Template - International Association for Housing Science (IAHS)

Int. Journal for Housing Science, Vol.38, No.3 pp. 1-10, 2014
Published in the United States
The IAHS Manuscript Template
(16pt, centered)
First A. Author1, Second B. Author2, Third C. Author3* (12pt, centered)
Affiliation Institution, Address, City, Country, Postal Code (10pt, centered)
Affiliation Institution, Address, City, Country, Postal Code (10 pt, centered)
*corresponding author, email address: your.email@email.edu (10 pt, centered)
Abstract (11 pt, align left)
The topic of housing has been an important problem to mankind since the beginning of
history. Today, all developing nations of the world are vitally concerned with housing
technology and production. Research activities and publications are increasing and more
scientific procedures are applied in this field. There is a definite need for a non-profit
international body to lead and coordinate all the major activities, practical and academic,
related to the topic of "housing as a human habitat. It is this strong need which gave birth
to the International Association for Housing Science, IAHS, in St. Louis on April 24,
1972 during the Second International Symposium on Lower-Cost Housing Problems.
Keywords: put around 4-6 keywords (10 pt)
1. Introduction (12 pt)
International Association for Housing Science is a non-profit Association
registered in the State of Missouri, USA as a General Not for Profit
Corporation (NP12623). IAHS belongs to all its active individual members.
The President and the six Board of Director members are elected by the
majority of voting members. They form the executive group of the
Association. An Advisory Board formed by a member from each country acts
as the liaison group between IAHS and the countries. The Secretary and
Treasurer are responsible for their activities to the President and the Board of
Directors. The Constitution and the Bylaws are well defined and published as a
separate document. (12 pt)
2. Manuscript Layout (12 pt)
IAHS is an INTERDISCIPLINARY Association. Engineers, architects,
lawyers, medical doctors, contractors, economists, sociologists, home
economists, educators, material scientists, systems engineers, financiers,
transportation engineers, land developers, federal, state and local government
0146-6518/03/1-4, 2014
Copyright©2014 IAHS
1st Author Last Name, 2nd Author Last Name, 3rd Author Last Name
officials, industrialized housing experts, union officials and others who are
interested in the various aspects of housing as human habitat are invited to
apply for membership.
The persons who applied for membership before May 1, 1973 are
classified as Charter Members. All members receive membership cards and
certificates. (12 pt)
2.1. Second titles (11 pt)
The major activities of IAHS are defined in the goals. They can be
summarized by the following two statements:
1. To generate new knowledge through research and assemble all other
available information on housing science and develop means to disseminate
them to all concerned.
2. To sponsor and organize international conferences and workshops on
housing problems at proper places and times to help generate interest and
present innovative ideas and methods. (12 pt)
2.1.1. Third titles (11 pt)
The appointed committees will be the force to secure the success of the
IAHS activities. The members of the various committees will be persons of
high competence and specialists of their professions. They will be selected
from every corner of the world. (12 pt)
3. Tables and Figures (12 pt)
Figures can be black and white. However, for the best quality of non-color
printing, a proper markers and lines setting in the figures should be carefully
Tables and figures must be centered. All text and numbers in the figure
should be easily visible and readable. The unit for each axis and the legend
should be provided. Please avoid the usage of vertical lines for column
separation in the tables.
Place figure captions below the figures (see Fig. 1), while table titles are
above the tables (see Table 1). If the figure contains several parts, put the
labels “(a)”, “(b)” etc.
Table 1. Comparison of the Device.
Channel length (nm)
Nsubs (cm-3)
VT (V)
Device A
- 0.2
Device B
- 0.3
Short Title of the Manuscript
Fig. 1. The example of figure. Please note that the markers and the lines have
different shapes to assist the readers in non-color print version.
4. Abbreviation and Units (12 pt)
Abbreviation and acronyms should be defined the first time they appear in
the text, even if it has been defined in the abstract. It is strongly encouraged
that the authors use SI (International System of Units) units only. (12 pt)
5. Equations (12 pt)
Equations should be placed at the center of the line and provided
consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flushed to the right
margin, as in (1). The use of Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType is
Ev  E 
kx  k y
All symbols that have not been mentioned in the equation should be
explained in the following text.
6. Reference style and citation (12 pt)
Proper citation of other works should be made to avoid plagiarism. When
referring to a reference item, please use the reference number as in [1] or [2-6]
for multiple references. The use of “Ref [5]...” should be employed for any
reference citation at the beginning of sentence. For any reference with more
than 3 or more authors, only first author is to be written followed by et al (e.g.
in [4]). Each items in references section should be typed using 12pt font size.
1st Author Last Name, 2nd Author Last Name, 3rd Author Last Name
7. Conclusion (12 pt)
For a conclusion, you might elaborate on the importance of the work or
suggest the potential applications and extensions. (12 pt)
Acknowledgments (12 pt)
The acknowledgment section is optional. The funding source of research can
be put here. (12 pt)
References (12 pt)
[1] S. Datta, Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems. London: Cambridge
University Press, 1995 (Book) (9 pt)
[2] M. H. Nayfeh and L. Mitas, "Silicon Nanoparticles New Photonic and
Electronic Material at the Transition Between Solid and Molecule," in
Nanosilicon, V. Kumar (Ed.), 2nd ed, Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2008, pp.
212-231 (Book chapter)
[3] D. J. Frank, "Power-constrained CMOS scaling limits," IBM Journal of
Research and Development, vol. 46, pp. 235-344, 2002. (journal article)
[4] G. Gildenblat, et al., "Surface-potential-based MOSFET models with
introduction to PSP," in IEEE 10th Annual Wireless and Microwave
Technology Conference, 2009, pp. 374-375 (conference paper)
[5] C. Lin, "Compact modeling of nanoscale CMOS," Ph.D. dissertation,
University of California, Berkeley, CA, 2007 (Thesis)
[6] Intel. (May 30, 2010). Intel® 32nm Logic Technology. Available:
(website article)