Big Time: Fun Games for Large Classes Presented by Casey McConnell and Shelbi Winter Sit-up Catch: students get a partner and a yarn ball. They start out sitting toe to toe with each other. The person with the ball does a sit-up and tosses the ball to their partner. If both people catch the ball then they get to scoot away from each other. If the ball hits the floor they have to scoot towards each other. If one of the partners forgets to do the sit-up then the pair must start all over from the beginning. Groups of three can also be used. Bag Hockey: Students have a partner and a beanbag. The pair gets in the push-up position facing each other and slide the bag between their partners hand to score a goal. Groups of three can also be used. Frogs, Chickens, Zombies, and All-Stars: There are four levels to this game. The frogs are the lowest level followed by the chickens then zombies and the top level is the all-stars. All of the students start at the frog level. Students challenge someone that is at the same level to play paper, rock, scissors. If they win, they move up one level. If they lose they stay at that same level. When the students reach the top level they stay there until they lose. When they lose, they have to start all over as a frog. Bottle Cap Knock-Out: Each student gets a bottle cap. The game is similar to marbles. One student challenges another to see who can hit the other person’s cap first. To begin, the caps are about 6 floor tiles apart. Players do paper, rock, scissors to see who goes first. After the first move, the players alternate turns until someone wins. When the game is over the students say “good game” and find someone else to challenge. Catch Tag – Divide students into pairs. Each pair gets a ball. When music is on, the students play catch. When the music shuts off whoever has the ball is “it” and chases the other partner. If they catch their partner or the music starts, they start playing catch again. Students need to walk when chasing their partner. After a couple of times, have the students find a new partner and start the game again. You can also change how the students move when chasing their partner (skip, jump, or gallop). Please remind the students to watch out for others and that they are not allowed to throw the ball to tag their partner. Groups of three can also be used. R, P, S Cheer - Students are scattered in the play area and play paper, rock, scissors. Once a student wins the person they beat has to follow the winner and become their “cheerleader.” The next winner inherits the opponent’s cheerleaders as well as the opponent. Play stops when the last winner has all the “cheerleaders.” Steal The Bacon – Divide students into pairs. Each pair has a beanbag red, orange, yellow, or green. The bag is placed on the center line. The students start on the black lines across from each other. When the teacher calls the color of bag the students have, they try to get the bag and get back to their line before their partner tags them. After all of the colors have been called, the beanbags are put back on the line and the game starts over. After a couple of turns, have one side move down one bag so that they are playing someone new. Odd / Even Tag Students are lined up on the middle line facing a partner. One side of the line is “even” while the other is “odd”. The teacher gives the students a math fact such as 2 + 2. If the answer is even the evens run and try to make it to the end line before their partner tags them. If the answer is odd, then the odds run the other direction and try to make it to their end line before being tagged. Remind students to run is a straight line and stop before they get to the wall. After a few minutes have the students on one side move down a person so they have a new partner. You can also use subtraction or multiplication facts. King’s Castles Divide the class into 2 teams. Place teams on opposite ends of the gym. Each team is given 3 castles on their side of the gym. The castles are made by using 4 hoops per castle. One hoop is left on the floor, two are placed inside that hoop making a triangle. The final hoop is put on the side of the triangle with all three resting together at the top. Teams can guard their castles while throwing foam balls trying to knock down the other teams’ castles. Once all of the castles are down on one side the game is stopped, the castles reset, and a new game starts. Bottle Knockdown Each student is given an empty water bottle and a yarn ball. They place their bottle on a color square. 3 or 4 cones are set in a row on one side of the gym. On the teacher’s signal the students try to knock other people’s bottles down by throwing the yarn balls at them. At the same time, they are trying to guard their bottle from being hit. If a student’s bottle is knockdown they must run around the cones before retrieving a new bottle and reentering the game. Remind students that they must go around the cones every time their bottle falls down. They cannot touch their bottle with any part of their body once they have placed it on a square. They can only throw yarn balls from their bottle and only if it is standing up. Students can be given a partner that they trade with each time for larger classes. Musical Hoops Each student takes a hula hoop and a beanbag and finds personal space in the gym. They place the hoop on the floor with the bean bag inside of it. When the music is on, the students move around the gym. When the music stops students quickly try to stand in a hoop and pick up the bag. If 2 students get to the hoop at the same time, whoever picks up the bag first gets to stay in the hoop. Those who do not get a hoop have to do a quick exercise, such as 10 jumping jacks. The teacher removes some of the hoops, and starts the game again. More than one bag can be put in a hoop for larger classes. Fitness 500 Place the dome cones (bubbles) on the color squares to make a large oval around the gym. Place the clothespins in the middle of the gym. Have the students get into partners. After they have partners have them sit by a bubble. One partner will perform a task next to the bubble while the other partner takes one lap on the outside. Each time a student completes a lap they go to the middle, get a pin (or playing card) and trade places with their partner. After about 2 or 3 minutes have the students go back to their bubble and change the activities. Examples: The person on the outside: Run The person on the inside will do: Shoulder touches Next the person on the outside will: Walk Backwards The person on the inside will: Stretch Next the person on the outside will: Skip The person on the inside will do: Mountain Climbers