THE OPTIMISATION OF A REEDBED FILTER FOR EFFLUENT TREATMENT AT KASESE COBALT COMPANY LIMITED – UGANDA (Byekwaso, Evaristo1 ; Kansiime, Frank2; Logstrup, Jorgen3. and Andersen, Soren3) 1 Kasese Cobalt Company Limited, P. O. Box 524, Kasese, Uganda; 2 Makerere University Institute of Environment & Natural Resources, P.O. Box 7062 Kampala, Uganda; 3Transform ApS, Danish Rootzone, Borgergrade 6 DK-1300K Copenhagen, Denmark. E – Mail = ABSTRACT Wetland systems are cheaper alternatives used to treat wastewater compared to conventional means. In the last decades, wetland systems are increasingly being applied in the treatment of various metal mine drainage waters. Kasese Cobalt Company Limited (KCCL) is currently testing the potential of using a constructed wetland to treat an effluent from its cobalt processing plant. Eighty per cent of the effluent (1498 m3/day) from the plant is discharged into River Rukoki. The remaining effluent is discharged into a constructed wetland for treatment. The constructed wetland is planted with Phragmites mauritianus and consists of two reedbeds Reed Bed Filter A (RBA) and Reedbed Filter B (RBB) with RBA feeding its effluent to RBB. The reedbed made up of two units of area 1000m2 and 800m2 designed to treat 20% of the nominal effluent flow of the plant. This pilot constructed wetland is being optimised for eventual treatment of all the effluent from the plant facilities. The study going on involves physical and chemical plant characterisation (growth, plant biomass density, and stem thickness, health, nutrients and heavy metal uptake) both in the constructed wetland and River Nyamwamba. The results so far obtained indicate that the reedbeds are efficient at the uptake and retention of heavy metals Cu, Ni, Co, Cd, Pd and Fe. The reedbeds are not retaining Zn and are releasing Mn. The reedbeds are also efficient in retention of nitrogen. There is phosphorous release from the reedbeds. Trend analysis of the performance of the reedbed in terms of percentage removal across the system indicate that there is no effect on the performance of the reedbed for nitrate, phosphate and manganese when the flow rate of the feed is varied. TDS, SO4, Na, NH4-N, Mg, Ca, Pb, Co are inversely dependent on the flow rate of the effluent feed to the reedbeds. (To me it seems that the if you look at the loads kg / week, the reduction rate seems quite constant, because it is partly dependent on the evapotranspiration rate). Increase in pH to 10 of the effluent feed reduces the pollution load that is fed to the reeds. ?????? The results also indicate that Phragmites plants from RBA, which receives effluent directly from the KCCL processing plant, were taller and had a higher plant biomass density than those in RBB that receive effluent from RBA. Plants from RBB also had higher biomass density than plants taken along River Nyamwamba. Generally, the constructed wetland is efficient in removing heavy metals except for Mn and Zn and the nutrients in the effluent influence the plant biomass density of Phragmites plants.( I am quite certain that the difference in biomass density mainly is a result of the very organic soil in RBA, which contains all sorts of micronutrients which is we do not have in the wastewater, and only in smaller amounts in RBB). Key Words: Reed Bed, Effluent Treatment, Pyrite Stockpile, Cobalt extraction, Trend analysis, Phragmites mauritianus. INTRODUCTION The Kasese Cobalt Company Limited (KCCL) was established to retreat the pyrite stockpile to extract cobalt. The pyrite stockpile was constructed during the operation of the Kilembe Mines (copper mining), which closed in 1976 and subsequently following the closure of the mine the stockpile began to erode. The erosion resulted in a large acid trail being formed from the stockpile all the way to Lake George (a Ramsar site) some 10 Km from the site. The acid trail has contaminated a large area of the Queen Elizabeth National Park resulting in death of most of the vegetation. The project to extract cobalt from the stockpile has prevented further erosion of the stockpile and the discharge of acid drainage. The process involves bioleaching, solvent extraction and Electrowinning to recover cobalt. The plant however generates wastewater from its production processes. During the approval of the KCCL Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) regarding the predicted effluent concentrations raised concern. It was agreed between KCCL and NEMA to trial a passive treatment system using reeds, which had been found on some projects, could improve effluent water quality. For polishing effluent at Kasese Cobalt Recovery Plant, a two step process flow will ensure that the water goes through the required processes for optimum treatment. The first one is the wetland sedimentation plant with limestone with a second part containing a rootzone with active soil. Sedimentation wastewater, which has not completed flocculation, or which is still chemically reactive will pass thorough a shallow planted wetland lagoon. The wastewater in this wetland sedimentation lagoon will be aerated with atmospheric oxygen. Due to surface tension forces between the liquid and the plant stems, a more marked precipitation will occur in the proximity of the stems, thus, the surface tension forces of the plants, which will catalyze molecular formation and flocculation. Sulphate contaminant will react with organic compounds and precipitated as elemental and organic sulphur. The lagoon is constructed over a limestone filter, from where water is drained, thereby activating precipitation. The rootzone method was developed based on the fact that certain soil types have a high adsorption capacity. The rootzone/filter plant is a biological filter, where biological treatment of wastewater takes place in a soil volume, which is penetrated by roots. The rootnetwork is composed of suitable plant species Phragmites mauritianus. The root structure ensures that the wastewater flows horizontally thorough the soil mass. During wastewater flow, watercontaminating compounds are bound to the soil colloids or other constituents of the root zone or are released to the atmosphere, through respiration, nitrification and denitrification or other processes. The turnover of organic substances occurs as a result of a diverse complex of aerobic and anaerobic microbial activity in the soil. The aerobic activity is supplied with oxygen from the plant roots, as well as via the surface of the system. Thus aerobic activity is concentrated near the plant roots and at some distance from the roots, anaerobic activity prevails. The mosaic of aerobic and anaerobic pockets provides optimum conditions for a wide range of active microbial organisms. An aerobic as well as anaerobic group of organisms is necessary for breakdown of wastewater constituents. The effluent from KCCL plant mainly consists of non-precipitated sulphurous salts. Precipitation of sulphurous salts is well known in the rootzone filters from a number of industries (textile, dying, chemical industry). Mainly Ca-sulphates (gypsum) and Mg-sulphates will precipitate in the wetland sedimentation lagoons. Other sulphates will mainly adsorb to the soil colloids in the rootzone. Residual traces of heavy metals will also precipitate and adsorb. Long term studies and field scale data collections indicate that metal salts crystallize in the aerated zone close to root hairs, i.e. the metal salts are immobilized. At low pH will the salts again be released in the soil liquid. KCCL engaged a Danish company Transform Aps (Denmark) to assist in the design and construction of a trial biological treatment system (reedbed filter). A survey “The Viability of Establishing Constructed Wetlands as a Process Effluent Polishing Method for Kasese Cobalt Company Ltd.” investigating the technological aspects of the project was completed in 1998. The conclusion of the study was that rootzone technology might be appropriate for the treatment of the wastewater. Based on the study it was concluded that a pilot project should be initiated in order to clarify whether the technique in practice could be used for the treatment of wastewater from the KCCL processing plant. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area The system is divided into two ponds (RBA and RBB) known as the wetland and the rootzone respectively. The wetlands pond was planted with reeds (Phragmites Mauritianus), with the floor of the pond covered by hydrophilic grasses. The rootzone pond was planted solely with Phragmites Mauritianus, with any other species of plant being removed. The effluent from the plant first enters the system into the wetland pond A where it is distributed along a trench and collected at the bottom of pond A. The wetland pond acts as a sedimentation pond, settling out the majority of the suspended solids from the effluent. The atmosphere, causing some further precipitation of solids such as gypsum, particularly around the reed stems where surface tensions differ also aerates the effluent. The effluent is then directed to pond B and drains (via a manhole) into the rootzone pond where water is collected via 3 subsurface pipes spaced evenly through the lower half of pond B. In this pond, the water is passed under ground horizontally through a permeable layer of limestone,(the filtermaterial in pond B is build up by mixing limestone with volcanic tuff, red soil, straw, sand and nutritious organic material, so the limestone is less than 10% in the media). which is inhabited by the complex of roots from the reeds above. This limestone and root layer act as a biological filter, as many micro-organisms are present in the soil and roots and as the effluent passes through, the microbes breakdown the harmful substances. The anaerobic conditions in the pond cause the plants (it is the microorganisms) to obtain their oxygen by breaking down the sulphate in the effluent, releasing the oxygen. Metal sulphides then form using heavy metals in the effluent. These sulphides are then stored in the plant itself (and mainly as salts in the soil), transpired into the atmosphere via the leaves or precipitated to the surface. From the rootzone pond the effluent is passed through another manhole (facilitating flow rate measurements) and then released into an existing stream or used for irrigation of an existing garden with eucalyptus trees. The study is extended to River Nyamwamba where the plants growing in the reed beds were obtained. Sampling Water Sampling is being carried out weekly with assistance from KCCL at all the predetermined sites, RBFA, RBFB, RBEB, at the constructed reed bed and once a month along River Nyamwamba at the predetermined sites upstream location, 36N0166990, UTM 0023279 (Nyp1), around the middle 36N 0169956, UTM 0021351(Nyp2), and downstream 36N0179135, UTM 0020379 (Nyp3). Sampling is usually done between 1000 – 1200 hrs. A fixed sampling procedure that is followed involves. Measurement of physico-chemical parameters viz; electric conductivity (EC), pH, and temperature are carried out in situ using of WTW portable meters. Taking water samples to be analyzed for heavy metal (Cu, Mn, Ni, Co, Pb, Fe, and Zn) in 500-mls plastic bottles and acidify to pH 2 with concentrated HNO3 in the field. Plants Phragmites plant samples include leaves, stems, and roots. For data presented in this report, samples were obtained from the constructed wetland and along River Nyamwamba. The plant samples were taken from three sampling plots located diagonally within each reed bed (two sites were located 5 m from the edge of each of the reed bed while the third was located in the middle) and along River Nyamwamba at the predetermined sites upstream location, 36N0166990, UTM 0023279 (Nyp1), around the middle 36N 0169956, UTM 0021351(Nyp2), and downstream 36N0179135, UTM 0020379 (Nyp3). After harvesting the heights of the above ground biomass of all the plants from the each plot were measured. Thereafter, the wet weights of the above and below ground biomass from each of the plots were also measured. Finally, sub samples (I – 2 kg wet weight) of plant parts (leaves, stems and roots) samples were sun dried to reduce their moisture content before oven drying at 70 oC to constant weight. The wet weights and dry weights of the plant samples were recorded and used to estimate the biomass density. Sediments Sediment samples were also obtained from the edge of the sample plots located diagonally in reed beds as well as the edges of the sampling location along River Nyamwamba. Analytical techniques Nitrogen Ammonium-Nitrogen Direct Nesslerization method was used and the concentration (mg/l) was determined using HACH