Constitution of the

Constitution of the
African-Latino Society / La Sociedad Africana-Latina
The official
We, the students of Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York, in order to represent, promote,
advocate, and serve the political, social, economic, and cultural welfare of ALANA
students, do hereby adopt this Constitution of the African-Latino Society. This document
shall be amended as deemed necessary by the ALS general body members and/or
Executive board, or thereupon every four years from the date of its last revision.
Article I – Name
Section 1
The name of this organization shall be the African Latino-Society/ La Sociedad AfricanaLatina (ALS)
Article II- Purpose/Mission Statement
Section 1
The mission of the African-Latino Society/La Sociedad Africana-Latina shall be to
promote the political, social, economic, and cultural welfare of ALANA students in the
Ithaca College community. ALS will foster a collaborative dialogue and relationship with
the administration of Ithaca College, Cornell University, and the greater Ithaca
The three main objectives shall be:
To educate and empower its members
To strengthen the ALANA (students of color) community through programs and
To nurture, encourage, and provide academic support for ALANA community
To serve as a source for cultural celebration
To inspire future leaders
Article III- The Principles
The Principles of the African-Latino Society Shall Be
Political: May we develop a relationship and build with our elected officials. May help
each other to develop a collective understanding of how to negotiate the political
spectrum so that we as a community of constituents can have the skills necessary to
engage with the system and subsequently force it to change. May we uplift each other’s
knowledge of the our global political economy so that we better know how and why
things are the way they are; and most importantly, why they can no longer stay that way.
Cultural: May we celebrate our people’s culture, our community’s history, through the
arts and self-expression. May we help each other to creatively find new ways of passing
our culture to our children so that they too may be ready to realize their power and selfactualize into conscious citizens. May we equip them to know that their culture, their
past, cannot be confined to pages of a history book, nor can it be ripped out by
institutions fearful of such empowering knowledge.
Social: May we support the social welfare of our community, mobilizing to develop
infrastructure that meets the needs of our people. May we challenge our community’s
higher educational institutions to come off of the hill and encourage its constituents to be
part of the community, not a part from it. May we work with the city’s school district to
ensure our children are developing their talents and abilities to be stewards of our future.
May we hold our community’s Mayor and Elected Officials, Law Enforcement and
Judicial Workers, accountable for their actions, exposing institutional silences, helping
each other understand what is not being said; so that we can develop what needs to be
Economic: May we take economic responsibility for each other, supporting not only our
businesses, but extending our hands and skills to the endeavors of our community. May
we generate our own forms of wealth and capital, helping each other achieve our goals
and dreams as a community, for the system is structured so that such goals, such dreams,
never come to fruition. May we combine our resources to challenge this enterprise and
work to create a sustainable model of healthy living.
Consciousness: May we take responsibility for the elevation of our people’s
consciousness, telling our community of our ancestors and their kingdoms. May we
shatter educational paradigms that delegate our people to the confines of USian chattel
slavery, rather let us tell our story, our truth, of a beautiful and powerful people. Lest we
not find ourselves complacent or satisfied, but continue to serve as vessels of knowledge
in perpetual need of refilling.
Collaboration: May we humble our hearts and expose our spirits to new ways of
thinking, new ways of living, new ways of being. May we collaborate as beings with
varying cosmologies of the universe, so as to create new forms of understanding and
purpose. May we continue to care for our community, simultaneously caring for our
children and our elders, taking collective responsibility for our environment. Lest we not
find solace in individualism, but realize our histories call us to be each other’s keeper.
May we help each other to realize our collective full potential.
Resolve: May we have the resolve to press on in the face of adversity, recognizing that
oppression, in its many manifestations, has changed forms because the resistance has
forced it to. May we creatively continue to advocate, educate, and communicate for and
about our collective endeavor towards a better day than yesterday. In the words of our
ancestors, All to Power to All People!
Article III- Membership Criteria
Section 1
Membership in this organization is open to all irrespective of race, creed, color, gender,
gender identity, class, age, nation of origin, nationality, disability, marital status, religion,
veteran status, or sexual orientation.
Section 2
Full or active membership constitutes anyone who attends 51% of all ALS events and
meetings. Any matriculated Ithaca College student can serve on the Executive Board
Section 3
Eligibility requirements are good academic (2.5 GPA) and judicial standing.
Section 4
There shall be no hazing permitted
Article IV- Meetings
Section 1
General body meetings shall be held every other week (bi-weekly) during the fall and
spring semesters while classes are in session, unless otherwise specified by the Executive
Section 2
ALS general body meetings shall be presided over by the Executive Board and shall be
open to any interested person of the greater Ithaca community.
Article V- Criteria for Voting
Section 1
All active general body members are eligible to vote for open positions, events, or any
ideas presented to them by the Executive Board
Section 2
An active member is defined as one who attends at least 51% of all ALS events and
meetings during the current academic year
Section 3
The Executive Board members shall determine the method of voting
Section 4
The Spokesperson of ALS shall vote solely in the event of a tie
Article VI- Elections
Section 1
All positions are open to active members who are in good academic (no lower than a 2.5
GPA) and judicial standing. No one on academic or judicial standing probation is
Section 2
All general body members reserve the right to submit an appeal for review by the
Executive Board and advising bodies of the organization should they not be eligible for a
position based on the criterion due to special circumstances.
