YEARS 7-10 HISTORY STAGE 5, TOPIC 7 PEOPLE POWER AND POLITICS IN THE POSTWAR ERA HSIE STAGE 5 Curriculum K–12 June 2005 Page 1 of 5 NSW Department of Education and Training PLEASE READ THIS STATEMENT ABOUT THE PROGRAMS AND THEIR PURPOSE Officers from Curriculum K-12 Directorate have been working with a number of schools on a programming project. The purpose of the project has been to take the programming focus off the restrictive, often slavish, following of every dot point in the old syllabuses to focus on the big picture learning and to incorporate the elements of the Quality teaching document into student tasks to increase the significance of the learning for students. The programs are NOT lesson plans and do not contain the excessive detail and overlays of some programs that have developed in the HSIE subjects. They have a simple format that provides a small number of large tasks to cover the learn to and learn about statements for each topic. In using these programs students take more responsibility for their learning, work more in groups and have greater choice about what case studies and examples they engage. Teachers can act more as facilitators, but will still need to intervene in the learning to teach explicitly concepts, skills and terminology when students find difficulty within particular tasks. All the tasks can be used for assessment for or assessment of learning purposes. Teachers can use the tasks to provide feedback to students and assess the products and processes of the task for the purpose of recording data that will be used for school reporting purposes. When using the tasks in these ways for assessment, there is no need to create additional assessment tasks and end of topic tests are not needed because teachers will have already the assessment information needed for school reporting. Schools can add their own resources and vary the ICT suggestions, within the syllabus requirements, to match their school resources. While every attempt has been made to cover all the syllabus requirements, the units have not as yet been trialled in classrooms. Feedback is welcomed and adjustments will be made to improve the units in response to feedback. Watch for updates in 2005. John Gore CEO, HSIE HSIE STAGE 5 Curriculum K–12 June 2005 Page 2 of 5 NSW Department of Education and Training Topic 7: Focus People Power and Politics in the Post-war Time Period What role has Australia played in international affairs in the post-war period? Outcomes 5.1 Explains social, political and cultural developments and events and evaluates their impact on Australian life. 5.2 Assesses the impact of international events and relationships on Australia’s history 5.3 Explains the changing rights and freedoms of Aboriginal peoples and other groups in Australia 5.7 Explains different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past 5.8 Locates, selects and organises relevant historical information from a number of sources, including ICT, to undertake historical inquiry 5.10 Selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past for different audiences Suggested ICT Resources The United Nations: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Australian War Memorial : APEC secretariat: Colombo Plan: South Pacific Forum ASEAN Regional Forum HSIE STAGE 5 Curriculum K–12 June 2005 Page 3 of 5 NSW Department of Education and Training Learn to Learn about Australia as a Global Citizen Australia's role in the following: United Nations, including - UNESCO, and UN conventions - Regional agreements, including Colombo Plan, APEC Outline key developments in Australia’s role within the UN in the post-war period Assess an achievement of Australia in its role within the UN Explain the purpose of Australia's regional agreements People Power Event/issue Freedom Rides Women's Liberation Green bans Whitlam dismissal Green politics Republicanism One Nation Individuals Charles Perkins Germaine Greer Jack Mundey Sir John Kerr Bob Brown Paul Keating Pauline Hanson Examine the role of the significant individual in the chosen study Assess the significance of the chosen issue for Australia in the post-war period. HSIE STAGE 5 Curriculum K–12 Teaching and learning activities Assessment: The activities require students to demonstrate their learning and are all assessment for learning activities. Some activities might be selected and included in a school assessment schedule for assessment of learning. Task 1 Power point presentation The local Apex Club has requested the school to provide a student speaker on the topic 'Australia as a Global Citizen'. You have been asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation that should lead your audience to better understand Australia's role in the modern world after WWII. Relevant Internet sites are listed in the Resources section. Your presentation should cover: 1. What is meant by Australia as a global citizen? 2. An assessment of Australia's role in the United Nations, including: the origins, aims, structure of the United Nations support for a UN agency (UNESCO) and UN conventions peacekeeping individual Australian contributions 3. An explanation of the purpose of Australia's regional agreements including Colombo Plan and APEC regional agreement. Include members, when established, purpose, changes over time, Australia's contribution. Task 2 Community talk Your PowerPoint presentation to the Apex Club was so successful that you have been invited back as one of a number of speakers to provide a short (three minute) speech on an Australian issue and the person most associated with that issue selected from one of the following people: Freedom Rides Charles Perkins Women's Liberation Germaine Greer Green bans Jack Mundey Whitlam dismissal Sir John Kerr Green politics Bob Brown Republicanism Paul Keating One Nation Pauline Hanson In your speech you are to: Examine the role of the significant individual Assess the significance of the chosen issue for Australia in the post-World War II period. A selection of students will give their speech to the class. June 2005 Page 4 of 5 NSW Department of Education and Training Prime Ministers and Policies One Prime Minister from the post-war period Outline and explain a major policy or issue of the term of office of the chosen Prime Minister Assess the contribution of the chosen Prime Minister to Australia's post war development. HSIE STAGE 5 Curriculum K–12 Task 3 Magazine report A weekend newspaper is devoting a section of its magazine supplement to the perspectives of young people on Australia's Prime Ministers of the post-World War II period. You have been asked to select one of these men, conduct research using library resource and the Internet, and to prepare a two A4 feature for publication. Your feature needs to: Outline and explain a major policy or issue of the term of office Assess the contribution to Australia's post war development. June 2005 Page 5 of 5 NSW Department of Education and Training