34th National Spring Conference on the Environment June 9, 2006

34th National Spring Conference on the Environment
June 9, 2006
Baltimore, Maryland
Selected Conference Materials
Disasters, Ecosystems, & Infrastructure: Hurricane Season 2006
Disasters, Ecosystems and Infrastructure: Hurricane Season 2005, Panel 1,
Power Point Presentation, Denise Antolini, Moderator - hawaii.edu/law
The Gulf Coast Post Katrina: Business as Usual, Power Point Presentation by
Leslie Carothers - eli.org
Disasters, Ecosystems and Infrastructure: Hurricane Season 2005, Power Point
Presentation by Monique Edwards - dnr.louisiana.gov
Energy Infrastructure: Do We Have a National Game Plan?
Energy Infrastructure: Do We Have a Viable National Game Plan? Power Point
Presentation by Robert G. Slaughter - npradc.org
Siting Energy Infrastructure - Do We Have a Viable National Game Plan? by
Susan Tierney - analysisgroup.com
U.S. Refining Infrastructure: An Ovewrview, Power Point Presentation by
Lawrence Kumins - loc.gov/crsinfo/divwork/rsiwork.html
Ecosystems, Infrastructure and Risk
Managing and Reducing Risk: Vulnerable Populations in a Vulnerable
Environment, Power Point Presentation by Nicholas Targ epa.gov/compliance/environmentaljustice/index.html
The State of the NFIP and Flood Policies - A System of Risk Management - Is It
Time for a Change? Power Point Presentation
by David R. Conrad - nwf.org/conservation.cfm
Thinking Outside the Box: Strengthening Our Infrastructure by Enhancing
and Using Ecocystems Services
Ecosystems, Infrastructure and the Environment: Emerging Markets
Considerations, Power Point Presentation by Motoko Aizawa - ifc.org
Preparing for a Chaotic World: Redesigning the Nation's Floor Control and
Emergency Response Systems, by Daniel A. Farber law.berkeley.edu/students/curricularprograms/envirolaw
Also see abanet.org/environ/katrina/ for information and materials from the ABA Section
of Environment, Energy, and Resources relating to policy statements and initiatives on
Hurricane Katrina.