Section 3
A student who is currently holding a position on the Executive board, or who has held a
position in the past, may fill the position of Spokesperson if the position becomes vacant.
However, in the event that no former E-Board member runs for Spokesperson, and no
newly elected E-Board member wishes to fill the vacancy of the Spokesperson, any
active general body member may be elected to such position.
Section 4
All other vacancies will be filled by an active general body member via a special election.
Article VII- Executive Board Election Procedures
Section 1
Elections for the new Executive board of the African-Latino Society/La Sociedad
Africana-Latina shall be held every spring of the academic school year
Section 2
If there are vacancies left in the Executive Board at the beginning of the fall semester,
special elections must be held before the end of the first academic block period to fill
the/those vacancies.
Section 3
In the event of an untimely resignation or impeachment the Executive Board will hold
elections within four (4) weeks of that officer’s vacancies
Section 4
Each candidate for the new ALS Executive board shall have a chance to present their
platform to the general body members, whether in person or by phone, or in written
format unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board
Section 5
Students currently studying abroad at the time of elections are eligible to run
Section 6
For a full and democratic vote to take place each candidate must present their platform to
the general body members, a question and answer period then takes place. Once the
question and answer period is completed, those running for positions shall vacate the
room so the general body may deliberate the candidacy. The active members then must
vote and once all the votes are collected the candidates may return to the room. The
majority vote is thereby announced before the general body to complete the election
process for that position
Section 7
Once of the new ALS Executive board members for the new academic year have been
selected, the election procedure is hereby closed and no re-election shall take place,
unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board.
Section 8
Executive Board members who seek to study abroad may still run for an executive Board
position so long as an alternate is selected to run with candidate so as to fill vacancy upon
semester departure.
Election shall take place in a timely fashion so that, current E-Board, and newly elected
E-Board can enter into a mentorship relationship. The two E-Boards shall enter into a
period of shared governance, between the time of election and day before
Commencement, so as to plan for the remainder of the year and the upcoming Latino
Heritage Month. The newly elected Board, will assume full governance the day of
Commencement or as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.
Article VIII- Executive Board
Section 1
The Executive Branch of the African-Latino Society/La Sociedad Africana-Latina shall
henceforth be known as the Executive Board. All officers of this organization must be
full-time matriculated Ithaca College students
Section 2
The Executive Board shall consist of (listed in order of chain of command)
Internal Affairs
Information Coordinator
Public Relations
Civic Engagement & Community Liaison
Section 3
Election shall take place in a timely fashion so that, current E-Board, and newly elected
E-Board can enter into a mentorship relationship. The two E-Boards shall enter into a
period of shared governance, between the time of election and day before
Commencement, so as to plan for the remainder of the year and the upcoming Latino
Heritage Month. The newly elected Board, will assume full governance the day of
Commencement or as deemed appropriate by the Executive Board.
Section 4
Executive Board meetings shall be held at least once a week during the fall and spring
semester when classes are in session, unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board.
Section 5
All active members in attendance are eligible to vote.
All Executive Board members (except the Spokesperson) shall have one (1) vote.
The Executive Board will vote on monies at their own digression.
The Spokesperson shall have one (1) vote in the event of a tie.
Section 6
All ALS Executive Board members shall be responsible for the following
Attending general body and Executive Board meetings, unless a valid excuse is
Attending and supporting ALS sponsored events, unless a valid excuse is
Keeping informed on issues before ALS and fulfilling the responsibilities of their
positions as outlined by the constitution.
Maintaining the organization and cleanliness of the ALS room and office.
Ensuring the stability and well being of the ALANA community and ALS general
body constituents.
Maintain ALS website.
Spokesperson (President) shall:
Act as Chief Executive Officer and principal organization contact person.
Call and organize Executive Board meetings.
Preside over general body meetings, unless otherwise specified by Executive
Delegate responsibilities to the rest of the Executive Board members.
Relay decisions made by the Executive Board to the general body.
Meet with Advisor to give updates on the progress of the society.
Meet with Student Affairs & Campus Life Administrator Monthly to discuss
needs of community.
Coordinate with AES to further the Academic Support of ALANA students.
Ensure that the organization and its members are in accordance with the
objectives outlined in the Constitution.
Check mail in the Student Activities Center (SAC).
Vote in the event of a tie in either Executive Board or general body meetings.
Internal Affairs Officer (Vice President) shall:
Act as a liaison between ALS, alumni, and other organizations on campus.
Meet with Student Affairs & Campus Life Administrator Monthly to discuss
needs of community.
Establish Room Schedule with other ALANA organizations.
Maintain communication between ALS, the Ithaca College Administration, and
the Ithaca College community.
