Xin-Sheng Hu Department of Renewable Resources, 751 General Service Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H1, Canada. Phone: (780) 492-0715 (O), (780) 988-5265 (H). Fax: (780) 492-4323. EDUCATION University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Ph.D., Science and Engineering, July 1998 Advisors: Richard A Ennos, Amanda C M Gillies Dissertation Examiners: Richard A Nichols, Deborah Charlesworth Dissertation Title: Genetic marker studies of the Larix gmelinii complex and the development of genetic marker theory for plant populations China Agricultural University, Beijing M. Sc., Agronomy and Biotechnology, July 1990 Advisors: Professors Fanling Kong and Zhonghai Lu Dissertation Title: Construction of the linear model for endosperm trait (3N) in diallel crosses and its application in O-2 maize breeding Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang B. Sc., Agronomy, July 1987 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Research associate, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, 9/2003-present. — Developing theories for assessing species diversity, community assembly rules, and community structure — Developing theories and statistical methods for characterizing population genetic/genomic diversity Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Forest Sciences, University of British Columbia, 2/2001 – 3/ 2003 — Developed statistical methods for constructing joint genetic linkage maps — Developed statistical methods for assessing genome-wide diversity in natural populations Postdoctoral research associate, College of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University, 3/1999- 2/ 2001 — Developed statistical methods for detecting major genes — Developed theories for examining the effects of gene flow on population structure — Developed strategy for conserving quantitative genetic resources Research associate professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, 5/1998 – 2/1999 — Investigated genetic variation in poplar and larch tree species — Developed strategy for gene conservation for Chinese native tree species Research assistant professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry, and graduate student, University of Edinburgh, 10/1994 – 7/1998 — Developed theories for plant population genetic structure — Investigated the molecular genetic variation in three Chinese larch species (Larix gmelinii, L. olgensis and L. principis-rupprechtii), including the mating system, population genetic structure, spatial pattern, and phylogeny of the three larch species with both allozyme and chloroplast DNA sequence markers Research assistant professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 7/1992 – 9/1994 — Participated in the tree breeding project: Larix vegetative propagation in the World Bank Loan Project for forest in China — Conducted poplar eco-physiological studies, including plant water cultivation, water stress and photosynthesis measurement experiment, Research assistant, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 7/1990 – 6/1992 — Participated in the project for delineation of Chinese tree breeding zone — Conducted quantitative genetic data analyses — Participated in the project for gene pool construction and conservation of tree species Graduate student, China Agricultural University, 9/1987- 7/1990 — Modeled the genetic variation for endosperm (3N) traits in diallel crosses, including estimation of the 1 genetic combining ability (GCA, SCA), heterosis, and genetic variance components — Conducted field experimental design and survey with North Carolina I and II (NCI, NCII) mating designs, with different O2 maize varieties (9X9, 8X9), genetic analyses of endosperm traits PARTICIPATED RESEARCH ● Modeling distribution and abundance of species in landscapes, Alberta Ingenuity Fund, 2003-present PROJECTS ● Search for major genes using progeny test data, NCSU-Industry Cooperate Tree Improvement ● Evolutionary genomics of plants, fund from NSERC, Canada, 2001-2003 Program, 1999-2001 in Larix, fund from State Education Ministry and Chinese Academy of Forestry, 1998 ● Chinese Larix, fund from the Forestry Ministry of China and ODA (UK), 1994-1998 ● Larix vegetative propagation, the World Bank Loan Project for forest in China, 1992-1994 ● Delineation of Chinese tree breeding zone, fund from the Forest Ministry of China, 1991-1992 ● Genetic Improvement in Opaque-2 maize, fund from the Agriculture Ministry of China, 1988-1990 ●Molecular genetic variation TEACHING EXPERIENCE Lecturer, graduate course (5 students, 20% course), Biodiversity Analysis 469, Winter Term, with Dr Fangliang He, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, 