The 10 th Annual Kinship Conference for Grandparents and Relatives
Raising the Children and Those Who Support Them
8:00 - 8:30
8:30 - 8:45
Registration and continental breakfast
Lynn Granger, Executive Director, Vermont Kin as Parents
Barbara Cimaglio, Deputy Commissioner for Alcohol & Drug Abuse Programs
8:45 - 9:15
Peter Shumlin, Governor of Vermont (invited)
Keynote The Impact of Addiction: Kinship Caregivers and An Addict in Recovery
9:15 - 10:15 Keynote The Disease of Addiction: Mark P. McGovern, Ph.D.
10:15 - 10:30 Coffee Break: Vendor booths and silent auction will be open
10:30 - 11:45 Panel and Discussions
Building on the conference themes, kinship caregivers and service providers will share thoughts, stories, and information by region
11:45 - noon Presentation of Marge Wood Awards
Dave Yacovone, Commissioner, Department for Children & Families
Noon - 1:00
Cindy Walcott, Deputy Commissioner, Family Services Div, Dept of Children & Families
Lunch On Your Own Vendor booths and silent auction will be open
1:00 - 2:00 Workshops – Session 1
A - Trauma Informed Caregiving (Part 1)
B - Planting the Seeds for the Future
C - Smelling the Smoke, Fighting the Fire
D - Understanding the Joys and Challenges of Kinship Families
2:00 - 2:15 Break and last chance to bid on silent auction items. (Bidding closes at 2:15)
2:15 - 3:15 Workshops – Session 2
A - Trauma Informed Caregiving (Part 2)
3:15 - 3:30
B - Helping Yourself, Helping Your loved Ones
C - Advocating for Your Child
D - The Nuts and Bolts of Dealing with Corrections
Evaluation & Silent Auction Results
All proceeds benefit VKAP and our efforts to expand
our work with kinship families and provide
informative conferences.
Vermont Kin As Parents is committed to support relatives who are raising children and to educate the public and community partners about the joys and difficulties these families experience..
A. Trauma Informed Caregiving, Part 1
With Dave Melnick, LICSW
This two-part workshop will focus on both practical skills to use at home as well as an understanding of the critical theoretical knowledge necessary for raising children exposed to chronic trauma. We will examine the various "domains of impairment" that children experience when exposed to abuse, neglect, deprivation and domestic violence. The workshop will be continued in session 2.
B. Planting the Seeds for the Future
With Mary Pickener, LICSW, LADC
Substance Abuse Prevention Consultant
This workshop will explore risk and protective factors relating to substance abuse, with its connections to chronic disease and mental health. Participants will consider Developmental Assets to support families and identify tools that support family members.
C. Smelling the Smoke, Fighting the Fire:
Addressing the Symptoms and Resolving the Problems for Those Struggling with Co-Occurring
Substance Use & Mental Health Issues
With Mitch Barron, LICSW, LADC
While substance use may be an indication of addiction, it is also – often – a “symptom” of greater underlying emotional, behavioral, social, or mental health concerns. What does drug or alcohol use mean in the lives of those struggling? And in the lives of those caring for the substance user? And what can we do? This workshop will provide practical and real-life skills that are proven effective in addressing the causes and consequences of substance use, abuse, and addiction.
Understanding the Joys and Challenges of
Kinship Families
With Evelyn Sawyer,
Grandparent Support Project
What is unique about kinship care? A panel of caregivers will share their stories to illustrate the unique characteristics of kinship families. Providers will leave with a better understanding relationship dynamics, legal options and supports, and more.
A. Trauma Informed Caregiving, Part 2
With Dave Melnick, LICSW
B. Helping Yourself, Helping Your Loved Ones
With Sarah Munro,
Substance Abuse Prevention Consultant
Prioritizing self-care is an essential first step in healing from the effects of a loved one’s addiction. Join us in discussing how prioritizing self-care will allow you to stay sane and will provide a healthy role model for others in your care. Learn about self-care resources and share what nurtures you. Feel supported and leave with some tools to support you in this journey.
Social Work
C. Advocating for Your Child
With Janice Sabett and Ellen Vaut,
Vermont Family Network - Family Support Consultants
Participants will explore and practice skills they can use to become more effective advocates for their child at school, in the community, or in other settings. Topics will include: What is advocacy? How do I communicate more effectively? Why is validation and effective communication so important to successful advocacy? There will be a Q&A on how to advocate for the supports your child may need to be successful in school. Come ready to share your best advocacy strategies so we can learn from each other.
D. The Nuts and Bolts of Dealing with Corrections
With Jill Evans, Dept of Corrections
Director of Women and Family Services
This workshop will help kinship families and service providers better understand what happens when a parent is involved with criminal court and the Department of Corrections. Participants will learn about
Department of Corrections protocols and support services for the parent and the kinship families.
Send registration form and a check made payable to VERMONT KIN AS PARENTS:
Vermont Kin As Parents
P.O. Box 415
Williston, VT 05495
For more information please contact us:
Discounted room rates available at the Doubletree Hotel.
2 double beds or 1 king bed (both non-smoking):
$149 + tax reserve your room by AUGUST 15
Reserve early — rooms are limited
CALL 802-658-0250 or register online at
Kinship Caregiver: $0 Professional/Other Caregivers: $75 Invited Guest: $0
Presenter: $0
Refund Information:
If you cannot attend, you may send a substitute without a penalty. Refunds less $10 cancellation fee will be made only if written notice is received by September 2, 2014
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Street Address: ______________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________ State: _____ZIP:________
E-mail Address: ___________________________
Daytime Phone: ( ) ______________________
Title: (Please check all that apply) ___ Kinship Caregiver ___ Presenter
___Invited guest ___ Professional Organization?__________________________
___ Other (please specify) _______________________
Check #: ____________ Total Amount: $_______________
Make checks payable to: Vermont Kin as Parents
Registration includes a continental breakfast.
Workshop Selections (please indicate letter)
Session 1: First choice _______ Second choice ______
Session 2: First choice _______ Second choice ______
If CEUs are available will you want them? Yes____ No____