

 Kinship


 a network of relatives within which individuals possess certain mutual

rights and obligations.

Rules of Descent: connect individuals w/ sets of kin because of known or presumed ancestry

Descent Group: publicly recognized social entity requiring lineal descent from a particular real or mythical ancestor for membership.

Systems of Kinship

 Bilateral Kinship

NOT a descent group affiliates people of close blood relatives through both sexes. relatives of father and mother equally important. ego centered kindred: persons relating to you by blood.

Only brothers and sisters can have same kindred. western societies and foraging societies

 Bilateral Kinship

 Kindred

Unilineal groups

trace kinship through one parent

degrees of relation are traced "upward”

4 systems


 both males and females affiliate kin through the father's side only

 transmitted only by sons to offspring

 Usually found where need to organize male labor

 Example: Traditional Chinese


 reckon kin of both genders through women only.

 usually share power with brothers

 usually found where women’s work important.

 example: Trobriand Islanders

Clans based on matrilineal decent

Clan leadership passed from sister to brother’s son
