Part A: Male Reproductive System

Name: ____________________________________________
Unit 13: Reproductive System
Per. ___
Part A: Male Reproductive System
Part B: Female Reproductive System
fallopian tubes
Part C: Menstrual Cycle
negative feedback mechanism
Part D: Fertilization and Development
umbilical cord
prenatal care
fraternal twins
identical twins
estrogen &
secondary sex characteristics
 development of breasts
changes in body form
growth of body hair
growth of beard and body hair
changes in body form
lowered voice pitch
Part A: Male Reproductive System
 production of sperm
 deposition of sperm inside the female reproductive tract
testes- production of sperm
 sac that holds testes
 outpocketing of the abdominal wall
 keeps testes one or two degrees cooler than normal body temperature
 lower temperature necessary for sperm production and storage
tubes to the urethra
 glands secrete fluids
 provide perm with proper alkaline pH (basic) & glucose for energy
 sperm able to swim (adaptation for life on land)
 semen- fluid + sperm
ejaculation- process by which sperm pass out of the body
Part B: Female
Reproductive System
 produce eggs
 site of fertilization & embryonic development
ovaries- production of eggs
 follicles- tiny cavities surrounded by cells
 ovulation- release of a mature egg from a
fallopian tube (oviduct)
uterus- development of embryo
cervix- lower end of uterus
vagina- muscular tube
 receives semen during intercourse
Part C: The Menstrual Cycle
series of events that prepare the uterus for
lining of uterine wall thickens and fills with blood
uterine lining breaks down and gets expelled from
body during menstruation
four stages
o follicle stage
o ovulation
o corpus luteum stage
o menstration
controlled by different hormones secreted by the pituitary gland & the ovaries
o negative feedback mechanism
cycle stops during pregnancy
1. The diagram represents the human male reproductive system.
activity would be prevented by blockages at X and Y?
transport of urine out of the body
passage of testosterone to the female to stimulate egg production
movement of sperm out of the body
movement of testosterone to the testes to stimulate sperm production
2. The diagram represents a system in the human body.
The primary function of structure X is to
1. produce energy needed for sperm to move
2. provide food for the sperm to carry to the egg
3. produce and store urine
4. form gametes that may be involved in fertilization
3 The diagram below represents structures found in a human female.
process results in the formation of structure
4. The human female reproductive system is
represented in the diagram to the right.
Production of gametes and support of the fetus
normally occur in structures
1. 1 and 2
2. 2 and 4
3. 3 and 5
4. 4 and 5
5. Which hormones most directly influence the uterus during pregnancy?
1. testosterone and insulin
2. progesterone and testosterone
3. estrogen and insulin
4. progesterone and estrogen
6. The diagram represents the human female
reproductive system.
Exposure to radiation or certain chemicals could
alter the genetic information in the gametes that
form in structure
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
7. As women age, their reproductive cycles stop due to decreased
1. digestive enzyme production
2. production of ATP
3. levels of specific hormones
4. heart rate
Base your answers to 8 through 11 on the diagram.
8. In humans, which structures are normally presented in pairs?
1. structures A, C, K, and I
3. structures D, E, G, and H
2. structures B, D, J , and H
4. structures F, C, I , and G
9. Ovulation occurs within
1. structure G
2. structure I
3. structure H
4. structure J
10. Which structure provides the optimum temperature for sperm production?
1. structure A
3. structure G
2. structure F
4. structure D
11. Hormones that regulate the development of secondary sex characteristics are produced within
1. structures E and G
3. structures F and J
2. structures C and K
4. structures A and H
12. Gamete cells are produced within
1. structures A and J
2. structures B and I
3. structures E and G
4. structures D and H
Part D: Fertilization and Development
pregnancy/ prenatal development- period of time before birth
sexual intercourse penis transfers sperm into the vagina
sperm cells swim through the female reproductive tract and enter the oviducts (fallopian tubes)
sperms meet egg and may fuse
fertilization- fusion of sperm cell nucleus & an egg cell nucleus
zygote- fertilized egg
if egg is not fertilized within about 24 hours after ovulation, it breaks down and disappears
cleavage begins in fallopian tube (rapid cell divisions)
embryo implants in the thickened, spongy uterine wall 6 to 10 days later
differentiation- changing of unspecialized cells into specialized cells/tissues/organs
developing embryonic membranes become part of the placenta and umbilical cord
o embryo able to obtain nutrients and oxygen, get rid of metabolic wastes
o materials exchanged between fetal & maternal blood through diffusion
o NOT exchange of blood
gestation- time between fertilization of egg and the birth
o humans- approximately 9 months, or 266 days
8 weeks after development of embryo… you now have a fetus!
