Name _________________ LA Date _________ Period ________ Direct Objects and Indirect Objects Direct Objects are complements that are used after action verbs. A direct object is a noun or pronoun that receives the action of a transitive verb. A direct object can be identified by asking Whom? Or What? after an action verb. Example: The message reached the lawyer. Subject message Verb reached Direct Object lawyer Question answered reached whom = lawyer Directions: Identify the parts of speech in the sentences below. 1. His landlord is raising the rent. Subject _____________________ Verb _____________________ Question answered _____________________ Direct Object _____________________ She quickly opened the letter. Subject _____________________ Verb _____________________ Question answered _____________________ Direct Object 2. _____________________ My aunt opened the door cautiously. Subject _____________________ Verb _____________________ Question answered _____________________ Direct Object _____________________ Indirect Objects - An indirect object is a noun or pronoun that comes after an action verb and before a direct object. It names the person or thing that something is given to or done for. A sentence cannot have an indirect object unless it first has a direct object. Example: I told them the story. Subject I Verb told Direct Object ? Told what? Direct Object story Indirect Object them Indirect object ? Told to whom? = them Directions: Identify the parts of speech in the sentences below. 1. Dave gave each slide a new title. Subject _____________________ Verb _____________________ Direct Object ? ____________________ Direct Object _____________________ Indirect Object ? _____________________ Indirect Object _____________________ 2. We sent her a bouquet of flowers. Subject _____________________ Verb _____________________ Direct Object ? _____________________ Direct Object _____________________ Indirect Object ? _____________________ Indirect Object _____________________ Bonus: What part of speech is “of” in sentence #2? What part of speech is flowers? of = __________________ flowers = ________________ Name _________________ LA Date _________ Period ________ Indirect Object or Object of a Preposition? Do not confuse an indirect object with the object of a preposition. An indirect object never follows the preposition to or for in a sentence. Compare the following sentences: 1. Father bought him a present. Subject Father Verb bought Direct Object question bought what? = present Direct Object present Indirect Object question bought for whom? = him Indirect Object him 2. Father bought a present for him. Subject Father Verb bought Direct Object question bought what? = present Direct Object present Indirect Object none Preposition for In the first example, him is an indirect object. It comes after the verb and before the direct object. In the second, him is the object of the preposition for and follows the direct object. Directions: Read each sentence. Ask the questions; identify the parts of speech. Remember, if there’s a preposition, there is no indirect object. 1. The strawberries gave him a rash. Subject __________________ Verb __________________ Direct Object question __________________ Direct Object __________________ Indirect Object question __________________ Indirect Object __________________ Preposition __________________ 2. Sheepishly, she told her father the story. Subject __________________ Verb __________________ Direct Object question __________________ Direct Object __________________ Indirect Object question __________________ Indirect Object __________________ Preposition __________________ 3. Raphael gave a bone to the collie. Subject __________________ Verb __________________ Direct Object question __________________ Direct Object __________________ Indirect Object question __________________ Indirect Object __________________ Preposition __________________ 4. Did you tell him the price? Subject __________________ Verb __________________ Direct Object question __________________ Direct Object __________________ Indirect Object question __________________ Indirect Object __________________ Preposition __________________ 5. My mother brought her car to the repair shop. Subject __________________ Verb __________________ Direct Object question __________________ Direct Object __________________ Indirect Object question __________________ Indirect Object __________________ Preposition __________________ 6. Surprisingly enough, she gave her aunt the bracelet. Subject __________________ Verb __________________ Direct Object question __________________ Direct Object __________________ Indirect Object __________________ Indirect Object question __________________ Preposition __________________ 7. Please buy a new radio for them. Subject __________________ Verb __________________ Direct Object question __________________ Direct Object __________________ Indirect Object __________________ Indirect Object question __________________ Preposition __________________