The Vancouver School District has implemented a combined Senior

The Vancouver School District has implemented a combined Senior Project/
Professional Development Portfolio requirement (.5 credit) and a Senior English
requirement (1.0 credit) adopted by the Board of Directors in 1999. These requirements
allow you the opportunity to learn new skills and demonstrate learning gained from
twelve years of educational experience.
Skills in reading, writing, speaking, thinking, problem solving, and organization will be
showcased in a four-stage process. For your Senior Project, you are encouraged to
choose a topic that is personally useful and relevant.
The components of the Senior Project/Professional Development Portfolio consist of the
1. The Thesis Research Paper — You will be required to complete a 6-10 page thesis
research paper. The paper must meet a minimum set of guidelines and must be
resubmitted until those minimum standards are met. The paper consists of a thesis
statement, supporting paragraphs, and concluding remarks. You will choose your own
topic. Parent permission, safety, legal, and district constraints limit this topic. Topics
associated with family tragedy or personal problems may be difficult to complete and
should be considered with extreme care and consultation with your teacher. Start
preliminary planning early so that your topic of choice is of high interest, is challenging,
and properly focused to ensure completion.
2. The Project Activity (Product) — The production phase of the senior project
requires you to produce some tangible evidence that applies the knowledge gained
during the research phase. The product should be a learning experience that challenges
you. The project activity must be done on your own time and requires a minimum of ten
hours of independent work not including transportation and planning time. You are
required to select a mentor who will advise you during the product completion. You will
be required to submit a verification form confirming the completion of the ten-hour
requirement. You must have your mentor or a community member verify your work
since family members cannot sign the verification form.
3. The Portfolio — The portfolio is a cumulative record of your performance. The
portfolio must contain the following:
Letter to Judges
Personal Introduction Statement
Student Proposal/Letter of Commitment
Research Paper
Project Activity Verification Form
Best Works and Written Reflections
R sum
Professional and Personal References (at least three)
Application (employment)
Thank you Letter (interview)
Post High School Plan
Personal Financial Budget
The following optional materials may be included in the portfolio:
Charts, Graphs, or other Visual Aids
Honors and Awards
Letter(s) of Recommendation
4. The Formal Presentation — You will give a formal 10-15 minute presentation before
a panel of judges, followed by a question and answer session. Your oral presentation
requires you to discuss each phase of the senior project and the relationship between
each. The presentation must include a visual; an audio-visual presentation (computer,
videotape, etc,) may be used but may not be longer than two minutes. The panel of
judges will be made up of community members, parents, faculty and/or staff. The
boards will take place in June.
You will not be scheduled to present until you have submitted a properly completed
portfolio, which has been approved by your monitor and/or CWP teacher.
One of the objectives of the Senior Project/Professional Development Portfolio
requirement is to teach you to prioritize your time in order to meet deadlines. You are
expected to meet deadlines for Senior Project/Professional Development Portfolio
components listed in this handbook.
While deadline exceptions may be made for excused absences, you are encouraged
when absent, to arrange to have the item delivered to school either by a friend or
parent. Failure to meet deadlines may result in you not graduating with your class in
Many elements of the Senior Project/Professional Development Portfolio requirement
are now embedded within Senior English and Contemporary World Problems. As last
year, students will be awarded .25 credit each semester for Senior Project/Professional
Development Portfolio based on completion of required components. Students who do
not complete required components for first semester Senior Project/Professional
Development Portfolio will receive NC (no credit) for first semester and will be required
to take a credit recovery class during third quarter. Failure to complete first semester
requirements by the end of third quarter will result in the student needing to attend
summer school to complete Senior Project/Professional Development Portfolio
requirements. Running Start students choosing not to take Senior English and
Contemporary World Problems at their high school accept the additional responsibility
for completing and turning in components by the announced deadlines.
The Vancouver School District believes each of you can meet this requirement. Our
goal is to engage you in learning that is meaningful and relevant through your eyes.
Believe in yourself, take pride in your work and you will achieve great things.