Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Tuesday 28 November 2006
Wrexham Medical Institute, Technology Park Centre,
Croesnewydd Road, Wrexham
Conference Pack
 Welcome and Introduction
 Programme
 Synopses of presentations and
 Speaker/Facilitator biographies
 Evaluation Form
 Delegate List
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Welcome to the second national conference of the re-launched All-Wales Sexual
Health Network (SHN) – we’re delighted that you are able to join us for what
promises to be a lively and useful day. Confidentiality, children’s rights and sexual
health services are the focus of this conference. The production of the All Wales
Child Protection Procedures Review Group Guidance and the publication of
Safeguarding Children: Working Together under the Children Act 2004 provides a
significant and timely opportunity to look at the latest guidance and understand its
practical implications for professionals working in frontline services.
With presentations from Welsh Assembly Government, Children in Wales and the
involvement of professionals from health, police, children’s services and education,
this conference is essential for all sexual health professionals and others who face
the daily challenges and dilemmas of delivering sexual health information and
services to under-16s.
The day will combine plenary sessions with break-out sessions, and plenty of
opportunity for questions, discussion and networking with colleagues.
We hope you enjoy the conference!
Best wishes,
The All-Wales Sexual Health Network Team
at fpa and the Wales Centre for Health
Welcome and Introduction
We’ve put together what we believe will be a varied and relevant programme for
today, and you’ll find more information about this in the rest of the pack. If you
have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to ask one of our members of staff,
who will be visible to direct you and answer any questions throughout the
conference. The Sexual Health Network is all about you, our members, so we do
hope you are able to join in today’s discussions fully and that you benefit from
sharing information and networking with colleagues throughout the day.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Information about the SHN
The All Wales Sexual Health Network was set up in 2000 as part of the action plan
to implement the Strategic Framework for Promoting Sexual Health in Wales. It is
intended to provide a discussion forum for a range of agencies involved in
promoting better sexual health, and to be a means of promoting best practice and
increasing public understanding of sexual health issues. In October 2005, the Welsh
Assembly Government awarded a three-year contract for the management of the
Network to a partnership between fpa and the Wales Centre for Health.
The All Wales Sexual Health Network has already made an important contribution
to sexual health in Wales and we believe that we can secure further benefits and
developments by working collaboratively in the management of the Network and
bringing together our organisations’ respective expertise and resources.
The Partners
Welcome and Introduction
fpa is the UK’s leading sexual health charity working to improve the
sexual health and reproductive rights of all people throughout the UK.
We run a comprehensive information service and produce a variety of
publications to support professionals and the public. We also run training courses
for professionals, provide community-based projects, and campaign for
improvements to sexual health services.
In Wales, our community projects include the RUBY project for young women
across Merthyr, the Jiwsi project for vulnerable young people in North Wales and
the recently-launched Speak easy programme for parents in Cardiff and the
surrounding areas.
The Wales Centre for Health (WCfH) is an Assembly sponsored public body
established 18 months ago. The WCfH approaches issues in a new way
• advocates on public health issues
• engages with the public and their communities and advises on their concerns
• speaks independently on health, free from corporate or economic interest
• operates in an open and transparent manner.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
The WCfH has statutory responsibilities which are defined in the Health (Wales) Act
2003. These include the development and maintenance of arrangements for making
information about matters related to the protection and improvement of health in
Wales available to the public, undertaking and commissioning research in such
matters and the provision and development of training.
The WCfH and the fpa jointly manage the All Wales Sexual Health Network on
behalf of the Welsh Assembly Government. A multi disciplinary Board has been
established which contributes to the future direction of the Network.
The WCfH and fpa are collaborating together on the development of a Promising
Practices database which will include examples of good practice from inside and
outside Wales and these will be available to all Network members.
