POLICY: EBCC-R EFFECTIVE DATE: 1/12/09 CANCELS SHEET DATED: 8/6/08; 9/3/03; 7/8/98 REVIEWED BY POLICY COMMITTEE: 12/1/08 BOMB THREATS RESPONSE PROCEEDURES Threat Assessment for the purpose of identifying a response that is in proportion to the threat, in light of what is necessary to ensure safety. 1.) Obtain the information from the informant and/or the caller which is needed to complete the attached bomb threat form and note the exact time of the call or threat. Person receiving the call or threat information should report to the building Principal. 2) The Principal will conduct a threat assessment using the DOJ guidelines in their publication “Bomb Threat Response: An Interactive Planning Tool for Schools.” The principal may consult with the superintendent or law enforcement officials as appropriate. Based on the threat assessment the Principal shall initiate an evacuation or other response as appropriate. Building evacuation and re-entry 1) If evacuation is deemed appropriate the Principal shall initiate the following procedures. 2.) Evacuate the building. All people will be notified by word of mouth and instructed not to touch anything. Students will be directed to take all personal possessions they have in the classroom, including backpacks, with them, but shall not return to lockers to retrieve any items. 3.) A.) Notify the State Police (800) 452-4664 B.) Call 9-1-1 with a statement that there is a condition of code yellow at ____________________ School. 4.) Call the Superintendent or next in control at 635-2727, Ext. 1. 5.) Move everyone more than 300' away from the building to the assigned locations. 6.) Due to the need for emergency radio transmission, move all buses 1000' away from the building. Be sure to turn off all radios and cell phones until you have moved 1000' and then use the radio only for emergency communication. 7.) The Administrative Office will remain open on a voluntary basis if that building (Carrabec Community School) has to be evacuated. 8.) If the decision is made to take everyone home, the Superintendent will notify each site. 9.) Students should be grouped by bus number and driver. Before students board buses, the bus will be re-inspected by the driver. 10.) All students will ride on buses. 11.) Load the buses and deliver the students to their homes. If the driver knows that no one is home to take care of students in grade K-5, these students may be left with a relative. If no one is found, those students will remain on the bus and be returned to the communication center. An attempt will be made at that time to contact the parent or a relative. 12.) If all students in all schools are dismissed, all buses will run their regular afternoon routes. 13.) If students in all schools are evacuated, the following procedure will be used: A.) CENTRAL -- The emergency location will be New Portland Fire Station, 628-3157. B.) EMBDEN -- The emergency location will be the Fish Hatchery, 566-0591. C.) GARRET SCHENCK -- The emergency location will be the Anson Town Hall, 696-3979. D.) SOLON -- The emergency location will be the Fire Hall. Phone Griswold's Market, 643-2771 or Solon Town Office, 643-2812. E.) CARRABEC COMMUNITY SCHOOL -- Grade K-5 students go to the Methodist Church, Main Street, 635-2748. Grade 6-8 students go to the Congregational Church, Elm Street, 635-2137. F.) CARRABEC HIGH SCHOOL -- All students will be moved to the TDS Garage. All buses will leave from the TDS Garage as soon as they load students. The emergency location telephone phone number is 635-9911. 14.) If students in individual buildings are evacuated, the Superintendent or designee will determine the relocation site depending on circumstances. 15.) Police, assisted by volunteers from the school staff, will search the building(s). Before entering the building, the staff members need the permission of the Superintendent or designee. 16.) All kitchen personnel will turn off the kitchen equipment before leaving. 17.) Students or staff may not enter the building or affected property until cleared by the Superintendent. 