
Fordítsa magyarra!
IT BEGAN 12 years ago when a knowledgeable gang of thieves set about Farmer John Browning's
land in Suffolk armed with metal detectors. Now Mr Browning's long lone battle to trace a dozen
Roman bronzes, a treasure hunt which took him to Switzerland, Australia and New York, has
secured the return of the £1.5 million first century artifacts to Britain. Arid the benefit to him? Not
a penny, he says. However, the British Museum must wait for the death of their current owner,
American tycoon, Leon Levy, aged 67, before they can be handed over. Mr Browning, whose farm
at Icklingham, Suffolk, stands on the protected site of a Roman villa and temple, has spent an
estimated £100,000 in pursuit of the pagan temple bronzé pieces. They include masks and
statuettes. One features Vulcan, the god of fire. "It got my back up - someone stealing what doesn't
belong to them," said Mr Browning, aged 48. "So I thought I'd take them on." He used to spend
hours at the 56-acre protected site, hiding in hedgerows and waiting for metal detector-wielding
raiders - attracted by the description of the area on Ordnance Survey maps - to arrive in the early
hours and search for valuable material. But the successful thieves slipped through his grasp. "I got
no help then, and I got none in my fight to get the pieces back. The government might be
responsible for national heritage, but it simply didn't want to know. The politicians thought we
couldn't get the pieces back, and now I've proved them wrong." Britain does not recognise an
international treaty which ensures the return of cultural property to its country of origin. Mr
Browning discovered the artifacts four years ago at the Ariadne museum in New York. They were
subsequently sold to Mr Levy, a multi-millionaire financier and one of the top private art
collectors in the United States. There was never any suggestion the museum or Mr Levy had acted
dishonestly. After four years of negotiations, a settlement has been reached. Mr Browning's legal
costs will be covered, but no more. And Mr Levy's estate is freed from tax liability because the
pieces will go to the British Museum, a charitable institution.
bronze= bronz, detctor= érzékelő, artifact= műalkotás, temple= szentély, estimated= becsült, pusuit= űz, keres,
pagan= pogány, statuette= kisszobor, kisplasztika, hedgerow= élősövény, wielding= forgató, raider= támadó,
fosztogató, description= leírás, slip through= kicsúszik, grasp= marok, heritage= örökség, subsequently=
következésképpen, financier= tőkés társ, free= megszabadul
Olvassa el a szöveget és válaszoljon magyarul a feltett kérdésekre!
GEORGES BUFFON, the 18th century French naturalist, declared that, to the philosopher, old age
must be considered a prejudice. This is ageism. It decrees that people become inferior on account
of having lived a specific number of years. Ironically, ageism is rife in hospitals, with age limits in
some kidney and coronary care units. Ageism also finds brutal expression in terminology. The
term "geriatric" actually describes a medical speciality but it has become synonymus with wards of
dotty, batty patients and second-rate doctors. Addressing the Ciba-Geigy Medical Journalist
Association Symposium at the weekend, John Grimley Evans, professor of geriatric medicine at
the University of Oxford, recalled a chance encounter with a cardiologist. Assuming Grimley
Evans to be a fellow cardiologist, he declared: "My definition of a geriatrician is a doctor who is
not good enough to be let loose on patients who really matter." Small wonder then that people who
perceive themselves to be elderly devalue themselves and assume the role of a cultural stereotype.
They may assume little can be done if they fall ill, even if they have a treatable disease. What else
can we expect if the doctor does not bother to investigate or treat them, believing them beyond
hope? An elderly patient with high blood pressure may be neglected because of the belief that the
condition is an inevitable part of ageing. It is true that, in Western countries, blood pressure tends
to increase markedly with age but it is not true of people in primitive communities - unless they
adopt a Western lifestyle. Reducing high blood pressure can halve the risk of having a stroke.
There is no biological reason for assuming, as we do today, that old age begins at 65-70 - the
actual ageing process begins at about 13. The belief that it starts at 65 is related to "retirement", the
filthiest word in the English language according to Ernest Hemingway. It would be appropriate if
employers struck a mortal blow against ageism, as indeed they might in future. After sexism and
racism ageism could be the next "ism" to be tackled by anti-discrimination legislation. In its
election manifesto, Labour pledged to examine the feasibility of such a law. . Employers would be
banned from specifying old age for a particular post in a newspaper advertisement, in the same
way that it would now be illegal for advertisers to say they wanted a man or a white person.
declare= bejelent, consider= elhatároz, tekint, prejudice= előítélet, ageism= önzés, decree= elrendel, inferior=
alsó, rife= gyakori, kidney= vese, coronary= szívkoszorú, expression= befolyás, terminology= szaknyelv,
geriatric= öregkori, synonymous= rokonértelmű, ward= vívódás, dot= öregségi folt, rate= osztályú, pledge=
zálog, elkötelez, feasibility= megvalósíthatóság
1. Mely kórházi osztályokon van korhatár?
2. A legtöbb ember számára mit jelent a„geriatric" kifejezés?
3. Mit gondolnak a geriátriai orvosokról egyes más területen dolgozó orvosok?
4. Mit gondolnak magukról azok, akik öregnek érzik magukat?
5. A vérnyomás tekintetében mi a különbség a primitív és a nyugati társadalmak között?
6. Mi az egyik előnyös hatása a magas vérnyomás csökkentésének?
7. Mikor kezdenek az emberek öregedni?
8. Mi a különbség abban, ahogy a jog viszonyul a korral szembeni előítéletekhez ("ageism") illetve a faji vagy
nemi előítéletekhez?
Fordítsa le a mondatokat!
Jössz ebédelni velünk? Nem, köszönöm, már ebédeltem. Megjavították már a szerelők a kocsimat?
Még nem ittam meg a kávémat. Felkelt már a nap? Még nem találtam meg a zsebszámológépemet.
Már háromszor láttam a Casablancát. A főnököm most utazott el Görögországba. Hallottad már a
legfrissebb híreket? Éppen most költöztünk új lakásba. Éppen most rendeltem meg két jegyet a ma
esti előadásra. Mi történt a hajaddal? Éppen most festettem be. Hol voltál egész délelőtt? A
bankban. Mennyi pénzt gyűjtöttél össze idáig? Az a fiú hét fagylaltot evett meg. Most jutott
eszembe, hogy még nem fizettem ki a lakbért. Láttad már valaha a pisai ferde tornyot? Jártál már
valaha Kínában? Még soha nem jártam az országnak ezen a részén. Ez a leggyorsabb autó, amit
valaha vezettem. Ez a legveszélyesebb kanyar. Amit valaha láttam. Ő a legintelligensebb ember,
akivel valaha beszéltem. Mióta érdeklik önt a nyelvek? Gyermekkorom óta. Mióta ismered a
barátod kollégáját? Mióta munkanélküli ön? Több hónapja. Mióta tudsz ilyen finom gulyáslevest
főzni. Mióta tudsz hegedülni? Mióta kell ezt a gyógyszert szedned? Mióta kell ingáznod a
munkahelyedre? Szeptember óta több munkám van. Hol voltál? Nem láttalak hétfő óta. Régóta
nem kocogtam. Nem írt nekem, mióta külföldre költözött. Amióta hazaérkezett, megevett három
szendvicset. Kétszer olvastam ezt a könyvet, amióta megkaptam. Nem tud gyorsan menni, mert
megsebesült a lába. Csalódott, mert a barátja nem hívta fel. A rendőrségre megyek, mert valaki
ellopta a kocsimat. Kifogyott a tollam. Nem tudom kifizetni a számlát, mert otthon hagytam a
pénztárcámat. Már háromszor vizsgáztam vezetésből, de még nem sikerült átmennem.
Megszületetett már a kisbabája? Ez az első alkalom, hogy lazacot eszem. Ez az első alkalom, hogy
megbuktam egy vizsgán. Már harmadszor alszom el a héten. A múlt félévben kölcsönvette a
könyvemet, de még nem adta vissza. A kutyának éppen most születtek kölykei. Ez a második
alakalom, hogy abbahagytam a dohányzást. Két hete nem borotválkozott. A születésnapom óta
nem ittunk pezsgőt. Ezen a héten már háromszor voltam fogorvosnál. Ebben a hónapban már
ötször voltunk korcsolyázni. Nem síeltem, amióta eltörtem a lábamat. Egész életemben érdekelt a
komolyzene. Mostanában nem tudok aludni a zajos vízvezetékcsövek miatt.
301. She leapt from the edge of the pool into the water.
A) tell
B) jumped
C) slid
D) strolled
302. Did you listen to the weather … this morning?
A) prediction ........... B) forecast
C) warning
D) reporting
303. I … to go home.
A) asked
B) imagined
C) suggested
D) told
304. We must learn to use the natural resources of our country.
A) inventions
B) materials
C) principles
D) structures
305. "Cope with something" means … .
A) be able to handle something
B) have trouble with something
C) think about something
D) decide on something
306. Let's stop … and come to the point.
A) calling a spade a spade B) beating about the bush
C) doing an about-turn
D) eating our words
307. They have put the bird in cage to … it from flying away.
A) prevent
B) resist
C) avoid
D) hinder
308. Before any new drug is marketed, it is essential that extensive tests are … .
A) carriedon
B) carried forward
C) carried through
D) carried out
309. We … at about seven o'clock this morning and we eventually arrived at half past four.
A) set in
B) set to
C) set up
D) set out
310. If we don't pay last month's bill within three days, our supply will be cut … .
A) out
B) off
C) down
D) away
311. "moisture on skin" means … .
A) damp
B) evaporate
C) sweat
D) water
312. You'll never succeed because it takes you too long to … .
A) liftafinger
B) learn from experience C) make a bargain
D) make up your mind
313. Birthdays seem to … much quicker nowadays than when I was a child.
A) come up
B) come over
C) come out
D) come round
314. There's something wrong with the table. Yes, I can … .
A) feel it that it's moving B) touch its moves C) touch it moving
D) feel it moving
315. You'll have to … if you want to keep your job.
A) pull the wool over your eyes B) put on airs C) pull yourself together D) put the screws on
316. I wanted to … for being late.
A) apologize
B) excuse
C) pardon
D) sorry
317. I thought she was being serious, but she was only having … .
A) me up
B) me on
C) me over
D) me round
318. Remember to ask … .
A) questions from him B) questions him
C) him question
D) him questions
319. We didn't … that you had left.
A) mark
B) note
C) notice
D) regard
320. "The wedding's off." means …
A) The marriage has been cancelled.
B) The marriage ceremony has started.
C) The bride and bridegroom are off on their honeymoon. D) They are going to get a divorce.
321. The notice over a low door says: " … your head."
A) Lower
B) Nod
C) Put down
D) Mind
322. “We feel … after all this typing."
A) terribly tired
B) myself terribly tired
323. "leaving out" means … .
A) exit
B) going away
324. I'm too old to marry. I've … .
A) mended my ways B) missed the boat
325. They … him very happy.
A) called
B) considered
C) terribly bad
D) myself terribly badly
C) forget
D) omission
C) missed the point
D) minced mywords
C) described
D) held
326. There were so many people leaving the hotel at the same time as us that it took nearly an hour to … .
A) check up
B) check out
C) check in
D) chck through
327. I'm afraid this painting is not by Picasso, It's only a copy so it's … .
A) princeless
B) invaluable ................... C) unworthy
D) worthless
328. Let's go by bus, shall we?
A) I prefer walking on foot. B) No, we don't. C) We shall let.
D) Yes, let's.
329. He used bad language when he spoke to his wife-means that:
A) He used swear-words.
B) He used gramaticaliy incorrect structures.
C) His pronunciation was poor.
D) He didn't say what he meant to.
330. During the argument Peter lost his temper and began to … .
A) set the scene B) send him on a wild-goose chase C) serve his time D) show his true colours
331. That's a ridiculous idea!
A) dangerous
B) interesting
C) crazy
D) new
332. The policeman said, "Switch off the : … and get out of the car."
A) motor
B) machine
C) engine
D) clutch
333. That would be far better.
A) It would be a great improvement.
B) It's not right here.
C) It would work better at long distance.
D) The further away it is, the better.
334. Dinner will beready … but we have time for a drink before then.
A) currently
B) presently
C) lately
D) suddenly
335. No wonder she's fat. She … .
A) eats like a horse B) makes mince meat of it C) eats her fill
D) saves her bacon
336. Mycoffee … rather too sweet.
A) turned to be
B) seemed
C) felt
D) looked
337. There's nothing we can do to change their decision. We'll just have to … the best of the situation.
A) have
B) make
C) give
338. I waited for my girlfriend but she didn't … so I went home.
A) put off
B) take place
C) turn up
339. When a fire … at the National Gallery in London, at least
completely destroyed.
A) broke out
B) broke off
C) broke down
340. I like Pinter's dramas … I have read three of them.
A) To now
B) Till now
C) Up to now
341. If you … it I'll turn up the volume.
A) aren't hearing
B) can't hear
C) are heard
342. They … to see York Cathedral.
A) thought
B) suggested
C) advised
343. When you talked about my former wife like that you … .
D) take
D) appear up '
ten priceless paintings were
D) broke through
D) For now
D) can be heard
D) preferred
A) touched wood B) wiped out old scores C) touched a sore spot D) wrote it all over my face
344. She is so … that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died.
A) sensible
B) sensitive
C) sensual
D) touched
345. I have always hated … balloons - ever since one burst in my face when I was only four years old.
A) blowing away
B) blowing off
C) blowing up
346. … speaking, I don't like television.
A) Chiefly
B) Generally
C) Mainly
347. Don't trust Janet. She'll cheat you. I … with her.
D) blowing across
D) Mostly
A) lay myself open B) know what's what C) am left in the lurch D) let her stew in her own juice
348. Should he come before 5, tell him to wait.
A) He ought to come B) Hemust come C) If he happens to come
349. He was … as reliable.
A) found
B) declared
C) taken
350. The living … in prison are terrible.
A) comparisons
B) conditions
C) relations
301. B
302. B
303. A
304. B
305. A
306. B
307. A
308. D
309. D
310. B
311. C
312. D
313. D
314. D
315. C
316. A
317. B
318. D
319. C
320. A
321. D
322. A
323. D
324. B
325. B
326. B
327. D
328. D
329. A
330. D
331. C
332. C
333. A
334. B
335. A
D) He's expected to come
D) regarded
D) situations
336. B
337. B
338. C
339. A
340. C
341. B
342. D
343. C
344. B
345. C
346. B
347. B
348. C
349. D
350. B
3rd TEST
1. Now here are the highlighted words of the first ten units again. Circle those 8 which you find the most difficult
to team and remember! Try to write a story as short as you can, using those 8 words. (How many sentences did you
absorb _ display __ involve regard
embassy lack of
argue __ employ __ lean
enormous limb
attract entertainment literally shabby
exhibition look forward to spread
author exile
obsession starve
be worth
stock exchange
boast __ explode parachutist surgeon
fascinating perform
coincidence fashionable permanent throughout sent fatal
crowded feat ____ poisonous treasure
forbidden pram
fuss __ prosperous undergo
deliberate(ly) gasp punishment unique
descend idle _____ rate
credible rear
disaster intervene rebellion viable
2. Find as many highlighted words in this box as you can.
3. The new words are missing here again. Fill them in.
The (writer) _________________ of the bestseller (experienced)_________________ an
(unbelievable)______________ story when he met his (readers)__________________ .
He was standing (doing nothing)_________________ on the stage when
drcssed)_________________ man (caught)___________________ his attention. He was
unpleasant)_________________ situation.
4. Make a typical word combination by adding another word from the list below to the highlighted
words. attention, room, money, to make, an operation, capital, features, humour, peasant, humour,
peasant, accident
bestseller ___________ an
to invest
… punishment
to attract
to undergo
lack of
… a fuss
5. Translate these sentences!
1. Az lenyűgöző kiállítás, amelyet egyedtilállóként emlegetnek a városban.vonzotta, a közönséget.
2. A sebész nem volt gazdag, így befektette a pénzét a jövedelmezó tözsdén, és szó szerint miliomos lett.
3. Divatos ruhák helyett a kopott farmerck viselése terjedt el mindenütt a városban.
4. A gyakorlott ejtöernyős azzal dicsekedett, hogy be tud mutatni egy elképesztő ugrást, amely halálos is lehet.
5. Az emberek nyüzsögtek ez utcán a követség előtt és belemerültek a szórakozásba.
TEST 1 Debate rages over boxing ban
Michael Watson, the middleweight boxer who has undergone two emergency operations since his
defeat on Saturday night, is continuing his fight for survival on a life support system in London's
St Bartholomew's Hospital. It will be at least 48 hours before doctors know if he can make a
complete recovery. The boxer, whose fight against Chris Eubank was stopped, is being kept under
a deep anaesthetic so that doctors can stabilise his condition. He has had two large clots removed
from the right side of his brain, above the ear, and still has severe bruising. The neuro-surgeon
leading the team treating Watson, Mr Peter Hamlyn, said the boxer's condition was still critical.
He had developed a kidney complication because the part of the brain which secretes chemicals
used by the kidneys was not operating fully, but this problem had been successfully treated with
drugs. The boxer's mother remained at his bedside throughout yesterday and his former girlfriend,
mother of his daughters Jamilla, aged 4, and Layla, aged 3, also visited the hospital and spent
several hours with him. Calls for the banning of boxing have continued throughout the day from
both sides of the political spectrum, but Peter Yarranton, the chairman of the Sports Council,
defendend the sport, "Boxing is a super sport and gives youngsters in particular tremendous
confidence in the art of self-defence. Professional boxers know the risks they are taking and I don't
believe it beholds anyone to step in and stop them." However, Sam Galbraith, a brain surgeon and
Labour's spokesman for health in Scotland, aid that professional boxing should be banned. Barry
McGuigan, the former world featherweight champion who was himself involved in a fight in 1982
when African boxer Young Ali died, said that the rules should be changed to ensure longer periods
between fights. Robert Atkins, the sports minister, said yesterday that he would be calling for a
report into the fight. "I have spoken to John Morris, the general secretary of the British Boxing
Board of Control and have called for a full account of what happened before and after Michael
Watson was hurt and the facilities that were available," he said. James Tye, director general of the
British Safety Council, and a leading anti-boxing campaigner, said, "How many more Michael
Watsons will be left brain damaged before the government realises that this sadistic 'sport' must be
brought to an end?"
anaesthetic= érzéstelenítő, clot= kapocs, bruise= öltés, tremendous= hatalmas, confidence= bizalom, behold=
észrevesz, featherweight= pehelysúlyú, sadistic= szadista
1. Miről folyik a vita?
2. Mi váltotta ki a vitát?
3. Ki volt Michael Watson ellenfele a ringben?
4. Milyen sérüléseket szenvedett Watson?
5. Mivel indokolta a Sport Tanács elnöke a sportág létjogosultságát?
6. Ki Berry McGuigan és ő mit javasolt?
7 Hogy vélekedett a Brit Biztonsági Tanács vezetője?
A szénanádhát a virágzó füvek, fák és virágok pollenjei váltják ki az arra érzékenyeknél.
Jellemzője az orrfolyás, a viszkető, könnyezó szem, a tüsszögés és az érzékeny torok. Ilyen
tünetek esetén forduljon orvoshoz, ám a megelőzésben a természetgyógyászati módszerek is
segíthetnck. A szénanátha bármely életkorban jelentkezhet, de különösen gyakori a fiatal
felnőttkorban. Mint minden allergiás megbetegedés a szénanatha stresszhelyzetekben súlyosabbá
válhat. Hajnalban több virágpor van a levegőben, ilyenkor a panaszok is súlyosbodnak, míg eső
után csökken a pollenkoncentráció és a tünetek is kevésbé hevesek, ilyenkor sétálhatnak a
szénanáthában szenvedők is a szabadban. Megelőzés és öngyógyítás: Vezessen naplót arról, hogy
mikor jelentkeztek a tünetek. Ne sétáljon gyepen és ne szagoljon virágokat. Szemét borogassa
nedves törülközövel. Pollenszezonban rendszeresen porszívózzon és a bútorokat törölje át vizes
FORDÍTÁS ANGOLRÓL MAGYARRA Banks, building societies and insurance companies
often treat women as simpletons, ignoring their increasing influence on household financial
decisions, a survey by the market researcher Mintel shows. Six in ten women surveyed said that
financial companies talked down to them and scented to think then unable to manage their own
affairs. Paul Hersey, Minter's senor financial analyst, said, "Those most likely to feel they are
being patronised are women who are housewives and those in the 35-54 age group. Young women
in the 15-19 age group are least likely to believe they are being patronised. However, this may be
simply because they have had less experience of financial institutions." "Despite the fact that
women say theywant services designed especially for them, many financial servicc providers are
wary' of targeting women. It is a very fine balance between providing tailored services and
appearing to discriminate or patronise." The survey found that almost three in four women felt that
financial companies failed to explain details of the accounts, saving plaits and credit deals, and
more than 60 per cent said that financial firms should change their approach by offering packages
specialty tailored to women. The report says that while women make up 40 per cent of the
workforce, seven in ten are “economically active". Mintel asked women who were married or
living with their partners about their influence on financial decisions and devised an "influence
index", which showed that women have a big say in the choice of store credit cards, bank credit
cards and in which bank the main current account was held. They had less influence in matters
such as pension or insurance. However, woinen making choices in those areas represented a
sizeable market, Mintel said.
simpleton= ostoba, ignore= mellőző, patronise= támogat, institution= létesítmény, wary= körültekintő,
approach= megközelítés
IRÁNYÍTOTT FOGALMAZÁS Barátja meghívta egy születésnapi bulira, de ön nem tud elmenni. Mondja le a
1. Mondja el, hogy bár nagyon készült erre az alkalomra, sajnos nem tud elmenni.
2. Mesélje el, hogy kisfia mostanában sokat betegeskedik. Rendszeresen fáj a feje, magas a láza és időnként
kiÉitésci is varinak.
3. Ha az állapota javul, megpróbál elmenni, de ezt nem tartja valószínűnek.
4. Ígérje meg, hogy mihelyst lehet, ellátogat hozzájuk.
unit 1
1.1 Complete the sentences with the verbs given, using negatives or questions where necessary. Use the
same verb for each sentence in the pair. Choose the present continuous if possible; if not, use the present
simple. Use √ to add any words outside the space and use contracted forms where appropriate, as in 1. (A
& B) attract consist of doubt feel fit have like look measure sound
1 a I hear you're having your house repainted. How √is it looking? (or How √does it look?)
b I bought this new dress today. How √does it look?
2 a A: What are you doing with that ruler? B: I …………………… the area of the kitchen.
b The garden …………………….. 12 by 20 metres.
3 a I ………..……………. whether I'll get another chance to retake the exam.
b I suppose she might be at home tonight, but I ………………….. it.
4 a The new science museum currently …………………….. 10,000 visitors a month.
b Flowers …………………. bees with their brightly coloured petals.
5 a Mike won't work at the top of the 20-storey budding because he ……………………… heights.
b A: How's the new job? B: Well, at the moment, I ………………………… it at all.
6 a My car's in the garage today. They ………………………. new makes.
b I bought this jumper for Sue, but it ………………………. her so I'll have to take it back.
7 a What's your shirt made from? It ……………………………. like silk.
b I won't be coming to work today. I ……………………………..very well.
8 a The roof of the house …………………………… only plastic sheets nailed down in a few places.
b Their school uniform ………………………………. black trousers and a dark green jumper.
9 a Simon has been practising the song for days. It ……………………… quite good, but he doesn't think
he's ready yet to perform it in public.
b A: What's that noise? B: It …………………………… like a bird stuck in the chimney.
10 a I had a postcard from Joanne on holiday in Spain. It sounds like she ………………….... a really
good time.
b My sister ………………………….. long blonde hair. You're bound to recognise her.
1.2 Cross out any improbable answers. (C & D)
1 I'm understanding/ I understand biology a lot better now that we've got a new teacher.
2 I went to see a Formula One race last week, but I admit / 1'm admitting that I don't know much about
3 Do you find / Are you finding it difficult to concentrate on your work with this music on?
4 We'll do our best to get the computer repaired by rest week, but we're not guaranteeing/ we don't
guarantee it.
5 I've just starred to learn how to drive. Now I'm knowing / I know how difficult it is, I'll never criticise
your driving again.
6 She says that she wasn't in the kitchen when the bottle smashed, hot I refuse / I'm refusing to believe her.
7 I'm certainly agreeing/ I certainly agree with you that people shouldn't drink and drive.
8 I know the company has made a loss this year, but I'm not apologizing / I don't apologise for that.
9 It's very difficult for us to get jobs here, so we're considering/ we consider emigrating to Canada.
1. Test
1. I am not sure I … pay back my debts in the near future. I … spend far too much on my car
A) won’t be able // had toB) will able to // must C) can// have had to D) will be able // have to
2. No news … good news.
A) is
B) are a
C) is a
D) are
3. She … leave her sick-bed since she had that car accident. Needless to say, she … take an awful
lot of medicine as well.
A) couldn’t//must
B) hasn’t been allowed//has had to
C) mustn’t//had to D) isn’t allowed//has to
4. There’s no need to hurry, we’ve got … time left.
A) lots of
B) plenty
C) a great deal
D) a few
5. Although they were both very tired and … walk they somehow … reach the peak.
A) hardly could//succeed to
B) were hardly able to // could
C) hardly able to
// weren’t able to
D) could hardly // managed to
6. Both of my parents speak good German but … of them speak any English at all.
A) either
B) none
C) not any
D) neither
7. “ … I have a word with you, Peter?” “Yes, of course you … .”
A) must // might
B) might//can
C) could//could
D) can//could
8. He kept busying those expensive gifts, … it was obvious that he couldn’t afford them.
A) despite
B) in spite of
C) although
D) no matter
9. You … have sent him a letter. Judy has already given a ring. She … him all the necessary
A) wouldn’t // could give
B) needn’t // must have given
C) mustn’t // should have given
D) oughtn’t // must give
10. I don’t know much about business but the idea of opening a public toilet … to me.
A) is not sounding very good
B) is not sounding very well
C) doesn’t sound very well
D) doesn’t sound very good
11. I … speak to him as soon as possible, he … have heard anything about the case at all.
A) would // may
B) could // might
C) ought to // may not D) need // couldn’t
12. It was silly to stay indoors in … wonderful weather.
A) so
B) such a
C) such
D) so a
13. I know her very well, believe me, she … have done so well at the test. She … have been
A) can’t // must
B) mightn’t // can
C) mustn’t // should
D) oughtn’t to // needn’t
14. The guide book contains … you need to know about the area.
A) every information B) the whole information C) each information D) all the information
15. I … understand people who are ready to do this job for so little money. They … be crazy!
A) could // mustn’t B) can’t // must
C) ought // have to
D) should // can
16. A Cadillac takes up at least four times … a small Polski Fiat.
A) as big place than B) as much place as
C) so much place as
D) as many places as
17. If they … they preparations in good time, they … in such a hurry now.
A) would have started // weren’t
B) have started // wouldn’t have been
C) had started // wouldn’t be
D) would start // may not be
18. Not only … the car but also lost his driving licence for two years.
A) he did wreck
B) had he wrecked
C) did he wreck
D) he wrecked
19. He is a real chain smoker, if he … smoke a cigarette for more than half an hour, he … restless
and quite unable to concentrate.
A) didn’t // will get B) wouldn’t // got
C) mustn’t // would get D) can’t // gets
20. Pater Found work on one of the farms …
A) nearly.
B) closely,
C) near.
D) nearby.
21. I wish you … a bit more attention to these seemingly unimportant things; you … get into
serious trouble one day.
A) pay // can
B) would pay // might C) have paid // must
D) will pay // would
22. … had she had the front of the car fixed … she damaged the rear.
A) No sooner // when B) Hardly // then
C) Hardly // when
D) No sooner /that
23. “ … need any more information, just let me know.” “Great. … I write a letter, or just give you
a ring?”
A) If you would // Can B) If you will // May C) Should you // Shall D) Would you // Will
24. Although it was August, my mother put three pullovers into my bag, … it was cold.
A) if
B) in case
C) in the case
D) if perhaps
25. Oh blast, this bloody zip … open! It … do that, when I am in such a hurry.
A) wouldn’t // shouldn’t B) won’t // should C) won’t // would
D) doesn’t // should
26. Why is this girl looking at me … she knew me? I’ve never seen her before in my life.
A) although
B) as
C) as though
D) if only
27. We … really be very grateful if you briefly explain the situation to us.
A) should // B) would // could
C) shall // shall
D) will // would
28. It’s … expensive to own a car these days.
A) such
B) terrible
C) rather
D) enough
29. It is true she is not a spring chicken any more but she … an extremely pretty woman; men …
turn and stare wherever she went.
A) would be // used to B) used to be // should C) would be // would D) used to be // would
30. … it was early September, it was quite cold for the time of the year.
A) Despite
B) However
C) In spite of
D) Although
31. It was quite understandable that they … so angry; after all they … for their turn for more than
three hours.
A) are // have been waiting
B) had been // were waiting
C) were // had been waiting
D) are // were waiting
32. The dentist examined all my teeth but than God, … was all right.
A) every one
B) every
C) the whole
D) all
33. I don’t really understand why … me. On Friday she promised that … me a ring sometime
during the weekend.
A) she didn’t call // she would give
B) didn’t she call // she will give
C) she called // she would have given
D) did she call // will give
34. At 50 … has the face he deserves.
A) each
B) everyone
C) all
D) most
35. The advertisement said that customers … eat as much they … for HUF600.
A) might // wish
B) could // wished
C) can // wished
D) would // wish
36. You’re only young one. After that you’ll have to find … excuse.
A) other
B) different
C) else
D) another
37. What would you say … if he … in such situation?
What would he do // were
B) he would have done // had been
C) would he do // weren’t
D) would he have done // hadn’t been
38. Each generation imagines itself to be … the one that went before it and … the one thath comes
after it.
A) intelligenter than // more wise than
B) more intelligent than // wiser than
C) more intelligent as // wiser as
D) intelligenter as // more wise as
39. It’s no good waiting for the tram. We … walk.
A) might
B) might as well
C) might well
D) may
40. I don’t deserve this award but I have arthritis and I don’t deserve that …
A) nor.
B) too.
C) neither.
D) either.
2. Supply the appropriate words pr phrases.
1. If we describe a husband as …………………. We mean that he is completely dominated by his
wife, who orders him about and tells him what to do.
2. The ……………………….. of a novel, a film, etc. is the story it is based on.
3. If you ……………………….. money for a particular purpose, you manage to get the necessary
amount by cashing your savings, selling, collecting from other people or by borrowing.
4. ……………………….. is lack or serious shortage of rainwater.
5. If you ………………… a business, a company, etc., you make the necessary arrangements and
preparations to start it.
6. A ………………………….. is an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio.
7. Someone who has won the first prize in a competition or who has beaten everyone alse in a
contest or fight is a ………………………… .
8. ………………………. are small-sized newspapers in which the news stories and articles are
short and sensational, usually with a lot of photographs.
9. An ……………………….. is a formal request to a court of law for an earlier decision to be
10. ……………………. If you do something on …………………., you do it immediately,
without any delay.
11. Weather that is ……………………… makes you feel uncomfortable because the air feels very
hot and wet.
12. …………………………… is something that you do to hurt or punish someone who ha done
something bad to you.
13. A ………………….. is an elected organization that is responsible for local government in a
particular area.
14. …………………………… are a kind of clothing worn by women that fit closely round the
hips, legs and feet and are made of thin, stretchy material.
15. A …………………… is a book that gives information for tourists about a particular area.
16. A …………………….. is a narrow platform that models walk along to display clothes in a
fashion show.
17. The place in a theatre, cinema or concert where the tickets are sold is called the
…………………… .
18. A …………………. Is a period of physical exercise which you do as training for a sport.
19. If something is …………………… , it is smooth, wet or greasy so it is difficult for you to hold
or walk on.
20. …………………………….. is a special material used for fastening clothes, which sticks
together when you press a piece with a rough surface against a piece with a soft surface.
3. Translate the sentences.
Na, átmentél végre a vizsgán? Bárcsak átmentem volna, de sajnos nem sikerült! A vicc az, hogy a
vizsgán úgy tűnt, hogy jól mennek a dolgok. Azt hittem, most végre sikerülni fog. Á az előző heti
vizsgán is így volt és azokon nem sikerült átmenni. Igazad van. Biztosan jó nagy hibákat
csináltam. Elég rossz lehettem, ha csak 10 pontot kaptam. Mit gondolsz, mit csináljak most?
Megpróbáljam még egyszer? Hát, én a helyedben tovább folytatnám a nyelvtanulást. Szerintem
nem kellett volna a hetedik vizsga után ilyen hamar újra megpróbálnod. Ha tovább jársz angolra,
több esélyed lett volna. Hát lehet, hogy igazad van. Mit gondolsz, tudnál nekem segíteni? Azt
hiszem át kellene ismételnem az egész nyelvtant. Ha jobban tudnám a nyelvtant, sokkal
magabiztosabb lennék és akkor már csak a szókincsemet kellene egy kicsit fejleszteni.
4. Listen.
November’s plane of the month is the McDonnel Douglas DC 10. In the pilot’s seat Captain
Victor Trimble, a pilot instrucor, who has been with the fleet for eight years. Although he always
wanted to be a pilot, and was in his university air sqadron, Victor spent six years training as an
architect before swapping careers and joing British Airways in the 1970s. Nowadays he flies over
some of the houses he helped to design. Based at London Gatwick, the DC10 Fleet goes to
Phoneix and San Diego on the West Coast of America, plus a variety of the southern and eastern
States, the Caribbean,Dubai, Colombo and various African destinations .Because it is a small fleet
it means that the flight crew know each other well and often fly together. „It’s a very friendly fleet
„, says Victor „ And the DC10 is a very satisfying airplane to fly. It is flexible, eqally at home
taking a full passenger and substanial freight load on our longer routes or coping with the smaller
Caribbean destinations like the Cayman Islands. It’s a very manoeuvrable aircraft – fully laden it’s
about 260 tons, but easy to handle both on the ground and in the air . For us the big roomy flight
deck is a decided bonus, as the superb visibility. „I love looking down on the big open spaces of
the world, the wildernesses and the deserts,but my all-time favouirte view is Greenland. You can
see the fallen snow, and the pattern of the huge mass off glaciers where the ice has pourded down
to from valleys before breaking off into icebergs- it gives you an insight into a breathtaking cycle
of evebts wich has ben ongoing for thousands of years .”Whenever possible we do like passengers
to visit the flight deck. Most have interesting qestions and it’salways good to meet people.
Occasionary they surprise us – some time ago the former Secretary of state, James Baker, came up
to say hello and stayed for the landing. I met him again over a year later, not only did he remember
my name and those of both my co-pilot and engeneer but also ecalled the stewardess, who tried to
teah him to speak English with a cockney accent- an amazing memory.
1. Listen to the text. How much of it did you understand?
Less than 50%7 -> Go to exercise 2.
About 50%-> Go to exercise 3.
About 75%-> Go to exercise 4.
Almost 100% -> Go to exercise 5.
2. Match the words and the definitions.
air squadron (n)
aircraft (n)
breathtaking (adj)
crew (n)
cycle of events (n)
number of ships buses or aircrafts
a group of airplanes
the direction or the end of a flight/journey
all the people working on a plane/ship
desert (n)
destination (n)
fleet (n)
flexible (adj)
flight deck (n)
freight load (n)
glaciers (n)
iceberg (n)
laden (adj)
maneuverable (adj)
recall (v)
satisfying (adj)
substantial (adj)
swap (v)
visibility (n)
wilderness (n)
giving happiness or satisfaction
can be changed easily
big size, big amount
it carries only goods not only passengers
it can be driven easily
the unchanging stretch of land, without human presence
a sandy piece of land little rain and little plant life
mass of ice which moves very slowly down a mountain valley
a large piece of ice floating in the sea
very exciting, very unusual
a number of events happening repeatedly
the cockpit, a compartment used by pilots, navigators, etc.
heavily loaded
the ability to see clearly
3. A Listen to the first part. Give short answers.
The pilot
1. What’s his name?
2. What’s his job now?
3. Which company does he work for?
4. What did he do before this job?
5. Where is his workplace based?
6. Where does he go from the base?
The plane
7. What’s the name of the plane?
8. Why is it flexible?
9. How much does it weigh fully laden?
10. What is its cockpit like?
3 B Listen to the second part. Choose the correct answer.
1. His favourite view is A) Greenland
B) Thailand
2. In Greenland there are A) deserts
B) glaciers
3. He can get A) a breathtaking insight into a cycle of events
B) an insight into a breathtaking cycle of events
4. He … passengers to visit the flight deck. A) likes
B) doesn’t like
5. He has an interesting story with …
A) the former Secretary of State
B) a secretary from the States
4. Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1. Victor has been working as a pilot for 10 years.
2. Victor worked as an architect for 6 years before being a pilot.
3. He works fro a big fleet.
4. He flies to the western part of the States as well.
5. The plane doesn’t carry goods.
6. The plane itself weighs 260 tons.
7. He loves looking down on the open spaces of the world.
8. The ice of the glaciers breaks into icebergs in the valleys.
9. A lot of passengers have interesting questions.
10. He likes meeting the passengers.
5. Answer the questions.
1. Victor Timble milyen foglalkozást űzött, mielőtt pilóta lett?
2. Mi történt 1970-ben?
3. Soroljon föl legalább 5 helyet, ahova repülni szokott!
4. Milyen dicséreteket mond gépéről?
5. Milyen dicséreteket mond a gépéről?
6. Miért szereti, ha az utasok megnézik a pilótafülkét?
7. Mivel lepte meg őt James Baker?
 Külföldi szomszédasszonya altatót kér kölcsön öntől mivel óvodás kislánya mostanában
esténként sokáig nem tud elaludni és emiatt már az egész család kimerült. Ön udvariasan, de
határozottan megtagadja a kérés teljesítését. Érvei a következők orvosi javaslat nélkül semmi
ilyen gyógyszert nem tanácsos szedni, kisgyereknek különösen nem. Az álmatlanságnak fiatal
korban sok oka lehet, és a kiváltó okot kell megszüntetni. Ön szerint megfontolandó, hogy
esetleg pszichológus segítségével kellene kideríteni, nem fél-e a gyerek valamitől. Ebben a
korban, amikor kezdenek ráébredni a világ veszélyeire elég gyakori a szorongás. Ön
mindenesetre nem engedné, hogy a kislány a rengeteg erőszakos jelenetet tartalmazó rajzfilmeket
nézze. Önnek van néhány kedves és vidám mesefilmje videón, szívesen kölcsönadja azokat.
Végül megemlíti, hogy a halk, nyugtató zene is eredményes lehet. Amikor az ön gyerekei kicsik
voltuk, ez a módszer bevált.
 Külföldi kollégája haza készül látogatni. Nagy gondban vau, mivel szülei arany lakodalmat
fogják ünnepelni, és nem tudja, hogy milyen ajándékot vigyen nekik. Ön együttérzően próbál
neki a döntésben segíteni, megemlítve, hogy tavaly hasonló helyzetben Önnek sem volt könnyű
megtalálni a megoldást. Kérdésére elmondja, hogy végül befizette őket egy hajóútra a Földközitengeren. Nem volt fárasztó, és a meglátogatott mediterrán országokban csodálatos élményekben
volt részük. Megtudván, hogy munkatársa édesapja súlyos cukorbeteg ezért már nem utazgatnak,
más ötlettel áll elő. Van néhány olyan márkás porcelánokat gyártó üzem Magyarországon
(herendi, a pécsi Zsolnay, hollóházi), melyek termékei külföldön is keresettek, még királyi
udvarokba is szállítanak belőlük. Ön szerint egy szép herendi vagy más márkájú kávés- vagy
teáskészletnek biztosan örülnének az ünnepeltek. Figyelmezteti kollégáját, hogy évekkel ezelőtt
a herendi porcelánra kiviteli engedélyt kellett kérni. Nem tudja, hogy ez a rendelkezés még
érvényben van-e, de érdemes megérdeklődni, hogy elkerülje ez esetleges kellemetlenségeket a
Present continuous and present simple (1)
A We can use the present amtinuous with some stare verbs /e.g. ,mart, like, look, love, sound)
when we want to emphasise that a situation is temporary or for a period of time around the present.