Welcome and Introduction
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Tea and coffee
Conference Starts
Welcome, housekeeping, overview of the day
Sexual Offences Act and its implications for practice
Mike Burns, Head of Children’s Safeguards Team, WAG
Break-out sessions
Lecture theatre
Room 1
Health services: Learning
What would you difficulties:
do? When child
Training and
arises from
staff working
client visiting
with sexual
sexual health
health and
Dr Olwen
Room 2
Schools: A
whole school
approach to
sexual health,
PSE and child
Room 3
Looked after
children: Sexual
health, child
protection and
looked after
Pat Tobin
Alison Owen
Break-out sessions wrap-up
Children and young people’s rights: implication for child
protection and sexual health services
Mike Lewis, Policy Director, Children in Wales
The new All Wales Child Protection Procedures Review Group
guidance and how it works (panel involvement and Q&A)
Chair Dr Carys Graham
With representatives from education, children’s services and the
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Sexual Offences Act and its implications for practice
Mike Burns, Head of Children’s Safeguards Team, Welsh Assembly Government
Synopsis not available at time of print. Copies of presentation slides provided in
delegate pack.
Children and Young People’s Rights
Mike Lewis, Policy Director, Children in Wales
Synopsis not available at time of print.
The new All Wales Child Protection Procedures Review Group guidance and how
it works
The panel will present and discuss the proposed new Sexually Active Young People
protocol developed on an All Wales basis by the All Wales Child Protection
Procedures Review Group. The protocol has been developed in consultation with
sexual health professionals and Version 12 of the protocol has recently been out for
a formal consultation.
The protocol is a response to the Bichard Report and the requirements of the
Sexual Offences Act 2003.
Dr Graham will present the protocol, followed by a panel discussion.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Health services: What would you do? When child protection arises from
client visiting sexual health services
Initial discussions will focus on a recent survey regarding attendance at sexual
health services, particularly GU services. The group will then be subdivided into 4
groups in order to work through scenarios and their outcomes.
Lecture theatre
Dr Olwen Williams
Learning difficulties: Training and supporting staff working with sexual
health and child protection
Room 1
Sarah Andrews
Sarah will present the findings of her recent research study on using health
promotion approaches to prevent sexually harmful behaviour in children and young
people with learning disabilities.
She will then go on to address issues and concerns brought by workshop
participants, especially clarifying legal issues on sexual behaviour, child protection
and learning disability; appropriate content for staff policy and guidance
documents; and effective staff training and support.
Schools: A whole school approach to sexual health, PSE and child
Room 2
Pat Tobin
The session will be divided into 3 main aspects: child protection in schools; sex and
relationship education in schools; and sexual exploitation awareness programme.
Looked after children: Sexual health, child protection and looked after
Room 3
Alison Owen
The breakout session can facilitate a discussion, with the use of case
study/scenario, about the following concepts parental / corporate responsibility;
‘child protection or looked after’; accessing specialist services; sexual exploitation;
and current legislation.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Dr Caroline Scherf
Consultant in Sexual & Reproductive Health, Cardiff & Vale NHS Trust
Dr Scherf graduated in Berlin, Germany. Caroline completed higher training in Obs
& Gynae (2004), clinical work in West Africa (1997-99), MD in Cardiff (2002;
Epidemiology of Human Papilloma Virus in rural Gambia).
Special interests include reproductive health in developing countries (Genital
Mutilation, prevention of cervical cancer, maternal health) and unplanned
Pregnancy Management.
Dr Scherf has been Consultant in Sexual & Reproductive Health at Cardiff & Vale
NHS Trust since October 2004.
Mike Burns
Children’s Health and Social Services, WAG
Mike is a career civil servant. He joined the Ministry of Technology, London, in
1969, moved to Wales (Department of Industry) in 1972, joined the Welsh Office in
1976 and subsequently the National Assembly for Wales in 1999.
Since joining the Assembly, Mike has worked on child protection, adoption and
Dr Olwen Williams
Consultant in GU Medicine, North East Wales NHS Trust
Dr Williams works in the field of medicine that deals primarily with sexually
transmitted infection, HIV and AIDS. She has a special interest in dealing with child
sexual abuse and adolescent sexual health and has published a chapter in a
textbook on the subject. Dr Williams has additionally published several papers on a
variety of topics within the field.