Update and ensure that the society operates in accordance with college policies.
Lead Constitutional Review Yearly
Receive Reports from all officers (except Treasurer) and report to Spokesperson.
Meet with Spokesperson to discuss the internal happenings of organization,
direction, and adherence to principals, objectives, and values.
Work with Spokesperson to ensure that ALS mission is reflected in programs and
Reserve rooms for events.
Act as Chief Executive officer in Spokesperson’s absence.
Information Coordinator (Secretary) shall:
Organize ALS correspondence
Type and respond to all mail
Take and organize minutes at Executive Board and general body meetings
Coordinate with Internal Affairs Officer to establish and schedule events/
meetings in ALS Room.
Open ALS room, unless otherwise determined by Executive Board.
Respond to all e-mail, concerns, functions, and seminars of importance to the
Send relevant information to ALANA Weekly/List-Serve
Send relevant information to Intercom
Update Website
E-mail minutes to general body and Executive Board within 48 hours after any
Reports Directly to Internal Affairs
Treasurer shall:
Keep a record of all monetary transactions
Reports directly to Adviser, in conjunction with Spokesperson regarding funds
Approves release of all funds
Keep in close contact with the Ithaca College Student Government, VP of
Business and Finance.
Collect money at ALS functions
Deposits money within 24 hours of collection.
Coordinates and develops program fundraisers.
Draft monthly reports of monetary transactions and presents to E-Board and
General Body.
Draft funding proposals to be approved by Executive Board
Public Relations shall:
Act as a liaison between media and the external public.
Responds to public inquiries as deemed appropriate by Spokesperson & Internal
Affairs Officer
Inform public of ALS activities in a timely fashion.
Publicize all functions and meetings.
Maintain the ALS bulletin board in the Campus Center.
Create informational brochures, pamphlets, and flyers for distribution.
Post about upcoming events, programs, and meetings on social media.
Historian shall:
Keep records of all ALS activities, events, functions, and meetings.
Organize the ALS office file cabinet (minutes, alumni relations, member
directory, etc).
Take photographs or video footage of events.
Collect and compile items for albums and scrap books.
Maintain an event log that should include flyers, pamphlets, contracts, and event
evaluation forms.
Maintain the ALS library, monitor all books and videos.
Maintain ALS bulletin board by ALS room.
Develop Slideshow for Senior Banquet
Coordinate with Community & Civic Engagement Liaison to create Alumni
Community & Civic Engagement Liaison shall:
Act as a liaison between the ALS and prospective students
Coordinates with Associate Director of Admission for IC Peers Access
Maintain a working relationship with admission counselors in charge of visits for
ALANA students (Inside Look, Multicultural Ambassadors)
Meet with Vice President of Civic Engagement & Government Relations Monthly
to discuss Ithaca community partnerships
Serve as liaison between Ithaca community members/organizations & ALS
Seek new Ithaca Community Partnerships
Serves as Principal Contact for Ujimma Awards
Develops Community Service Opportunities for ALS E-Board & General Body
Coordinate Activities for Perspective Student Weekend
Shall Coordinate with Historian to Develop 1 ALS Alumni Event per semester.
Coordinate the Big /Little Program
Create and maintain an attendance log to meetings and events.
Article IX- Executive Board Leave of Absence
Section 1
In the instance that an officer requests a partial leave of absence, upon total agreement of
the Executive board, that officer will be exempt from their responsibilities. If
circumstance allows, the officer should attend regular Executive board meetings. The
time period on partial leave of absence is a maximum of 3 weeks.
Section 2
The Executive board member requesting a partial leave of absence must announce his/her
request to the Executive board at least one week before he/she intends on taking a partial
leave through a written formal letter.
Section 3
In the instance that the officer announces a full leave of absence (resignation), upon total
agreement of the Executive board, that officer will be exempt from all responsibilities
and Executive board meetings indefinitely
Section 4
The Executive board member requesting a full leave of absence must come before the
entire Executive board with a written formal intent of resignation prior to addressing the
general body with his/her decision. The member will then be given the opportunity to go
before the general body and formally announce his/her resignation.
Article X- Impeachment
Section 1
In the instance that any Executive board member is not effectively fulfilling the
responsibilities described in Article VII, that officer can be removed from office upon a
written motion and petition requesting list of offenses committed by the member in
question must be presented at a formal meeting of the Executive board by the member
initiating the proceedings.
Section 2
A 2/3 agreement of the Executive board shall constitute the removal, impeachment of the
Article XI- Amendments to the Constitution
Section 1
Any general body or Executive board member of the ALS may propose an amendment to
this constitution.
Section 2
All proposed amendments must be presented in writing at least one (1) week prior to vote
to ratify the proposed amendment.
Section 3
The proposed amendment must be brought before the general body before a final vote by
the Executive Board.
Section 4
A 2/3 vote from the Executive Board in favor of the proposed amendment shall be
required for ratification.
Article XII
Section 1
Members of the African-Latino Society/La Sociedad Africana-Latina Executive
Board will not be paid for services rendered.