Block Diagram of the System Kernel user programs libraries User level Kernel level system call interface inter process com file sub system buffer cache character block device drivers process control sub system scheduler memory management hardware control Kernel level Hardware level hardware d:\533567807.doc 1 File system Provides abstraction from physical device to a logical model / Logical model: files, directories file system mapping system calls device drivers logical device physical hardware disk sectors read/write head d:\533567807.doc tracks 2 Access Methods Some o/s support a variety of access methods, to suit application Sequential access data accessed in an ordered sequence useful for linker, compiler, editor Direct/random access data records accessed in a random order useful for databases File systems - logically structured in hierarchies of directories Directory - a list of file entries File entries different for different access method include file info, eg permissions d:\533567807.doc 3 Contiguous allocation file f1 0 1 2 3 4 file f2 5 6 7 8 9 Entry has start block and size: ID start size f1 0 2 f2 4 4 + easy access & caching - free space becomes fragmented - where to place a new file ? Could manage free space by allocating it to files of known length Used in writable CDROMs and DVDs d:\533567807.doc 4 Linked allocation Directory 0 1 2 3 4 file f1 1 5 6 7 8 9 file f2 4 10 11 12 13 14 Entry points to first data block. Data block points to next block End data block points to ‘eof’ next data + no fragmentation of free space - access is basically sequential - more pointers so more lost pointers - space required for pointers - must follow all links to access final block - much more disk head movement d:\533567807.doc 5 Indexed allocation 1 File Allocation Table Block Points # to 0 Directory 1 3 file f1 1 2 3 eof file f2 4 4 6 5 6 12 7 0 1 2 3 4 8 9 5 6 7 8 9 10 eof 11 10 11 12 13 14 12 10 FAT entries point to: next entry or ‘eof’ data block + no fragmentation of free space + access can be in any order + in-memory FAT faster to search + less pointers so less lost pointers + less disk head movement - in-memory FAT can be huge d:\533567807.doc 6 Indexed allocation 2 Directory file f1 5 0 1 2 3 4 file f2 8 5 6 7 8 9 Block 8 1 4 2 6 3 12 4 10 10 11 12 13 14 Entry points to an index block Index block points to data blocks + no fragmentation of free space + access can be in any order - space required for index of pointers - more pointers so more lost pointers - more disk head movement d:\533567807.doc 7 Inode=index node Inode has pointers to data blocks direct 0 index blocks direct 1 direct 2 direct 3 direct 4 direct 5 direct 6 direct 7 direct 8 direct 9 single index indirect blocks double indirect triple indirect data blocks : triple double single indirect index blocks d:\533567807.doc 8 Maximum Addressable File Size For a block size of 1024 bytes (1 K byte) and a pointer size of 4 bytes (32 bits adres) gives 1024/4 = 256 pointers in each index (=pointer) block 10 direct pointers which point to 10240 = 10 K bytes 1 single indirect pointer block has 256 pointers which point to 262144 = 256 K bytes 1 double indirect pointer block has 256 single indirect pointers which each point to 256 indirect pointer blocks, which point to [256 * 256 K bytes] 67108864 = 64 M bytes 1 triple indirect pointer block has 256 double indirect pointers, which each point to 256 indirect pointer blocks, which point to [256 * 64 M bytes] 17179869184 = 16 G bytes 17247250432 bytes = ~16 G bytes d:\533567807.doc 9 For a block size of 1024 bytes (1 K byte) and a pointer size of 4 bytes (32 bits adres) inode 10 direct pointers 1 single indirect block 1 double indirect block 1 triple indirect block data blocks running total 10240 = 10 K bytes 10240 262144 = 256 K bytes 272384 67108864 = 64 M bytes 67381248 17179869184 = 16 G bytes 17247250432 However, with 32 bit addressing, max addressable file is 232 = 4 G bytes d:\533567807.doc 10 Finding File Data 1.calculate logical block & byte offset 2.find block pointer block eg 1: find byte 9000, for a block size of 1024 bytes 9000 < 10240, so is addressable by direct pointers file block = 9000 DIV 1024 = 8 offset = 9000 MOD 1024 =808 ie direct pointer 8 points to a block (block 367 in the fig) whose 808th byte is byte 9000 d:\533567807.doc 11 0 4096 228 45423 0 0 11111 0 101 8 367 0 428 0 808 1023 367 data block 0 331 9156 75 824 255 9156 double indirect d:\533567807.doc 3333 816 3333 331 data block single indirect 12 eg 2: find byte 350000, for a block size of 1024 bytes file block = 350000 DIV 1024 = 341 offset = 350000 MOD 1024 = 816 272384 < 350000 > 67381248 bytes, or 266 < 341 < 256*256 + (256+10) blocks, so need double indirect blocks 341-266=75, ie pointed at by the 75th block of the 256 * 256 blocks addressable via double indirect blocks (IBs) 75 DIV 256 = 0, double IB 0 (9156) 75 MOD 256 = 75, single IB 75 (331) ie 75th single indirect block of 0th double indirect block, points to data block 3333 Block 3333 has byte 350000 at offset 816 Check 350000 - 272384 = 77616 file block = 77616 DIV 1024 = 75 offset = 77616 MOD 1024 =816 d:\533567807.doc 13