Obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan

Obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan
Cooperative solutions from government and civil society
Elimination of acute risks of obsolete pesticides in Moldova, Georgia
and Kyrgyzstan
Report on inception mission to Kyrgyzstan 1-5 October 2006
Amsterdam/Bishkek, November 2006
I. Introduction
II. Stockholm Convention in Kyrgyzstan: from signing to ratification
III. Obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan
IV. Choice of regions to visit
V. General impressions of stakeholders
VI. State agency of Environmental Protection and Forestry
VII. Conclusions
VIII. Next steps
IX. Annexes
1. Description of NGO visited
2. Description of sites visited
3. Programme of inception visit
4. Addresses and contacts
I. Introduction
Between 1st and 5th October 2006 Sofiya Lukyanchuk and Berto Collet visited Kyrgyzstan on an
inception mission in the framework of the project “Elimination of acute risks of obsolete
pesticides in Moldova, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan”. Sofiya Lukyanchuk represent the Dutch
environmental NGO Milieukontakt Oost-Europa (here after MK). Berto Collet is a technical
obsolete pesticides expert with international consulting and engineering company Tauw bv.
Indira Zhakipova from Milieukontakt facilitation office in Bishkek conducted inception (sitevisit) visit to Osh region.
The overall aim of the above mentioned project for Kyrgyzstan is to safeguard obsolete
pesticides and reduce their potential environmental impact. More detailed MK wants to:
Transfer knowledge on inventory and repackaging of obsolete pesticides and aftercare of
old storage facilities to local communities;
Repackage obsolete pesticides according to FAO standards in defined regions in
Remediate old storages.
The objectives of this inception mission were:
To initiate the above mentioned project in Kyrgyzstan;
To get an impression on the problems with the obsolete pesticides storage in Kyrgyzstan;
To assess the opportunity to start a multi-stakeholder pilot project in a defined project
area for safeguarding obsolete pesticides and reduce their actual potential environmental
During the mission the tasks were divided as follow:
The mission was managed by MK;
MK took care of all the contacts with NGOs and different Kyrgyzstan authorities;
MK and Tauw visited 13 sites where obsolete pesticides were or are stored now.
Responsibilities of Tauw:
 Make an inventory of the stored pesticides;
 Assess the storage facilities;
 Assess potential impact on the environment of the stored pesticides.
In this report you will find:
Overview of activities conducted in Kyrgyzstan concerning Stockholm convention;
Reports on environmental organisations and communities visited;
Report on meeting with the state agency of Environmental Protection and Forestry;
Reports on obsolete pesticides sites visited;
Our provisional conclusions on the environmental problems around obsolete pesticides in
Kyrgyzstan, the role of environmental agency in solving those problems and capacity of
Kyrgyzstan NGOs to qualify as implementing project partner to MK.
We would like to thank MK facilitation office in Kyrgyzstan and our Kyrgyz partners for their
cooperation and especially Indira Zhakipova and Elvira Sagyntay kyzy for accompanying us to
the sites.
II. Stockholm Convention in Kyrgyzstan: from signing to ratification
Kyrgyz Republic signed Stockholm Convention on 17 May 2002 that gave it access to donors
financial support. The first international project opened in Kyrgyzstan was GEF/UNEP project
“Kyrgyzstan: Enabling activities for the development of National Plan for Implementation of the
Stockholm Convention on POP’s”. From 14 November 2003 the Ministry of Environment and
Emergency situation became a coordination and implementation authority on Stockholm
In 2002 the national POPs project was in developing phase. Kazakh NGO “Greenwoman”
(Almaty) implemented an information-spreading project on Stockholm convention on POPs in
Central Asia. To experts Ludmila Sapozhnikova and Elena Putalova from Greenwoman’s
representative organisation in Kyrgyzstan NGO “Informational-educational center
Greenwoman” (hereafter “IEC Greenwoman”, Bishkek) have prepared and implemented an
informational campaign on Stockholm convention in Kyrgyzstan. They prepared an information
package for NGOs and media and shut a video topic that was broadcasted during the TV
program “Biorythm”. They involved an expert from the former environmental ministry (now
environmental and forest agency) who prepared a report on POPs in Kyrgyzstan. True to say
there was not much information available in that moment.
In the year 2004 two main POPs oriented NGOs “IEC Greenwoman” and “Independent
Ecological Expertise” (director Oleg Pechenyuk) became members of IPEN.
On 26-28 of January 2004 in the framework of GEF/UNEP POP’s project Kyrgyz environmental
ministry organised a national seminar on POP’s and implementation of Stockholm Convention
where not only all main national stakeholders were present but also the international experts. A
book including materials of this seminar was issued (MK has it).
In 2004-2005 Kyrgyz government initiated an inventory of obsolete pesticides storage facilities.
Soil samples were taken during this inventory campaign and analyzed. Mr Bekkoenov Melisbek
Ectebesovich – national coordinator of GEF/UNEP project and secretary of Coordinating
Committee - coordinated this inventory, sampling and analyses. All the project data are kept by
Mr Bekkoenov.
In 2005 “Independent Ecological Expertise” and coalition “Partner Initiative” conducted an
analytical project in the framework of IPEN network. They organised round tables, analyse and
investigation of intersectoral and interdepartmental interaction (co-operation) during
implementation of Stockholm Convention. As a result a manual “Intersectoral and
interdepartmental interaction in implementation of Stockholm Convention in Kyrgyz Republic.
Law, experience and recommendation” was issued. Authors of this manual are O. Pechenyuk, L.
Sapozhnikova, T. Filkova (Ministry of Environment and Emergency situation) and N. Vashneva
(Ministry of Health). This manual became very popular both among NGO and governmental
In 2006 NGOs conducted one more information campaign in the framework of IPEN network.
The objective of this project was to lobby the ratification of Stockholm Convention. This
campaign included organisation of round tables in all regions of Kyrgyzstan, gathering of
signatures to support the ratification, work with deputies, conducting of the national seminar,
publication in media, TV and radio topics in news issue, information packages for local NGO in
the regions, thematic seminar in Bishkek dedicated to the Day of Stockholm convention where
not only NGOs but governmental authorities and media representatives were present. NGOs
established co-operation with GEF/UNEP project.
Stockholm Convention
Stockholm convention was ratified on 19 July 2006. NGOs together with IPEN and GEF project
initiated a conference on implementation of Stockholm Convention. This conference was
organised on 24 of August 2006. As a result of this conference a proposal for strategy was made
- “Strategy of public participation in implementation of Stockholm Convention”. It was decided
to open a special page for NGOs on the web site of GEF/UNEP project. All conference materials
will be published on the web site of NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise”.
National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on POP’s (NIP)
The first GEF/UNEP project on assisting Kyrgyzstan in developing of NIP is finished. Mr.
Bekkoenov has finalized his inventory report and presented it to the Governmental Agency on
Environment and Forestry two months ago. Agency should check it and present to the
government that have to take a decision on the governmental level.
III. Obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan
MK and Tauw gathered the information on the storage of pesticides and the related issues during
our meetings with NGOs, local authorities and governmental bodies. The information gathered,
is summarized in this Chapter.
During soviet times crop production and sheep breeding was the major sector of Kyrgyz
economy. Big amounts of pesticides and herbicides was used to increase harvest and kill animal
parasites. According to Mr. Bekkoenov, there were 114 pesticides storages all over the country
most of them are constructed in the 60th. With collapse of the soviet system there was nobody
left to take care of this storages. According to the new Kyrgyz law big part of the land can be
sold or rent. As a result polluted buildings and land dropped out of the governmental control. A
lot of storages were demolished, local population began to use OP for their private fields and
some “businessman” even sold the chemicals illegally. Nowadays only 17 storages are in a
reasonable condition and are still used for the storage of OP. 36 storages are used for other
purposes such as storage of equipment or even food. The remaining 61 storages are completely
demolished. The building materials of the former reges are reused for different constructions
such as housing.
