Seminar The EUROPEAN ENERGY POLICY RENEWABLE ENERGIES, BIOFUELS AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY - HOW TO REACH THE TARGETS? Maastricht (NL), 15-16 May 2008 Dear Sir/Madam, The European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) is organising a seminar on “The European Energy Policy: Renewable energies and energy efficiency - how to reach the targets? The seminar will take place in Maastricht (NL) on 15-16 May 2008. The seminar will provide updated information on policy proposals, recent adopted legislation, working groups and committees, and important contacts and sources of information in the energy field. Furthermore, the recent activities and the role of the Commission, Council and Parliament will be discussed in detail. Emphasis will be put on how to reach targets recently set by the EU and paying special attention to renewable energies, energy efficiency, biofuels and environment aspects of the European Energy policy. The seminar will also give an insight into European Energy policy in the context of recent and future developments and discuss the implications for Member States, industry and civil society. Exchanges of views among the participants will also contribute to the ongoing debate on targets and increase of renewable energies use in the EU. This seminar is intended for representatives from public and private bodies and civil society dealing with European Energy policy, in particular officials from National Ministries involved in the implementation of EU legislation as regards energy policy. The seminar will be a combination of lectures and discussions, as well as the sharing of experiences between participants. The working language of the seminar will be English. Should you wish to receive more details, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Winny Curfs, Programme Organiser, tel.: +31.43.3296320, fax: +31.43.3296296, e-mail: You can also consult our website: (conferences). We would be most grateful if you could also distribute this information among other persons who may be interested in this seminar. Yours faithfully, EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Martin Unfried Project Leader Seminar The EUROPEAN ENERGY POLICY RENEWABLE ENERGIES, BIOFUELS AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY - HOW TO REACH THE TARGETS? Maastricht (NL), 15-16 May 2008 PROGRAMME PROPOSAL Thursday, 15 May 2008 09:00 Welcome and opening of the Seminar Mr Martin Unfried, Senior Lecturer, Project Leader, EIPA, Maastricht (NL) Mr Jérôme Boniface, Seconded National Expert, Project Leader, EIPA, Maastricht (NL) 09:30 The system of targets in the EU energy policy Mr Christian Egenhofer, Senior Research Fellow, CEPS, Brussels (BE) 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Renewable Energy Roadmap, legislations, and support mechanisms in the EU: Towards a Community framework Mr Hans Van Steen, Regulatory policy, promotion of new energy sources, demand management and energy efficiency Head of Unit, DG TREN, European Commission, Brussels (B) tbc 12:00 Lunch 13:30 The European Energy Policy: Implementing EU legislation and priorities under the French Presidency Speaker to be confirmed 14:30 Coffee Break 15:00 The Feed-in tariffs support scheme in Germany: a successful experience? Mr Martin Schöpe, Head of Division International and EU Affairs “Environment and Energy”, German Ministry for the Environment 16:00 Heating and cooling from renewable energy sources: a sleeping giant? Mr Oliver Schäfer, Policy Director, European Renewable Energy Council, Brussels (B) 17:00 End of the day 17:30 Reception at EIPA’s restaurant Friday, 16 May 2008 09:30 Promoting the use of biofuels in the EU Mr Kyriakos Maniatis, Innovation and technological development in energy Unit, Head of Biofuels & Industry, DG TREN, European Commission, Brussels (BE) 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Biofuels: a view from Sweden Expert from Sweden to be confirmed, Swedish Energy Agency (SE) 12:00 Energy Efficiency and the monitoring of National Action Plans Mr André Brisaer, Promotion and dissemination of programme results Head of Unit, DG TREN, European Commission, Brussels (BE) 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Energy Efficiency and current shortcomings Ms Mariangiola Fabbri, Energy Policy Officer, WWF European Policy Office, Brussels (BE) 15.00 Wrap Up Session and Conclusion Mr Martin Unfried, Senior Lecturer, Project Leader, EIPA, Maastricht (NL) Mr Jérôme Boniface, Seconded National Expert, Project Leader, EIPA, Maastricht (NL) 16.00 End of the Seminar Seminar The EUROPEAN ENERGY POLICY RENEWABLE ENERGIES, BIOFUELS AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY - HOW TO REACH THE TARGETS? Maastricht (NL), 15-16 May 2008 GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAMME The programme will commence on Thursday 15 May at 09.00 hrs and finish on Friday 16 May at ± 16.00 hrs. SEMINAR VENUE The seminar will take place at the European Institute of Public Administration, O.L. Vrouweplein 22, NL-6211 HE Maastricht, tel.: +31.43.3296222, fax: +31.43.3296296. WORKING LANGUAGE The seminar will be conducted in English. FEE: The participation fee of the seminars is € 750 and includes documentation dispatched during the seminar, two lunches, one reception and beverages. Accommodation and travel costs are at the expense of the participants or their administration. HOTEL RESERVATIONS The European Institute of Public Administration will be pleased to make reservations for you at a hotel in Maastricht. We have made a block booking for all seminars at the following hotel in