Jean stays with us quite often. The children love having her here.
Jean's with us at the moment. The children are loving having her here.
Score verbs which we rarely use with the present continuous include believe, consist of, doubt,
B Some verbs have different meanings when they are used to talk about states and when they
describe actions. With their 'state' meanings, they usually take simple rather than continuo', forms.
With their `action' meanings, they may rake simple or continuous forms, depending on context.
The new treatment for influenza doesn't appear to work (appear state = seem)
Madonna is currently appearing in a musical on Broadway./ She often appears in icals. (appear;
action - take part)
Do you think it's a good ideal (think: score =about an opinion)
I’m thinking of going in August./ Your trouble is you think too much. (think= consider)
Other verhs like this include anticipate, cost, expect, feel, fit, have, imagine, measure, weigh.
C With some verbs describing mental scares (e.g. find, realise, regret, think, undersstand) we
can use the present continuous to emphasise drat we have recently smrted m think about
something or thae we are not sure about something. Compare:
I regret that the company will have to be sold (= I have made the decision and 1 am sorry about it)
I'm regretting my decision to give her the job. = I am increasingly aware that it was the wrong
When it means `think carefully about the verb consider is only used with the present continuous:
He's considering raking early retirement (not He considers raking early retirement.)
Some other verbs describing preferences and menatl states (e.g. agree, believe, conclude, know,
prefer) are rank aced with the present continuous. I believe you now.
D We use the presem simple with verbs which perform the action dsey describe:
I admit I can’t see as well as I used to.
We apologise for nor replying earlier.
Other verhs like this (sometimes called performnrioesl include acknowledge, advise, beg,
confess, congramlare, declare, deny, forbid, guarantee, name, order permit, predict,
promise, refuse, remind, request, thank, warn. Some verbs used as performatives in affirmative
(= positive) sentences (apologise, deny, guarantee, promise, suggest) have a similar meaning
with either the present simple or the present continuous in negative sentences:
I don't deny/ I'm not denying taking the books, but Andy said it would be okay.
Notc that we can use modals with performatives, often to make what we say more tentative or
We would advise you to arrive two hours before the flight leaves.
I must beg you ro keep this a secret.
KEY to exercises
4 a. is currently attracting or attracts b. attract
2. a. ’m measuring b. measures
5 a. doesn’t like b. ’m not liking or don’t like
3 a. doubt b. doubt
6 a. ’re fitting b. doesn’t fit
7 a. feels b. ’m feeling or don’t feel
8. a. consists of b. consists of
9. a. ’s sounding or sounds b. sounds
10 a. ’s having b. has
1. I’m undersatnding/I understand
2. I admit
3. Do you find/ Are you finding
4. we’re not guaranteeing/ we don’t guarantee
5. I know
6 I refuse
7. I certainly agree
8 I’m not apologising/ I don’t apologise
9. we’re considering
2. intervene, literally, absorb, anxious, exile, unload, crowded, treasure, limb, attract, boast, renown, embassy,
sensible, date, fuss, gasp, pram, rear, idle
3. wealthy, author, underwent, incredible, audience, idle, shabby, attracted, permanently, unbearable
4. to invest money, unique features, fatal accident, peasant rebellion, capital punishment, to attract attention, to
undergo an operation, crowded room, lack of humour, to make a fuss
5. 1. The fascinating exhibition, which was regarded as unique in the city, attracted an audience. 2. The surgeon
wasn't wealthy so he invested his money o the prosperous stock exchange and literally became a millionaire. 3.
Instead of fashionable clothes, the wearing of shabby year spread throughout the town. 4. The trained
parachutist boasted that he was able to perform an incredible jump which could be fatal. 5. People were
swarming all over the street in front of the embassy and were absorbed in the entertainment.
People who are a lot alike tend to gather together and become friends. This can be used to mean
that people are alike in both good ways and bad ways. This proverb is often shortened. Many
people just say "Birds of a feather..."
If you are too interested in things you should not be interested in, you could be in danger. You
may be causing yourself problems by trying to find out things you don't need to know.
You use this proverb to warn someone not to plan anything that depends on a good thing you
expect to happen in the future, and tell him/her to wait until it really happens. It is used to tell
people not to be too sure that something good you hope for will really happen. It might not
happen after all. It is often shortened to "Don't count your chickens." The "before they
hatch" part can be substituted by "before they are hatched" or "before they've hatched."
You use this proverb to say that you shouldn't worry about something that has already
happened. It is no use being angry over or upset about something that has already happened
and/or you cannot change. For example: “I failed the exam, but it's no use crying over spilled
milk. I'll try it again.”
You use this proverb to say that you can't tell what something/someone is really like just by
looking at it. It might be different from what it looks. If someone says, "You can't judge a
book by its cover," he/she advises you not to judge someone or something only by its
appearance. People also say, "You can't tell a book by its cover." For example: “I know you
want to think he's honest and trust him, but be careful. You can't tell a book by its cover.”
Ebben a leckében 5 olyan közmondást válogattam össze, amelynek többé-kevésbé van magyar megfelelője, bár meg fogod látni, hogy
egyáltalán nem szó szerinti fordításban, hanem jelentésben! Hogy a feladat azért mégse legyen olyan egyszerű, megadom az 5 magyar
közmondást, és a Te feladatod, hogy megtaláld az angol megfelelőket!
a) Nem ítélj első látásra!
b) Eső után köpönyeg.
c) Aki kíváncsi hamar megöregszik!
d) Zsák a foltját...
e) Ne igyál előre a medve bőrére!
There's no use doing sth
to be alike
to be interested in sth
to be shortened
to be substituted by sth
to count
to depend on sth
to fail an exam
to find out sth
to gather together
to happen
to hatch
to judge sth by sth
to plan sth
to spill, spilt, spilt/spilled, spilled
to tend to do sth
to trust sb
to warm sb
külső megjelenés
Nincs értelme valamit csinálni
ugyanolyannak lenni
vkit érdekel vmi
lerövidítve lenni
vmi által helyettesítve lenni
vmitől függeni
megbukni egy vizsgán
megtudni vmit, információt szerezni vmiről
megtörténik, történik
kikel a tojásból
vmit vmiről megítélni
tervezni vmit
hajlamos, hajlik vmit csinálni
megbízni vkiben
figyelmeztetni vkit
Megoldás: a-5, b-4, c-2, d-1, e-3
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
The family money has a magnetic pull
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Her social diary is always full
And both her faces - so easy on the eye
And everyone worth knowing is kissing her behind
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
Style has a price without much change
Yeah, yeah, yeah
If you have to ask then it's out of your range
And both her faces--so easy on the eye
And everyone worth knowing is kissing her behind
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
Oh ah, oh ah, oh ah, oh ah...
Versace and Prada they mean nothing to me, to me...
Well you can buy your friends, but I'll hate you for free
Hate you for free...
