XXXVII IAHS World Congress on Housing October 26 – 29, 2010, Santander, Spain XXXVII IAHS – Authors’ Guidelines for Full Paper Submission First Ai. Authori, Second Bi. Author, and Third C. Authori i Department of xxxxxxxxxxxx University of the xxxxxxxx, xxxxxxxxxx i e-mail: i Key words: paper guidelines, instructions, format, paper size, maximum length Abstract This document contains guidelines for preparation of full papers for the XXXVII IAHS World Congress on Housing. It defines the layout and formatting of papers, dates for submission by authors and return dates from the Scientific Secretariat with comments. The name and contact details of the author are to be clearly indicated in a covering letter. The first page includes the congress headline, the title, name and contact details of the author, keywords and abstract. The abstract must not go over into the 2nd page and must not be more than 300 words. The abstract is to indicate the subject of the paper, how the author proposes to develop the subject and its overall objective, aim or outcome. Abstracts will be reviewed in terms of relevance to the Congress, its purpose, scope and themes and the potential contribution to knowledge, design or transformation in housing environments. Authors are to indicate into which of the five themes their paper would best fit. The last date for submission of abstracts is 28 February, 2010. 1 Introduction The formatting of this document indicates the requirements of the International Association for Housing Science (IAHS) for the submission of Congress papers with some enhancements for this particular congress. To make it easier for authors this document may be used as a template. 2 Requirements for submission of papers Papers are to be in English on A4 paper in 11pt Times New Roman font. The length of the paper should not exceed 8 pages. Documents should not be page-numbered. 2.1 Method and medium of submission The preferred method of submission is as an attachment by e-mail in MS Word using Windows 97 or later version. RTF or PDF files can also be used. Send your e-mail to XXXVII IAHS, Octobre 26-28, 2010, Santander (Cantabria). Spain Alternatively, papers may be submitted on CD and posted to: Prof. Luis Villegas IAHS World Congress on Housing 2010 Department of Structural and Mechanical Engineering University of Cantabria Avda. Los Castros s/n 39005 Santander (Cantabria) Spain Tel. +34 – 942 201 743 Fax +34 – 942 201 747 Email: A covering letter and completed and signed “copyright license agreement” form must be submitted with your paper and sent to IAHS World Congress on Housing at the above address by mail, fax or by e-mail. The deadline for submission of both a camera-ready and digital version of the paper is June 30, 2010. A condition for publication is that at least one author of the paper is registered for the congress. Publication will be in several volumes or in one volume of congress details, registrants, titles, authors and abstracts and a CD of the full congress detail and papers. Some papers will be selected for publication in the IAHS International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications and some to be included in a peer-reviewed accredited publication. Submission and return dates: The dates indicated are the last dates for the respective submissions and returns. 28 February: submission of abstracts 30 April: comment and notification of acceptance / rejection 30 June: submission of papers for publication 2.2 Length of paper The final paper should be: 6 to 8 pages (including first page and references), in the prescribed font and letter sizes and using the correct typing area per page as in this template. 3 3.1 Formatting requirements The various aspects of the paper Only papers formatted according to the guidelines indicated in this document can be accepted for publication. 3.1.1 Title Page The title page must give the title of the paper, all authors with their affiliations, up to five keywords, and the abstract. The abstract must fit onto the first page. The title page shall appear as the first page of this document. The body of the text must start after the abstract. XXXVII IAHS, Octobre 26-28, 2010, Santander (Cantabria). Spain 3.1.2 Headlines and Foot Notes The first page indicates the Congress, its title, dates and location. The second page and all even pages show the list of authors or, alternatively, “First A. Author et al.”. The headline of the third and all subsequent odd pages show XXXVII IAHS, the Congress dates and the location of Congress. This structure is demonstrated in this template document. No page numbers are to be used. 3.1.3 Tables and Figures Tables and Figures should be centered, numbered consecutively and referred to in the text as Table 1 and Fig. 1. Figure 1: Description of figure Allow at least 1 line space below figure descriptions and text and 1line spaces above table descriptions and text. Table 1: Description of Table xxx 1 4 5 yyy 120 555 100 3.1.4 Equations Equations should also be numbered consecutively in parentheses on the right hand side of page for reference purposes in the text. E = mc2 3.2 (1) Citations References cited in the text should be indicated by consecutive numbers in parentheses [1,2,3] on the same line as the text and the full source information listed under the heading ‘References’ at end of paper. Examples given below: for articles in journals [1 & 2], conference proceedings [3] for books [4] and a website reference [5] with the date accessed in parentheses after the website. Acknowledgements If appropriate ... (eg. The input of previous congress organizers is gratefully acknowledged.) XXXVII IAHS, Octobre 26-28, 2010, Santander (Cantabria). Spain Reference [1] Hanna, A.M. and Nguyen, T.Q. Shaft resistance of Single Vertical and Batter Piles in Sand Subjected to Axial Compression Loading. ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering. Vol. 129/3 (2003). [2] Tadeu, A. and Mateus, D. Sound transmission Trough Single Double and Triple Glazing. Experimental Evaluation. Journal of Applied Acoustics, Vol. 62/63 (2000), pp. 1093-1097. [3] Silva, J.M., Abrantes, V. Consequences on brickwork of clay brick and mortar differential movement. Proceedings of XXV IAHS World Housing Congress, Lisboa, Junho-Julho 1998. [4] Addlesson, L., Rice, C. Performance of Materials in Buildings. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford, 1995. [5] Okraglik, H. Sustainable housing: a case study of Australia’s first green home.