Maastricht: Hotel Beaumont**** (website:, at a rate of € 97,25* p.p.p.n. (incl. breakfast and tourist tax). Should you wish to make use of this possibility, please indicate the dates of arrival and departure on the registration form. Payment is to be made directly and personally to the hotel on checking out. Please note that if you register after the closing date, hotel reservations cannot be guaranteed. MEALS The lunches as well as the reception on Monday evening will be served at the Institute’s restaurant. Should you require a special menu (e.g. vegetarian, diabetic), please inform the Programme Organiser so that this can be arranged. REGISTRATION Kindly complete the registration form and return it before 25 April 2008 to Ms Winny Curfs, Programme Organiser, European Institute of Public Administration, P.O. Box 1229, NL-6201 BE Maastricht, tel.: +31.43.3296320, fax: +31.43.3296296, e-mail: You can also submit the online registration form which can be found on EIPA’s web site: (conferences and seminars). CONFIRMATION Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed registration form. PAYMENT Prior payment is a condition for participation. Please indicate the method of payment on the registration form. For cancellations received after the closing date indicated on the registration form we will have to charge an administration fee of € 150 unless a replacement participant is found. * Based on rate for 2008. REGISTRATION FORM “THE EUROPEAN ENERGY POLICY: RENEWABLE ENERGIES AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY - HOW TO REACH THE TARGETS? Maastricht (NL), 15-16 May 2008 Surname: ................................................................................................................................................................ Title: ..................... First name: ........................................................................................................................................................................... M / F Current position: .......................................................................................................................................................................... Organisation: ............................................................................................................................................................................... Department: ................................................................................................................................................................................. Work address: .............................................................................................................................................................................. Postal code & town: ......................................................................................... Country: ........................................................ Tel. no. (work): ................................................................................................. Fax no.: .......................................................... E-mail address: ............................................................................................................................................................................ PAYMENT 0830501 € 750 The participation fee includes participation in the seminar, documentation, 2 lunches, 1 reception and beverages METHOD OF PAYMENT Bank transfer The participants or their administration will receive an invoice for the payment of the registration fee. Invoice address (if different from the abovementioned address): ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:............................................................................................................................................................................................. Credit card American Express Card Eurocard/Mastercard Visa Card Card no.: ............................................................................................................ Expiry date: ..... / ..... Name Card holder: ............................................................................................ (in case this differs from above) Address Card holder: ........................................................................................ (in case this differs from above) Postal code: ..................... Country: ............................................................ (in case this differs from above) Card Validation Code: .................................... (this refers to the last three digits of the number on the BACK of your card) (Exempt from VAT by virtue of Article 11, para. 1 (o), subpara. 2 of the Dutch Law on VAT of 1968) Note: Pre-payment is a condition for participation. For administrative reasons, a fee of € 150 will be charged for cancellations received after 25 February 2008 unless another participant is designated. HOTEL RESERVATION Please reserve hotel accommodation: Date of arrival: ............................................... Date of departure: ..................................... No. of nights: ............... No hotel reservation required MEALS Lunch Day 1: will attend / will not attend Reception Day 1: will attend / will not attend Place and date: Lunch Day 2: will attend / will not attend I am vegetarian: No fish / Fish Signature: As the number of places is limited, please return the completed registration form before 25 April to: Ms Winny Curfs Tel.: +31.43.3296 320 European Institute of Public Administration Fax: +31.43.3296 296 P.O. Box 1229; NL - 6201 BE MAASTRICHT E-mail: