CHEM 4612_Slattery

Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
(CHEM 4612)
“The Nature of Matter"
Spring 2015
Office Hours:
Course Hours:
Course Text:
Dr. Slattery
TLC Bldg; Rm 2122
TR (10 am – 1:30 pm) and (4 pm – 5:30 pm)
Mon. & Wed. (11:00 am – 12:20 pm) TLC Bldg (Room 2105)
Inorganic Chemistry (4rd Edition) Pearson Publishing
Authors; Catherine Housecroft & Alan Sharpe
Objective: This course covers principles and theories that account for the periodic behavior of the
elements and the physical and chemical properties exhibited by the various categories of inorganic
compounds (e.g. traditional transition metal complexes, organometallic systems, main group chemistry).
Thermodynamic, kinetic, and quantum mechanical models will be applied.
Learning-Outcome: Each student will demonstrate the ability to: (1) use periodic trends and apply
bonding theories (Molecular Orbital Theory and/or Valence Bond Theory) to predict structural, chemical,
physical, spectroscopic, and magnetic properties of various elements and compounds; (2) apply bonding
theories (Molecular Orbital Theory and/or Valence Bond Theory) to predict and interpret thermodynamic
and kinetic properties of inorganic molecular compounds.
Your course grade is computed on the basis of the sum:
Exam #1
100 pts
Exam #2
100 pts
Exam #3
100 pts
Final Exam
100 pts
100 pts
Total Points
500 pts
Determination of your overall grade will be based on your total course (max 500 pts) points.
450--500 pts......…...................A (90.0 - 100%)
400--449 pts.............................B (80.0 - 89.9%
350--399 pts.............................C (70.0 - 79.9%)
300--349 pts.............................D (60.0 - 69.9%)
Homework Assignments:
1. Problem Sets will be assigned as homework throughout the semester. The penalty for late
submissions is 10% reduction per day, and submission will not be counted after the assignment is
returned to class. All assignments must be individual work and you must not share any part of your
work with others.
2. Self Study Assignments will be given where the contents of these assignments are not covered in
lectures. Exam questions will include questions from these topics.
Academic Misconduct:
We take academic honesty and integrity seriously. We do not permit any form of dishonesty or
deception that unfairly, improperly, or illegally enhance a grade on an individual assignment or a
course grade. Each incidence of academic dishonesty is subject to serious penalties, including (but
not limited to) failing the assignment and/or failing the course. Remember – All assignments are
individual work and you must not share any part of your work with others.
Tentative Course Topics
1. Review of Atomic Structure (Chapter 1)
A. Bohr Model & Schrodinger Equation
1. atomic wavefunctions & quantum numbers
B. Aufbau Principle & Periodic Table
1. shielding & penetration factors (Slater's Rules)
2. periodic trends
(Assigned Problem: 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 15, 17, 18, 25, 26, 28, 32)
2. Review of Simple Bonding Theory
A. Lewis Dot Diagrams
1. resonance
2. expanded shells
3. formal charges
B. Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory
1. lone pair repulsion
C. Electronegativity
1. polar bonds
2. hydrogen bonding
3. Review of Molecular Orbital Theory (Chapter 5)
A. Molecular orbitals from atomic orbitals
1. constructive and destructive interference
2. homo and hetero diatomic systems
3. bond polarity
4. beyond diatomic molecules
(Assigned Problems: TBA)
4. Acids & Bases
A. Comparing various acid/base concepts
1. Arrhenius,Bronsted-Lowry,Solvent System,Lewis, frontier orbitals, hard/soft acids & bases
B. Measurement of Acid-Base Interactions
1. thermodynamics and its relation to (Ka & Kb)
2. proton affinity
3. binary hydrogen compounds (acid/base properties justified)
4. inductive effects, Steric & Solvation factors
5. oxyacids
6. aqueous metal cations (acid/base properties justified)
7. steric effects
8. solvation and acid-base strength
9. nonaqueous solvents (leveling effect)
10. superacids
(Assigned problems: TBA)
5. Solid State Chemistry
A. Hexagonal close packing (hcp) vs Cubic close packing (ccp)
B. Binary Compounds (e.g. NaCl, CsCl, ZnS, CaF2, NiAs, TiO2)
C. Radius Ratio Rule
D. Thermochemical Cycles (Lattice Enthalpy & Madelung constant)
salts (NaCl, NaCl2, CaCl, CaCl2)
2. theoretical vs experimental determination of Lattice Enthalpy
E. Solubility of Salts
F. Band Theory
1. metal conductors, semiconductors, and insulators
2. graphite vs diamond
3. semiconductors; intrinsic vs extrinsic (p- & n-type)
4. p-n junctions & LEDs
5. Superconductivity (BCS Theory etc)
(Assigned Problems: TBA)
6. Main Group Chemistry
A. Descriptive Chemistry [Group I-A thru VIII-A]
(Assigned Problems: TBA)
7. Coordination Chemistry: Structures & Isomers
A. Werner's Coordination Theory
1. ligands & coordination sphere
B. Chelating effects (mono-, bi-, tri-dentating ligands etc)
C. Isomerism
1. hydrate, ionization, coordination, and linkage isomerism
D. Coordination Numbers & Structure (CN = 1 thru 8 etc)
(Assigned Problems: TBA)
8. Coordination Compounds: Bonding
A. Valence Bond Theory
1. hybridization (success & failure)
B. Crystal Field Theory (CFT)
1. success and failure (spectrochemical series, Nephaulextic effect, hyperfine coupling)
C. Ligand Field Theory (combing Crystal Field Theory with Molecular Orbital Theory)
1. strong, moderate, & weak field ligands (sigma and pi-bonding factors)
2. ligand field stabilization energy (LFSE)
3. metal-ligand sigma and pi-bonding interactions
D. Ligand Field Theory - Square Planar vs Tetrahedral Coordination
E. Jahn Teller Effect
(Assigned Problems: TBA)
9. Coordination Compounds: Electronic Spectra
A. Russell-Saunders coupling (LS-coupling)
1. Term Symbols, microstates, spin multiplicity (Rules by Hund)
2. Selection rules
3. Tanabe Sugano diagrams
4. Charge transfer band (MLCT & LMCT)
(Assigned Problems: TBA)
10. Coordination Compounds: Rxn Mechanisms
Dissociative, Associate, Interchange
Chelate effect (entropy???)
Psuedorotation & NMR
the Trans Effect
Redox Rxns (outersphere)
1. self-exchange
2. Franck-Condon and Electronic factors
3. Nuclear tunneling
F. Redox Rxns (inner sphere)
(Assigned Problems: TBA)
11. Organometallic Chemistry
A. The 18 Electron Rule?
B. Typical ligands (CO, etc)
C. Sandwich Compounds & Whizzers
(Assigned Problems: TBA)