2007. materials, including genetic diversity within and between populations, measurement of genetic diversity, and quantitative genetic diversity — Preparing and presenting lecture Sessional instructor, undergraduate course (236 students, 50% course), Mechanisms of Evolution (Biol 321), Fall Term, with Dr Mark Wilson, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, 2006. — Teaching materials were based on a textbook Evolution (Douglas J Futuyma, Sinauer Associate, Inc, Publishers Sunderland, 2005). I taught chapters covering molecular genetics/evolution, population and quantitative genetics, evolutionary ecology, and gene and genomics. — Responsible for students’ final exam, marking, grading, and home work assignments. Lecturer, graduate course (10 students, 30% course), Biodiversity Analysis 401, Fall Term, with Dr Fangliang He, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, 2004 — Prepared and presented lecture materials, including genetic diversity within and between populations, measurement of genetic diversity, quantitative genetic diversity, genome organization and evolution, DNA polymorphisms in populations, and conservation of genetic diversity — Received positive student evaluations Lecturer, a short training course for advanced forest research scientists, Molecular Genetics, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 1998 — Prepared and presented lecture materials, including population genetic analysis with different molecular markers — Received positive evaluations from research scientists Lecturer, a short training course for senior forest research scientists, Advanced statistics in genetics and application in tree breeding, Luoyang city, Henan Province, 1991 — Prepared and presented lecture materials, including multivariate statistical analysis and genetic parameter estimation in different genetic mating designs — Received positive evaluations from senior forest research scientists Teaching assistant, graduate course, Introduction to Quantitative Genetics, College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Beijing Agriculture University, 1989. — Provided assistance to instructor’s lectures and tutorials — Provided assistance to graduate student in problem solving FELLOWSHIPS & AWARDS ● Research associate fellowship, University of Alberta, REVIEWING ● National Natural Science ● Scientia Silvae Sinicae 9/2003-present ● Post-doctoral fellowship from University of British Columbia, 2/2001 – 2/ 2003 ● Post-doctoral fellowship from North Carolina Sate University, 3/1999- 2/ 2001 ● 5k$ CAD, State Education Ministry, China, 1998 ● 3.5k$ CAD, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 1998 ● 60k$CAD, Ph. D. scholarship, ODA (UK), 10/1994- 7/1998 ● Outstanding student in Jiangxi Agriculture University (3 times in the four-year BSc study) Foundation, China 2 ● Ecological Letters ● Tree Physiology ● Heredity ● Genetics ● Genetica ● Global Ecology and Biogeography ● Genome ● Journal of Applied Ecology ● Basic and Applied Ecology RESEARCH SKILLS Language and software ● Languages: C, R, and SAS ● Software: Mathematica, Maple Mathematical computing ●Numerical methods/analysis ●Simulation: MCMC simulation, WinBUGS, Gibbs sampling, spatial statistics ● Some software in Bioinformatics Biotechnology ●Allozyme analysis ●DNA PCR-based techniques PUBLICATIONS Refereed journals 1. Hu, X.S., Yeh, F.C., He, F.L. 2007. Sex-ratio distortion driven by migration loads. Theoretical Population Biology (DOI: 10.1016/j.tpb.2007.08.002) 2. Hu, X.S., He, F.L., Hubbell, S.P. 2007 Species diversity in neutral local communities. The American Naturalist (DOI: 10.1086/522935) 3. Hu, X.S. 2007 A general framework for marker-assisted selection. Theoretical Population Biology 71: 524-542 4. Hu, X.S., Li, B.L. 2006 Additive genetic variation and the distribution of QTN effects among sites. Journal of Theoretical Biology 243: 76-85. 5. Hu, X.S. 2006 Migration load in males and females. Theoretical Population Biology 70: 183-200. 6. Hu, X.S., He, F.L., Hubbell, S.P. 2006 Neutral theory in macroecology and population genetics. Oikos 113: 548-556. 7. Hu, X.S., He, F.L. 2006 Seed and pollen flow in expanding a species’ range. Journal of Theoretical Biology 240: 662-672. 8. Yeh, F.C., Hu, X.S. 2005 Population structure and migration from mainland to island populations in Abies procera Rehd. Genome 48: 461-473. 9. Hu, X.S. 2005 Tension versus ecological zones in a two-locus system. Theoretical Population Biology 68: 119-131. 10. Hu, X.S., He, F.L. 2005 Background selection and population differentiation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 235: 207-219. 