Attention - Speech Pathology Australia

Level 2 / 11-19 Bank Place
Melbourne Victoria 3000
T 61 3 9642 4899
F 61 3 9642 4922
Research Grants Program
Entry Level Student
Research Grant
CLOSING DATE – Friday 29 May 2015
Speech Pathology Australia is the national peak body for speech pathologists working in Australia. The
Association is committed to promoting and funding high quality research into all aspects of speech
pathology practice. The Research Grant Program is conducted annually. There are four grant
categories: Clinician Research Grant, Entry Level Student Research Grant, Research/Higher Degree
Student Research Grant and the Nadia Verrall Memorial Research Grant. Applicants are entitled to
apply only once in each of the categories. Further information about each category is available on the
Speech Pathology Australia website.
Entry Level Student Research Grants of up to $600 are available for students enrolled in an entry
level speech pathology program. The grants are provided to support the growth of research within the
speech pathology profession. This research will add to the pool of evidence based data relevant to
communication and swallowing disorders.
The Speech Pathology Association of Australia Limited
ABN 17 008 393 440
1. Criteria for Selection
1. The applicant must be a current member of Speech Pathology Australia.
2. An Entry Level Student is defined as a student enrolled in an entry level speech pathology program.
3. The research project must be in areas of communication and / or swallowing disorders.
4. The applicant must demonstrate how they will obtain the research support and expertise necessary
to conduct and complete the project.
Additional Requirements
1. Funds will not be released until an Ethics Clearance from the organisation hosting the research is
obtained. A copy of the ethics application and clearance must be lodged with Speech Pathology
2. An interim report will be required within 6 months of grant approval, together with a statement of
funds expenditure.
3. A final report detailing the outcomes of the project must be submitted to Speech Pathology Australia
on completion of the project.
4. A final statement showing disbursement of funds provided by Speech Pathology Australia must be
submitted to Speech Pathology Australia on completion of the project.
5. Copies of any presentation or papers arising from the project must be lodged with Speech
Pathology Australia.
6. Agreement in relation to intellectual property rights and copyright will be required.
7. The Association’s research grants are not intended to support higher degree enrolment fees, travel
or conference registration, or accommodation.
8. Speech Pathology Australia requires that successful applicants acknowledge the Association’s
contribution in all publications, presentations, and media releases relating to the research.
** Please note, provisions have been made for students in certain situations to apply retrospectively for
this grant, where university schedules and timelines do not coincide with Speech Pathology Australia
grant submission timelines.
If required, successful applicants should be prepared to assist Speech Pathology Australia by
presenting at the National Conference, contributing to the Continuing Professional Development
program, or documenting the results of the research in one of the Association’s publications. Successful
applicants may also be featured in articles, media releases, or research profiles to promote the research
grant program and raise the profile of clinical speech pathology research in Australia.
Please note that the research project must be completed within two (2) years of the date of grant
confirmation. If the recipient of a research grant is unable to complete their research project, all grant
funds received must be returned to Speech Pathology Australia.
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Entry Level Student Research Grant Application 2014
2. Submitting an Application
To apply for one of Speech Pathology Australia’s research grants, please email an electronic copy of
the application form in word format to:
Nicole Pantalleresco (Board and Executive Assistant, Speech Pathology Australia)
Please attach your curriculum vitae, including a statement of academic record, and documentation of
ethics approval (if available).
Round one applications close Friday 29 May 2015
Late applications cannot be accepted
For further information please contact National Office via email
or phone (03) 9642 4899.
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Entry Level Student Research Grant Application 2014
Entry Level Student Research Grant
3. Applicant Information
1. Chief Investigator
Title & Name
Postal address
2. Academic Qualifications (include current enrolments)
Year Awarded
** Please attach curriculum vitae detailing your work experience if appropriate. Please attach a current
statement of academic record.
3. Research Experience / Research Support:
Please demonstrate that you have appropriate experience and/or research support to complete the
project, stating the names of your supervisors/mentors.
Please indicate where you are accessing this support and in what capacity.
Location of support
University ______________
Institute ________________
Other __________________
Type of support
Academic e.g. critical appraisal, writing for publication
Research Design
Statistical analysis and interpretation
Other __________________
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Entry Level Student Research Grant Application 2014
4. Ethical Considerations
Funds will not be released until an Ethics Clearance from the organisation hosting the research is
obtained. Please indicate the current status of ethics approval:
Approval received
Approval pending
To be submitted
5. Other Research Grants Held or Requested for this Project
Please list the details of support requested from other funding agencies for this project or other research
grants currently held.
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Entry Level Student Research Grant Application 2014
4. Research Plan
Research Plans are assessed in an anonymous format, for this reason we ask
that you refrain from including any identifying information in this section, i.e.
names, university, etc.
1. Project Title
2. Key Words
Please provide up to 5 key words or phrases that describe the project (e.g. adult language, stroke,
rehabilitation, quality of life).
3. Project Summary
Please provide a brief synopsis (200 words maximum).
4. Significance
Explain the potential implications, significance and innovation of your research. (Maximum 200 words)
5. Dissemination of Research Findings
Please provide an overview of how the results of this research project will be communicated or
disseminated to key stakeholders.
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Entry Level Student Research Grant Application 2014
6. Research Plan
The research plan section should include the following: background, aims, research strategy, time frame
and references. The entire research plan section should not exceed 7 pages with a minimum font size
of 12 (Times New Roman or Arial).
(i) Background: Include a literature review covering previous work in this area, to provide the
background for the research project.
(ii) Aims of the Project: List the aims of the project, demonstrating the study’s clinical significance.
Clearly state the research question and hypothesis.
(iii) Research Strategy: Include a clear description of the methods and design, including participants,
inclusion / exclusion criteria, therapeutic procedures and proposed data collection methods, statistical
rationale and data analysis. Please note any work done on the project to date.
(iv) Time Frame: Please provide a timeline for the project, clearly demonstrating that it is realistic and
achievable within a 2 year period from grant approval and acceptance.
(vi) References: Please list all references quoted in this application. APA 6th should be used. Maximum
25 references.
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Entry Level Student Research Grant Application 2014
5. Budget Requirements
Research Plans are assessed in an anonymous format, for this reason we ask
that you refrain from including any identifying information in this section, i.e.
names, university, etc.
1. Budget Allocation
Please provide an itemised budget detailing how grant funds will be used. This may include salaries,
purchase of materials or equipment, or other consumables. The maximum value of an Entry Level
Student Research Grant is $600
Budget Item
E = Essential
H = High
D = Desirable
1. Salaries / Personnel
2. Materials / Equipment
3. Consumables
2. Justification of Budget
Please justify each budget item stating how it is relevant to the research. For example you must provide
details of salary including the position, level and salary scale.
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Entry Level Student Research Grant Application 2014