Main Contact Person for this Presentation
Title (Mr, Ms, Prof, Dr etc)
First Name Family Name
Postal Address
I understand that all abstracts, presentation transcripts and/or papers and poster presentations will be published in the Meeting Program, Conference Proceedings and on the Conference Website. Further, I understand that it is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure accuracy of content, spelling and presentation, as presentations will be published exactly as submitted. I understand that I must provide a transcript of my presentation or a full paper in MSWORD format by 14 November 2013 . A transcript is a written copy of your talk.
Signature: Date: ______
Forward with your abstract (electronic copy on disk or email), a copy of the completed submission and Audio
Visual form by 30 April 2013.
Conference Theme: “Rise to the challenge of our environmental health”
Sub-themes: Please indicate below which of the following sub-themes best categorizes your material. These themes are a guide only.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Health Workforce, Employment, Training and Support.
Local Leaders, Community Highlights and Initiatives
Building partnerships for better environmental health
Housing, Infrastructure and the Built Environment
Environmental Health Promotion
Emergency Management and Climate Change
Insert the relevant theme no.(s) here:
Presentation Title Upper and Lower case letters and no more than 100 characters in length, 10 pt font size
Insert Title Here:
Presentation Type. Please indicate if your presentation will be Oral (talk) or a Storyboard/Poster.
Insert Presentation Type Here:
Presenting Author’s Details: Title, Name, Surname, Community/Organisation, contact details, must include email address and telephone number e.g. Dr Matthew Benson, Department of Health and Families, PO Box 1, Darwin, NT,
0811, Ph: 08 9911 9911 Mb: 0412 112112 Em:
Insert Presenting Authors Details Here:
Non Presenting Author’s Details: Title, Name, Surname, Community/Organisation, contact details, must include email address and telephone number e.g. Dr Matthew Benson, Department of Health and Families, PO Box 1,
Darwin, NT, 0811, Ph: 08 9911 9911 Mb: 0412 112112 Em:
Insert Non Presenting Authors Details Here:
Summary . A summary of no more than 100 words is required. The summary should be concise and reflect the content of the presentation. This summary may be used in the printed Conference Program distributed to the
Conference delegates.
Insert Summary Here:
Abstract. Submission must be in Microsoft WORD. Do not use any shading or underlines. Use upper and lower case letters (sentence case) in titles and headings. Abstracts should be text only, no graphics. Single line spacing with one free line between paragraphs. No indentation. Abbreviations should be spelled out at the first occurrence with the abbreviation, in parentheses, immediately following.
Word Limit: 500 words or less (approximately 1½ A4 pages).
Insert Abstract Here or Email Separately:
Biography. E.g. Dr Matthew Benson: Biography details. A biography is required for each person who will be presenting your paper. A biography is a short profile (up to 150 words) about yourself and will be used to introduce you and your co-presenters to the audience. It should be written in the third person; make the text flow to assist the chairperson who will read out your biography, do not use dot points. Ideas for inclusion in your biography:
Details of community and/or area
Details of the community/organisations with which you are involved.
Details of your employment, position and how long you have been in the Environmental Health Field
Any other information that might be of interested to the audience
Insert Biographies Here or Email Separately:
Presenters will be advised of the acceptance of their submission by 3 July 2011. All presenters and co-presenters must register to attend the conference.
Send Abstract and other required documents to:
Conference Secretariat, PO Box 776, Heathcote, Vic 3523, Email:, Fx: 03 5433 3636
Submission Checklist
Before forwarding your Abstract, use this helpful checklist to make sure you have completed your submission:
Have you addressed the abstract submission template in 500 words or less?
Supplied an electronic copy of your Abstract on disk or email?
Filled in this form having provided adequate contact details and indicated the appropriate theme?
Provided a summary of your presentation of no more than 100 words?
Completed the Presentation Material Audio Visual Request Form?
Provided a biography, of no more than 150 words, for each presenter?