Speaker/Facilitator Biographies
Current major projects include membership of the UK Project Group for the
implementation of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006; project lead for
implementation of the Wales clauses of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act
2006; implementation in Wales of the safeguarding provisions of the Children Act
2004; implementation of the recommendations of "Keeping Us Safe", the report of
the Safeguarding Vulnerable Children Review; and the review of Local Safeguarding
Children Boards in Wales.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
In 1999, Dr Williams was a member of the Sexual Health Strategic Steering Group
set up for the National Assembly for Wales to look at sexual health provision.
Subsequently, she became a member of the Welsh Assembly Government’s Sexual
Health Monitoring Group and assisted in the review of sexual health services in
Wales as the Royal College of Physicians Speciality Representative for service in
Wales. In January 2006, Dr Williams became the Programme Director for Training in
Genitourinary Medicine and Chair of the Specialist Training Committee.
In November 2000, Dr Williams was awarded the title ‘Welsh Woman of the Year’
for her work in the field of sexual health and HIV. In addition, in April 2003, Dr
Williams joined the Broadcasting Council for Wales as a lay advisor to the BBC and
she has been Chair of the NSPCC Full Stop Executive Board since February 2005.
Speaker/Facilitator Biographies
Dr Williams was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list 2005, for
services to Medicine in Wales.
Sarah Andrews
Director, Passion Training and Consultancy
Sarah is Director of Passion Training and Consultancy and has over twenty years
experience in the field of sexual health promotion. She has provided training for
staff, written policies and undertaken consultancy for a range of agencies, speaks
regularly at conferences and is co-author of Learning disabilities, sex & the law - a
practical guide (fpa 2005). She has just completed a Masters in Public Health with
the help of a Wales Centre for Health fellowship award.
Although recently appointed to a post with the National Public Health Service for
Wales, Sarah is here today in her capacity as an independent trainer/consultant.
Pat Tobin
Child Protection Co-ordinator, Bridgend County Borough Council
Pat has a background in Education of 18 years, mainly in the Education Welfare
Service. Latterly, Pat undertook training in Counselling to enhance her role in
working with children and families. As a practitioner, she has had many years
experience of Child Protection which gave her the insight and enthusiasm to take
on the role of Child Protection Co-ordinator.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Pat’s long working relationship with other agencies and schools in Bridgend allowed
her to consolidate those contacts, especially in the delivery of CP awareness
training to school staff and other staff in the Directorate who work with children.
Pat was involved in the steering group for Sexual exploitation established in 2003.
Due to her involvement in that group, Pat was a lead in establishing Bridgend
County Borough Council’s awareness programme to comprehensives with the School
Police Liaison Officers. This programme is now in its 3rd year and only runs in
As well as her role as an advisor, Pat has been a member of the Bridgend ACPC,
South Wales Forum and its sub-groups, All Wales Child Protection Procedures group
and its Editorial group.
Alison Owen
Specialist Nurse, Looked After Children and Care Leavers, Flintshire County Council
With a background in health visiting and school nursing, Alison has worked within
Flintshire Children's Services as the Specialist Nurse for Looked After Children &
Care Leavers for over 4 years.
A member of the Safeguarding Children Team within the North East Wales NHS
Trust, Alison has recently completed a MSc dissertation exploring workers’
perceptions and experiences of multi-agency working.
Mike Lewis
Biography not available at time of print.
Dr Carys Graham
Designated Doctor Child Protection, NPHS
Dr Carys Graham is a Consultant Community Paediatrician, employed by the
National Public Health Service for Wales as the Designated Doctor Child Protection
for North Wales. She has worked in Community Paediatrics since 1974, becoming a
Consultant and Designated Doctor in 1996.
Speaker/Facilitator Biographies
Working with what is recognised as one of the most socially excluded groups
presents many challenges, in particular how we protect vulnerable young people
who are no longer part of the child protection system.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
Dr Graham was the Chair of the All Wales Child Protection Procedures Review
Group until November 2006 and leads the editorial group on the complete revision
of the procedures. She was a member of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Children
Review Group, which produced the report "Keeping us Safe" in 2006.
Dr Graham was awarded the OBE in the 2003 New Year Honours list, with the
citation “for services to child protection”.
DI Pam Kelly
Detective Inspector, Dyfed Powys Police
Biography not available at time of print.