DR/2010 Spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 425nm. Nitrate- Nitrogen Cadmium reduction method was used. The concentration mg/l was read directly using Hach DR/2010 Spectrophotometer at 507 nm. Total nitrogen Cadmium reduction method was used. Nitrogen concentration in mg/l was then read at 543 nm using CECIL Spectrophotometer model 1000 series. The standard for reference (0.5 mg/l) was treated in the same manner as the samples. Phosphorus Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP) Ascorbic acid method was used. After 15 to 20 minutes of colour development, absorbance was read at 880 nm using CECIL Spectrophotometer model 1000 series. Total phosphorus (TP) TP in the water sample was determined using the persulphate digestion method. The samples were autoclaved at 120oC for 30 minutes. After cooling, digested samples were analysed for phosphate by ascorbic acid method. Total suspended solids Total suspended solids (TSS) in the wastewater samples were determined directly using Hach DR/2010 spectrophotometer. RESULTS Biomass Characterization Plant heights Phragmites plants that are growing in RBA are generally taller than those in RBB. The growth rate before July 2001 were highest after which the plants reached maturity (Figure 1). The plants growing in reedbed B (RBB) are more or less the same as those growing along River Nyamwamba (Table 1). 6 height /m 5 4 3 2 1 RBA Figure 1: Heights of Phragmites in the reedbeds RBB Mar-02 Jan-02 Nov-01 Sep-01 Jul-01 May-01 Mar-01 Jan-01 Nov-00 0 The Phragmites plants growing along the Nyamwamba, before the river receives the effluent from Kilembe mines (Nyp1) were slightly taller than those that were growing after the discharge point of the effluent from Kilembe mines (table 1) Table1: Mean heights, (HSD) of Phragmites plants growing in the reed beds and along River Nyamwamba. Reed bed A 2 3 Plots 1 Height (m) 4.84 0.03 4.3 0.02 Reed bed B 5 6 4 3.96 0.03 3.57 0.0.3 3.85 0.03 3.06 0.03 River Nyamwamba Nyp1 Nyp2 Nyp3 4.15 0.03 3.45 0.05 Variation of biomass density The biomass density (weights of plants per unit area) was higher for Phragmites growing in RBA (plots 1, 2 and 3), followed by RBB (plots 4, 5 and 6), while Phragmites plants growing along River Nyamwamba had the lowest biomass density for all the plant parts (Figure 2). Dry weight( Kg m-2) 8 6 4 2 0 Roots RBA Stems RBB Leaves RNY Figure 2: Biomass density of Phragmites plants in the sampled plots at the reed bed and along River Nyamwamba. Plant density The number of plants in each square meter of area in the reedbeds indicates higher numbers in RBA. The number of plants in each square meter shows an increase before July 2001 after which it remains relatively constant (Figure 3). This could be attributed to the maturity of the plants after this time 3.41 0.07 RBA Mar-02 Jan-02 Nov-01 Sep-01 Jul-01 May-01 Mar-01 Jan-01 Nov-00 stems/m^2 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 RBB Figure 3: Number of stems of Phragmites per square meter in RBA and RBB. Dry weight( Kg m-2) Biomass density of plant parts Stems had the highest biomass density for Phragmites plants harvested from all the study sites, followed by roots and leaves (Figure 4). 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Roots RBA Stems RBB Leaves RNY Figure 4: Biomass density in Phragmites plant parts from the study sites Stem area Stems have the highest stem area for Phragmites plants in RBA than in RBB (Figure 5). 30000 20000 10000 stem area RBA Mar-02 Jan-02 Nov-01 Sep-01 Jul-01 May-01 Mar-01 Jan-01 0 Nov-00 stem area mm^2 40000 stem area RBB Fig 5: Total stem area of Phragmites in RBA and RBB. Above ground (AG) and below ground (BG) biomass density of Phragmites The AG biomass density of Phragmites plant was higher than the BG for all the study sites (Figure 6). The ratio of AG: BG biomass density for the study sites RBA, RBB and RNY is 3.6: 3.4: 3.2. The above ground and below ground relation is interesting. Here in Denmark we would see almost the opposite picture, meaning that BG is a bit higher than AG. It is most likely that the ratio is a lot different in Uganda, but still I would like to know how you have measured the BG ?. I know from own investigations how