AN ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ ERRORS IN CHANGING ACTIVE TO PASSIVE VOICE THE SECOND YEAR OF SMP NEGERI 3 BOJONG PURWAKARTA RATIH AGUSTINI English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objective of this research entitled “An Analysis of The Students Errors In Changing Active To Passive Voice the Second Year of SMP Negeri 3 Bojong Purwakarta” at the were to find out how many errors that the students’made, to find out tyfe of errors most frequently appeared,to find out tyfe of errors least frequently appeared. In this research the writer used qualitative method . The subjects of this research were 20 of second grade students’ at SMP N 3 Bojong Purwakarta 2012-2013. The instrument of the research was writing test on changing active to passive voice, the data were collected by giving writing test on changing active to passive voice to the students’ sample. The collected data was identified, classified, analysed and interpreted based on the types of errors using Dulay’s errors were 134 sentences. The frequency of errors were omission type = 37 or 22.6 %, misformation type = 79 or 58.9 %, addition type = 8 or 5.9% and miscordering type = 10 or 7.4%. Based on the data analysis above, the most of students’ errors was misformation, and the least of students’errors was addition. Key words: An Analysisof The students Problem in Changing Active to Passive Voice fance a writing test like changing active to passive voice. In this study when the writer visited Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Bojong Purwakarta she found some errors done by many students’. Therefore the writing is interesed to analyze the students’ errors because most of the secound grede students’ used passive sentence so that when they are going to change into their active sentence they confused and finally errors i changing active to passive poice The purposes of this study were to find out how many errors that the students’ made, to find out type of errors most frequently appeared. B. Literature Review 1. Definition of Errors and Mistakes Making errors is the most natural thing in the world and it is evidently attached to the human being. But how do we define error? There are different definitions of the word and as Ellis explains “ learners make errors in both comprehension and production, the first being rather scantly investigated”. Children learning their first language (L1), adult native speakers, and second learners; they all make errors that have a different name according to the group committing the errors. Consequently, it is impossible for someone to learn without committing any errors. Before analy 2. Definition of Passive Voice Qodir (2006: 10-13) defines basically in English there are only two voices namely active voice and A. Background English and indonesian are broadly known as languages which are being used by milions of people. Based on Hamura ( 20011 ) English developments cannot be separated from the economic developments of the world. However, Indonesian develpments are caused by its similarity with the malaya languagr. English has tenses for verb while bahasa indonesia has no similar concep. The English grammar has many elements, one of them there are Verbs in English divited into two voices : active and passive. Both language have passive & active voice – bahasa indonesia uses “ di-“ prefix to indicate the passive voice while English uses the “-ed” siffix. Englisg is much different from Indonesian, for example in functional skills, especiallty in passive sentence. Students’ should master some elements of languages, like tenses. In changing active to passive sentences, students’ should know the tenses, because passive sentences depend on each of the tenses. In changing active inti passive voice sentences, many people and students’still make errors because lack of ability in changing it and it and all indonesian people speak Bahasa Indonesia. The use of passive sentence in Bahasa Indonesia is very pften. But English often use active sentence in many expressions. Especially students’, they do not understand how to change it and when they try to make a sentence they also got a problems because they do not know how to make a good sentence and they often got a trouble when they 1 2 passive voice. The active voice of the verb simply means the form of the verb used when the subject is the doer of the action. Many active voice sentences are transitive sentences. A transitive sentence is a sentence with a subject that performs the verbal action and an object that receives the verbal, active voice is stemming from which the passive voice is produced and The passive voice in general is formed by putting the verbs "to be" before the main verb, and the main verb of the active sentence must be changed into past participle. C. Research Method In a qualitative study research design should be a reflexive process operating through every stage of a project. Brns (1995 : 2) stage that “reasearch is a systematic investigation to find answer to proble”. It is neccesary for collecting the data of the research. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive research, it is used toexplain, analyze, and clasify something trough various techniques, survey, interview, questionnaire, observation, and test. The goal of descriptive study is to systematically factually and accurately describe or illustrate the fact, characteristic and relationship of the researched elements. Qualitative methodology is the metodhology in which researchers do not set out to test hypothesis, but to observe what is present with a focus, and consequently the data, free to vary during the course of the observation. This study employed qualitative methode using the main instruments to collect data by observing the natural setting of the clssroom interaction. In qualitative research, there are several methods which are prevalently use :”enthography, phenomenologhy, grounded, theory and case study method (Alwasilah,2008)” D. Research Finding and discussions The writer showed the data collected by students’ writing test in the following tables. There are tables expressing the total errors made by students’ Table 1 The Score of Students’ writing test No Name Correct Answers Incorrect Answers Scores 1 2 3 4 A F FD LD 7 4 4 2 3 6 6 8 70 40 40 20 Persentag e of Errors 30% 60% 60% 70% The table above shows the percentage of the students’ in changing active to passive voice. After taking the test the percentage of the students’ changing active to passive voice 4 students (15%) got good, 12 students (60%) got fairly good, 4 students (20%) got fair, and one student (5%) got poor The kinds of the problem of the students in changing active to passive voice No. The Problem Frequency Percentage 1 Miss information 11 39.28% 2 Omission error 10 35.71% 3 Miss ordering 7 25% Total 28 100% The data above can also be shown from the chart below 100,00 80,00 60,00 40,00 20,00 0,00 39.28% 35.71% 25% The students' Problem in Changing Active to Passive Voice Miss Inform ation The table and chart above shown the result of this research in this case the problem of the students in changing active to passive voice after give the test instrument as a way to get the data the research found that the students’ problem classify in 3 kinds of problem there are miss information, omission error and miss ordering. In the miss information the researcher found 11 (39.28%), omission error 10 (35.71%) and miss ordering 7 (25%) E. Conclusions and Suggestions a. Conlusions After processing and analyzing the data, the writer concludes as follow: Based on the result of the research from writing test, the students’ made errors in changing active to passive voice with amount of errors are 134 or 67 %, She can indentifywhwt type of erros was made by the students’, those errors were: omission with amounth of errors are 37 or 27.6%, Addition is the type of errors least frequently made by the students’ with amounth of errors are 8 or 5.9%, mispormation is the type of errors most frequiently appears with amount of errora are 79 or 58.9%, and misordering with amount of errors are 10 or 7.4%. The students’made errors in omission, it means they leave out an item that is required for an utterance to be considered 3 grammatical. The students’ were mising verb auxiliary “be” in the sentence. 1. For the Teacher a. The writer really hopes that the teachers can increase their teaching methods and not only gives explanation abouth active to passive voice but also he or she could explain more detail on how in changing active to passive voice and the differences between them. b. The English teacher need to conduct remedial or tuturial teaching for passive voice, because the findings showed that they are very weak in this material. For example, the teacher can assign the students’ to make list of verbs and write complete in sentences and tries to change it to passive voice. 2. For the Students’ a. The writer really hopes that students’ will increase more their English study. It is impotant especially for second grade students’ in SMPN because they have to use and speak English, they were considered in the tourism department. Beside that, they will feel the advantages of their success in the future. b. The students’should memori the form of verb c. The students’should be aware of their errors and avoid repeating the same errors in their further learning. 3. For the Next Researcher The following research my open to other researchers to decrearse the students’ errors. b. Suggestion After involving in research process, analyzing findings and discussions, the researcher can suggest students of English still have problems in changing active voice into passive voice, so the teacher should give more attention in specific rules in changing active voice into passive, the students should not worry about making errors. They should use the errors as device in order to learn more about English grammar especially passive voice. F. Bibliography Brown, H. D. 1980. Principles of Language and Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, inc Alice, Oslima and Hogue,Ana. 1983. Writing Academi English. London: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Cored, S.P. 1975. Error analysis, interlanguage and second language acquisition. 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