Besides the 114 OP storages there were 46 small airports/strips which were used by
crop-spraying aircrafts. Some of them are completely demolished, some survived. Airports were
not included into the investigation lead by Mr. Bekkoenov. Local people say that during the
soviet times bags with OP were just buried on the airports territory and nobody knows now were
The total OP stock in Kyrgyzstan is estimated as 1,900 tons. From this amount, 1,030 tons are
POP’s. 102 tons POP’s are stored in the 17 storages which are in reasonable condition. The
given total amount is excluding the amount of two dump sites. There are two dump sites
constructed after DDT was banned in the beginning of the 80’s. One dump site is located in the
North of Kyrgyzstan near the city of Kochkor and contains 600 tons of OP; half of this amount is
DDT. The other dump site is located in the South of Kyrgyzstan near the city of Suzak. 1,200
tons of obsolete pesticides are dumped on this site.
The absence of information is making OP problem in Kyrgyzstan even worthier. We got really
controversial feedback from the local population. In some villages people had no idea about OP,
abounded storages and risks connected with them. In other villages people were ready to show
the nearest storage or airport and asked MK to provide more comprehensive information about
OP. People say that all OP storages are already demolished and their biggest problem is that their
fields are poisoned and they need money and technologies for soil remediation. Local authorities
and citizens associations confirm that there is illegal import of banded pesticides (also DDT)
from China. Members of NGO association from Karakol indicated that some very dangerous
chemicals are legally available in shops without safety instruction. People reported that there is
also obsolete electronic equipment containing POP’s.
IV. Choice of regions to visit
Kyrgyzstan is a big country with total area of 199,9 thousand square kilometres. Half of its area
is used for agriculture. Because of extensive crop growing and sheep breeding 80 % of
agricultural land is polluted with pesticides. Pesticides and herbicides were used all over the
country. Supplies of pesticides with expired date of use and banded pesticides can be found in all
regions. There is a lot places where obsolete pesticides are lying in damaged storages or in the
open air in damaged packages.
After preliminary discussions with local stakeholders Milieukontakt decided to start with IssykKul and Osh regions. According to research done by Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan increase
of oncology disease and fertility problems was recorded in those regions.
Issyk-Kul region in very important for Kyrgyzstan both from historical and economical points of
view. Issyk-Kul is a famous recreational region that lays around the great lake of Issyk-Kul. Up
to 2 million tourists visit this part of the country each year. This region is also important for its
fertile soils which are used for production of fruits.
Issyk-Kul lake is in great danger of pollution by pesticides. It has glacial origin and is fed by
glacier. And it is well known that obsolete pesticides are characterized by persistence, good
penetration tend to accumulate in glaciers.
Because of farness of Osh region from the capital Bishkek and Issyk-Kul region and lack of
time, Berto Collet had no possibility to visit Osh region as well. Due to these circumstances, the
storage places of obsolete pesticides in Osh were inspected by Indira Zhakipova – local
coordinator of POPs project in Kyrgyzstan.
Osh region is situated in the south of Kyrgyzstan. Agriculture, mainly cotton and tobacco-plant
cultivation, is the main economy sector in this region. Intense crops cultivation is blamed for
high usage of pesticides in this region. Besides it is one of the most populated regions in
Kyrgyzstan. There is around 1 176 000 people living in this region. For comparison, there is only
413 100 inhabitants in the Issyk-Kul region.
Berto Collet also inspected obsolete pesticides dump site in Naryn and one pesticide storage in
the Chui region, just near the capital city Bishkek. This storage was expected to be in good
condition and could be used as the main storage building of relocated obsolete pesticides.
In informal interview with representatives of different state departments they were asked to give
their opinion in which region of Kyrgyzstan the obsolete pesticides problem is the most urgent.
We received the following answers:
1. Mr. Bekkoenov - focal point of UNEP/GEF project on Development of National Plan for
Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on POPs – Issyk-Kul
2. Mr. Pak – Deputy of Agriculture Ministry chief of Department of plants chemicalization
– Osh
3. Mr. Nooruzbaev - Governmental Agency of Environment chief of ecosafety monitoring
Department – Chui and Issyk-Kul
4. Mrs. Agaydarova – Health Ministry chief of Sanitary-hygienic service - Osh
According to inventory on obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan implemented by the UNEP/GEF
project on Development of National Plan for Implementation of the Stockholm Convention on
POPs an estimated quantity of obsolete pesticides in storages in IssykKul and Osh regions is
relatively the same:
1. Issyl-Kul - 22 289 kg
2. Osh – 22 883 kg
But nobody knows how many drums and bags with obsolete pesticides are dumped in
 Issyk-Kul region has 2 agricultural aerodromes
 Osh region has 18 agricultural aerodromes
V. General impressions of stakeholders
Stockholm Convention was just ratified and all stakeholders are looking forward to implement
the National Implementation Plan. Governmental Agency on Environment and Forestry of
Kyrgyzstan collaborates with national and local NGOs. We met with director of this agency Mr.
Davletkildiev. He is familiar with Milieukontakt’s projects in Kyrgyzstan and shows his support.
Representatives of GEF/UNEP are willing co cooperate with MK in their new big project. They
proposed MK to become a co-financier. Kyrgyz government in the person of director of the
Governmental Agency of Environment and forestry supports this idea.
Mr. Bekkoenov is willing to collaborate with Milieukontakt. He presented Berto Collet the map
of Kyrgyzstan with obsolete pesticides storages. This map is rather informative but there is no
precise altitudes and longitudes of locations, only the colourful dots. He oriented us according to
his map and gave suggestions on which spots are essential to visit. But he could not give MK the
full list of locations before he publishes it officially on web site.
There is experience in cooperation of NGOs and governmental authorities. NGOs initiated
information and awareness raising campaigns. All stakeholders can show good cooperation and
involvement when needed and work efficiently in working groups. Several NGOs took part in
preparation of NIP and worked together with governmental agency and GEF/UNEP project on
this matter. Experts expect more local NGOs to open with the main goal of elimination of
obsolete pesticides in the regions. It is a small world, NGOs know each other and national
experts are known all over the country.
VI. Ministry of environment
Kyrgyz environmental NGO feel like environment is not an important subject for the national
government. Why? Because there is no Ministry of Environment in Kyrgyz Republic. Before
autumn 2005 environmental matters were under the management of Department of environment
and nature use in the Ministry of Environment and Emergency Situations. There was also
Governmental Forest Service under the president supervision. These governmental bodies were
responsible for realisation of international conventions. On 16 of October 2005 the ministerial
system of Kyrgyzstan was reformed. New Governmental Agency of Environment and Forestry
was established on the base of former Ministry, Forest Service and National Mountain regions
Development Center. Director of the agency is not a member of the government and a status of
the agency in the governmental hierarchy has decreased by two points.
Because of this developments and relatively low status of environmental agency local NGOs are
afraid that the agency has sufficient political power and can not influence the work of Kyrgyz
ministries. This can be seen as an obstacle for implementation of environmental conventions and
decisions in environmental matters. The president of Kyrgyz Republic carries out the policy of
decreasing of state subsidies and increasing of self financing of institutions of local governing. In
such circumstances environmental projects are and will be initiated by international
The director of the Governmental Agency of Environment and Forestry Apctanbek D.
Davletkildiev is already informed about MK project. He clearly stated that GEF/UNEP project
was of great assistance to Kyrgyz government in preparation of NIP. He welcomes any
assistance to Kyrgyz people and organizations that MK can bring.