difficult it is to get the hole root. Dry weight (Kg m-2) 10 8 6 4 2 0 RBA RBB RNY Sites AG BG Figure 6: AG and BG biomass density of Phragmites from the study sites Overall biomass density When the biomass from all the plots in each of the reed beds and along River Nyamwamba were pooled together, the biomass density of Phragmites was highest in RBA followed by RBB. Biomass density was lowest for Phragmites harvested along River Nyamwamba (Figure 7). This is probably because, plants from RBA directly receives nutrients (N & P) from the wastewater that is getting out of KCCL plant. The nutrients are used in the processing plant to stimulate the growth of bacteria, which are used in the bio-leaching process. The nutrients are absorbed by the plants and converted to biomass. Dry weight (Kg m-2) 15 10 5 0 RBA RBB RNY Sit es Figure 7: Overall biomass density of Phragmites plants in the study sites Estimation of overall biomass density of Phragmites in the reed beds The total biomass density in the reed beds is presented in table 2. RBA has higher total biomass density than RBB although RBA has a smaller area than RBB (Table 2). Taking a hypothetical area of 1000 m2 covered with Phragmites along River Nyamwamba as is shown in table 2, the ratio of biomass density of Phragmites in the sampled sites RBA, RBB and RNY is 3.5: 2.3: 1. Table 2: Total biomass density of plant parts in the reed beds. Values indicate mean ± Standard deviation, n=3 Sites Area (m2) RBA 800 RBB 1000 RNY 1000 Plant parts Biomass (Kg m-2) Total Biomass (Kg) Leaves Stems Roots Leaves Stems Roots Leaves Stems Roots 0.87 0.11 7.31 0.09 2.27 0.01 0.39 0.01 3.88 0.31 1.11 0.05 0.34 0.03 1.46 0.09 0.56 0.06 693 106.84 5848 883.71 1819 29.23 393 20.93 3877 383.03 1110 60.83 340 38.44 1457 112.37 563 68.50 Overall biomass (Kg) 8360 1019.78 5380464.79 2360219.31 Figure 7 indicates that your mean +- should be larger in table 2 ? Water Quality Experiments of water quality (effluent) began far back to 2000 and the parameters analyzed were suspended solids, pH , TDS, SO4, No3, Na, PO4, NH4-N, Mg, Ca, Mn, Pb, Co and conductivity. Effective November 2001, additional components were analysed. These were Cu, Ni, Zn, Fe, and Cd. Electrical Conductivity The electrical conductivity of the effluents at the actual sampling points of the reedbeds are shown in Figure 8. The electrical conductivities were high with a variation from 6000 to 10,000 S/cm. They was a rise in the levels in June 2001 because of increase in the concentration of sodium that was dosed to increase the pH to 7. 12000 10000 EC 8000 6000 4000 2000 RBFA RBFB May-02 Apr-02 Mar-02 Feb-02 Jan-02 Dec-01 Nov-01 Oct-01 Sep-01 0 RBEB Figure 8: Trend in electrical conductivity at sampling points pH The variation in the pH in the reedbeds is as shown in Figure 5. Before July 01, the pH of the effluents reduces to around 7 as it goes through RBFA. In June 2001, the pH was adjusted to 10 by dosing the effluent with caustic soda solution. 12 Conc (mg/l) 10 8 6 4 2 Pond A Feed Pond B Feed 22/03/2002 22/01/2002 22/11/2001 22/09/2001 22/07/2001 22/05/2001 22/03/2001 22/01/2001 0 Pond B Effluent Figure 9: pH of the effluents at the sampling points of the reedbeds The increase in pH of the effluent feed to the reedbeds lowered the concentration of heavy metals that goes through the constructed wetlands. The increase to pH 10 precipitates the heavy metals out of solution and the heavy metal load decreases (Fig 10). 10 6 pH 8 4 2 18-Mar-02 11-Feb-02 07-Jan-02 03-Dec-01 29-Oct-01 24-Sep-01 20-Aug-01 16-Jul-01 11-Jun-01 07-May-01 02-Apr-01 26-Feb-01 0 22-Jan-01 Conc/mg/l 12 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Pond A Feed Pond B Feed Pond B Effluent pH Fig 10: Effect of pH on cobalt load in the wetland. Rate of Flow of Effluent The performance of the wetland system depends on the flow rate of the effluent that is fed to the constructed wetland. At lower flow rates, the constructed wetland was removing heavy metals up to above 90%. At higher flow rate approaching the design capacity, the performance of the constructed wetland was 20% (Figure 11). The high performance at low flow rates may be attributed to the high residence time the effluent takes through the constructed wetland. 