Additional files - Springer Static Content Server

Additional files
Additional file 2: Scoping the search
A. Search strategy and terms
B. Electronic database searches
C. Website searches
A. Search strategy and terms. The PICO elements structure consists of: Population
(the subject of the study), Impact/Exposure (the proposed management measure,
policy or related intervention/exposure applied or investigated), Comparator (the
control with no intervention or an alternative to the intervention) and Outcome (the
effects of the intervention) generated by the primary question have been used as
search terms and combined to compose a complex search string (Table S1). Search
terms were also extracted from previous systematic reviews focused on similar topics
[13, 17]. Several keyword combinations were trialled by including and excluding
synonymous and/or antonymous terms and were refined during the development of
the protocol to obtain the final search strings (Table S2). The “all years” timespan was
selected. Searches were not confined to English language documents and foreign
language documents were recorded and grouped in Endnote for future translation with
the help of Google Translate or peers to screen for relevance at least at the title stage.
Table S1 Definition of components of the primary systematic review question, PICO elements as per
CEE guidelines [19]. Study design was included.
question Keywords
Marine biodiversity: benthic biota (flora and fauna), fish populations
and marine mammals
marine protected area, fishery exclusion zone, economic exclusion
zone, no-take zone, no-take area, special protection zone, site of
community importance, site of community interest, partial protection,
temporal protection, marine reserve, buffer zone, closed area, marine
park, marine sanctuary, restricted area, nursery area, integrated coastal
zone management, special areas of conservation, site of special
scientific interest, marine spatial planning, marine spatial
management, vulnerable, protection effect, restoration effect
No intervention or alternative intervention
Density (or other abundance measures); Biomass; Diversity measures
(e.g. species richness, Shannon’s diversity, Margalef’s richness) and
recovery rates of marine population (size and length); life history and
biological traits (maturity, longevity, reproduction, sex, mobility).
Abiotic components and other biological variables will also be
recorded where available (depth, sediments features, seabed
Any primary study providing measures of abundance, diversity and/or
recovery rates of marine population before and after management
measures, impact/control or along a gradient of protection, between
locations with different management measures, or comparing
protected areas to adjacent geographical areas without no-take
The search strategy was based mainly on the intervention and the outcomes. The
intervention was found to be a more efficient and inclusive search term as at least one
intervention term mentioned was in every paper title or abstract. The outcome was
also relatively strong with the descriptors ‘density’ and ‘diversity’ having a high
occurrence rate, with other less frequent terms including: size, response, change and
recovery. In contrast, the subject (marine biodiversity including all taxa) was deemed
too broad for use as a search term i.e. not powerful enough due to the extensive
number of hits obtained.
The search strategy was tested iteratively against the bibliographies chosen as a
reference to assess the quality of the search.
B. Electronic database searches. A complex search string (Table S2) was produced
to avoid generating too broad a search. To target the specific literature relevant to the
review questions the combination of terms has been changed according to the function
of the relevant database. Where possible, only titles, abstracts and keywords will be
searched by.
Table S2 Electronic database searches
ISI Web of Knowledge (28_04_2015)
Note: searches were conducted using the field – topic
Search string
Search string
Scopus (28_04_2015)
Note: searches were conducted using the title abstract keywords topic
“marine protected area*” OR “fishery exclusion zone*” OR “economic exclusion
zone*” OR (“no take zone*” OR “no take area*” OR “no-take zone” OR “no-take
area”) OR (“special protection zone*” OR “special protection area” OR “SPA”) OR
(“site of community importance” OR “site of community interest”) OR “partial
protection” OR “temporal protection” OR “permanent protection” OR “marine
reserve*” OR “buffer zone*” OR “closed area*” OR “marine park” OR “marine
sanctuary” OR “restricted area*” OR “nursery area*” OR “fishing gear restriction*”
OR “integrated coastal zone management” OR “ICZM” OR (“special area* of
conservation” OR “SAC”) OR (“site of special scientific interest” OR “SSSI” OR
“marine conservation zone” OR “MCZ”) OR “mari* spatial planning” OR “marine
directive” OR “mari* spatial management” OR “vulnerable” OR “protection effect*”
OR “restoration effect” OR “harvest refug*” AND “density” OR “abundance” OR
“biomass” OR "*diversity" OR "richness" OR "evenness" OR "Shannon" OR
"species number" OR "size" OR "length” OR “life history trait*” OR “LH trait*” OR
“maturity” OR “longevity” OR “reproduction”, OR “sex” OR “mobility” OR
“Biological trait*” AND “sea” OR “marine” OR “ocean” OR “marine ecosystem*”
CAB abstracts (28_04_2015) Note: searches were conducted using the field –
marine AND (“protected area” OR "no-take zone") AND (abundance OR density OR
size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (“closed area” OR "closure") AND (abundance OR density OR size OR
length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (temporal OR partial OR permanent) AND protect AND (abundance
OR density OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR
fisher AND (reserve OR closure OR protection) AND (abundance OR density OR
size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND ("reserve” OR “park” OR "sanctuary") AND (abundance OR density
OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND “integrated coastal zone management” AND (abundance OR density
OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (“special area of conservation” OR "SAC") AND (abundance OR
density OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (“special protection zone” OR “special protection area”) AND
(abundance OR density OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity
OR biodiversity)
marine AND ("conservation zone" OR "MCZ") AND (abundance OR density OR
size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (“site of special scientific interest” OR "SSSI") AND (abundance OR
density OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND "spatial planning” AND (abundance OR density OR size OR length OR
biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND “protection effect” AND (abundance OR density OR size OR length
OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND “vulnerable” AND “restoration” AND (abundance OR density OR size
OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND "gear restriction" AND management
Search string
Aquatic Science and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) (28_04_2015)
Note: searches were conducted using the field – All fields (no full text) – ALL
marine AND ("no-take zone" OR "NTZ") AND (abundance OR density OR size OR
length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND "clos*" AND "area" AND (abundance OR density OR size OR length
OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND ("protected area" OR "MPA") AND (abundance OR density OR size
OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND ("partial*" OR "permanent*" OR "temporall*") AND protect* AND
(abundance OR density OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity
OR biodiversity)
marine AND ("fish* reserve" OR "fish* closure" OR "fish* protection" OR "fish*
restriction") AND (abundance OR density OR size OR length OR biomass OR
richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (“integrated coastal zone management” OR "ICZM") AND (abundance
OR density OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR
marine AND (“site of special scientific interest” OR "SSSI" OR “site of community
importance”) AND (abundance OR density OR size OR length OR biomass OR
richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (“special areas of conservation” OR "SAC" OR "special protection
area" OR "SPA" OR "special protection zone") AND (abundance OR density OR
size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (“marine conservation zone” OR "MCZ") AND (abundance OR density
OR size OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
marine AND (reserve OR park OR sanctuary) AND (abundance OR density OR size
OR length OR biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
mari* AND "spatial planning” AND (abundance OR density OR size OR length OR
biomass OR richness OR diversity OR biodiversity)
Directory of Open Access Journal (28_04_2015)
Search string
"marine reserve"
"marine protected areas"
"marine sanctuary"
"marine park"
"marine no-take zone"
"nursery area"
"integrated coastal zone management"
"special protection area"
"special area of conservation"
"marine spatial planning"
"marine spatial management"
"marine protection"
C. Website searches
Search string (28_04_2015) (28_04_2015)
marine protected area
marine reserve
marine sanctuary
marine park
marine protection
marine management
no-take zone
nursery area
marine closed area
fisheries management
integrated coastal zone management
marine spatial planning
marine management