THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Telegrams: “MAKAMU”, Telephone: 2113857/2116995 Fax : 2113856 E-mail: In reply please quote Our Ref. No.: BC 78/130/01 VICE PRESIDENT’S OFFICE P.O. BOX 5380, DAR ES SALAAM TANZANIA 24 October, 2003 Ms Karen Brooks Sector Manager The World Bank ESSD Operations for Eastern Africa African Region 1818H Street N.W. Washington D.C. 20433 United States of America Dear Madam, RE: REQUEST FOR FUNDS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TRANSBOUNDARY ENVIRONMENTAL DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS (TDS) AND STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAM (SPA) As a Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Focal Point in Tanzania/Kenya/Uganda and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kenya/United Republic of Tanzania/Republic of Uganda, I request the World Bank to request the GEF to grant our three partner states US$1,000,000.00 to be used in the implementation of the above TDA and SAP. The Project is in line with the recently completed Vision and Strategy Frame Work for management and development of the Lake Victoria Basin. As shown above, the objective of the Project is to prepare a Transboundary Diagnostic Environmental Analysis (TDA) of the lake Victoria Basin in order to determine a Strategic Action/Investment Program, which will address key environmental issues and poverty eradication by promoting sustainable economic growth. Activities to be implemented include collating existing scientific information and data such as that collected during Lake Victoria Environmental management project (LVEMP), Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization as well as from other sources. Specific activities to be implemented include, among others; persistent chemicals, water hyacinth, blue green algae, toxic substances, phosphorus, nitrogen, land use, biodiversity, nitrogen fisheries. During the implementation, numerous stakeholder consultations will be undertaken in each country. There will be one or two stakeholder national workshops in each country and at least one regional workshop will be held. The three partner states have agreed to involve Burundi and Rwanda ink the TDA once they have accepted and signed a Memorandum of Understanding sent to them by the EAC Secretary General. The TDA will be implemented along with LVEMP-2 and other activities during 2004-2005. Yours sincerely, R.O.S. Mollel PERMANENT SECRETARY c.c. Ms. Rachel Arungah Permanent Secretary Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife P.O. Box 30521 NAIROBI Kenya c.c. Eng. B.K. Kabanda Permanent Secretary Ministry of Lands, Water and Environment P.O. Box 7122 KAMPALA Uganda 2