GEF plans to launch the second project but according to its rules 50% of funds should come
from other sources. Environmental agency is willing to participate but it could not afford the
whole amount and is seeing MK as a donor.
VII. Conclusions
Concerning the inception visit
 The delegation managed to collect the information, both on stakeholders and on obsolete
pesticides, necessary to develop a project plan for staring a project on elimination of
obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan.
Concerning obsolete pesticides
 Inventory of locations and stores is made on a national level but needs to be elaborated
when starting the project on a regional scale;
 Results obtained from inventory of locations should be discussed with all local
stakeholders and agreement should be made on pilot region to start with;
 On locations visited by Milieukontakt delegation a real bad situation was observed pesticides were lying in open air and near inhabited zones;
 The availability of packaging materials should was not investigated. It would be
reasonable to do so. But we can expect that only packaging materials that can be found in
the country would be of low quality Chinese origin;
 Milieukontakt will take as a guidance priorities on repackaging and other guidance sent
by the NIP working group;
A thorough overview on legislation and enforcement on pesticides in Kyrgyz Republic is
Concerning the Government of Kyrgyz Republic
 The POP’s team of the Governmental Agency of Environment and Forestry is willing
to cooperate with Milieukontakt. But we should be aware that communication with
this governmental body should be done via official letters and requests that requires
an additional time.
 Kyrgyz Republic has already ratified the Stockholm Convention that is important as a
legal base for this project.
Concerning Civil Society
 NGOs have capacity in all fields necessary to conduct the project;
 NGOs have advanced facilities, trainers (Milieukontakt supports a trainers pool in
Kyrgyzstan) and communication tools (Milieukontakt supports internet centres
for NGOs in different regions of Kyrgyzstan);
 There is specialization, networking and cooperation between NGOs;
 Knowledge on obsolete pesticides in limited within the NGO movement. Main
source of information is the POPs team of the Governmental Agency of
Environment and Forestry and UNEP/GEF programme.
VIII. Next steps
 December 2006 – send draft inception visit report to stakeholders and finalise it.
 Open OP page on Milieukontakt Platform under the Kyrgyzstan namespace. This page
will be used for internal communication with project partners, planning and exchange of
experience with other countries where MK coordinates OP related projects.
 15 December 2006 – Establishment of working relations with governmental authorities
during the traditional for Bishkek MK event - Eco-café. The topic of this eco-café will be
environmental legislation. Representatives from the government are expected to come.
 January 2007 publish inception visit report on Milieukontakt web site.
 January 2007 – open OP web site on www.ekois.net . This web space will be available
for all interested in elimination of obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. All
stakeholders can publish their articles, ideas, suggestions and invitations for relative
events via Ekois office in Bishkek or editors in the regions. Stakeholders from the other
countries are also invited to contribute to this web site.
 January-February 2007 – informative meeting with interested NGOs. Open a tender for
most suitable region to start with repackaging.
Annex 1: Overview of NGOs and local initiative groups working on OP issues.
NGO, “Civic environmental Foundation “Unison”
Togolok Moldo str. #60, office 319
Bishkek, 720033 Kyrgyzstan
(+996 312) 214-677
(+996 312) 272-656
Founded in:
6 people
Nurzat Abdyrasulova
Environmental health improvement
Sustainable development
Climate change issues.
Civic Foundation UNISON is an independent non-for profit environmental organization with a
mission to improve environmental situation in the Kyrgyz Republic and restore the harmony
between man and nature through conserving and restoring the integrity of natural ecosystems
through practical activities, research and studies. UNISON collaborate with national and
international organisations and plan to grow quickly.
We meet with Nazgul Esenbol, project manager. She is very active and dedicated to solve
environmental problems of Kochkor region, were one of the OP dump sides is situated. She won
the first price for the best article on obsolete pesticides organised by Ekois. And she speaks
UNISON just finished a project “Analysis and assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutants
(POPs) in Kochkor region of Kyrgyz Republic” has been completed. The project realized by
Civic Environmental Foundation UNISON in the frame of the International Project on
Elimination of POPs (IPEP).The objective of this project was to assess the influence and threats
of OP dump site in Kochor region. Project activities included meeting with local communities,
round table with local authority and representatives of sanitation, medical centers, NGOs,
publication of articles in local newspapers to track public attention to this problem. Conclusion
from a sociological survey they’ve made was low awareness on POPs issues and its impact for
human health and environment.
NGO, “Independent Ecological Expertise”
7 District, 30, apt.1, Bishkek
+(996 312) 47-83-72
10 people
Oleg Pechenyuk
Sustainable development
We couldn’t meet with Mr. Pechenyuk, but he was interested in MK project and would be glad
to meet next time. The main aim of this NGO is top protect the rights of the citizens present and
future generations on favourable for life and health environmental natural environment. They
took part in the development of environmental codex of Kyrgyzstan, and implemented projects
on Aarhus convention and public participation, development of Kyrgyz NGOs, environmental
journalism, Environmental EECCA strategy and others.
Independent Ecological Expertise initiated and established an NGO coalition “Partners
Initiative” that united 7 NGOs.
This NGO was involved in the process of Stockholm convention ratification and awareness
razing actions from 2002. It is registered with IPEN network. In 2005 they took part in the
project “Development of interdepartmental and intersectoral co-operation in the framework of
Stockholm Convention implementation”. This NGO was one of the initiators of conference
“Strategy of public participation in implementation of Stockholm Convention” and all
conference materials will be published on its web site.
Association of NGO “Yssykkol bashati”
Karakol, Issyk-Kul region
around 10 active people in Karakol
Anara Kydyrganovna Kudajbergenova
environment of Issyk-Kul lake and region;
information dissemination;
Association of NGOs in Karakol “Yssykkol bashati” unites 42 NGO that are active on protection
of lake Issyk-kul and its unique environment. MK met with around 10 representatives of this
association. Director of association Anara Kydyrganovna Kudajbergenova is a member of NGO
from village Enilchek (Ak-Suu region). She is a lecturer at the local university. One more
lecturer from university Lubov Toktosunovna Beimanova was present on this meeting. She is
involved in organic agriculture and is very disappointed that people do not get comprehensive
information about pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals they are using in every day life. She
showed us a bottle with very toxic chemical that can be used for killing Colorado beetle and
other insects. Taking of very small amount of this chemical will lead to a lethal outcome. But it
is available in all shops without clear indication that this substance is so dangerous. One of the
members has experience as photo correspondent. He writes articles on environmental issues.
Other NGO that is part of this network is working on rehabilitation of natural sea-buckthorn
plantations in the region and production of organic jam for treatment purposes.
NGOs “Yssykkol bashati” is working on improvement of co-operation between local NGOs in
the Issyk-Kul region and on collaboration with national NGOs from Bishkek.
NGO “Eco-safety”
60b Osipenko str., Bishkek
+(996 312) 27 20 22
beginning of 2006
Naumov Viacheslav Petrovich
NGO “Eco-safety” (Eco-bezopasnost) was represented by Viacheslav Petrovich Naumov. This
NGO is very young but Mr. Naumov is working on elimination of obsolete pesticides for a long
time. He worked for GEF/UNEP project as a technical consultant. According to his estimations
there is 2 000 tons of obsolete pesticides dumped in Kyrgyzstan. And the majority of pesticides
storages do not comply with hygienic and nature protection regulations. One of the big problem
is increase of dioxin emissions in Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Naumov wrote an article on elimination of
obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan where he explains the necessity of building of waste treatment
The Aleyne Environmental Movement of Kyrgyzstan
Chu Avenue, 265 Bishkek 720071 Kyrgyzstan
+(996 312) 680-418, 281-370
emilshukurov@yandex.ru, dinashukurova@yandex.ru
Emil Japarovich Shukurov
Harmonization of relationship between society and nature, Improvement of
environmental legislation, environmental projects and programs, environmental education.
