The extra testicular duct system

The extra testicular duct system
The ductus epididymis is along convoluted tubule that is surrounded by connective t
issue and then smooth muscle layer asection throuth the ductus epididymis shows
both cross-section and longitudinal section some parts of the ductus contain mature
sperm .
The pseuedostratified columnar epithelium consists of tall columnar principal cells
with long nonmotile stereocilia and small basal cells which obsorb the testicular
fluid that was not absorbed in the ductuli efferentes during the passage of sperm
from the testes the principal cells in the epididymis also phagocy tose the
remaining residual bodies that were not removed by the sertoli cells in the
somniferous tubules aswellas any abnormal or degenerating sperm cells these
cells also produce glycoprotein that inhibits capacitating or the fertilizing ability
of the sperm until they are deposited in the female reproductive tract.
Ducts (vas) deferens section
The vas deferens exhibits a narrow & irregular lumen with longitudinal mucosal
folds a thin mucosa a thick muscular is and adventitia .
The lumen of the ducts deferens is lined by pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium
with stereocilli. The epithelium of the ducts deferens is some what lower than in
the ducts epididymis .the underlying thin lamina propria consist of compact
Collagen fibers.
The thick muscular consist of three smooth muscle layers :
1-athinner inner longitudinal muscle layer
2-athick middle circular muscle layer
3-athinner outer longitudinal muscle layer
The muscular is surrounded by adventitia in which abundant blood
vessel(venule&arteriol) and nerves are fond. The the ampulla's of the ducts
deferens (transfer section) the terminal portion of the adventitia of the ducts
deferens merges with connective tissue of the spermatic cord the ampulla's of
the ducts deferens (transverse section) the terminal portion of the vas
deferenenlarges in to an ampulla's. The ampulla differs from the ducts deferens
mainly in the stricture of its mucosa .the lumen of the ampulla's is larger than
of the vas deferens the mucosa also exhibits numerous irregulcer ,branched
mucosal folds &deep glandular diverticula's or crypts, between the folds that
attend to the surrounding muscle layer .the secretory epithelium that
linesthelumen &the glandular diverticula's is simple columnar or cuboidal
below the epithelium is the lamina propria.the smooth muscle layers in the
muscular are similar to those in the vas deferens & than surrounded by
connective tissue
Seminal vesicle
The paired seminal vesicles are elongated glands on the posterior side of the bladder .the excretory
duct from each seminal vesicle joins the ampulla's of each ducts deferens to form the ejaculatory
duct which then runs throng the prostate gland to open in to the urethra
Its highly convoluted and irregular Lumina across section through it
a-primary mucosal folds
b-secondary mucosal folds
Which frequently anastomase and form it regular cavities chambers or mucosal crypts .the lamina
propria projects in to and form the core of the larger primary folds and the smaller secondary folds
extend far in to the lumen of the seminal vesicle .
The glandular epithelium of the seminal vesicles varies in appearance .usually however its low
pseudo stratified and low columnar or cuboidal. The muscular is consist of an inner circular muscle
layer and an outer longitudinal muscle layer this arrangement of the smooth muscle often is difficult
to observe because of the complex folding of the mucosa .the adventitia surrounds the muscular and
blends with the connective tissue the seminal vesicles produced yellowish viscous fluid that
contains a high concentration of fructose .which is the main carbohydrate component of semen
Fructose is metabolized by sperm and servers as the main energy source for sperm motility .Semi
Nal vesicles produced most of the fluid.
Penile urethra(transverse section )
The penile urethra extends the entire length of the penis and is surrounded by the corpus spongiosu
M .this illustration shows transverse section through the lumen of the penile urethra and the
surrounding corpus spongiosum . the lining of this portion of the penile urethra and the surrounding
corpus spongiosum the lining of this portion of the urethra is apseudostratified or stratified
columnar epithelium athin underlying lamina propria numerous irregular outpockets or urethral
lacunae with mucous cells are found in the lumen of the penile urethra the urethral lacunae are
connected with the branched mu-cous urethral glands (of litter) in the surrounding connective tissue
of the corpus spon-giosum and are found throughout the length of the penile urethra the ducts from
the ure-thral glands open into the lumen of the penile urethra the corpus spongiosum consists of
cavernous sinuses that are lined by enothe-lial cells and separated by connective tissue trabeculae
that contain smooth muscle fibers and collagen fibers numerous blood vessels (arteriole and
venule)supply the corpus spongio-sum the internal structure of the corpus spongiosum is similar to
that of the corpora cavernosa described in figure