PAPER 2 CHECKLIST. SECTION A: The Roaring 20s: USA 1918-1929. 1. How and why did the USA achieve prosperity in the 1920s? Topic Isolationism and its effects: American rejection of the Treaty of Versailles and refusal to join the League of Nations; the consequences for the USA Tariff policy: Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922 Mass production (e.g. Ford and the Motor industry); consumer industries and advertising Hire Purchase; purchase of shares; the stock market boom; republican government policies Developments in the entertainment industries, e.g. the cinema, Jazz. Checklist 2. How far was the USA a divided society in the 1920s? Topic Rich versus poor: continuation of poverty for some – e.g. farmers Race: immigration controls; the quota system of _92_; National origins Act of _924; the Ku Klux Klan and its activities Prohibition: groups for and against it; organised crime; the impact on society Young people: fashions, flappers. Checklist 3. Why did the US Stock Exchange collapse in 1929? Topic The problems of the _920s: over-production, lack of credit control; the effects of tariff policy; unequal distribution of wealth The Wall Street Crash: events and immediate consequences. Checklist SECTION B: Depression and the New Deal: USA 1929-1941. 4. How serious were the effects of the depression on the American people? Topic The effects of the Wall Street Crash: the collapse of business and industry; unemployment and its effects The attempts of Hoover’s government to deal with the depression; economic failure The unpopularity of Hoover and the election of Roosevelt. Checklist 5. How did Roosevelt deal with the Depression? Topic Roosevelt’s fireside chats; banking crisis; New Deal helping farmers, unemployed, home owners, workers, depressed areas The main Alphabet Agencies: AAA, FERA, CWA, PWA, WPA, CCC and TVA Helping industry: the NRA The HOLC and the Social Security Act. Checklist 6. How far was the New Deal successful in ending the Depression in the USA? Topic The effectiveness of the New Deal in achieving its aims; its limitations; the Second New Deal Criticisms and opposition to the New Deal from the Supreme Court and some politicians The impact of the Second World War on American economic recovery, _939–_94_: increase in US exports; policy of Lend-Lease; effects within USA. Checklist The USA and Vietnam: Failure Abroad and at Home, 1964 – 1975. 7. How effective were guerrilla tactics during the Vietnam War? Topic The theory of guerrilla warfare Guerrilla tactics, 1964–1968 The US response to guerrilla tactics: operation rolling Thunder; ‘Hearts and Minds’; Agent orange and Napalm; Search and Destroy The My Lai Massacre, 1968. Checklist 8. How did the coverage of the Vietnam War in the USA lead to demands for peace? Topic TV and media coverage of the war, from the gulf of Tonkin to the evacuation of Saigon Protest movements in the USA, 1968–1973 The public reaction to the My Lai Massacre, the trial of Lieutenant Calley The Kent State University protest, 1970 The Fulbright Hearings, 1971. Checklist 9. Why were the US actions to end the Vietnam War unsuccessful? Topic The Tet offensive and its impact on the war, 1968 Attacks on Laos and Cambodia, 1970 US bombing of the North and attacks on Laos and Cambodie, 1970 –1972 The Paris Peace Conference and US withdrawal The fall of Saigon, 1975. Checklist