prenatal care
o low birth weight, fetal alcohol syndrome and other birth defects caused by:
 alcohol
 tobacco
 drugs
baby forced from the uterus by muscular contractions controlled by a hormone from pituitary gland
Multiple Births
 fraternal twins- two eggs are released at one time, each fertilized by different sperm
 identical twins- from one zygote that separates in half early in cleavage
What I MUST know because I care about doing well:
Male Reproductive System
1. be familiar with the front and side views
2. testes- produce sperm (meiosis)
3. urethra has both reproductive & excretory functions
4. how sperm is released
Female Reproductive System
be familiar with the front and side views
2. ovaries- produce eggs (meiosis)
3. fallopian tube- site of fertilization
4. uterus- develops fetus
5. how egg travels
 zygote- single cell when sperm + egg combine (fertilization… restore chromosome number)
 zygote starts going through mitosis (cell division) and eventually develop organs (differentiation)
 since we started off with a single cell, all our cells in our body has the same exact DNA
 you get different kinds of cells because some genes are turned on, some are turned off! (gene
 fetus gets nutrients & gets wastes removed through the placenta (diffusion)
 mother & fetus’ blood don’t get exchanged directly
 alcohol, tobacco, and drugs can cause low birth weight
1. Which sequence represents the order of some events in human development?
1. zygote → sperm → tissues → egg
3. zygote → tissues → organs → fetus
2. fetus → tissues → zygote → egg
4. sperm → zygote → organs → tissues
Base your answers to questions 2 and 3 on the diagram below which represents some stages in the
development of an embryo.
2. The arrow labeled X represents the process of
1. meiosis
2. recombination
3. differentiation
4. cloning
3. If cell A has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will most likely be found in each cell of stage G?
1. 23
2. 46
3. 69
4. 92
4. Essential materials needed for development are transported to a human fetus through the
1. reproductive hormones
3. placenta
2. egg cell
4. ovaries
5. German measles is a disease that can harm an embryo if the mother is infected in the early stages of
pregnancy because the virus that causes German measles is able to
1. be absorbed by the embryo from the mother’s milk
2. be transported to the embryo in red blood cells
3. pass across the placenta
4. infect the eggs
6. A pathogen passing from a mother to her fetus could cause
1. a decrease in the chromosome number of the fetus
2. an increase in milk production in the mother
3. gamete production to increase
4. an infection in the fetus
7. In most mammals, the placenta is essential to the embryo for the processes of
1. meiosis and excretion
3. nutrition and excretion
2. milk production and digestion
4. blood exchange and digestion
8. Which situation involves a risk to a fetus due to the mother smoking during pregnancy?
1. decreased digestive activity in the stomach of the fetus
2. a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the ovary of the mother
3. inhalation of secondhand smoke by the fetus
4. toxins in the bloodstream of the mother
9. The diagram represents a process that occurs during normal
human development.
statement is correct regarding the cells and DNA?
All the cells have identical DNA.
The DNA of the fertilized egg differs from the DNA of all the other cells.
The DNA of the fertilized egg differs from some, but not all, of the other cells.
Only the fertilized egg contains DNA.
10. All cells in an embryo have the same DNA. However, the embryonic cells form organs, such as the brain
and the kidneys, which have very different structures and functions. These differences are the result of
1. having two types of cells, one type from each parent
2. rapid mitosis causing mutations in embryo cells
3. new combinations of cells resulting from meiosis
4. certain genes being expressed in some cells and not in others
11. Research has shown that certain body cells, known as stem cells, can develop into a variety of specialized
cells. Various factors can cause stem cells to develop into different types of mature cells. These different
types of mature cells result from
1. different antibodies and mitotic cell division
2. identical genetic codes and meiotic cell division
3. different environments of the cells and the functioning of different parts of the genetic code
4. similar steps in the development of the cells and a reduction in the number of chromosomes in each
12. The characteristics of a developing fetus are most influenced by
1. gene combinations and their expression in the embryo
2. hormone production by the father
3. circulating levels of white blood cells in the placenta
4. milk production in the mother
13. The reproductive cycle of a human is usually regulated by
1. gametes
2. hormones
3. natural selection
4. immune responses
14. Which reproductive structure is correctly paired with its function?
1. uterus - usual site of fertilization
3. testis - usual location for egg development
2. ovary - delivers nutrients to the embryo
4. sperm - transports genetic material
15. The human brain, kidney, and liver all develop from the same zygote. This fact indicates that cells formed
by divisions of the zygote are able to
1. differentiate
2. mutate
3. undergo cloning
4. be fertilized
16. The process of meiotic cell division in a human male usually forms
1. one diploid cell, only
2. four diploid cells
3. one monoploid cell, only
4. four monoploid cells
17. The development of an embryo is represented in the diagram.
These changes in the form of the embryo are a direct result of
1. uncontrolled cell division and mutations
2. differentiation and growth
3. antibodies and antigens inherited from the father
4. meiosis and fertilization
18. A temporary suspension of the menstrual cycle normally
occurs during
1. menstruation
3. pregnancy
2. ovulation
4. menopause
19. The diagram represents processes involved in human
Which row in the chart below correctly identifies the
processes represented by the letters in the diagram?
meiosis fertilization
meiosis meiosis fertilization
meiosis mitosis
differentiation fertilization
Base your answers to questions 20 through 22 on the diagram below.
20. Which structures secrete hormones that regulate the development of secondary sex characteristics?
1. A and J
2. F and I
3. D and H
4. E and G
21. After sperm cells are deposited inside the female, the pathway they follow to reach the egg is
1. H to I to K
2. J to K to H
3. K to I to H
4. G to H to I
22. Which structures in the diagrams are directly affected by hormones involved in the menstrual cycle?
1. C and E
2. A and D
3. G and I
4. I and J