Speaker/Facilitator Biographies
Bob Maclaren
Head of Service, Wrexham County Borough Council
Biography not available at time of print.
Child Protection and
Sexual Health
How would you rate the conference overall? Please tick one box below
 Very useful
 Useful  Average  Not very useful  Not at all useful
How would you rate the presentations?
 Very useful
 Useful  Average  Not very useful  Not at all useful
Which breakout session did you attend?
Health services: What would you do? When child protection arises from client
visiting sexual health services
Learning difficulties: Training and supporting staff working with sexual health
and child protection
Schools: A whole school approach to sexual health, PSE and child protection
Looked after children: Sexual health, child protection and looked after
How would you rate the breakout session you attended?
 Very useful
 Useful  Average  Not very useful  Not at all useful
How would you rate the conference facilities (venue, catering etc)?
 Very useful
 Useful  Average  Not very useful  Not at all useful
What was the most interesting/useful part of the day?
What could have made the conference better?
What topics would you like covered in future Network conferences?
Evaluation Form
Child Protection and Sexual Health
Staff Nurse
C E Facilitator
Childline Supervisor
Head of Young People Inclusion
Nurse Practitioner C.A.S.H
School Nurse
Public Health Practitioner LAC, Conwy
MAYP - Powys Youth Service
North East Wales NHS Trust
Flintshire Youth and Community Service
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Anglesey County Council
Plas Menai Surgery
GU Medicine
National Public Health Service for Wales
Torfaen County Borough Council
MAYP - Powys Youth Service
North East Wales NHS Trust
Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council
North East Wales NHS Trust
Welsh School of Pharmacy
NSPCC Childline
Wrexham County Borough Council
Pontypridd and Rhondda NHS Trust
North East Wales NHS Trust
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Delegate List
Ian Abbot
Dr Helen Bailey
Bev Baines
Dr Sarah Bayliss
Angela Bennett
Dr Clare Carolan
Kelly Carter
Angie Ceen
Jacquie Charles
Cath Cleaves
Helen Coleby
Dr Annwen Collins
V. Louise Cook
Dr Molly Cullen
Emma Louise Davies
Mair Davies
Deborah Davis
Donna Dickenson
Sinead Doran-Hughes
Melissa Duckett
Janet Duddle
Job Title
Youth Information Worker
Staff Grade GU Physician
Sex and Relationships Worker
Staff Grade
Education Welfare
Staff Nurse
Psychosexual Therapist
Senior Public Health Practitioner
Youth Development Worker
Youth Information Worker
Clinical Assistant
Detached Team Co-ordinator
Child Protection and Sexual Health
Mrs Lynne Edgerton
Liz Edwards
Sian Edwards
Angharad Edwards
Edith Edwards
Becky Ennion
Anna Louise Evans
Nicola Evans
Vicky Ford
Jacky Fray
Corinne Fry
Healthcare Development Executive
Cynghorydd Iechyd Pobl Ifanc
School Nurse
Family Planning Nurse
Science Adviser
Ward Sister
Specialist Health Adviser
Psychosexual Therapist
Psychosexual Therapist
Sexual Health Service Improvements
Project Jiwsi Co-ordinator
School Nurse
Sex and Relationships Education Specialist
Named Doctor Child Protection Conwy
Specialist Nurse Youth Offending Service
Project Jiwsi Officer
School Sister
Swyddog Cefnogi Cynllun Ysgolion Iach
University of Wales, Bangor
Organon UK
Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Conwy and Dinbych
Blaenau Ffestiniog Memorial Hospital
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Wrexham Local Education Authority
Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust
National Public Health Service for Wales
North East Wales NHS Trust
Swansea Public Health Team
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
North East Wales NHS Trust
North East Wales NHS Trust
Plas Menai Surgery
National Public Health Service for Wales
Delegate List
Mel Gadd
Karen Gittins
Fiona Gordon
Dr Lindsay Groves
Dawn Hainey
Joseph Hinchcliffe
