Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society

Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
2nd floor, Supreme House, 300 Regents Park Road, London N3 2JX
Tel: 020 8349 5754
Chairman: Prof. Martin Goodman MA, D.Litt., FBA
Affiliated to the British Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Application for a grant from the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
The Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society was established in 1961 by Dr Richard Barnett, Dr Alec
Lerner, Professor Yigael Yadin and Leon Shalit. In 2015 it will offer a small number of grants
to encourage students in Great Britain to gain practical archaeological experience in Israel. These
grants usually take the form of part or the whole of the cost of travel between the two countries.
However, applications for other purposes within the general concerns of the Society will also be
I enclose/attach a form for you to fill in when making your application to the Society. Please
either address this to:
The Executive Secretary
Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
2nd Floor, Supreme House
300 Regents Park Road
London N3 2JX
or, for preference, please e-mail it to:
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Please note that we cannot process any application without two suitable references (see the form
for details.) These can be e-mailed to the Executive Secretary and, in addition, a hard copy of the
reference should be sent to the address above.
Applicants must be studying in the UK at the time of their application and must be members of
the Society. Selection for grants will be on the basis of academic merit and evidence, in the
written statements submitted by applicants, of a commitment to a career in archaeology.
If a grant is offered and accepted, but the project does not materialize, the grant must be returned
as soon as possible. If a change of plan is necessary applicants must seek approval from the
Committee in advance. This will not affect the chances of success of any subsequent application
you make in another year. If the project is carried out, it is a condition of acceptance that a short
report of about 500 words should be submitted to the Society by the end of October of the year in
which the grant is used. The report may be included in Strata, the Society’s Bulletin.
Yours sincerely
Sheila Ford
Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society
2nd floor, Supreme House, 300 Regents Park Road, London N3 2JX
Tel: 020 8349 5754
Chairman: Prof. Martin D. Goodman MA, D.Litt., FBA
Affiliated to the British Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
(Please Print in Capitals or Type)
Name of applicant ................................................................................. Date of Birth .....................
Address ...............................................................................................................................................
Telephone:.....................................................E-mail …………………………………………
Present Position or Occupation .........................................................................................................
Previous Archaeological Experience, if any ......................................................................................
........................................................................................................................................ ....................
Purpose of Grant Application ............................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... .......................
Details of Funds Required (e.g. Flight, Maintenance) ......................................................................
................................................................................................................................................. ............
Other Sources to which Applications have been Submitted (with Results Noted, if Applicable)
Names and Addresses of Two Referees (preferably, one should be an academic referee, well acquainted with
the applicant, and the second the director of the project, indicating his/her acceptance of the applicant).
Applicants should contact their referees and arrange for them to send their references direct to the offices of
the Society.
1. Ref. Name .................................................. 2. Ref. Name ...........................................................
Address .......................................................... Address ....................................................................
........................................................................ ...................................................................................
........................................................................ ...................................................................................
........................................................................ ..................................................................................
........................................................................ ...................................................................................
Date ............................................................... Signature of Applicant .............................................
Registered Charity No. 220367