We couldn’t meet with Mr. Shukurov, he was on the business trip in Kazakhstan. But we
informed him on the phone about Milieukontakt project and he was very interested. Aleyne
Environmental Movement of Kyrgyzstan was first green non-commercial organisation to
register in the country. Sectors: scientific, youth, school, information, medical ecology,
environment education. Associated organizations – 42. Activists and groups in regions. Number
of members: about 300. Important activities: 1993 – quotations for use of flora and fauna
resources. Membership in associations: Aleyne is a member of the Socio-ecological union since
1994, IUCN since 1995, Forum of Kyrgyzstan NGOs – 1996, Ecological Consortium – 1999.
Members of “Aleyne” are working on solving of environmental problems of Kyrgyzstan and
strengthening of cooperation among civil organisations for many years. In 1994-95 this
organisation participated in preparation of the National Environmental Plan. This organisation
took an active part in awareness raising actions and in negotiations with a gold mining company
Kumptor Operations after an incident. “Aleyne” is willing to cooperate with Milieukontakt in
environmental projects in Kyrgyzstan and participate in trainings given by the trainers pool (that
Milieukontakt supports in Kyrgyzstan). In 1999 they participated in publication of the book
“Actions by ecological organizations in Kyrgyzstan” with support of Milieukontakt.
Meeting in Ak-Suu village
Ak-Suu village, Issyk-Kul region
Local contact: Bibinur Abrasheva, association of local authorities.
+996 503 260086
Representatives of MK has a very warm reception in Ak-Suu village. Local authorities were very
interested to get more information on obsolete pesticides, ways to eliminate them and soil
remediation. More than 15 stakeholders were present on the meeting. Local people proposed to
show places were obsolete pesticides are stored. They told MK that despite there was no
production of cotton in the region, obsolete pesticides that were produced for Tajik cotton fields
were stored in Kyrgyzstan. Soviet government thought that the supply of obsolete pesticides for
cotton growing would be safer in Kyrgyzstan because nobody would use it. But nowadays some
private businessman dig those pesticides out and sell it illegally to the neighbouring countries.
The most active and informed stakeholder is Bibinur Abrasheva who represents an association of
zhaamats (local deputies). She collaborate with NGOs.
“Azhaiyp duino”
Karakol, Issyk-Kul region
2006, is now registering
Olga Shestova
Elimination of OP
There are not many NGOs in Kyrgyzstan whose main aim is elimination of obsolete pesticides.
NGO campaign on ratification of Stockholm convention was based on the several old
experienced NGOs who with networking, educating and information disseminating orientation.
Experts expect more specialized NGOs to open in the near future.
One new NGO “Azhaiyp duino” is now on undergoing the registration procedure in Karakol.
The director is Olga Shestova who – a head of laboratory in the regional department of
environmental management. This NGO aims elimination of obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan.
Initiative citizens from Karakol
Kyrgyz people say that participating in environmental movements and organisations is a family
pattern. The whole families become members of one NGO or chose for adjoining job. During the
inception visit for obsolete pesticides in Kyrgyzstan we were accompanied by Elvira Sagintaj
kyzy a lecturer in Issyk-Kul university who works for other MK project in the region. Mrs.
Sagintaj is also interested in the POPs problem in Issyk-kul region. She participated in the
pesticides related article contest on MK Ekois web site.
Members of her family (sister and father) were present on the meeting with local citizens and
administration in Karakol. They are interested in taking part elimination of obsolete pesticides in
the region and plan to register NGO. Her sister has environmental education. However the full
registration including office space and equipment is too expensive for small groups of activists.
That is why there is not a lot “official” organisations in the villages. But we definitely got
support from local citizens.
Local NGOs that gave us support during the site visits in Osh region
several years ago
Kursant Attokurov, PhD
“Ecooj” is an independent non-for profit environmental organization with a mission to improve
environmental situation in the Kyrgyz Republic and restore the harmony between man and
nature through conserving and restoring the integrity of natural ecosystems through practical
activities, research and studies. The head of this organization is Mr. Attokurov is at the same
times a member of National Steering Committee of GEF/SGP in Kyrgyzstan. His organization
has big experience on implementation of ecological projects. This NGO was involved in the
process of ratification of Stockholm Convention and different awareness razing actions during
the last two years.
“Ecotylecteshtik” NGO works in close association with “Ecooj”, nevertheless this NGO was not
aware of this problem until we started this inception mission.
Annex 2:
Overview of locations visited
1. Kolkhoz 1st May
1.1 Site location
Site number
Name of the site
GPS coordinates
Distance to Bishkek
Owner of site
Date of visit
: Kolkoz 1st May
: Ysyk-Köl
: 42o 44” 30” N and 77o 41” 29” E
: Around 300 km
: Last part unpaved road
: Local authority of Anan’evo village
: 3 October 2006
1.2 Site description
The site, an old community farm, which is called the ‘Kolkoz 1st of May’ is located in an
agricultural region. A groundwater pumping station, for the intake of drinking water, is located at
a distance of about 2 km. The store is located at a distance of about 3 km form Ysyk-Köl Lake.
The farm including the store was built in the 80th. Half of the storage building was used for the
storage of pesticides and the other half was used for the storage of fertilizers.
To decontaminate trucks they had a car wash with a washing water basin in the past. The car
wash was located near the stores.
The buildings, including the pesticides store were almost completely demolished (see Figure 3.1)
and the building materials were reused about ten years ago.
The packaging of the pesticides are completely decayed. We encountered the pesticides out in
the open and mixed with rubble. Because the pesticides are in the open air for already ten years
the area around the demolished store is contaminated with pesticides.
1.3 Amounts stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides present in and
around the store:
 60 kg in powders stored in bags
 6 m3 Granazan in powder
 30 m3 soil contaminated with obsolete pesticides on the floor of the store
 9 m3 washing water probably contaminated with obsolete pesticides in the washing water
basin (needs to be analysed to confirm)
Figure 1.1 The demolished storage in front and at the back the car wash
1.4 Potential risks
The storage building was almost completely demolished ten years ago. The pesticides are out in
the open, wind, rain and snow disperse the pesticides into the surrounding environment
(see Figure 3.2). It can not be ruled out that the groundwater is polluted and that the drinking
water intake located at a distance of two kilometres is at risk.
Figure 1.2 Obsolete pesticides are lying in the open air already for ten years
We observed cow dung and turkeys are rooming around the former store (see Figure 3.3).
Because the storage is almost completely demolished, cattle freely enter the remains of the
storage (no walls, doors and roof) and come into direct contact with the pesticides on the floor
and around the former store. We conclude that direct contact of cattle with obsolete pesticides is
likely. Through livestock, obsolete pesticides are entering the food chain.
Figure 1.3 Turkeys around the store
Human health
Also people (children) can freely enter the store because the building is demolished and there is
no guard. As mentioned above we observed obsolete pesticides on the floor of the remains of the
building during our visit. Direct contact of people (children) with obsolete pesticides is possible.
People walking in or around the remains of the store may take obsolete pesticides back to their
2. Dykan Ltd
2.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
Dykan Ltd
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
42o 44” 23” N and 78o 20” 32” E
Around 360 km
Asphalt road
3 October 2006
2.2 Site description
The site visited is a farm located at a distance of about 1 km from the lake Issyk-Kul, and 500 m
from the river Tup. This farm has two small buildings used for the storage of obsolete pesticides
and other (laboratorial) chemicals (see Figure 2.1 and 2.2). They used these small buildings for
other purposes in the past. The two storage buildings are in a moderate shape. Doors were
locked, in one of the buildings the windows were broken in the other the windows were closed
with bricks. The door of one store had an open structure. Powders are spread and liquids are
spilled on the floors of these buildings. The remains of a car wash, used for decontamination of
trucks that brought pesticides to the farm are still present near one of these stores. The car wash
had a small washing water basin with a water separator and septic tank. Washing water in the
tank infiltrated directly into the soil.
