Alternative natural treatments for ADD and ADHD

Alternative natural treatments for ADD and ADHD
(These are not recommendations per se, as I know nothing whatsoever about the
effectiveness or ineffectiveness of any of these products!)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a behavioral
condition characterized by a poor attention span and may be accompanied by hyperactivity. ADHD
occurs in both children and adults.
Approximately 4 to 6 percent of the US population have ADHD/ADD. One half to two thirds of
children with ADHD/ADD will continue to have the disorder as adults. Children with ADHD/ADD often
have learning and behavioral difficulties in school. Adults frequently have problems with memory and
concentration. Children and adults with ADHD/ADD may also experience motor problems, attention
problems, mood disorders, addictions, and/or alienation.
A recent review found that over 2 million children with attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) are being treated with stimulant medications. This is a cause for concern
due to the possible association of drug stimulants with growth suppression, and many ADHD children
don't respond to stimulant drugs or can't tolerate their side effects.
The review recommended alternative therapies including nutritional supplementation as an effective
addition to ADHD treatment. Supplementation with healing nutrients such as huperzine A, DMAE,
magnesium, and vitamin B6 can help improve ADHD symptoms in children and adults.
In Home Remedies - Supplements and Diet
There are several ADD natural remedies, including change in diet, routines and checklists, and
natural supplements. A few examples of foods you should stay away from are all forms of refined
sugar (simple carbohydrates) and any products that contain it. Also eliminate junk food and all foods
that contain artificial colors, flavorings, monosodium glutamate (MSG), yeast, or preservatives.
Avoid carbonated beverages, which contain large amounts of phosphates.
Phosphate additives may be responsible for hyperkinesis (exaggerated muscle activity). High levels
of phosphorus and very low calcium and magnesium levels (which can be revealed through a hair
analysis) can indicate a potential for hyperactivity and seizures. Meat and fat also are high in
Routines are important for children with ADD/ADHD so they know what is expected of them.
Checklists are a good way of letting the child know what is in store for them for the day. This will
help them be prepared for what is happening next and may prevent breakdowns. Once a child
completes the checklist they should be rewarded in some way to show them they are doing a good
Herbal Remedy for ADHD
Listol is an alternative all natural supplement designed to work with the body to help with
ADD/ADHD. Listol replenishes nutrients that are lacking and causing the symptoms of ADD/ADHD.
Unlike prescribed medications for the treatment of ADD/ADHD Listol does not have the unwanted
side effects. Below is a list of ingredients in Listol.
Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxine is essential for proper function of the nervous system.
Iron - Research indicates that iron deficiency is associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder in children.
Magnesium - In a study of 116 children with ADHD magnesium deficiency was observed in
95% of the subjects. Analysis of the data showed a correlation between levels of magnesium
and the quotient of development to freedom from distractibility.
Zinc - A study conducted to explore the relationship of zinc nutrition to the severity of
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in a middle-class American sample
with well-diagnosed ADHD showed that serum zinc levels correlated at with parent-teacherrated inattention.
Copper - When supplementing with zinc it is always important to take additional copper to
prevent deficiency of this trace mineral, as zinc and copper compete for absorption.
Furthermore, copper levels are observed to be lower in children with hyperactivity.
Phosphatidylserine - An essential phospholipid, phosphatidylserine can ameliorate symptoms
of ADHD.
Di-Methyl Glycine - Abnormal glucose metabolism is a proposed contributor to ADHD and
treatment with dimethyl glycine may improve symptoms of hypoglycemia, which can occur in
some patients with ADHD.
Glycine - Glycine is a basic amino acid which is vital for proper nervous system function.
GABA Powder - GABA pathways in the brain appear to play a role in certain cognitive
disorders like ADHD.
DMAE Bitartatrate - DMAE is a precursor for phosphatidylcholine, an important phospholipid
in the brain. Supplementation with DMAE has demonstrated improvements in hyperkinesis,
an older term for ADHD.
Huperzine A Extract - This natural compound is drawing much attention for its effects on
cognitive function, enhancing memory and treating cognitive deficits.
Another product on the market is called Synaptol. This is an all natural product that helps to:
Ease hyperactivity and restlessness
Calm, soothe and reduce mood swings
Enhance concentration, memory and attention span
Support alertness and mental focus
Calm over-active minds
Calm impulsiveness and aggression
The key ingredients in Synaptol are:
Aloe barbadensis extract 200:1 - has been proven to have a diverse array of benefits as an
antibiotic, astringent pain reliever and cell growth stimulator in the central nervous system,
supporting mental clarity.
Tragacanth gum - increases the production of interferon and cell to cell communication,
especially in the brain.
Beta-Glucan 1,3/1,6 - supports the production and activity of macrophages. This white blood
cell is part of your cellular defense team and is also a free radical scavenger.
Arabinogalactan - is a phytonutrient fiber has shown beneficial effects on healthy digestive
flora and mental focus.
Ghatti gum - is a complex polysaccharide, which as a natural source of calcium, magnesium
and potassium, supports healthy brain activity.
Guar gum - is a soluble fiber that reduces cardio-vascular disease and promotes healthy
cellular renewal.
VAXA Attend
Another product on the market the helps with the symptoms of ADD/ADHD is called Vaxa Attend. It
can help with:
Calming and reducing stress and frustration.
Focusing attention and improving concentration.
Attend contains over 70 natural vitamin, nutritional, herbal and homeopathic ingredients. The
specifically designed vitamin and nutrient formula effectively improves ADHD symptoms in children
and adults without side effects.
Ingredients include essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamin, minerals, specially targeted
nutritionals, an endo-membrane lipid complex and homeopathic remedies to provide a broad
spectrum of treatment to improve attention, impulsivity, and motor restlessness in children and
adults. With over 70 different ingredients in Vaxa Attend, the 2 key ingredients are:
Lithium Bromatum - As a Homeopathic or used simply as a micro-nutritional, it has
demonstrated effectiveness against the following symptomology: apoplexy, hemiplegic,
numbness, vertigo, headache, and thickness of speech, epilepsy, prolonged metal exertion,
flushed face, insomnia.
Lithium Carbonicum - Used as Homeopathic Medicine, it has demonstrated effectiveness
against the following symptomology: a good deal of confusion in the head. -veil before eyes headache - rheumatic soreness in heart region - Pressing from within outward. Paralytic
stiffness all over, cerebral congestion, insomnia, epilepsy and threatened apoplexy. - scabby,
tettery eruption on hands, head, cheeks, rough rash all over the body, much loose
epithelium, tough dry itchy skin - Dizzy states with ringing in ears.