11. He, F.L., Hu, X.S. 2005 Hubbell’s fundamental species diversity and Simpson’s index. Ecology Letters 8 : 386-390. 12. Hu, X. S. 2004 Estimating the correlation of pairwise relatedness along chromosomes. Heredity 94: 338-346 (highlighted in Nature Genetics Website 9/9-9/16/2004; a focus article in a special issue). 13. Hu, X.S., Goodwillie, C., Ritland, K. 2004 Joining linkage maps using a joint likelihood function. 3 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 109:996-1004. 14. Hu, X.S., Zeng, W., Li, B.L. 2003 Impacts of one-way gene flow on genetic variance components in a natural population. Silvae Genetica 52 (1): 18-24. 15. Hu, X.S., Li, B.L. 2003 On migration load of seeds and pollen grains in a local population. Heredity 90: 162-168. 16. Hu, X.S., Li, B.L. 2002 Linking evolutionary quantitative genetics to the conservation of genetic resources in natural forest populations. Silvae Genetica 51(5-6): 177-183. 17. Hu, X.S., Li, B.L. 2002 Seed and pollen flow and cline discordance among genes with different modes of inheritance. Heredity 88: 212-217. 18. Hu, X.S., 2002 Understanding the genetic structure of population. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 38: 119-128. 19. Hu, X.S., Li, B.L. 2001 Assessment of the ratio of pollen to seed flow in a cline for genetic variation in a quantitative trait. Heredity 87: 400-409. 20. Hu, X.S., Ennos, R. A. 2001 Population structure and genetic relationships of taxa in the Larix gmelinii complex in China. Forest Genetics 8: 225-232. 21. Hu, X.S., Wu, R.L., Han, Y.F. 2001 An approach to sustainable management of population genetic resources of trees: (II) Management analyses of plantation and natural population of some autochthonous tree species in China. Forest Research 14: 1-7. 22. Wu, R.L., Hu, X.S., Han, Y.F. 2000 Molecular genetics and developmental physiology: implications for designing better forest crops. Critical Review in Plant Sciences 19: 377-393. 23. Hu, X. S. 2000 A preliminary approach to the theory of geographical gene genealogy for plant genomes with three different modes of inheritance and its application. Acta Genetica Sinica 27: 440-448. 24. Hu, X.S., Wu, R.L., Han, Y.F. 2000 An approach to sustainable management of population genetic resources of trees: (I) Relevant theoretical analyses of the information on population genetic variation. Forest Research 13: 301-307. 25. Hu, X.S. 2000 Impacts of stochastic migration of seed and pollen flow on population differentiation of plant genomes with modes of inheritance. Acta Genetica Sinica 27: 351-360. 26. Hu, X.S., Ennos, R.A. 1999 Impacts of seed and pollen flow on population differentiation for plant genomes with three contrasting modes of inheritance. Genetics 152: 441-450. 27. Hu, X.S., Ennos, R.A., Wang, X.S. 1999 On the evolutionary relationships among three Larix in China: L. gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr., L. olgensis Henry and L. principis-rupprechtii Mayr. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 35(3): 84-96. 28. Hu, X.S., Ennos, R.A. 1999 Scoring the mating systems of natural populations of three Larix taxa in China: L. gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr., L. olgensis Henry and L. principis-rupprechtii Mayr. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 35(1): 21-31. 29. Hu, X.S., Han, Y.F., Qiu, D.Y. 1999 Advance in studies on genetic variation of lignin content in tree species. Forest Research 11(6): 563-571. 30. Hu, X.S., Wang, S.J. 1998 A review of studies on water stress and drought tolerance in tree species. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 34(2): 77-89. 31. Hu, X.S., Ennos, R.A. 1997. On estimation of the ratio of pollen to seed flow among plant populations. Heredity 79: 541-552. 32. Hu, X.S., Wang, S.J. 1997 A possible index for drought tolerance -response lag (I). Journal of 4 Northeast Forestry University 25(4): 1-9. 33. Liu, J.W., Hu, X.S., Wang, S.J., Blake, T.J. 1997 Stomata and photosynthesis model in relation to environment: the response of four poplar clones to irradiation, temperature and relative humidity. Journal of Beijing Forestry University 6(1): 19-33. 34. Hu, X.S., Liu, J.W., Wang, S.J. 1997 Comparison of the net photosynthesis rate of four poplar clones at different temperature and humidity regimes. Scientia Silvae Sinicae 33(2): 107-116. 35. Hu, X.S., Wang, S.J. 1997 Effects of temperature and relative humidity on instantaneous response of four poplar clones to CO2. Forest Research 9(4): 368-375. 36. Gu, W.C., Li, B., Guo, W.Y., Hu, X.S., Yan, H. 1997 Forest tree breeding regionalization on the basis of ecological gradient axis (EGA). Acta Ecologica Sinica 17(2): 159-169. 