Keywords: Fuzzy MLMCDM; Center of Area; Trapezoidal Fuzzy Number; Triangular Fuzzy
Number; Advertising Agency
A defuzzification based fuzzy multiple criteria multiple levels decision-making model
(MLMCDM) is applied for the selection of advertising agency in Indonesia. The importance
weights of the criteria and the ratings of alternatives versus subjective criteria are assessed in
linguistic values represented by trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The proposed model deals with a
hierarchical structure of criteria where the averaged weights and ratings are aggregated from
the lowest-level criteria to the parent criteria. The ranking approach of center of area (COA)
is applied to the model in order to avoid the problem of the multiplication of more than two
fuzzy numbers. A Fisher test is also conducted to gain more insight about the
independent/dependent criteria.
A set of essential criteria for selecting advertising agency, including both qualitative
and quantitative criteria are selected and divided into benefit and cost. Furthermore, a
numerical example has demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed model. The proposed
model can help companies to evaluate and select the suitable advertising agency. Finally,
some comments are suggested for further research.