18.) No student or staff vehicles will be removed from the affected property until cleared by the Superintendent. Incident "command and control” In the case of an evacuation, command and control of the scene shall be the Director of Maintenance and Transportation until the arrival of law enforcement officers who shall then take command of the immediate scene until a search of the facility is completed with no discovery of an explosive device. At that time, command and control of the scene shall be transferred to the Superintendent or his/her designee through notification by the Director of Maintenance and Transportation of completion of the search. The Superintendent shall then release the building for reentry Communications contacts and mandatory bomb threat reporting The Principal of the school or designated staff shall inform the Superintendent’s Office of any bomb threat. The Superintendent’s Office shall address any mandatory reporting to state agencies. Parent notification process In the event of an evacuation accompanied by early dismissal of students, the Superintendent’s office shall notify local radio and television stations of an early dismissal of students and shall place a notification on the district web site. Secretaries of the schools will call emergency contact numbers given by parents and attempt to notify directly of the early dismissal of students. Training for staff members Principals shall provide training to all school staff on the Bomb Threat response procedures of their school. Principals shall be provided training in threat assessment under the Department of Justice guidelines in their publication “Bomb Threat Response: An Interactive Planning Tool for Schools.” Support services for students and staff The district crisis team will be activated if the need is determined by the Superintendent or Principal and shall provide services as requested by the Administration. These procedures will be reviewed on a yearly basis. Legal Reference: 18 U.S.C. §§921; 8921 17-A M.R.S.A. §210 20-A M.R.S.A. §§263; 1001(9); 1001(9-A); 1001(17); 1001 (18) I:\DATA\Karen\POLICY\EBCC-R.DOC POLICY: EBCC-R EFFECTIVE DATE: / /09 CANCEL SHEETS DATES: 8/6/08, 9/3/03; 7/8/98 REVIEWED BY POLICY COMMITTEE: 12/1/08 KEEP NEXT TO PHONE AT ALL TIMES!! BOMB THREAT PROCEDURE FORM FOR CALLED IN BOMB THREAT QUESTIONS TO ASK: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) When is the bomb going to explode? ___________________________________________________ Where is the bomb right now? ________________________________________________________ What does the bomb look like? ________________________________________________________ What kind of bomb is it? _____________________________________________________________ What will cause the bomb to explode? __________________________________________________ Why did you put the bomb here? ______________________________________________________ What is your address? _______________________________________________________________ What is your name? _________________________________________________________________ EXACT WORDING OF THE THREAT: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Length of Call: ____________ Phone Number at Which Call Was Received: ________________ Exact Time and Date Call Was Received: ____________ Sex of Caller: Male/Female Approximate Age of Caller: _________ DESCRIBE CALLER'S VOICE: _____Calm _____Angry _____Soft _____Loud _____Distinct _____Slurred _____Raspy _____Deep _____Familiar _____Cracking _____Excited _____Laughter _____Nasal _____Ragged _____High Pitch _____Slow _____Crying _____Stutter _____Disguised _____Feminine _____Rapid _____Normal _____Lisp _____Accent _____Masculine Any Other Distinct Attributes of Caller's Voice _______________________________________________ Background Sounds: ____________________________________________________________________ TO TRACE THE CALL: 1.) Hang up then lift the receiver and listen for a dial tone 2.) Press #57 3.) An announcement will tell you the call was traced and give you further instructions 4.) Get assistance to: A.) Notify the State Police by calling (800) 452-4664 B.) Notify local authorities by calling 9-1-1 C.) Notify the Superintendent by calling 635-2727, Ext. 1 5.) Follow Emergency Evacuation Procedures I:\DATA\Karen\POLICY\EBCC-R Revised.DOC KEEP EASILY ACCESSIBLE AT ALL TIMES!! POLICY: EBCC-R EFFECTIVE DATE: / /09 CANCEL SHEETS DATES: 8/6/08; 9/3/03; 7/8/98 REVIEWED BY POLICY COMMITTEE: 12/1/08 BOMB THREAT PROCEDURE FORM FOR WRITTEN BOMB THREAT QUESTIONS TO ASK: 1.) Exactly where was bomb threat found? __________________________________________________ 2.) Who found bomb threat? _____________________________________________________________ 3.) What time was bomb threat found? _____________________________________________________ EXACT WORDING OF THE THREAT (attach copy to this form): _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ INDICATE ANY DISTINCT WRITINGS OR MARKINGS ON NOTE: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ I:\DATA\Karen\POLICY\EBCC-R Revised.DOC