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She just shakes her yeah, yeah, yeah
morally [mɒrəli] – erkölcsileg
to have a bad effect on [tu həv ə bæd ɪˈfekt ɒn] – rossz hatással van vmire/vkire
rotten [rɒtn̩] – rohadt
to spoil [tu spoɪl] – tönkretesz
bushel [bʊʃl̩] – véka
barrel [bærəl] – hordó
preference [prefrəns] – előny, kedvezmény
affection [əfekʃn̩] – érzelem
wealthy [welθi] – jómódú, gazdag
to inherit [tə ɪnherɪt] – örököl
authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti] - hatóság
A 'bad apple' is a (morally) bad person who makes the whole group bad. A 'bad apple' is
someone who has a bad effect on a whole group or system. People also say, "One bad/rotten
apple spoils the (whole) bushel/barrel." For example:"The corruption in the ministry started
with a bad apple, a high official two years ago. Now the whole system is corrupt."
If somebody is the apple of your eye, this means that you like them very much. He/She is a
favourite, a particular preference, a loved one; the object of somebody's affections. For exaple:
"Although she's got three kids, her little daughter is the apple of her eye."
We use this expression to talk about somebody very wealthy who has got the money to buy
everything, not only material things, but also friends, love, etc. For example: "When she was at
school, nobody liked her. But after she inherited a lot of money, she's got everything money can
buy, even friends and love."
If something is a piece of cake, it is very easy to do. For example:
A: How was the English test yesterday? Did you pass?
B: Of course! It was a piece of cake.
The person or the group that has the most power or authority. If someone or an organization is
top dog, he/she/it has the highest authority or power in a group. For example: "Although Tom
was very shy at the beginning, he became the top dog in the sales department in his fourth
Kösd össze az angol mondást a magyar jelentéssel!
1) bad apple
2) apple of one's eye
3) all that money can buy
4) a piece of cake
5) top dog
a) nagy kutya, vezér
b) egyszerű feladat, gyerekjáték (átvitt értelemben)
c) az az alak, aki bomlasztja a társaságot
d) valakinek a szeme fénye
e) minden, ami pénzzel elérhető
When we say that 'Rome wasn't built in a day' we mean that something takes a long time to do
it is an important job. For example: "Sometimes it feels like we've spent all our lives decorating
this house." "Well, Rome wasn't built in a day."
We use this expression to say that somebody shouldn't rush into doing something until they
know how to do it.For example: "I don't think you should apply for that job. You don't even
know how to use a computer. Learn to walk before you run!"
If the news was bad, we would hear of it. Since we have heard nothing, we can assume that all
is well. For example: "Fred: I wonder if Jill is doing all right in her new job. Jane: No news is
good news. Jane: I'm worried about my sister. She hasn't called me for months. Alan: No news
is good news, right?"
Time is valuable and should not be wasted. For example: "I can't afford to spend a lot of time
standing here talking. Time is money, you know! People who keep saying time is money may be
working too hard."
Every good thing has an unpleasant side. For example: "The Internet has brought a lot of
benefits, but it has also caused problems such as computer hackers or virus. Every rose has its
Translation from English to Hungarian. FARMER SECURES RETURN OF £1.5M ROMAN BRONZES
l. Sehányan. („Magányos harcot" vívott.) 2. Semmi.
3. Amikor Levy maghal.
4. A sövény közé rejtőzve várta őket.
5. A helyet jelölik a környéket ábrázoló térképeken.
6. Mert úgy gondolták, hogy lehetetlen visszajuttatni a bronztárgyakat.
7. Az Ariadne múzeumtól vásárolta őket. 8. Nem.
9. A British Museum-ba.
1. Egyes vese és szívkoszorúér osztályokon.
2. Eszelős betegeket másodrendű orvosok kezelnek.
3. Olyan orvosoknak tartják őket, akik nem elég jók ahhoz, hogy „értékesebb" betegek közelébe engedjék őket.
4. Hogy, ha megbetegszenek, nem sokat lehet tenni, akkor sem, ha gyógyítható betegségről van szó.
5. A primitív társadalmakban alacsonyabb az emberek vérnyomása, hacsak nem vesznek fel nyugati életstílust.
6. Az agyvérzés esélye felére csökkenthető.
7. Kb. 13 éves korban.
8. A faji és nemi megkülönböztetés törvényellenes. Az idős emberek hátrányos megkülönböztetése nem.
Translation exercise
Are you coming to have lunch with us? - No, thanks, I have already had lunch. Have the mechanics repaired my
car yet? I haven't finished my coffee yet. Has the sun risen yet? I haven't found my pocket calculator yet. I have
already seen Casablanca three times. My boss has just left for Greece. Have you heard the latest news yet? We
have just moved into a new flat. I have just booked two tickets for tonight's performance. What has happened to
your hair? I have just dyed it.
Where have you been all morning? - At the bank. How much money have you saved so far? That boy has had
five ice-creams. It has just occurred to me that I haven't paid the rent yet. Have you ever seen the Leaning
Tower of Pisa? Have you ever been to China? I have never been to this part of the country. This is the fastest
car I have ever driven. This is the most dangerous bend I have ever seen. He is the most intelligent man I have
ever spoken to. How long have you been interested in languages? - Since I was a small child. How long have
you known your friend's colleague? How long have you been unemployed? - For several months. Since when
have you been able to cook such delicious goulash? How long have you been able to play the violin? How long
have you had to take this medicine? How long have you had to commute to work? I have had more work to do
since September. Where have you been? I haven't seen you since Monday. I haven't gone jogging for a long
time now. He hasn't written to me since he went abroad. He has eaten three sandwiches since he came home. I
have read this book twice since I got it. He can't walk fast because his leg has been hurt. She is disappointed
because her friend hasn't telephoned her. I'm going to the police station because someone has stolen my car. My
pen has run out. I can't pay the bill because I have left my purse at home. I have taken the driving test three
times, but I haven't passed it yet. Has she had the baby yet? This is the first time I have eaten salmon. This is
the first time I have failed an exam. This is the third time I have overslept this week. He borrowed my book last
term, but hasn't given it back yet. The dog has just had puppies. This is the second time I have given up
smoking. He hasn't shaved for a fortnight. We haven't drunk champagne since my birthday. I have seen the
dentist three times this week. We have gone skating five times this month. I haven't gone skiing since I broke
my leg. I have been interested in classical music all my life. I haven't been able to sleep recently because of the
noisy water pipes.
5. Solution for the translation
1. The fascinating exhibition, which was regarded as unique in the city, attracted an audience.
2. The surgeon wasn’t wealthy so he invested his money on the prosperous stock exchange and literally became
a millionaire.
3. Instead of fashionable clothes, the wearing of shabby jeans spread throughout the town.
4. The trained parachutist boasted that he was able to perform an incredible jump which could be fatal.
5. People were swarming all over the street in front of the embassy and were absorbed in the entertainment.