Figure 2.1 Storage of obsolete pesticides door with open structure
Figure 2.2 In front of the building the basin and septic tank at the back the car wash
2.3Amounts stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides:
 50 litres of liquids stored in metal drums
 120 kg of unknown powders in bags
 2 m3 contaminated empty packaging
 1 m3 contaminated washing water and sludge
 0,5 m3 soil contaminated with obsolete pesticides on the floor
2.4 Potential risks
The stores are in moderate shape and wind, rain and snow can only enter through the broken
windows and open structure of the doors. The amount of obsolete pesticides stored is limited.
Powders and liquids are visible on the floor. Drums are rusted and are leaking. It is expected that
leakage into the soil takes place because the floor in one of the stores is in a very bad condition.
If the two stores are is not maintained the obsolete pesticides may enter the surrounding
environment by wind, rain and snow entering the buildings. Storing obsolete pesticides and other
chemicals in one room is risky and can result in acute unsafe situation (see Figure 2.3).
Figure 2.3 Obsolete pesticides and lab chemicals stored in one room
Cattle grazing around the buildings will not be in direct contact with obsolete pesticides at the
moment. Direct contact is possible when the stores are not maintained and fall into ruins.
Human health
Only authorized man can enter the stores therefore direct contact of man with the obsolete
pesticides is not possible presently. Although the amount stored is small, people entering the
store should wear Personnel Protective Equipment like gloves, boots/cover shoes and a dusk
mask (hereafter PPE).
3. Ak-Suu Chemical Ltd
3.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
Region :
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Ak-Suu Chemical Ltd
42o 30” 09” N and 78o 29” 09” E
Around 400 km
Asphalt road
3 October 2006
3. 2 Site description
This site is part of a big old community (Kolkhoz) farm, named Ak-Suu Chemical Ltd. This is
the same Kolkhoz farm where site number 4 (described in Chapter 4) is located. This site
concerns a half open shed (see Figure 3.1) which was used for storage of pesticides in the past.
The shed is in a reasonable condition, the floor is made partly out of concrete. The shed is now
used as cowshed. There is still a small amount of obsolete pesticides stored in this shed. The
condition of the pesticides packaging is very bad. Bags are partly torn, empty packaging is lying
around, liquids and powders are spilled on the floor.
Figure 3.1 The half open shed with a small amount of obsolete pesticides
3.3 Amounts stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides:
 500 kg Cotoran 80 WP in powders stored in torn and closed bags
 1,200 kg of unknown powders in torn and closed bags
 30 kg solidified liquid in rusted drum
 1 m3 contaminated empty packaging
 10 m3 soil contaminated with obsolete pesticides covering the floor (needs to be analysed
to confirm)
3.4 Potential risks
Because part of the obsolete pesticides is badly packed and the shed is half open
(see Figure 5.2) it is expected that obsolete pesticides may have and enter the surrounding
environment by wind, rain and snow entering the half open shed.
Figure 3.2 Torn bags with powders spread over the floor
The former pesticides store is used as barn. Cattle are stabled in the shed. Cow dung, empty
contaminated packaging and obsolete pesticides are spread over the floor. Direct contact of cattle
with obsolete pesticides takes place. Through cattle obsolete pesticides are entering the food
Human health
The shed is located on a fenced private property, but people (the farmer, his children) enter the
shed to bring and get the cattle. As mentioned obsolete pesticides and empty contaminated
packaging are spread on the floor, direct contact of people with obsolete pesticides is possible
and they may take (on their shoes and clothes) pesticides back to their homes.
4. Ak-Suu Chemical Ltd
4.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
Region :
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Ak-Suu Chemical Ltd
42o 30” 08” N and 78o 29” 07” E
Around 400 km
Asphalt road
3 October 2006
4.2 Site description
This site is part of a big old Kolkhoz farm named Ak-Suu Chemical Ltd. This is the same
Kolkhoz farm where site number 3 is located. This site concerns a demolished former pesticides
store which was bought by an unknown business man from Bishkek. The new owner demolished
this store and the sold the bricks last spring (see Figure 4.1). Due to the fact that the store was
not cleared before demolishing, rubble is mixed with obsolete pesticides and packaging
materials. We observed signs of spills of liquids on the floor of the demolished store under the
4.3 Amounts stored
Recording the amount of obsolete pesticides in this demolished store is in this situation
impossible. The floor and the pesticides present are almost completely covered by rubble. Only a
small part of the obsolete pesticides are visible in between the rubble.
Figure 4.1 Overview of the demolished store on the right in front obsolete pesticides in between
4.4 Potential risks
All the obsolete pesticides packed, in damaged packing and not anymore packed are covered
with rubble but in the open air and form a direct threat to the environment. The obsolete
pesticides will be washed by melting water and rain water and the water will seep in the soil.
Most likely pesticides have already polluted the shallow groundwater. Dust contaminated with
pesticides will be transported by wind and deposited elsewhere.
This part of the farm is not in use and it is not likely that cattle will be walking around this
demolished store. There are no direct risks for cattle. But there are risks for direct contact with
other livestock and animals (dogs, birds et cetera) because they can enter freely this site.
Human health
People who worked during demolishing the building inhaled dust polluted with obsolete
pesticides. According information the bricks were sold and reused for building a house near to
Ysyk-Köl lake nobody is interest in this house because of the pesticides smell in the newly build
5. Kirtysh Ltd
5.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Kirtysh Ltd
42o 20” 51” N and 78o 01” 50” E
Around 370km
Last 3 km dirt road
4 October 2006
5.2 Site description
This site is a former airstrip for crop spraying aircrafts. The airstrip is located in an agricultural
region and was bought by the present owner three years ago. The airstrip was closed down
because of economical reasons after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990. The airstrip was
used by crop spraying aircrafts spraying the surrounding agricultural fields and forests. The
airstrip had storage building (see Figure 5.1) for pesticides and mixing basin (see Figure 5.2).
Figure 5.1 Overview of the storage building walls are demolished
Figure 5.2 Overview of the mixing basin partly filled with obsolete pesticides
The airstrip is in use as agricultural land. The storage building is partly demolished and the
bricks were sold. Obsolete pesticides are scattered on the whole floor, the packaging was
completely decayed (see Figure 5.3). The roof of the building is still intact but already sold. It
will be taken of next spring. This means that after removal of the roof, the remains of the
obsolete pesticides will lay in the open air.
It was also told that people have been empting drums filled with pesticides in and around the
store. The metal drums were taken as scrap metal.
Figure 5.3 Obsolete pesticides spread over the whole floor
They filled the mixing basin partly with pesticides from the store. The security guard and his
family whit his livestock are living close to the store and basin. An plot of 20x20 meters next to
the store and near to the house is contaminated by obsolete pesticides due to loading the cropspraying aircraft.
5.3 Amount stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides:
 40 m3 of obsolete pesticides with contaminated soil and rubble in the basin
 80 m3 of obsolete pesticides, contaminated soil and rubble on floor of building
5.4 Potential risks
The store is in a very bad shape there are no walls and the roof will be removed next spring. The
rain, snow and wind can free entering the building. Spreading of obsolete pesticides in the
surrounding environment will take place.