Diane Hudson-Jones
Dr Catherine Hughes
Ann Hughes
Job Title
Child Protection and Sexual Health
Diana Hughes-Morris
Anne Humphries
Alwen Ingledew
Dr Kirt Jain
Christine Jenkins
Diane John
Wendy Jones
Linda Jones
Linda Jones
Caroline Jones
Rachel Jones
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Info Shop - WCBC Youth Service
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
National Public Health Service for Wales
Board of Community Health Councils
for Wales
Family Planning
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Gwent NHS Trust
Torfaen Local Health Board
Ceredigion and Mid Wales NHS Trust
North West Wales NHS Trust
Anglesey County Council
Youth Service
North West Wales NHS Trust
North East Wales NHS Trust
Youth Service/BCBC
Delegate List
Judith Jones
Sandra Jones
Sharon Jones
Penny Keen
Lowri Kendrick
Nia Krijnen
Jacqueline Lawrence
Nicola Lewis
Job Title
Young Person's Health Advisor
Joint Manager
Senior Nurse Safeguarding Children
Consultant F.P
Gwynedd Healthy Schools Support Worker
Chair of Monmouthshire Community
Health Council
Family Planning Clinic Nurse
Team Leader C.A.S.H Services
Public Health Practitioner
Sexual Health Co-ordinator
Acting Torfaen C-Card & EHC Scheme Project
Staff Nurse
School Nurse
Youth Access Co-ordinator
School Nurse
Youth Worker
Sister Children's OPD
School Sister
Manager - Changing Tracks Project
Child Protection and Sexual Health
Job Title
Specialist Nurse Sexual Health
Young Person's Health Advisor
Deputy Senior Nurse Safeguarding Children
Sexual Health/Contraception Nurse
Clinic Lead
Staff Grade
Specialist Nurse CLA
Family Planning Nurse
Senior Youth and Community Worker
Project Jiwsi Officer
Family Planning Nurse
Principal Health Promotion Specialist
Senior Public Health Practitioner
Strategy Officer for Children and Young People
GP & School Medical Officer
Young Person's Health Advisor
Sexual Health Adviser
GP Partner
Clinical Psychologist
School Nurse
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
St Andrew's Surgery
Colwyn Bay Clinic
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
North East Wales NHS Trust
GU Medicine
North East Wales NHS Trust
North East Wales NHS Trust
North West Wales NHS Trust
Flintshire Youth and Community Service
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
National Public Health Service for Wales
Gwynedd Local Public Health Team
Wrexham Local Health Board
Chirk Surgery
School Nursing
Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust
Beech House Surgery
Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust
North East Wales NHS Trust
Delegate List
Eirawen Lewis
Dr Rhiannon Llewellyn
Bethan Lloyd
Catherine Mason
Janet Matthias
Julia Maynard
Dr Sarah McAndrew
Judith Moore
Georgina Morris
Kath Orme
Sandra Peters
Carol Phillips
Eryl Powell
Judith Roberts
Angela Roberts
Dr Jane Roberts
Jo Roberts
Janine Roderick
Dr Ceri Salusbury
Dr Tricia Skuse
Ceri Slawson
Child Protection and Sexual Health
Senior Nurse
Sexual Health Educator
Nurse Co-ordinator
Young Person's Health Advisor
School Nurse Clinical Lead
Family Planning Nurse
Ann Unitt
Senior Health Promotion Specialist
Sharon Vine
Martine Vout
Alexandra Waters
Senior Nurse
Youth Worker (Co-ordinator)
Youth and Sexual Health Adviser
Brenda Wickham
Young Person's Substance Misuse
Damaris Williams
Meryl Williams
Family Planning Nurse
Community Sister Child and Adolescent Learning
Mandy Williams-Jones
Job Title
Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust
Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Shotton Lane Surgery
North East Wales NHS Trust
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Vale of Glamorgan Local Public
Health Team
North Glamorgan NHS Trust
Info Shop
Swansea Public Health Team
Treatment Worker (Youth Offending
MAYP - Powys Youth Service
Conwy and Denbighshire NHS Trust
Delegate List
Sandra Smith
Kate Smith
Elaine Stafford
Nia Stevenson
Dr Hendrick Stiggelbout
Lesley Taylor
Rachel Tewkesbury