THE CUSTOMER. DONT GET SO CAUGHT UP IN YOUR INFORMATION THAT YOU FORGET TO APPEAL TO THE REAL HUMAN BEING READING THE SUMMARY. DO SPEND MORE TIME MAKING THIS PAGE EYE-CATCHING THAN ANY OTHER PAGE. YOU NEVER HAVE A SECOND CHANCE TO MAKE A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION. WHITE SPACE _____ Wide margins: top, bottom, sides _____ Extra indentation _____ Short sentences _____ Short paragraphs _____ Double space or 1-1/2 space BREAK THE PAGE _____ Headings, subheadings _____ Bullet statements PRINT _____ Variety in print _____ Use of BOLD PUNCTUATION BREAKS _____ Dashes, colons, etc. _____ Bullets GRAPHICS _____ Uncluttered _____ One idea to a page _____ Color OTHER IMPACT ON BUSINESS Groupware has profound impact on business. It is commonly considered the "future of corporate computing". FACILITATION OF GROUP INTERACTION CAUSE FOR REENGINEERING CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCEDURES Business hasneed forcost effectiveness andefficiency subsequent push for groups and team work. Principle that ideas and knowledge of many are better than those of just the individuals; Groupware makes it easier for groups to work together and thus achieve this desired efficiency. Groupware leads to change in Organizational Structure flattening of traditional pyramid hierarchy; This is common trend in business in general but Groupware adds to this phenomenon; Dispersion of power due to greater access of information allows power to spread out In organization -- lead to flattening of hierarchy. "Information is power"- spread of info leads to control being pushed down in organizational structure. Firms must be ready to deal with these changes. Greater automation of procedures -- manual files converted to databases in software, accessible to all. Evaluation of work in terms of group contribution over individual; More information = more responsibility -- need to be rewarded for good and face up to colleagues when bad Develop new ways to deal with information -- can't deal with all of it (phone calls, memos, letters); Groupware allows for "sifting" through of information. Impact of Groupware has been tremendous on business. This impact has been seen not only through changes in business procedures but also in fundamental changes within the organization. The Implementation of Groupware can have many sensitive issues including information overload and uneasiness with top management with the necessary changes. But the changes to Groupware can ultimately lead to improved efficiency. Furthermore, with the push in the business world towards teams and groupwork plus the reality of computer networking, Groupware is a powerful and advanced tool that has high positive value for firms. IMPLEMENTATION BUSINESS ORGANIZATION Whole firms or perhaps individual departments see Groupware successfully implemented in other business units and decide to also use Groupware. However, need to have specific business problems to solve. Important to use Groupware in efficient manner so as to save time and not waste it. Example: Dell computer engineers designing PCs used Lotus Notes successfully to keep track of various projects. Other departments followed in gaining use to Groupware but ended up wasting time by sharing Information riot relevant to business needs. PEOPLE Training required during/after any major change; needed to make optimal use. Resources need to be sufficient to provide for commitment. Groupware can provide some actual hands-on training. * Lotus estimates that for every $1 spent on software, $3 spent on consultants, training, or other software for optimal use Top level support needed in order for implementation to succeed. Need to be willing to re-engineer processes and reorganize the organizational structure; Must be supportive in helping employees adapt and accept changes Groupware challenges conventional communication - more informal than traditional memos. Confidence must exist for ideas to be extracted, even if not completely thought out or off-the-wall INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Good IT structure needed with staff support; PC use with network capabilities and connections; Security issues need to be addressed as to who can access what information. A relatively new application of Information Technology is Groupware, an innovative and advanced form of communication within a business. Groupware is a sophisticated messaging system based on networking technology and includes software to help with business activities such as scheduling and workflow. A primary purpose of Groupware Is to help teams work together. In addition, Groupware is an influential tool that is changing the way business is done. FOUR MAIN CATEGORIES: BASIC System combines a sophisticated messaging system with a giant database containing work records and memos. Benefits: allows more people access to information which leads to a greater ease in the dispersion of information and can also result in quicker solutions to problems. Example: WORKFLOW Allows for redesign and streamlining of business processes; Provides greater assistance to the paper-clogged bureaucracies by reducing paperwork and time to execute business functions. Results in more efficient work processes overall without delays. Example: MEETING Banker's Trust - tremendously reduced time needed to answer clients' queries Allows participants in face-to-face videoconference gatherings to "talk" simultaneously by typing on PC keyboards. Allows for groups to pass on more information in a shorter amount of time; Provides not only quicker decisions, but better decisions. Example: SCHEDULING Lotus Notes Boeing found it could shorten time needed to complete projects by as much as 90% Uses a network to coordinate colleagues' electronic datebooks and figure out possible and convenient times to meet. Provides significant advantage because leads to more efficient time use which can be dedicated to solving problems instead of trying to find meeting time. Also prevents costly scheduling errors which is common when trying to get many tasks done at once.