ITEM NO: 20 APPLICATION FOR FULL PLANNING PERMISSION REF: 04/01920/EFULL SITE ADDRESS: SAUCHUR GARDEN COTTAGE WADESLEA ELIE PROPOSAL : AMENDMENT TO DESIGN OF EXTENSION TO RELOCATE CHIMNEY FLUE APPLICANT: MR AND MRS MACKAY SAUCHUR GARDEN COTTAGE WADESLEA ELIE CONSULTATIONS East Neuk of Fife Preservation Soc No Response REPRESENTATIONS One letter of objection has been received on the following grounds: - Visual impact Residential amenity Impact on listed building/conservation area Impact on trees Neighbour notification STATUTORY POLICIES AND APPROVED GUIDANCE National Guidance NPPG 18 Planning and the Historic Environment (1999) Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (1998) Fife Structure Plan (2002) Policy B1 Protection of Built Heritage Policy B4 Improvement of Built Heritage Largo and East Neuk Local Plan (1995) Policy EV2 Conserve and Enhance Conservation Areas Policy H5 Evaluation of Planning Permission - Residential Development(s) PLANNING SUMMARY 1.0 Background 1.1 The application site is a detached modern dwellinghouse located within Elie & Earlsferry Conservation Area. A single storey extension was granted approval by the East Area Development Committee on 21 May 2002 (02/00775/EFULL) and is complete. 1.2 The current application is to reposition an already approved chimney flue from the roof ridge position of the extension to the rear corner of the hipped roof adjacent to a mutual boundary wall. The flue has already been installed and now provides ventilation for a gas fire as opposed to the wood burning stove as originally proposed. The flue is 7cm (7 inches) in diameter, projects approximately 1.4 metres above the hipped roof slope, and has a shiny metallic finish. The flue has been repositioned due to changes to the internal layout of the approved extension. 1.3 Planning consent was granted for a material change to the extension in 2003 to include an additional window overlooking the applicant's driveway (03/04025/EFULL). 2.0 Planning Assessment 2.1 The material considerations in the determining of this application are:a) National Planning Guidelines and Advice b) Provisions of the Development Plan c) Impact on Conservation Area/Design and Finishes d) Residential Amenity e) Representations National Planning Guidelines and Advice 2.2 NPPG18: Seeks to promote the protection, enhancement and conservation of the historic environment and the country's heritage. Development Control should ensure the development is of a high quality in terms of construction and design. 2.3 The Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas advises that new development affecting conservation areas which is well designed, respects the character of the area and contributes to the enhancement of such areas should be welcomed. Provisions of the Development Plan 2.4 Fife Structure Plan (2002) Policy B1seeks to protect the built heritage and development will only be supported where it preserves or enhances a conservation area. Policy B4 supports proposals within the conservation area where they will enhance the historic environment and are compatible with the conservation of the site. 2.5 The Largo & East Neuk Local Plan (1995) Policy EV2 states that proposals should conserve and enhance wherever possible the environmental quality of conservation areas, whilst Policy H5 sets out the necessary criteria on which to evaluate the acceptability of proposals for residential development. 2.6 The provisions of the Development Plan therefore seek to ensure that conservation areas are protected, high design standards are achieved, and residential development criteria adhered to. These issues are assessed below. Impact on Conservation Area/Design and Finishes 2.7 With regards to the impact on the conservation area, the proposed relocation of an already approved flue is considered acceptable especially as the current application proposes to move it from a prominent roof ridge position to a less conspicuous location. 2.8 With regards to the issue of design and finishes the proposal is still considered acceptable although there is a minor concern regarding the non traditional shiny metallic appearance of the flue in close proximity to a neighbours garden. Discussions have been held with the applicant's agent who has agreed that the use of a heat resistant matt black paint could be applied to minimise the visual impact/glare of the flue. If Committee were mindful to approve the application then a condition could be included to ensure the paint is applied. Residential Amenity 2.9 With regards to residential amenity, the proposal is considered acceptable. The inclusion of a flue has already been considered acceptable in principle as part of the 2002 consent. Indeed, the previous consent was for a 'clean' wood burning stove flue whereas in this instance it is for a gas burning stove where the flue has been designed to ensure waste gases are exhausted and condensation of the harmful products of combustion are therefore minimised. The issue of smoke pollution from the gas-stove flue is not therefore considered an issue. It must also be considered that surrounding properties have either existing chimney facilities in which to burn wood or fossil fuels, or alternately have the potential to reinstate such facilities without the requirement for Planning Permission. Indeed, the applicants' property already has an existing hearth for a gas fire and chimneystack, which could be converted to burn solid fuels at any time. 2.10 It should also be noted that the neighbouring property to the west was granted approval in March 2003 to extend their property in a southerly direction (02/03138/EFULL). However, even though the flue has been repositioned closer to the neighbouring property's garden area it is still approximately 26 metres from the rear of the neighbouring dwellinghouse. If the neighbours did construct the approved extension then the flue would still be approximately 15 metres distant. Representations 2.11 One letter of representation has been received in connection with this application, and in particular the issues of visual impact, residential amenity, health issues and impact on the conservation area have been noted and fully considered earlier in this report. The issue of impact on the adjacent trees has been considered and with some minor pruning of the few overhanging branches the flue would not cause any damage to the trees. With regards to the lack of neighbour notification, the applicant's agent did submit the necessary documentation declaring that all necessary neighbours were notified, and as such I am satisfied that all notifications were served. 3.0 Conclusion 3.1 The proposal complies with Development Plan policies, is considered acceptable in terms of design, scale and use of finishing materials provided a condition is included to paint the exterior of the flue. The proposal would also protect and enhance the conservation area by relocating the feature to a less prominent position. One letter of representation has been received, its contents noted and considered earlier in the report. In light of the above, the application is recommended for approval subject to the conditions listed below. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to the following condition(s):- 1. BEFORE ANY WORKS START ON SITE, details of the specification and colour of the flue paint stack shall be agreed in writing by Fife Council as Planning Authority, and works fully completed before 17 November 2004. Reason(s): 1. In the interests of visual amenity; to ensure that the proposed development does not detract from the character and appearance of Elie & Earlsferry Outstanding Conservation Area, within which the site is located. BACKGROUND PAPERS The documents, guidance notes and policies referred to in “Statutory Policies and Approved Guidance”. Planning Applications 02/00775/EFULL, 03/04025/EFULL and 02/03138/EFULL. Report prepared by Chris Smith, Planner