The mixing basin is partly filled with obsolete pesticides. Also here the rain, snow and wind can
free entering the basin. Spreading of obsolete pesticides in the surrounding environment will take
place. Most likely the soil and ground water is already polluted due to emptying drums on base
soil and filling the crop straying aircrafts in the past.
Cattle can enter freely the store and are grazing around the building. Cattle will be in direct
contact with obsolete pesticides. Obsolete pesticides enter the food chain by cattle.
Human health
People (children) working and playing near and on this site will inhale dust polluted with
obsolete pesticides (see Figure 5.4). People also collect; mix and dry cow dung and straw for
heating their homes in wintertime. They dry this fuel on the concrete remains of the store and
basin. The mixture of cow manure and straw can be contaminated with pesticides. Burning
pesticides form dioxins. It is not excluded that people are exposed to dioxins by burning the
straw and cow dung, collected from the surrounding of this pesticide store, in the wintertime.
Figure 5.4 Children playing near to the storage building will inhale dust polluted with obsolete
6. Orobashy
6.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
GPS coordinates:
Kochkor, Naryn oblast
42o 09” 25” N and 75o 41” 53” E
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Around 250 km
10-15 km dirt only accessible by a 4 wheel drive
Local authority of Kochkor
4 October 2006
6.2 Site description
This site is a closed dump site knows as Orobashy. The dump site is located in the Kochkor
region in the province Naryn in Kyrgyzstan. The site is located miles away from anywhere in a
mountainous arid region and is very difficult to reach. The dump itself is situated on a ridge. The
dimensions of dump site including the fenced areral around were are approximately 120 meters
wide and 300 meters long.
The dump site was specially designed for the storage of D.D.T. after D.D.T. was banned in the
beginning of 1980’s (see Figure 8.1). According to information they constructed concrete basins
which they filled with pesticides. The basins were covered by soil afterwards.
The dump site was well organized, it was fenced and there was a security guard until 1990. The
security was gone, the fences were stolen and local people could easily enter the dump site after
the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The covered basins appear in the landscape as hills nowadays. The soil cap is damaged by
settlement of the soil and dumped materials on two hills. People had made small excavations in
one of the damaged hill to take out pesticides and metals.
6.3 Amounts dumped
Obsolete pesticides in powders and liquids in original packaging are dumped at this site.
According to information the total volume of dumped pesticides is 600 tons, 300 tons of D.D.T.
and another 300 tons of various obsolete pesticides.
Figure 6.1 Overview of the dump site on the hill top
6.4 Potential risks
As observed two of the hills at the dump site are damaged (see Figure 8.2). This means that
original packaging materials start to get broken. Powders and liquids will enter into the
environment. We observed holes of animals on the dump site. We assume that POP’s and
obsolete pesticides are entering the environment and food chain. The exposure to the
environment will increase, if adequate actions are not taken.
Soil samples were taken and analyzed during a inventory carried out and coordinated by Mr.
Bekoenov in 2004-2005.
The whole dump was fenced and guarded in the past. The fence is destroyed and the dump is no
longer guarded. Cattle can freely enter the landfill because of absence of proper fencing. We
observed holes dug by animals and packaging materials and obsolete pesticides on the surface of
the dump site during our visit (see Figure 6.3). Direct contact of cattle with POP’s and obsolete
pesticides is possible. Through the cattle, grazing on the dump site POP’s and obsolete pesticides
are entering the food chain.
According information there were about 80 sheep’s killed at the other dump site in the South
Figure 6.3 Hole dig by animals into one of the hills
Human health
People (children) can freely enter the dump site because the fence is destroyed and there is no
guard. As mentioned above we observed packaging materials on the surface of the dump site
during our visit. According information people dug out pesticides and metal drums (see Figure
8.4). Direct contact of people (children) with POP’s and obsolete pesticides took place. People
passing the dump site may take POP’s and obsolete pesticides back to there homes.
Figure 6.4 A pit made by man in the cap of the dump to collect obsolete pesticides and metals
7. Kant Agricultural Chemical Ltd
7.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Kant Agricultural Chemical Ltd
Issyk-Ata, Chuj oblast
42o 54” 20” N and 74o 52” 46” E
Around 40 km
5 October 2006
7.2 Site description
This site was a former governmental storage facility and distribution centre for pesticides (see
Figure 7.1).
Figure 7.1 Overview of the total storage building. The unit at the end was opened
The site is now owned by the private company Kant Agricultural Chemical Ltd. The store for the
obsolete pesticides is in a reasonable condition and has a concrete floor. There are four separate
units in this building all used in the past for the storage of pesticides.
We could enter only one the unit during our visit. The rest was closed and in use by other
persons. There are still a lot of obsolete pesticides and contaminated empty packaging materials
stored in the unit we could enter. The whole floor of this unit is contaminated because of leakage
of liquids and powders. The pesticides are spread all over the unit. According information there
were also small amounts of obsolete pesticides stored in the other units. They store also quite
large number of pallet in this store. It is not sure if all the pallets are with pesticides
The owner was moving the obsolete pesticides to another store. This ‘new’ store also is already
in use for the storage of obsolete pesticides and is located at a distance of about 12 km. The
reason for moving is that the building is sold to a new owner. The moving the pesticides must be
finalized in October.
A lot of empty packaging materials (metal drums, empty bags, paper drums) mixed with rubble
(see Figure 7.2) is lying around out side the building in the open air. It is not clear of all the
empty packaging is contaminated with pesticides. During our visit cattle was grazing around the
Figure 7.2 Contaminated empty packaging in the open and cattle grazing
7.3 Amounts stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amount:
 900 litres of unknown liquids in metal drums
 14,300 kg of unknown powders in plastic bags
 280 m3 contaminated empty packaging materials mainly pallets
 10 m3 soil contaminated with obsolete pesticides on the floor
This amount will be transferred to another store in October.
7.4 Potential risks
All the obsolete pesticides in damaged packaging are a direct threat to the environment. Also the
contaminated empty packaging out side forms a direct risk for the environment. Seepage of
pesticides by infiltrating melting and rain water into the soil may have already taken place.
Seepage will eventually contaminate the groundwater. During the transportation of the obsolete
pesticides to the new location there is also a risk that packaging in a very bad condition will open
and powders and liquids may spill.
Cattle are rooming around the store looking for foods in between the contaminated empty
packaging materials. This means that direct contact of cattle with obsolete pesticides is likely.
Through cattle obsolete pesticides are entering the food chain.
Human health
People working on the site will inhale dust polluted with obsolete pesticides. It’s very likely that
people are in direct contact with the pesticides during moving the obsolete pesticides to the new
store. The condition of the packaging is very bad. People entering the store should wear Personal
Protection Equipment to avoid contact with the obsolete pesticides.
8. Shark
8.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
GPS coordinates:
Shark village
40о30” N and 71o35” E
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Around 690 km
Last part unpaved road, the bridge over the irrigation canal is
privet farm of entrepreneur Ilchiev
12 October 2006
8.2 Site description
The site, former airstrip for crop spraying aircrafts, which is called the Ilchiev’s farm is located
in an agricultural region. A groundwater pumping station, for the intake of drinking water, is
located at a distance of about 1 km.
The airstrip including the storage was built in the middle 70th. Half of the storage building was
used for the storage of pesticides and the other half was used for the storage of fertilizers.
The buildings, including the pesticides store were almost completely demolished (see Figure 8.1)
and the building materials were reused about ten years ago.
The packaging of the pesticides are completely decayed. We encountered the pesticides out in
the open and mixed with rubble. Because the pesticides are in the open air for already ten years
the area around the demolished store is contaminated with pesticides.