120 % removal 100 80 60 40 20 0 2.41 2.6 5.08 6.46 10.8 15.81 Rate m3/hr cobalt Lead Fig 11: Dependence of constructed wetland on rate of feed. As far as I can see the reduction in kg is quite constant. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) The load of TDS at the sampling points RBFA, RBFB, and RBEB in the effluents is shown in Figure 12. The retention of TDS by RBA is represented by the difference in the reading between RBFA and RBFB, meanwhile the retention by RBB is represented by the difference in the load of TDS between RBFB and RBEB. Generally, both RBA and RBB are reducing the load of TDS in the effluent. This is exemplified by the appreciable reductions in the loads of the TDS from the inlet of RBA to the outlet of RBB. TDS (Kgs) 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Months 2001 RBFA RBFB RBEB Figure 12: Retention of total dissolved solids by RBA and RBB Heavy Metals Heavy metals The characteristics of the effluents with reference to heavy metals are presented in table 3. The results show that the load in Kilograms per day of Manganese, Lead, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Cadmium, Iron, and Zinc at the sampling points at the reed bed varied from 0.05 – 0.31, 0.016 – 0.01, 0.039 – 0.02, 0.02 – 0.007, 0.009 – 0.001, 0.002– 0.0011, 0.019 – 0.014, 0.004 – 0.004 at the inlet of RBA and at the outlet of RBB. Table 3: Variation of load of given heavy metals at the sampling points along the constructed wetlands Heavy metals RBFA Manganese Kg/day Lead Kg/ day Cobalt Kg/ day Nickel Kg/ day Copper Kg/ day Cadmium Kg/ day Iron Kg/ day Zinc Kg/ day 0.050 0.016 0.039 0.020 0.009 0.002 0.019 0.004 RBFB RBEB 0.140 0.013 0.031 0.010 0.006 0.0016 0.020 0.006 0.310 0.010 0.020 0.007 0.001 0.0011 0.014 0.004 A comparison of the load of the effluent with respect to heavy metals at sampling points RBFA, RBFB, and RBEB is shown in Figure 9. The results show that the effluent becomes richer in Mn as it gets out of the reed beds. This suggests that there is release of Mn from within the reed beds probably due the weathering of the rocks, which have been used in the construction of the reed beds. 0.35 Load (Kg/day) 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Zn Fe Cd Cu Ni Mn Co Pb Heavy metals RBFA RBFB RBEB Figure 13: Load of Heavy metals at the sampling points RBFA, RBFB and RBEB of the constructed wetlands. Removal efficiency of heavy metals by constructed wetland system. The result of the variation in the removal of heavy metals by the constructed wetland system is presented in table 4. Table 4: Removal efficiency of heavy metals by constructed reed beds RBA Heavy metals Manganese Lead Cobalt Nickel Copper Cadmium Iron Zinc Inlet (Kg/day) 0.05 0.016 0.039 0.02 0.009 0.002 0.019 0.004 Outlet (Kg/day) 0.14 0.013 0.031 0.01 0.006 0.0016 0.02 0.006 RBB % Removal -180 18.8 20.5 50 33.3 20 -5.3 -50 Inlet (Kg/day) 0.14 0.013 0.031 0.01 0.006 0.0016 0.02 0.006 Outlet (Kg/day) 0.31 0.01 0.02 0.007 0.001 0.0011 0.014 0.004 % Removal -121.4 23 33.3 30 83.3 31.3 30 33.3 The result shows that the efficiency of RBA at retention of heavy metals is in the decreasing order of Ni, Cu, Co, Cd, and Pb respectively. RBA however show negative efficiency at the retention of Zn, Fe, and Mn. RBA in this respect is releasing these heavy metals to RBB. Meanwhile, the efficiency of RBB at heavy metals retention is in the decreasing order of Cu, Co and Zn , Ni and Fe, Cd, and Pb respectively. RBB also show negative efficiency at retaining Mn in the wastewater. The effluent from the reed beds is discharged to the irrigation bed and eventually to the pyrite trails in the Queen Elizabeth National Park. Although RBA show negative efficiency at retaining Fe, RBB show an equal efficiency at retention of Fe, which is discharged to it from RBA (Table 4). Comparison of efficiency of RBA and RBB at retaining heavy metals A comparison of efficiency of RBA and RBB at retaining heavy metals from the effluent is shown in Figure 10. RBA is more efficient at retaining Ni from the effluent that goes to it than RBB. RBB is however more efficient at retaining most of the heavy metals that goes to it than RBA and is retaining Fe, and Zn which is being released by RBA