37. Hu, X.S., Wang, S.J. 1996 Gas exchange characteristics of four poplar clones under water stress. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University 20(3): 21-25. 38. Liu, J.W., Hu, X.S., Wang, S.J. 1994 Analysis of the relationships of net photosynthesis rates among eight poplar clones in semi-arid area, western part of Liaoning Province. Forest Research 7(5): 475-480. 39. Wang, X.S., Hu, X.S., Wang, Y.C., Nie, J., Liu, S.M. 1993 The effect of age and basal-cut shapes of cutting on rooting of Larix leptolepis. Forest Research 6(6): 627-632. 40. Hu, X.S., Kong, F.L. 1992 A study on the genetic models of combining ability and heterosis of endosperm traits. Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Pekinensis 18(2): 153-160. 41. Kong, F.L., Zhang, S.G., Han, L.X., Su, S.B., Hu, X.S., Zheng, C.G. 1991 Genetic potential and its utilization of opaque-2 maize in north China, Scientia Agriculturae Sinica 24(6): 11-19. Refereed book chapters 1. He, F.L., Hu, X.S., 2007. Neutral theory of biodiversity and diversity patterns. In Lectures in Modern Ecology (III): Advances and Key Topics, Ed by Wu, J.G., et al. Higher Education Press, Beijing (in press) 2. Ennos, R.A., Sinclar, W.T., Hu, X.S., Langdon, A. 1999 Using organelle markers to elucidate the history, ecology and evolution of plant populations. pp 1-19. In Molecular Systematics and Plant Evolution, Ed by Hollingsworth, P.M., Bateman, R.M., and Gornall, R.J., Taylor & Francis, London. 3. Hu, X.S. 1998 Determination of the "base" population size for tree introduction. pp 17-22. In Sustainable Management of Exotic Plantation Forests. Ed by Wang, H.R., et al. Chinese Environmental Science Press, Beijing. 4. Hu, X.S. 1998 Maintenance of genetic diversity in "base" population of exotic trees. pp 23-31. In Sustainable Management of Exotic Plantation Forests. Ed by Wang, H.R., et al. Chinese Environmental Science Press, Beijing. 5. Tang, Q., Huang, Y.P., Hu, X.S. 1992 Geographical variation of monoterpene components. pp 83-92. In: Geographical Variation and Provenance Selection of Pinus tabulae formis Carr. Ed. by Xu, HC, China Forest Press, Beijing. 6. Tang, Q., Hu, X.S. 1992 The dynamics of the stability parameters of height growth. pp 257-268. In: Geographical Variation and Provenance Selection of Pinus tabulae formis Carr. Ed. by Xu, HC, China Forest Press, Beijing. 7. Kong, F.L., Xing, L.Q., Han, L.X., Hu, X.S. 1990 Genetic analysis of triple test crosses on endosperm vitreousity, protein, and lysine contents in opaque-2 maize. pp 184-187. In: Advances in Genetic Research of Quality Characters in Cereals. Ed by Mo, H.D., et al. Jiangsu Scientific Press, Nanjing. 5 8. PRESENTATIONS & MEETINGS Kong, F.L., Su, S.B., Hu, X.S. 1990 The analysis of diallel crosses on endosperm virtreousity, protein, and lysine contents in opaque-2 maize. pp 188-192. In: Advances in Genetic Research of Quality Characters in Cereals. Ed by Mo, H.D., et al. Jiangsu Scientific Press, Nanjing. 1. Hu, X.S. Characterizing genomic evolution at the population level. Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, January 22, 2007. 2. Hu, X.S. Seed and pollen dispersal: evolutionary effects on structured populations. Department of Biology , Carleton University, April 7, 2006. 3. Hu, X. S. Pollen dispersal shaping a specie’ range. Statistical Ecological Discussion Group (Seminar). Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, November 17, 2005. 4. Chiovitti, S., Mannerla, M., Hu, X.S., Yeh, F., Dayanandan, D. Genetic structure of jackpine as revealed by nuclear microsatellite markers. ESA annual meeting, Montreal, Canada, August 4~12, 2005. 5. Hu, X.S. Seed vs pollen flow in expanding a species’ range. Department Seminar Series, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, September 23, 2004. 6. Hu, X.S. and Ritland, K. Joint full- or half-sibs linkage mapping in a natural population. Western Forest Genetic Association (WFGA), University of California, Davis, July 30-August 2, 2001. 7. Hu, X. S. and Li, B.L. Impact of gene flow on distribution of phenotypic variation and its application in management of forest genetic resources. Proceedings 25th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference (SFTIC), Louisiana State University, July 11-14, 1999. 8. Hu, X. S. and Ennos, R.A. Patterns of migration and maintenance of genetic variation in an island model of plant populations. Population Genetic Group (PGG), 30th Annual Meeting, University of Edinburgh, December 17-20, 1996. 9. Hu, X. S. and Ennos, R.A. The roles seed flow and pollen flow play in a stepping stone model. Ecological Genetics Group (EGG), 40th Easter Meeting, University of Southampton, March 26-28, 1996. 6