Figure 8.1 The demolished store
8.3 Amounts stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides present in and
around the store:
 30 m3 soil contaminated with obsolete pesticides on the floor of the store
 18 m3 basin for preparing grout of pesticides (needs to be analysed to confirm)
Figure 8.2 One of mixing basin for preparing grout of pesticides
8.4 Potential risks
The store building was almost completely demolished ten years ago. The pesticides are out in the
open, wind, rain and snow disperse the pesticides into the surrounding environment
(see Figure 8.3). It can not be ruled out that the groundwater is polluted and that the drinking
water intake located at a distance of one kilometre is at risk.
Figure 8.3 Obsolete pesticides lying around in the demolished store.
We observed cow around the former airstrip (see Figure 1.4). Because the storage is completely
demolished, cattle freely enter the remains of the storage (no walls, doors and roof) and come
into direct contact with the pesticides on the floor and around the former store. We conclude that
direct contact of cattle with obsolete pesticides is likely. Through livestock, obsolete pesticides
are entering the food chain.
Figure 8.3 Cows around the store
Human health
Also people (children) can freely enter the store because the building is demolished and there is
no guard. As mentioned above we observed obsolete pesticides on the floor of the remains of the
building during our visit. Direct contact of people (children) with obsolete pesticides is possible.
People walking in or around the remains of the store may take obsolete pesticides back to their
9. Agartu
9.1 Site location
Site number:
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
AGARTU village
40o33” N and 71o50” E
Around 680 km
Asphalt road
local authority
12 October 2006
9.2 Site description
The site visited is a former airstrip for crop spraying aircrafts located at a distance of about 1 km
from the big road, and 1km from the village. It was a big storage. This farm had two big
buildings used for the storage of obsolete pesticides. The storage place completely demolished
even concrete floor. Everything were dug out local people said when the buildings were
demolished they didn’t know what to do with pesticides inside the store. It was decided to dig
them near with this place. But because of raised deficit on pesticides for agricultural needs that
pesticides were dug out a bit later. (see Figure 9.1 and 9.2)
Figure 9.1 Storage of obsolete pesticides everything dug out
Figure 9.2 In front of the building the basin for pesticide grout
9.3 Amounts stored
It was not possible to estimate amounts stored.
9.4 Potential risks
The rain, snow and wind are spreading of obsolete pesticides in the surrounding environment.
The mixing basin is contaminated with obsolete pesticides. Also here the rain, snow and wind
can free entering the basin. Spreading of obsolete pesticides in the surrounding environment will
take place. Most likely the soil and ground water is already polluted due to dug of obsolete
pesticides on base soil.
Cattle can enter freely the store and are grazing around the building. Cattle will be in direct
contact with obsolete pesticides. Obsolete pesticides enter the food chain by cattle.
Human health
People (children) working and playing near and on this site will inhale dust polluted with
obsolete pesticides (see Figure 9.3).
Figure 9.3 Obsolete pesticides and lab chemicals stored in one room
10. Erkin
10.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
Region :
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Erkin village
40o33” N and 71o50” E
Around 710 km
Non-asphalt road
local authority
12 October 2006
10. 2 Site description
This site consists of the aerodrome for the agricultural aircrafts and chemical store. There were
two store buildings for pesticides (completely demolished) and fertilizers (which saved and uses
for forage storage). Here as in the site two (Erkin) authorities didn’t know what to do with
expired pesticides inside the store. It was decided to dig them on the aerodrome territory. Mostly
those pesticides were in aluminium drums. After several years when aluminium buying up
appeared people tried to find the place where drums were dugout but can’t find. (see Figure 10.1
and 10.2) Empty drums are lying around; powders are spilled on the ground
Figure 10.1 The saved store of fertilizers.
Figure 10.2 Demolished building of obsolete pesticides store
10.3 Amounts stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides:
 about 50 empty contaminated drums
 20 m3 soil contaminated with obsolete pesticides covering the floor (needs to be analysed
to confirm)
10.4 Potential risks
Because of all packaging of obsolete pesticides decayed (see Figure 10.3 and 10.4)) it is
expected that obsolete pesticides may have and enter the surrounding environment by wind, rain
and snow.
Figure 10.3 Powders spread over the soil
Figure 10.4 Empty contaminated drums lying around
Cow dung, empty contaminated drums and obsolete pesticides are spread over the soil. Direct
contact of cattle with obsolete pesticides takes place. Through cattle obsolete pesticides are
entering the food chain.
Human health
Guard lives on the territory of store (his children). As mentioned obsolete pesticides and empty
contaminated drums are spread on the floor, direct contact of people with obsolete pesticides is
possible and they may take (on their shoes and clothes) pesticides back to their homes. (see
Figure 10.5)
Figure 10.5 Guard living rooms
11. Kenzhegul
11.1 Site location
Site number:
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
40o30” N and 71o10” E
Around 700 km
Non-asphalt road
Seed farm “Akaltyn” ltd
12 October 2006
11.2 Site description
The site visited is aerodrome for the agricultural aircrafts and chemical store. The store was built
in the middle 60th. This farm has one old small building used for the storage of obsolete
pesticides (see Figure 11.1). Door was locked. Powders are spread and liquids are spilled on the
floors of this building. In front of the building it is visible signs of leaked out pesticides from
drums. It is feeling strong smell of chemical substance.
Figure 11.1 Old store of obsolete pesticides in the agricultural area
11.3 Amounts stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides:
 10 litres of liquids stored in metal drums
 120 kg of DDT
 3 m3 soil contaminated with obsolete pesticides on the floor
11.4 Potential risks
The amount of obsolete pesticides stored is limited. Powders and liquids are visible on the floor.
Drums are rusted and are leaking. It is expected that leakage into the soil takes place because the
floor in the store is in a very bad condition. Storing obsolete pesticides and other chemicals in
one room is risky and can result in acute unsafe situation (see Figure 11.2 and 11.3).
Figure 11.2 DDT and fertilizer
Figure 11.3 Obsolete pesticides and lab chemicals stored in one room
Cattle grazing around the buildings will not be in direct contact with obsolete pesticides at the
moment. Direct contact is possible when the stores are not maintained and fall into ruins.
Human health
Only authorized man can enter the stores therefore direct contact of man with the obsolete
pesticides is not possible presently. Although the amount stored is small, people entering the
store should wear Personnel Protective Equipment like gloves, boots/cover shoes and a dusk
12. Kakyr
12.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
Kakyr aerodrome
40o30” N and 71o30” E
Around 740 km
Last part unpaved road
local authority
13 October 2006
12.2 Site description
This site is a former airstrip for crop spraying aircrafts. Two farms had their pesticides stores and
mixing basin (see Figure 12.1) on this territory. It is two big buildings with two big rooms for
pesticides and fertilizers which are partly demolished. Nominally there is a guard of stores but in
real all chemical substances lying around and represent a big danger for the people who works in
30 m from stores. The airstrip was closed down because of economical reasons after the collapse
of the Soviet Union in 1990. The airstrip was used by crop spraying aircrafts spraying the
surrounding agricultural fields.
Figure 12.1 Overview of the storage building partly demolished and mixing basin
The airstrip is in use as agricultural land. The houses of the nearest village in 500m distance.
Even from the next year the local authority are going to share adjoin territory of the aerodrome to
many children’s family of Kakyr village. (see Figure 12.2)
Obsolete pesticides are scattered on the whole floor, the packaging was completely decayed.
It was also told that people have been empting drums filled with pesticides in and around the
store. (see Figure 12.3)
Figure 12.3 Obsolete pesticides spread over the whole floor
We saw a lot of people working very close to the store and livestock pasturing around.