instead. It is however also inefficient at retaining Mn in the wastewater like RBA. 100 % efficiency 50 0 Mn Pb Co Ni Cu Cd Fe Zn -50 -100 -150 -200 Heavy metals RBA RBB Fig: 15: Comparison of heavy metal retention efficiency of RBA and RBB Overall efficiency of the reed beds in retaining heavy metals The overall efficiency of RBA and RBB at the retention of heavy metals from the effluent is shown in the table 5. Table 5: Overall efficiency of RBA and RBB at retaining heavy metals. Heavy metals Mn Pb Co Ni Cu Cd Fe Zn Inlet of RBA Kg/day 0.05 0.016 0.039 0.02 0.009 0.002 0.019 0.004 Outlet of RBB Kg/day 0.31 0.01 0.02 0.007 0.001 0.0011 0.014 0.004 % Efficiency -520 37.5 48.7 65 88.9 50 26.3 0.0 The results in table 5 shows that the efficiency of the reed beds decreases in the order of Cu, Ni, Co, Cd, Pb and Fe. It also shows that the reed beds are not retaining Zn. The reed beds are instead releasing more Mn to the effluent being discharged from the plant. Nutrients The characteristic of the effluent with respect to nutrients at the sampling points RBFA, RBFB and RBEB is shown in table 6. The loads are expressed in Kilograms per day. Table 6: Load of nutrient at the sampling points RBFA, RBFB and RBEB of constructed reed beds at KCCL. Nutrients NH4-N NO3-N O-PO4 TP Kg/day Kg/day Kg/day Kg/day RBFA RBFB RBEB 5.90 2.64 0.04 0.20 3.78 2.07 0.10 0.46 1.88 1.23 0.21 0.83 Retention of nutrients by the constructed wetlands The efficiency of RBA and RBB at retention of nutrients that is loaded to them is presented in Table 7. RBB however receives effluents that come from RBA. Table 7: Efficiency of RBA and RBB at retention of nutrients in the effluents RBA Nutrients Ammonia Nitrates Phosphates Total Phosphorus Inlet (Kg/day) 5.90 2.64 0.04 0.20 Outlet (Kg/day) 3.78 2.07 0.10 0.46 RBB % Removal 35.9 21.6 -150 -130 Inlet (Kg/day) 3.78 2.07 0.10 0.46 Outlet (Kg/day) % Removal 1.88 1.23 0.21 0.83 50.3 40.6 -110 -80.4 Overall % Removal 68.1 53.1 -425 -315 The reed beds are efficient at retention of all forms of nitrogen but it is releasing phosphates to the effluent from the plant. Summary of results 1. Phragmites from RBA were taller and had higher biomass density than those in RBB. 2. Although RBA (800 m2) is smaller than RBB (1000 m2), RBA had a higher total biomass density than RBB. 3. Phragmites growing along River Nyamwamba has low biomass density compared to those in the reed beds. 4. Biomass density of Phragmites is higher in the above ground (AG) parts than below ground (BG) parts. 5. The reed bed systems are efficient at the uptake and retention of heavy metals in the decreasing order of Cu, Ni, Co, Cd, Pb and Fe. The reed bed systems are however not retaining Zn, while it is releasing Mn to the effluents from the plant that is being fed to the reed beds. 6. The reed beds are efficient at the uptake and retention of all forms of nitrogen from the effluents while it is releasing phosphates to the effluent. 7. The performance of the constructed wetland is highest for low flow rates. Increase in pH lowers the pollution load of the effluent to the constructed wetland. References APHA (American Public Health Association).1992. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 18th edition. Washington, DC. Brodie, G.A., C. R. Britt, T.M. Tomaszewski, and H. N. Taylor. 1993. Anoxic limestone drains to enhance performance of aerobic acid drainage treatment wetlands: experiences of the Tennessee Valley Authority. pp 129-138 in Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement, G. A. Moshiri (ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Faulkner, B. B., and J. G. Skousen. 1994. Treatment of acid mine drainage by passive treatment systems. pp 250-257 in Volume 2 of Proceedings of the International Land Reclamation and Mine Drainage Conference and the Third International Conference on the Abatement of Acidic Drainage, Pittsburgh, PA, April 24 – 29, 1994. Hedin. R. S., and R. W. Nairn. 1991. Constructing wetlands to treat coal mine drainage. Course notes for National RAMP Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, May 8, 1991. Kansiime F., and van Bruggen J.J.A., 2001. Distribution and retention of faecal coliforms in the Nakivubo wetland in Kampala, Uganda.