Electronic Supplementary Methods: Materials and Methods Sampling Hair samples from individual Burramys parvus for DNA extraction were collected from eight populations across two regions (Table S1) between November 1993 and December 2006. Animals were captured overnight using using aluminium collapsible live traps (Type A Elliott traps) baited with walnuts. Trapping grids consisted of 8-10 parallel transects at 10 or 12.5 m spacings with 15 or 20 trap stations located along each transect at 5 m spacings – a trapping grid area of 0.63-0.86 ha (Mansergh 1989). Trapping was undertaken for 4-5 consecutive nights with animals being released at point of capture as early in the morning as possible. A small amount of hair was removed from the rump region of each Burramys and used for the genetic analysis. Hair samples were immediately placed in 2 ml Eppendorf tubes and stored in liquid nitrogen following each trapping session. A minimum of 20 individuals were obtained from each population, except where inclement weather reduced trapping efforts and/or populations were small. Habitat loss estimation Boulderfields and associated mountain plum pine heath vegetation provide most of the preferred habitat for Burramys (Heinze & Harvey 2006; Mansergh 1989; Mansergh & Broome 1994; Mansergh et al. 1989). Such habitat usually occurs as discrete patches or strips that may extend from close to the summit of peaks (1800-1900 m - treeless or alpine zone) down to the sub-alpine (snow gum woodland) and montane (> 1300m – alpine ash) zones. The distribution and area of preferred habitat was mapped using aerial photographs incorporated into a GIS system (ArcGIS, version 9.0), coupled with habitat verification in the field (ground-truthing) most recently in 2006 at Mt. Buller (Heinze & Harvey 2006) and in 2003 on the Bogong High Plains (Heinze et al. 2004). A series of historical aerial photographs dating back to 1964 were used to calculate the levels of habitat loss and degradation due primarily to development of ski resort and road infrastructure, as well as the extent that habitat was burnt in the 2003 bush fires (Heinze et al. 2004). Non-preferred habitat lacks a boulderfield component; however closed heathland provides a relatively high level of protective cover for Burramys and can provide an important dispersal or migratory link between patches of preferred habitat. Prior to the 2003 fires the preferred habitat at Mount McKay was closed heath without boulderfields, whilst elsewhere preferred habitat consisted mainly of boulderfields. We report on the loss and degradation of “preferred habitat” as well as fire damage, although actual loss or fragmentation of habitat may be greater. Boulderfields were targeted for early ski runs as they are often along cold air drainage lines where there were few snow gums (Eucalyptus pauciflora). This led to the blasting of rocks at high points and hand slashing of heath vegetation (eg. Podocarpus lawrencei). In the 1980’s and early 1990’s this continued with large-scale loss of preferred habitat (e.g. Southside access road, Federation chairlift base station, Wombat Valley egress trails to mention some) leading to 80% habitat modification/degradation in the Federation area. Genetic effects associated with habitat loss To test if there were genetic effects associated with these habitat changes, animals were initially collected in the mid 1990’s and populations sampled annually until 2006 unless poor weather conditions prevented trapping (Table S1). Standard genetic parameters (see below) were calculated for each population to examine their response to habitat changes. Populations affected by the 2003 fires may have gone through little more than a single generation, however, allele numbers are expected to decrease immediately (rare alleles). In addition, post-fire trapping rates, animal captures and population census estimates (20042006) were examined and compared to the previous twenty years (1984-2003) of population monitoring performed in the same manner. DNA extraction and microsatellite analysis Extraction of DNA from hair samples was performed with Chelex (Bio-Rad™) as in Mitrovski et al. (2005). Briefly, ten hairs with follicles were transferred to a 0.5 ml microcentrifuge tube that was placed in liquid nitrogen (1 minute) and then centrifuged at 20,800 g for 1 min to move the hairs to the bottom of the tube. 200 µl of a 5% Chelex solution was added, samples were mixed, incubated at 90 °C for 10 min and stored at -20 °C. Prior to PCR, samples were centrifuged at 20800 g for 2 min. We genotyped all samples for eight microsatellite loci described in Mitrovski et al. (2005) Microsatellite loci were amplified using PCR in 10-μL volumes with cycling conditions composed of initial denaturation at 93 °C (2 min), followed by 35 cycles of 93 °C (20 s), primer annealing (Ta) (30 s), and extension at 72 °C (30 s) with an extension increase of 1 s/cycle for the last 20 cycles. Amplified fragments were separated through a 5% denaturing polyacrylamide gel at 65 W for 2-3.5 h and exposed for 12-36 hours to autoradiography film (BioMax, Kodak). Allele sizes were determined by comparison with λgt11 ladders (fmol® DNA Cycle Sequencing System, Promega). To minimise errors associated with PCR and scoring of loci, 100 individuals were chosen at random, re-amplified for all eight microsatellite loci and scored as above. Re-amplified samples for all loci matched the original genotypes obtained. FSTAT version 2.9.3 (Goudet 1995) was used to calculate the average number of alleles per locus, allelic richness averaged over loci and Weir and Cockerham’s (Weir & Cockerham 1984) measure of FIS. Observed and expected heterozygosity were estimated and deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were determined by exact tests and permutation in GDA version 1.1 (Lewis & Zaykin 2001). Genetic diversity between samples was compared using paired t tests after angular transformation where individual loci form the sampling points (Hood 2002). To investigate population differentiation, pairwise measures of FST between populations were calculated and significance determined (82,000 permutations) using FSTAT. The effective population size (Ne) was estimated using some short- and long-term approaches for all populations sampled in this study. A short-term Ne estimate was calculated in NEESTIMATOR version 1.3 (Peel et al. 2004) using the temporal-based method of Waples (1989). The temporal based method assesses fluctuations in allele frequencies between two temporal samples separated by a known number of generations (Waples 1989). Generation length was estimated using the method of Miller & Kapuscinski (1997) in which the generation length is equal to the mean age of parents when offspring are born in populations with overlapping generations. Direct estimates of Ne were estimated using the formula 4NmalesNfemales/(Nmales+Nfemales) (Caballero 1994). Adult population counts and sex ratios for each population were calculated from trapping data collected from 1993 to 2005 using the intensive trapping scheme described in Mansergh (1989). Two indirect methods were used to calculate long-term Ne estimates. One method calculates the effective population size as Ne = He/4ν(1-He) and follows the assumptions of the infinite alleles model (IAM) of microsatellite evolution (Kimura & Crow 1963). The second method is based on the stepwise mutation model (SMM) (Ohta & Kimura 1973) and calculates the effective population size as Ne = [(1/(1-He)2)-1]/8ν. For each method, He is the average expected heterozygosity per population and ν is the mutation rate of microsatellite loci (estimates of 10-3 were used here (Dallas 1992; Weber & Wong 1993)). Changes in population size were expressed proportionally because exact estimates of population size will vary depending on mutation rates and other parameters that cannot be verified for the microsatellites used in this study. All tests involving multiple comparisons were corrected at the table-wide α = 0.05 level with the Dunn-Šidák method (Sokal & Rohlf 1995). To test for evidence of recent reductions in the effective population size for each population we ran the program BOTTLENECK (Cornuet & Luikart 1996). 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