Psychoanalysis after Freud
Keith Barrett
Thursdays 6.30 to 8.30, Jan 10th to March 28th 2013
Makari, G.
‘Revolution in Mind: The Creation of Psychoanalysis’ (New York:
Harper 2008)
Zaretsky, E.
‘Secrets of the Soul: A Social and Cultural History of
Psychoanalysis’ (New York: Alfred Knopf 2004)
Schwartz, A.
‘Cassandra’s Daughter: a history of psychoanalysis in England and
America’ (London: Penguin 1999)
Minsky, R.
‘Psychoanalysis and Gender: an introductory reader’
(London: Routledge 1996)
Rose, J.
‘Sexuality in the field of vision’ (London: Verso 1986)
Segal, L.
‘Straight Sex: the politics of pleasure’ (London: Virago 1994)
Frie, R. (ed)
‘Understanding experience: psychotherapy and post-modernism’
(London: Routledge 2003)
Rustin, M.
‘The good society and the inner world: psychoanalysis, politics and
culture’ (London: Verso 1991)
Elliott & Frosh (eds) ‘Psychoanalysis in contexts: paths between theory and modern
culture’ (London: Routledge 1995)
Frosh, S.
Benjamin, J.
‘For and against psychoanalysis’ (London: Routledge 2006)
‘The bonds of love: psychoanalysis, feminism and the problem of
domination’ (London: Virago 1990)
Sayers, J.
‘Mothering psychoanalysis’ (Harmondsworth: Penguin 1991)
‘Freud’s art: psychoanalysis retold’ (London: Routledge 2007)
Wright, K.
‘Mirroring and attunement: self-realization in psychoanalysis and art’
(London: Routledge 2009)
Giddens, A.
‘The Transformation of Intimacy; Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in
Modern Societies’ (Cambridge: Polity 1992)
Malan, D.H.
‘Individual Psychotherapy and the science of psychodynamics’
(London: Tavistock Press 1978)
Keller, E.
‘Reflections on Gender and Science’ (New Haven and London: Yale U P
Bergman, M. ‘The Anatomy of Loving: The Story of Man’s Quest to Know What Love
Is’ (New York: Columbia U. P. 1987)
May, S.
‘Love: a history’
(Yale U.P. 2011)
Mattoon, M.
Palmer, M.
‘Jung and the human psyche: an understandable introduction’
(London: Routledge 2005)
‘Freud and Jung on religion’ (London, New York: Routledge, 1996)
Shamdasani, S ‘C.G. Jung and the making of modern psychology’ (Cambridge:
CUP 2003)
Jung, C.G.
‘Psychological types’ (Collected Works vol 6) (London: Routledge 1971)
Segal, S.
Klein, M.
‘An introduction to the work of Melanie Klein’ (London: Hogarth Press
and the Institute for Psychoanalysis 1988)
‘Envy and gratitude, and other works, 1946-1963’ (Vintage books 1997)
Likierman, M. ‘Melanie Klein: her work in context’ (London: Continuum 2001).
Quinodoz, J-M ‘Listening to Hanna Segal: her contribution to psychoanalysis’ (London:
Routledge and the Institute for Psychoanalysis 2008)
Phillips, A.
Davis, M.
‘Winnicott’ (London: Fontana 1988)
‘Boundary and Space: An introduction to the work of D.W. Winnicott’
(London: Karnac 1990)
Winnicott, D. W.
‘Playing and reality’ (London: Routledge, 1991)
Kirshner, L.A. (Ed) ‘Between Winnicott and Lacan: critical engagement’ (London:
Routledge 2011)
Hill, P.
‘Lacan for beginners’ (London: Writers and Readers 1997)
Bailly, L
‘Lacan’ (Oxford: Oneworld 2009)
Fink, B.
‘A clinical introduction to Lacanian psychoanalysis’ (Harvard U.P.
Gallop, J.
‘Feminism and Psychoanalysis: the daughter’s seduction’ (London:
Macmillan 1982)
Mitchell & Rose (eds) ‘Feminine Sexuality: Jacques Lacan and the Ecole Freudienne’
(London: Norton 1985)