- WW Norton & Company


Reading Activities Worksheet for Chapter 6: Learning

Section 6.1: What Are the Three Ways We Learn? a.

Remember the key terms about learning.

Write the definition for each key term. (Complete this activity below.)



sensitization: b.

Understand the three main types of learning.

Describe these three types of learning using your own words. (Complete this activity below.) c.

Apply learning to your life.

Provide examples from your own experience of the two types of nonassociative learning. (Complete this activity below.) d.

Understand how the brain changes during learning.

Summarize in your own words how long-term potentiation explains learning in the brain. (Complete this activity below.)

Section 6.2: How Do We Learn by Classical Conditioning? a.

Remember the key terms about classical conditioning.

Write the definition for each key term. (Complete this activity below.)

classical conditioning:

unconditioned stimulus (US):

unconditioned response (UR):

conditioned stimulus (CS):

conditioned response (CR):



spontaneous recovery:

stimulus generalization:

stimulus discrimination:



Apply the four steps of classical conditioning.

Use the four steps of classical conditioning to describe how to train a horse to run at the sound of a bell. Hint: Horses naturally run when hit on the rump.

(Complete this activity below.) c. Apply the principles of acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, and discrimination.

Extend these five concepts to the classical conditioning situation you described in Reading Activity 6.2(b). (Complete this activity below.) d. Analyze the acquisition of a phobia and counterconditioning to reduce a phobia.

Identify how a phobia of snakes can be acquired through classical conditioning and reduced through counterconditioning. (Complete this

activity below.)

Section 6.3: How Do We Learn by Operant Conditioning? a.

Remember the key terms about operant conditioning.

Write the definition for each key term. (Complete this activity below.)

operant conditioning:

positive reinforcement:

negative reinforcement:

positive punishment:

negative punishment:

fixed interval schedule (FI):

variable interval schedule (VI):

fixed ratio schedule (FR):

variable ratio schedule (VR):

partial-reinforcement extinction effect:

cognitive map:

latent learning:

insight learning:



Understand the four types of reinforcement and punishment in operant conditioning.

Summarize in your own words the four ways that reinforcement and punishment affect behavior. (Complete this activity below.) c.

Apply the four schedules of reinforcement.

Provide an example of each of the four schedules of reinforcement in your life. (Complete this activity below.) d.

Apply the three cognitive aspects of conditioning.

Describe an example from your own life of learning via a cognitive map, latent learning, and insight. (Complete this activity below.)

Section 6.4: How Do We Learn by Watching Others? a.

Remember the key terms about watching others.

Write the definition for each key term. (Complete this activity below.)



sensitization: b.

Understand the four types of reinforcement and punishment in operant conditioning.

Describe in your own words the three ways that we learn by watching others.

(Complete this activity below.) c.

Apply the three types of learning by watching others.

Provide an example from your own life of each of the three types of learning by watching others. (Complete this activity below.) d.

Understand what happens in the brain during observational learning.

Summarize how mirror neurons may be the brain mechanism responsible for observational learning. (Complete this activity below.)

