Tyne Tour 2015 Thanks for your interest in attending this year’s Tyne Tour. To attend this year please fill out the form below and send to the appropriate place. Name: Address: Postcode: Telephone Number: Mobile Number: Email Address: Name of Club: Tickets: Please state how much of each ticket you wish to receive Full Weekend: Early Bird After 30th September £25 £30 [ [ ] ] This is an all in pass, including Ceilidh **Full Tour: This is an all in pass, including Ceilidh ** Ceilidh Only: £20 [ ] Entry to the infamous Tyne Tour Ceilidh on Saturday Night only Full Weekend Paddling: £16 [ ] £10 [ ] 2 day pass for the event. 1 Day Only: Single day pass, choice of day available at request ** Tyne Tour T-Shirt: (pre-ordered) After 30th September £6 £7 [ [ ] ] Size(s): Size(s): [ [ ] ] Featuring the NEW Tyne Tour Logo designed by Sam Elliott. Pre-ordered to save disappointment sizes XS – 3XL, after early discount cut-off date we cannot guarantee sizes available. All passes must be paid for in full when ordering & fees are non-refundable, Tickets & T-shirts to be collected at info point on arrival. BCU Insurance: £5 [ ] Necessary to be able to paddle if you are currently not a BCU member or part of a BCU affiliated club. Total Amount: [ ] Number of Tents: [ ] Number of Caravans: [ ] Paid By: All Cheques payable to Hexham Tyne Tour Cheque [ ] Bacs [ ] Bacs Reference: There are NO REFUNDS available with a Early Bird Purchase. There are NO REFUNDS available 24 HOURS BEFORE THE EVENT. Please contact booking@tynetour.co.uk for more information about this. Tyne Tour Bank Information for the payment via BACS Hexham Tyne Tour, Account Number 70791016, Sort code 20 - 40 - 09, Barclays Hexham Please send completed form to booking@tynetour.co.uk or print it out and post it to 56 Westacres, Wark, Hexham, Northumberland, NE48 3LW TICKETS ARE TO BE COLLECTED FROM INFO POINT, TYNE GREEN ON ARRIVAL Please continue below… Name and address of all paddlers (Continue overleaf if necessary) Email Address Signature ( Printed Name) All passes must be paid for in full when ordering & fees are non-refundable, Tickets & T-shirts to be collected at info point on arrival. I have read and agreed to the Tyne Tour Safety Brochure [ ] I agree to have emails sent to me by only The Tyne Tour in the future [ ] If you do not tick this you will not receive any further information about the Tyne Tour in the future. All passes must be paid for in full when ordering & fees are non-refundable, Tickets & T-shirts to be collected at info point on arrival.