Textbook inventory

Destiny Inventory Tips and FAQs
to do it
Live Destiny on a wireless network computer
Live Destiny on a Panther
Remote on a Panther
Remote on a computer
Live Destiny on a laptop plugged into a network cable
Textbook inventory
 Barcodes outside the book
 Weed worn books
 Weed and delete textbooks out of adoption. Make room for new.
Perhaps you can save a set of 40. Give teachers a class set to keep in
their room.
Wireless Tips
 Be sure to watch the screen. Sometimes your connection drops and
you are not really scanning. Books may show up unaccounted for and in
a large stack, the easiest way to find MIAs is to rescan the entire
 Sometimes it is just frustrating to use wireless technology. Use a long
patch cable instead.
 Best practice is live Destiny, as you will be able to verify that what
you are scanning is what you think it is.
 Open Remote on your computer (where you will do the uploads) before
you start the inventory. Otherwise it won’t know where to save the
 Do remote uploads often. For example, one title at a time or one shelf
or range. It’s too hard to clean up surprises if you upload large files.
 Panther: Be sure date and time are correctly set.
 Panther: Upload-Desktop-computer-find panther- IPSM-Follett
Remote-choose by date
Other Tips
 Remote: Close remote before downloading file
Destiny Inventory Tips and FAQs
Delete file after successful upload
After you think you are finished, look at Display Details. Scan
unaccounted for to see if you missed an entire title. Perhaps it
is not in the room. Perhaps they are old adoptions that were not
deleted from the system. Perhaps a teacher borrowed them and
forgot to check them out.
If you see multiple copies of a title you scanned, you may want
to rescan the entire section again.
If it scans the same barcode more than once, no big deal.
Destiny General Inventory Tips
Start inventory at the circulation desk
Once you start, continue to circulate and catalog.
You can run an inventory for months and months.
If barcode won’t scan after a time or two, scan at the desk or type in
the number
5. Order doesn’t matter
6. Keep track of sections you have completed
7. Watch the screen to catch discrepancies
8. Many call numbers were changed in the conversion. Fix as you go
unless you find a whole section that needs to be redone. You can go
back and fix that section later.
9. Don’t create many little inventories. Just do one big one for the first
one. After call numbers and lost books are corrected, you can do it in
10. Make sure you are in the right inventory manager. There is a
different one for textbook and library.
11. Pull books that scan “not found.” Add them later.
12. Be sure you are scanning the barcode and not the ISBN. ISBN comes
up as a not found in the report.
13. If checked out, check it in
14. After you have double checked that you have scanned everything,
15. Best practice for first inventory, mark unaccounted items as lost.
Delete lost items at that point. You can always add them back if they
show up.
16. First inventory, expect to be missing 10-20%.
Destiny Inventory Tips and FAQs
17. Inventory is not required, but everyone should start one and chip away
at it throughout the year.
18. An inventory will help you clean up things that are long lost, never
were or mis-shelved.