The whole territory of aerodrome is so much and strong contaminated even any plants do not
growing. (see Figure 12.1)
12.3 Amount stored
In total we have counted and estimated the following amounts of pesticides:
 250 m3 of obsolete pesticides with contaminated soil around the store
 80 m3 of obsolete pesticides, contaminated soil and rubble on floor of building
12.4 Potential risks
The store is in a bad shape there are a big embrasures and windows without glass, opened
doorway. The rain, snow and wind can free entering the building. Spreading of obsolete
pesticides in the surrounding environment will take place.
The mixing basin is partly filled with obsolete pesticides. Also here the rain, snow and wind can
free entering the basin. Spreading of obsolete pesticides in the surrounding environment will take
place. Most likely the soil and ground water is already polluted due to emptying drums on base
soil and filling the crop straying aircrafts in the past.
Cattle can enter freely to the contaminated store territory and are grazing around the building.
Cattle will be in direct contact with obsolete pesticides. Obsolete pesticides enter the food chain
by cattle.( see Figure 12.4,5)
Figure 12.4,5 Contaminated soil and children playing near to the storage building will inhale
dust polluted with obsolete pesticides
Human health
People (children) working and playing near and on this site will inhale dust polluted with
obsolete pesticides (see Figure 12.4 and 12.6). People also collect; mix and dry cow dung and
straw for heating their homes in wintertime. The mixture of cow manure and straw can be
contaminated with pesticides. Burning pesticides form dioxins. It is not excluded that people are
exposed to dioxins by burning the straw and cow dung, collected from the surrounding of this
pesticide store, in the wintertime.
13. Kahirpilton
13.1 Site location
Site number:
Name of the site:
GPS coordinates:
Distance to Bishkek:
Owner of site:
Date of visit:
40o30” N and 71o30” E
Around 780 km
Last 1 km dusty road
Several owners
13 October 2006
13.2 Site description
This site is a former airstrip for crop spraying aircrafts. The airstrip is located in an agricultural
region and belongs to three people. The airstrip was closed down because of economical reasons
after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990. The airstrip was used by crop spraying aircrafts
spraying the surrounding agricultural fields. The airstrip had storage building for pesticides and
separate building for fertilizers and mixing basin. The fertilizer store is uses for battery farm.
(see Figure 13.1)Owner is very proud saying that his chickens do not have any vermin. One of
mixing basin uses as foundation for the future building. (see Figure 13.2)
Figure 13.1 Overview of the storage building for fertilizers
Figure 13.2 Mixing basin as foundation for the household store
The pesticide store completely demolished and the bricks were sold. Obsolete pesticides are
scattered on the floor mixed up with rubbles in the open air. (see Figure 13.3) There is a big
Aravan river in 50 m distance.
Figure 13.3 Overview of the demolished obsolete pesticides store
13.3 Amount stored
As I am not an expert it was very difficult for me to estimate the amount stored
13.4 Potential risks
The storage building was completely demolished ten years ago. The pesticides are out in the
open, wind, rain and snow disperse the pesticides into the surrounding environment
(see Figure 13.3). It can not be ruled out that the groundwater is polluted and that the Aravan
river water located at a distance of 30m is at risk.
We observed cows and sheep are grazing around the former store (see Figure 13.1 and 13.3).
Because the storage is completely demolished, cattle freely enter the remains of the storage (no
walls, doors and roof) and come into direct contact with the pesticides on the floor and around
the former store. We conclude that direct contact of cattle with obsolete pesticides is likely.
Through livestock, obsolete pesticides are entering the food chain.
Human health
Also people (children) can freely enter the store because the building is demolished and there is
no guard. As mentioned above we observed obsolete pesticides on the floor of the remains of the
building during our visit. Direct contact of people (children) with obsolete pesticides is possible.
People walking in or around the remains of the store may take obsolete pesticides back to their
14. Summary
Locations visited
The thirteen sites visited are located in different parts of Kyrgyzstan. They are located in the
following four provinces: Ysyk-Köl, Naryn, Chüy and Oh.
Sites inspected by expert Berto Collet are marked with red arrows (see Figure 10.1).
Figure 10.1 Map of Kyrgyzstan with visited sites
Site data
In Table 8.1 we have summarized all the gathered data of the thirteen visited sites.
Kolkoz 1st
42 44 30 N
77 41 29 E
6 m3
Dykan Ltd
2 m3
42 44 23 N
78 20 32 E
42 30 09 N
78 29 09 E
1,200 kg
1 m3 1
42 30 08 N
78 29 07 E
Recording impossible
42 20 51 N
78 01 50 E
40 m3
42 09 25 N
75 41 53 E
Not recorded
42 54 20 N
74 52 46 E
280 m3
40о30” N
71o35” E
40o33” N and
71o50” E
Recording impossible
40o33” N and
71o50” E
40o30” N and
71o10” E
40o30” N and
71o30” E
soil, m3
materials, m3
or kg
Powder, kg
Liquid, Litre
Name of site
Site #
Table 8.1
Former Kolkoz
Farm Building
Former Kolkoz
Farm building used
for animals
Former Kolkoz
Farm building
Former airport used
for airplanes for
spraying crops
600 tons total. Half
of this amount
They are
transferring the
pesticides to
another store
40o30” N and
71o30” E
Recording impossible
Annex 3:
Programme of inception visit
Sunday, 1st October 2006
Morning: Arrival Berto Berend (acclimatization)
14-00: Meeting at the Milieukontakt representative office in Bishkek (introducing, discussion of
the inception visit programme)
Monday, 2nd October 2006
Meetings with different stakeholders:
1. 10-00 - 11-00: Bekkoenov Project National Coordinator Secretary of the Coordinating
Committee and Pak Chief Department of plant chemicalixation of the Minister of
Agriculture, Water and Processing Industry
2. 11-30 - 12-30: Vashneva Head of a laboratory of Sanitary Inspectors Department
3. 15-00 - 16-00: Davletkeldiev Director of National Agency of Environment Preservation
and Nooruzbaev Chief Monitoring Department of National Agency of Environment
4. 18-00: Meetings with NGOs:
1. Toychuev – Health Issues
2. Naumov “Environmental safety”
3. Esenbol kyzy, “Unison”
Tuesday, 3rd October 2006
6:00: departure to Issyk-Kul region. Field researches in Issyk-Kul oblast (old pesticide storage
facilities researches, meetings with inhabitants and local NGOs)
Wednesday, 4th October 2006
8:30: continuation of the field visits in Issyk-Kul region (meetings with local people and local
NGOs, visit to the old offical pesticides dump place near Kochkorka village)
Thursday, 5th October 2006
1. 10-00 – 11:00: interview with journalist
2. 11:30 – 14:00: visit to the pesticides storage near the Kant city in Chujsk region
3. 15-00 - final joint meeting of expert and Milieukontakt representatives with specialists
and NGOs (conference-hall of RECCA). Chairman of the meeting - Jacobiene Ritsema,
4. 18-00: Eco-café (topic: Andash gold mining)
Friday, 6th October 2006
Departure to Amsterdam: 00:30
Annex 4:
Addresses and Contacts
Melisbek Esbesovich Bekkoenov,
National coordinator of GEF/UNEP programme,
Secretary of Coordination Committee
Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek
Tel.: +(996 312) 54-79-20
Tel./Fax: +(996 312) 54-92-65
Vladimir Afanasievich Pak,
Director of the Governmental Department of Chemicalixation and Protection of Plants of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Manufacture Industry of Kyrgyz Republic
Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek
Tel.: +(996 312) 61-16-65
Tel./Fax: +(996 312) 61-10-99
Nina Sergeevna Vashneva,
Chief specialist of the Sanitary Inspectors Department of Kyrgyz Republic
Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek
Tel.: +(996 312) 66-11-10
Tel./Fax: +(996 312) 66-05-38